Portland State University Graduate School of Education MA/MS in Curriculum & Instruction: Core & Elective Classes MA/MS FALL 2010 CRN Core & Elective Classes TITLE CRED DAYS TIME BLDG Instructor Type of class 580 SEC T 001 Theory of Instruction 3 R 16:00-18:30 Zenisek, J MA/MS Core CI CI CI CI 580 581 581 590 002 001 002 001 Theory of Instruction Issues in Education Issues in Education Action Research Proposal 3 3 3 3 R R R M 16:00-18:30 18:40-21:20 18:40-21:20 16:00-18:30 FAB 4006 UTS 205 ED 314 ED 212 ED 202 MA/MS Core MA/MS Core MA/MS Core MA/MS Core CI 591 001 3 W 18:40-21:20 ED 220 CI CI CI 510 510 510 451 018 019 Action Research Implementation TOP: Young Child as Scientist TOP: Learning Designs in ECE TOP: Teacher Leadership Bland, C. Temple, J. Swanson, W. De la vega, E. Temple, J. 3 3 4 WEB M T WEB 16:00-18:30 18:40-21:20 WEB HGCDC ED 220 MA/MS Elec. MA/MS Elec., ECE MA/MS Elec. CI 510 020 3 T 18:40-21:20 ED 402 10825 15512 10854 15398 10859 CI CI CI CI CI 510 510 522 532 570 022 162 001 121 001 TOP: Lit Assess & Strat TOP: Language of Art TOP: Lang. & Literacy Dvlmnt Literacy Foundations Computer App. For classroom Child Develp. & Ed. Chaille, C Parnell, W. Noordhoff, K. Lenski, S. 1 3 4 3 3 WEB WEB M T T WEB WEB 16:00-18:30 16:00-18:30 16:00-18:30 WEB Campus ED 314 ED 310G HGCDC Verbruggen Verbruggen Ranker, J. Thomas, S. Mahler, F. 10860 CI 572 001 Lang. & Lit./ECE 3 R 16:00-18:30 HGCDC Ranker, J. 15409 RDG 509 131 Prac: Rdg. Oregon 3 WEB WEB WEB 15408 RDG 551 130 Lit. Instruc/Spec needs 3 WEB WEB WEB 11751 LIB LIB 528 528 002 129 Children’s Literature K-5 Children’s Literature K-5 3 3 M T T T T 13:00-15:50 18:40-21:30 18:40-21:30 18:40-21:30 18:40-21:30 ED 414 OND 218 OND 218 OND 218 OND 218 Tama, M. St. Pierre Graves Ruben, B. Johnston, D. MA/MS Elec., ECE MA/MS Elec. MA/MS Elec, Rdg. End. MA/MS Elect. MA/MS Elect., ECE MA/MS Elect., Rdg. End., ECE MA/MS Elect., Rdg. End. LIB 533 128 Global Lit: K-12 3 WEB WEB WEB 10862 10861 10864 10863 10865 10866 16255 10814 10809 10807 DEPT # CI 15370 15407 MAMS_SCHED_Su10 Marlock Updated 1 MA/MS Core MA/MS, Rdg. End. MA/MS Elect., Rdg. End. MA/MS, Library MA/MS, Library MA/MS, Library MA/MS Winter 2011 CRN # SECT TITLE CR DAYS TIME 40819 40820 40825 DEP T CI CI CI 567 567 590 001 002 002 Curriculum and Culture Curriculum and Culture Action Research Proposal 3 3 3 R R R 16:00-18:30 16:00-18:30 18:40-21:20 40824 40826 40774 CI CI CI 590 591 510 001 001 023 Action Research Proposal Action Research Implementation Courage to Teach 3 3 4 R M M 18:40-21:20 16:00-18:30 17:00-20:20 CI 510 025 3 M 16:00-18:30 CI 574 001 Issues in Math and Lit: Ethnomathematics Assessing and Instructing 4 M 16:00-18:30 LIB LIB CI 528 529 576 001 001 001 40822 BLDG Instructor Type Murray, O. Thao, Y. De la Vega, E. Caskey, M. MA/ MS Core MA/MS Core Noordhoff, K. Mukhopad hyay, S. McElhone, D. Ruben, B. Caskey, M. Murray, O. MA/MS Core MA/MS Core MA/MS Core MA/MS elec MA/MS elec Rdg. End., MA/MS elec Children’s Lit K-5 3 M 13:00-15:50 MA/MS elec Young Adult Lit 3 W 16:00-18:30 Rdg. End., MA/MS elec TOP: Equity & Cultural Div. in 3 M 20:30 ECE ECE CI 510 026 Bilingual/Bicultural Ed 3 W 16:00-18:30 Thao, Y. MA/MS/Ed.D 510 *Consult the PSU Schedule of Classes for any Changes or Updates on Scheduling http://www.pdx.edu/registration/class_schedule.html 41690 41691 40823 MA/MS Spring 2011 CRN DEPT CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI # 561 561 565 565 590 591 510 510 510 573 591 510 510 529 547 SECT 001 002 001 002 001 001 030 001 002 019 001 TITLE Adv. Ed. Psychology Adv. Ed. Psychology Theoretical Models of Curr. Theoretical Models of Curr. Action Research Proposal Action Research Implementation Inclusive Leadership The Digital Camera in ECE Constructivist Curriculum Assessment and Tech in ECE Action Research Implement: ECE Literature K-12 Media and Literacy School Rdg. Program Leadership Advanced El. Methods CR 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 1 3 3 3 3 ? 3 4 DAYS R R R R M T T WEB WEB M T M W T W MAMS_SCHED_Su10 TIME 16:00-18:30 16:00-18:30 18:40-21:20 18:40-21:20 16:00-18:30 16:00-18:30 18:40-21:20 WEB WEB 16:00-18:30 16:00-18:30 16:00-18:30 16:00-18:30 16:00-21:20 18:40-21:20 BLDG Instructor Updated 2 Type MA/MS Core MA/MS Core MA/ MS Core MA/MS Core MA/MS Core MA/MS Core MA/MS elec ECE, MA/MS elec ECE, MA/MS elec ECE, MA/MS elec ECE, MA/MS elec Rdg. End., MA/MS elec Rdg.. End., MA/MS elec Rdg.. End., MA/MS elec Rdg., MA/MS elec CI 510 Research and Resources in CI 3 Weekends MAMS_SCHED_Su10 MA/MS, EdD Updated 3