Winterbourne International Academy Year 11- 100 day plan Year 11 91 days before exams begin 10 teaching weeks left 17 days of Easter holidays 44 days of summer to enjoy! 1 chance to work for this NOW Study Leave Dates: Monday 9th May – Friday 10th June Last day in school: Friday 6th May Return to school: Monday 13th June Things to do… Thing to do… When should I do this? Ensure all coursework is complete (where applicable for each subject) By day 66 (11th March) Print off past papers, markschemes and examiners’ reports for each subject – use the exam board websites to find this information, e.g. AQA, Edexcel, WJEC, OCR Term 4 (By the Easter holidays) (23rd March, day 54) Purchase revision guides By the Easter holidays (23rd March, day 54) Ensure all notes are up-to-date for each subject By the Easter Monday (28th March, day 49) Make revision resources – key notes cards, spider diagrams, revision questions, revision posters etc. Create model answers to previous exam questions Complete past paper questions under timed conditions Recap all subject material using revision notes, revision guides, past papers and model answers Relax and feel confident that you are fully prepared for your exams! By the end of the Easter holidays (10th April, day 36) Monday 25th April (day 21) Monday 9th May (day 7) Friday 13th May (day 3) Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th May (days 2 and 1) ✔ Winterbourne International Academy Sixth Form 100 day plan Day Date 91 Monday 15th February 90 Tuesday 16th February 89 We dne sda y 17th Feb ruar y 88 Thu rsd ay 18th Feb ruar y What work am I going to do today? What resources do I need? What teachers do I need to see following this? What questions do I have? What has been successful today? What do I need to improve from today? Winterbourne International Academy Sixth Form 100 day plan 87 Frid ay 19th Feb ruar y 86 Saturday 20th February 85 Sunday 21st February 84 Monday 22nd February 83 Tuesday 23rd February 82 Wednesday 24th February Winterbourne International Academy Sixth Form 100 day plan 81 Thursday 25th February 80 Friday 26th February 79 Saturday 27th February 78 Sunday 28th February 77 Monday 29th February 76 Tuesday 1st March 75 Wednesday 2nd March 74 Thursday 3rd March Winterbourne International Academy Sixth Form 100 day plan 73 Friday 4th March 72 Saturday 5th March 71 Sunday 6th March 70 Monday 7th March 69 Tuesday 8th March 68 Wednesday 9th March 67 Thursday 10th March 66 Friday 11th March Ensure all coursework is complete (where applicable for each subject) Winterbourne International Academy Sixth Form 100 day plan 65 Saturday 12th March 64 Sunday 13th March 63 Monday 14th March 62 Tuesday 15th March 61 Wednesday 16th March 60 Thursday 17th March 59 Friday 18th March 58 Saturday 19th March Winterbourne International Academy Sixth Form 100 day plan 57 Sunday 20th March 56 Monday 21st March 55 Tuesday 22nd March 54 Wednesday 23rd March 53 Thursday 24th March 52 Friday 25th March 51 Saturday 26th March 50 Sunday 27th March 1) Print off past papers, markschemes and examiners’ reports for each subject – use the exam board websites to find this information, e.g. AQA, Edexcel, WJEC, OCR 2) Purchase revision guides . Winterbourne International Academy Sixth Form 100 day plan 49 Monday 28th March 48 Tuesday 29th March 47 Wednesday 30th March 46 Thursday 31st March 45 Friday 1st April 44 Saturday 2nd April 43 Sunday 3rd April 42 Monday 4th April Ensure all notes are up-to-date for each subject Winterbourne International Academy Sixth Form 100 day plan 41 Tuesday 5th April 40 Wednesday 6th April 39 Thursday 7th April 38 Friday 8th April 37 Saturday 9th April 36 Sunday 10th April 35 Monday 11th April 34 Tuesday 12th April 33 Wednesday 13th April Make revision resources – key notes cards, spider diagrams, revision questions, revision posters etc. Winterbourne International Academy Sixth Form 100 day plan 32 Thursday 14th April 31 Friday 15th April 30 Saturday 16th April 29 Sunday 17th April 28 Monday 18th April 27 Tuesday 19th April 26 Wednesday 20th April 25 Thursday 21st April Winterbourne International Academy Sixth Form 100 day plan 24 Friday 22nd April 23 Saturday 23rd April 22 Sunday 24th April 21 Monday 25th April 20 Tuesday 26th April 19 