Interior Design

Secondary & Post Secondary
Industry Sector:
Career Pathway:
Interior Design
CTE Courses
Other Required Courses
Other Recommended
Courses and UC/CSU
California High School minimum graduation
- History/Social Science--3 years, including
American Government
and Economics
- -English --3 years
- -Math --2 years
- -Science --2 years- Biology and Physical
-- Visual or Performing Arts or Foreign
Language--1 required
-- PE --2 years require
Intro to Design
Life Management I
Assessments, advising, or additional preparation
Life Management II
Semester/ Quarter Units- Min per Area
Assessments, advising, or additional preparation
Environmental Design
Interior Design, Furnishing, & Maintenance
CTE Sequence- First Semester
CTE Sequence - Second Semester
Intro Interior Design - ID 102
Colors for Interiors – ID 107
Interior Design Lab – ID 103
Materials & Components – ID 114
Historical & Contemporary Design – ID 104
Window Treatments – ID 115
Textiles – ID 105
Drafting for Interior Designers – ID 106
CTE Sequence- Third Semester
Kitchen Design – ID 109A
Lighting for Interiors – ID 110
Interior Design Lab – ID 103
Residential Space Planning – ID 108A
CTE Sequence - Fourth Semester
Bath Design – ID 109B
Commercial Space Planning – ID 1108B
Internship – ID 113
Interior Design Portfolio – ID 111
Area A-Natural Sciences (3/4)
Area B- Social and Behavior Science (3/4)
Area C- Humanities (3/4)
Area D - Languages and Rationality (3/4)
Section 3- Ethnic Studies (as required)
Suggested Majors:
Design Assistant
Trade intern
Occupations requiring some
post secondary
Textile Designer
Set Designer
Assessments, advising, or additional preparation
Intro to Interior Design
Other local requirements as required for
Life Management II
graduation E.C. 51225.3
**Students are encouraged to meet UC/CSU
Assessments, advising, or additional preparation
entrance requirements
** Denotes Articulated and Dual Credit courses. These must be taken and moved to the secondary level for credit purposes.
Minimum Academic Requirements
for AA Degree
Sample Occupations Related
to this pathway
Occupations requiring a high
school diploma or equivalent
Career Exploration
Interior Design, Furnishings, and Maintenance
Fashion & Interior Design
Interior Design
Occupations requiring 2 year
Kitchen & Bath Designer
Interior Illustrator
Occupations requiring a BA /
BS degree
Senior Interior Designer
Industry recognized
certifications, licenses,
credentials/ apprenticeships
related to this pathway
Lighting Specialist
Kitchen & Bath Designer
Industry Sector: Fashion & Interior Design
Career Pathway: Interior Design, Furnishing and Maintenance Grade Level: 9
Course Title: Intro to Design/Housing & Furnishings
CBEDS: 4381
School: Fountain Valley HS
Critical Course Competencies/Skills/Concepts
Course Description
 Assisting purchasers in selecting and maintaining suitable
furnishings and/or equipment
FID-F10.8 Std 34.2
 Assisting interior designers, decorators or professional home
service directors
FID-F10.8 Std 34.5
 Selection of slipcovers, draperies, curtain and window treatments
and upholstery
FID-F10.8 Std 34.1
 Designing accessories such as floral arrangements or decorations
FID-F10.5 Std 32.2
 Designing space to address needs FID-F10.5 Std 32.1
 Care and maintenance of residential and commercial floor
surfaces, wall coverings, furnishings and equipment FID-F10.4
Std 31.3
Prepares students to understand the physical,
psychological, and social influences on complex
housing decisions.