Wednesday 27th April 18 Thursday 28th April 17 Frid ay 29th Apri l Create model answers to previous exam questions Winterbourne International Academy Sixth Form 100 day plan 16 Saturday 30th April 15 Sunday 1st May 14 Monday 2nd May 13 Tuesday 3rd May 12 Wednesday 4th May 11 Thursday 5th May 10 Friday 6th May 9 Saturday 7th May Winterbourne International Academy Sixth Form 100 day plan 8 Sunday 8th May 7 Monday 9th may 6 Tuesday 10th May 5 Wednesday 11th May 4 Thursday 12th May 3 Friday 13th May 2 Saturday 14th May Complete past paper questions under timed conditions Recap all subject material using revision notes, revision guides, past papers and model answers Relax and feel confident that you are fully prepared for your exams! 1 Sunday 15th May Winterbourne International Academy Sixth Form 100 day plan Monday 16th May OCR B603 Religious studies OCR B604 Religious studies AQA 41901 Sociology Unit 1 Tuesday 17th May Edexcel 5FR01 French listening (f) Edexcel 5FR01 French listening (h) Edexcel 5FR03 French Reading (f) Edexcel 5FR03 French Reading (h) Wednesday 18th May Thursday 19th May AQA 41902 Sociology unit 2 Winterbourne International Academy Sixth Form 100 day plan Friday 20th May Edexcel 5SPO1 Spanish Listening F Edexcel 5SPO1 Spanish Listening H Edexcel 5SPO3 Spanish (R&U) F Edexcel 5SPO3 Spanish (R&U) H AQA 48903 PE AQA 48901 Short Course PE Edexcel 5AS0101 Astronomy Monday 23rd May WJEC 420101English Literature F WJEC 420102English Literature H Winterbourne International Academy Sixth Form 100 day plan Tuesday 24th May AQA 45701 D&T Textiles Technology Unit 1 AQA 42401 Drama Unit 1 AQA 48101 Media Studies unit 1 AQA 42401 Drama Unit 1 (clash) AQA 48101 Media Studies unit 1 (clash) Edexcel 5CN011 Chinese Listening H Edexcel 5CN011 Chinese Reading H AQA 90301F AQA 90301H Geography Unit 1 Geography Unit 1 AQA 48101 Media Studies unit 1 (clash) Winterbourne International Academy Sixth Form 100 day plan Wednesday 25th May OCR A292 Business Studies OCR A831/01 Portuguese listening AQA 42401 Drama Unit 1 (clash) Thursday 26th May Edexcel 1MA0 1F Mathematics noncalc Edexcel 1MA0 1H Mathematics noncalc Friday 27th May WJEC 4202/3 English (Lit) F WJEC 4202/4 English (Lit) H Monday 30th May Tuesday 31st May Winterbourne International Academy Sixth Form 100 day plan Wednesday 1st June Thursday 2nd June Friday 3rd June Monday 6th June OCR A954/13 Amrcn West History A OCR A011/1 History B Int Rel Germany OCR 6993/01 FSMQ Additional maths paper 1 Winterbourne International Academy Sixth Form 100 day plan Tuesday 7th June WJEC 4171 English F WJEC 4171 English H WJEC 4172 English F WJEC 4172 English H Wednesday 8th June OCR A451/01 Cmpt Sys & Prog. EDEXL 5GN011F Listening EDEXL 5GN011H Listening EDEXL 5GNO33F Reading EDEXL 5GNO33H Reading AQA 90302F Geography A Unit2 F AQA 90302H Geography A Unit2 H Winterbourne International Academy Sixth Form 100 day plan Thursday 9th June EDEXL 1MAO1F Non Calculator F EDEXL 1MAO1H Non Calculator H Friday 10th June AQA BL2FP Biology paper 2 AQA BL2HP Biology paper 2 AQA FAS1HP Further add science p1 AQA 42701 Music unit 1 OCR A293/01 Business Studies OCR A834/01 Portuguese writing Monday 13th June AQA 45801 Home Econ:Child Dev1 WJEC 4732/1 Hospitality 2 Winterbourne International Academy Sixth Form 100 day plan Tuesday 14th June OCR A021/1 HistB Brt Soc 189011918 OCR A955/21 HistA Invst Pub Hlth Wednesday 15th June OCRB601/1 Rel Studies B Philosophy1 OCRB602/1 Rel Studies B Philosophy2 AQA CH2FP Chem paper 2 F AQA CH2HP Chemistry paper 2 H AQA FAS2HP Further Additional science p2 Thursday 16th June WJEC 4321002 Humanities WJEC 4322002 Humanities EDEXL 5IN011h Italian (h) Listening EDEXL 5IN033h Italian (h) Reading Winterbourne International Academy Sixth Form 100 day plan Friday 17th June AQA PH2FP Physics Unit2 F AQA PH2HP Physics Unit2 H AQA FAS3 HP Further add science p 3 Monday 20th June WJEC 01550001 Film Studies 1 AQA 405008 Religious Studies Tuesday 21st June Wednesday 22nd June WJEC 43230001 Humanities Thursday 23rd June WJEC 01550002 Film studies paper 2 Winterbourne International Academy Sixth Form 100 day plan Friday 24th June Monday 27th June Tuesday 28th June AQA 45551 D&T: Product Design1 Winterbourne International Academy Sixth Form 100 day plan