Industry Sector: Fashion & Interior Design Career Pathway: Interior Design, Furnishing and Maintenance Grade Level: 9 or
Course Title: Life Management 1
CBEDS: 4311
School: Fountain Valley HS
Critical Course Competencies/Skills/Concepts
Understanding self & others
Family & human development
Child Development & guidance
Individual & family health
Housing & furnishings
Consumer Education
Food & nutrition
Fashion, textiles & apparel
Course Description
This comprehensive core course provides
students opportunities to reinforce basic
academic skills, acquire knowledge, skills, and
attitudes relevant to the management of the home
and living environment and to the quality of
individual and family life and to explore the
interrelationships of family, home, and job
Industry Sector: Fashion & Interior Design Career Pathway: Interior Design, Furnishing and Maintenance Grade Level: 10-11
Course Title: Environmental Design
CBEDS: 4382
School: Fountain Valley HS
Critical Course Competencies/Skills/Concepts
Course Description
 Historical periods of architecture and the conditions that influenced
FID-F10.3 Std 30.2
 Population trends
FID-F10.3 Std 30.4
 Elements and principles of design – in relation to housing,
furnishings, and the environment
FID-F10.1 Std 29.3
 Space Planning
FID-F10.9 Std 35.1
 Landscaping
FID-F10.9 Std 35.1
 Careers in residential and commercial design
 and maintenance
ECDFS-F3, FID-F3,HTR-F3 Std 40.1
This course builds upon the Introduction to
Design course and is an in-depth study of
environmental concerns that impact housing such
as conservation of resources, materials, and
construction technology as well as the analysis of
cultural, psychological, functional and aesthetic
design concepts.
Industry Sector: Fashion & Interior Design Career Pathway: Interior Design, Furnishing and Maintenance Grade Level: 11-12
Course Title: Life Management 2
CBEDS: 4312
School: Fountain Valley HS
Critical Course Competencies/Skills/Concepts
Understanding self & others
Family & human development
Child Development & guidance
Individual & family health
Housing & furnishings
Consumer Education
Food & nutrition
Fashion, textiles & apparel
Course Description
This comprehensive core course provides
advanced instruction to give students
opportunities to reinforce basic academic skills
acquire knowledge, skills, and attitudes relevant
to the management of the home and living
environment and to the quality of individual and
family life and to explore the interrelationships of
family, home, and job responsibilities.
Industry Sector: Fashion & Interior Design Career Pathway: Interior Design, Furnishing and Maintenance Grade Level: 12
Course Title: Interior Design, Furnishings & Maintenance
CBEDS: 4430
School: Fountain Valley HS
Critical Course Competencies/Skills/Concepts
Course Description
This course prepares students for employment in
occupations concerned with designing and
furnishing residential and commercial properties
Design Principles and elements
FID-F10.1 Std 29.1
Color theory
FID-F10.1 Std 29.2
Housing decisions
FID-F10.1 Std 28.1
FID-F10.4 Std 31.1
Furnishings, accessories and equipment FID-F10.1 Std 28.1
Space planning
FID-F10.1 Std 28.2
Textiles and finishes
FID-F10.4 Std 31.1
Housing and furniture styles
FID-F10.3 Std 30.1
Careers in residential and commercial furnishings interior design
and interior maintenance and architecture
ECDFS-F3, FID-F3,HTR-F3 Std 40.1
Industry Sector: Fashion & Interior Design Career Pathway: Interior Design, Furnishing and Maintenance Grade Level: 13
Course Title: Introduction to Interior Design
TOP CODE: 1302.00
School: Los Angeles Mission College
Critical Course Competencies/Skills/Concepts
Course Description
 Identify, explain and apply design elements and principles to
housing and home furnishings
 Recognize, appraises and plan for physical and psychological
housing needs of individuals and families
 Create and evaluate floor plans
 By calculating and recognizing space requirements, draw and
revise elevations and plans
 Illustrate and identify color schemes in relation to interior design
 Recognize and practice appropriate decisions in regard to interior
design spaces
Introduction to interior design including color
selection, textiles, space planning, furniture
selection, wall coverings, window treatments and
accessorizing. Introduces basic drafting skills.
Career Options overview. Includes field trips.
Industry Sector: Fashion & Interior Design Career Pathway: Interior Design, Furnishing and Maintenance Grade Level: 13
Course Title: Historical and Contemporary Interior Design TOP CODE: 1302.00
School: Los Angeles Mission College
Critical Course Competencies/Skills/Concepts
Course Description
 Prepare and analyze historical content of architecture and
furnishings from Ancient Egypt to the Roman Empire
 Prepare and analyze historical content of architecture and
furnishings from the Middle ages, the East and the Renaissance
 Create and evaluate furniture design, elements and architectural
 Prepare and analyze historical content of the Modern world –
current architecture
 Create and prepare a historical timeline of events including
illustration and written content
 Present a final project depicting the identification and judgment of
furniture construction methods and demonstrate an aesthetic
sensibility to interior design through a visual presentation in
Student will learn about the major forces in
society and decorative arts that led to the
development of styles from prehistoric time to the
present. Field trip will be included.
Industry Sector: Fashion & Interior Design Career Pathway: Interior Design, Furnishing and Maintenance Grade Level: 13
Course Title: Textiles
TOP CODE: 1302.00
School: Los Angeles Mission College
Critical Course Competencies/Skills/Concepts
Course Description
The analysis of man-made and natural fibers,
construction, weaves, dyes and finishes, relating
to the selection, use and care of fabrics for
residential and commercial interior design.
Testing, evaluation and identification are covered.
Field trips required.
Describe and identify the history of textiles and their use
Recall and describe fiber theory and classification
Locate and appraise job opportunities in the textile industry
By identifying fibers threads and fibers with a magnifying glass,
determine the content and weave of textiles
 Participate in a field trip to a textile manufacturer and report
 Create a presentation of 2 rooms that require various textiles for
commercial use
Industry Sector: Fashion & Interior Design Career Pathway: Interior Design, Furnishing and Maintenance Grade Level: 13
Course Title: Colors for Interiors
TOP CODE: 1302.00
School: Los Angeles Mission College
Critical Course Competencies/Skills/Concepts
Course Description
 List and describe historical content and history of color
 Analyze and review color theories and the psychological aspects
of color
 Apply knowledge and analyze color schemes that help solve visual
challenges in room environments
 Describe and discuss the effects of a variety of color schemes as
they relate to interior design
 Contrast and compare color influences
 Contrast the effects of color and lighting placement
This course covers the developments and use of
color as it relates to interior design, the
psychology of color, textures and light effects, the
historic value of color, color trends past and
present, and color in residential and commercial
interior design.
Industry Sector: Fashion & Interior Design Career Pathway: Interior Design, Furnishing and Maintenance Grade Level: 13
Course Title: Drafting for Interior Designers
TOP CODE: 1302.00
School: Los Angeles Mission College
Critical Course Competencies/Skills/Concepts
Course Description
 Demonstrate ability to produce floor plans, elevations, and quick
sketches to communicate with clients and contractors
 Exhibit ability to do professional appearing lettering
 Create a finished set of interior architectural plans, including floor
 Express architectural and interior design concepts through models
 Select and use appropriate architectural symbols
 Demonstrate ability to dimension a drawing
Develops skills in documenting interior concepts
through models, designs, plans and symbols.
Develops awareness of current concepts and
conventions in interior design through practice,
discussion and direct observation. Course covers
quick sketching, lettering, dimensioning, finished
drawings and models.
Industry Sector: Fashion & Interior Design Career Pathway: Interior Design, Furnishing and Maintenance Grade Level: 14
Course Title: Residential Space Planning
TOP CODE: 1302.00
School: Los Angeles Mission College
Critical Course Competencies/Skills/Concepts
Course Description
 Develop a client profile
 Evaluate architectural considerations and relationships to client
 Consider exterior architectural elements pertaining to interior
 Identify and draw conceptual plans based on client specifications
and requirements of the ADA
 Apply space planning applications and criteria for existing
 Create a professional presentation by implementing skills
developed to present and evaluate information in a professional
This course covers space planning for interior
design with an emphasis on complete
environmental planning including client
requirements, ADA compliance, architectural
considerations, interior and exterior relationships
to residential design. This course includes
presentation methods and field trips.
Industry Sector: Fashion & Interior Design Career Pathway: Interior Design, Furnishing and Maintenance Grade Level: 14
Course Title: Commercial Space Planning
TOP CODE: 1302.00
School: Los Angeles Mission College
Critical Course Competencies/Skills/Concepts
Course Description
 Develop a client profile
 Evaluate architectural considerations and relationships to client
needs for commercial interiors
 Consider exterior architectural elements pertaining to interior
 Identify and draw conceptual plans based on client specifications
and requirements of the ADA for commercial building
 Apply space planning applications and criteria for existing
 Create a professional presentation by implementing skills
developed to present and evaluate information in a professional
This course covers commercial space planning
for interior design with an emphasis on complete
environmental planning. Also client requirements,
ADA compliance, architectural considerations,
interior and exterior relationships to commercial
design. This course includes presentation
methods and field trips.
Industry Sector: Fashion & Interior Design Career Pathway: Interior Design, Furnishing and Maintenance Grade Level: 14
Course Title: Kitchen Design
TOP CODE: 1302.00
School: Los Angeles Mission College
Critical Course Competencies/Skills/Concepts
Course Description
 Demonstrate knowledge by creating kitchen interior architectural
plans, including floor plans, elevations, detail drawings and
schedules. Interpret rules, laws in composing plans implementing
the ADA requirements
 Create an elevation drawing of the kitchen wall interior and
identifying steps to revise the floor plan based on client need
 Demonstrate knowledge of presenting a professional presentation
to the client
 Create presentation drawings to the fictitious client, design and
prepare a spec sheet
 Finalize project notebook and floorplans for class presentation
Kitchen design covers the cooking process, in
relation to counters, cabinets, sinks, lighting,
acoustics, flooring, safety, appliances and
Industry Sector: Fashion & Interior Design Career Pathway: Interior Design, Furnishing and Maintenance Grade Level: 14
Course Title: Bath Design
TOP CODE: 1302.00
School: Los Angeles Mission College
Critical Course Competencies/Skills/Concepts
Course Description
 Illustrate and design countertop applications and including
appliances, flooring and additional surfaces
 Apply space planning basics to bathroom applications
 Identify styles, types, quality of construction of cabinets, counters,
 Present and report to the class bath concept design
 Identify ADA requirements of residential and commercial design.
 Create and apply professional techniques for presentation
Bath design includes social, psychological and
physical aspect of body care for residential,
contract, public facilities and compliance with
Americans with Disabilities Act.
Industry Sector: Fashion & Interior Design Career Pathway: Interior Design, Furnishing and Maintenance Grade Level: 14
Course Title: Lighting for Interiors
TOP CODE: 1302.00
School: Los Angeles Mission College
Critical Course Competencies/Skills/Concepts
Course Description
 Identify, explain and apply design elements and principles to
lighting as it relates to interior spaces
 Measure, identify and critique lighting requirements
 Recognize, appraise and plan for lighting as it relates to physical
and psychological housing needs of individuals and families
 Identify lighting sources and evaluate good lighting design and
application for interiors
 Calculate and recognize space requirements, draw and revise
lighting overlays and reflected ceiling plans
 Recognize and practice appropriate decisions in regard to interior
design spaces and lighting requirements
This course includes lighting basics, sources of
light, lighting hardware, lighting applications and
lighting as an art. Lighting specifications are
covered. Applications including residential and
commercial lighting are covered.
Industry Sector: Fashion & Interior Design Career Pathway: Interior Design, Furnishing and Maintenance Grade Level: 14
Course Title: Interior Design Portfolio
TOP CODE: 1302.00
School: Los Angeles Mission College
Critical Course Competencies/Skills/Concepts
Course Description
 Apply techniques used by professionals to fine-tune the student
 Distinguish the difference between good and best portfolios
 Identify and view required projects needed for a professional
presentation to the client
 Create interior design presentation projects which require the use
of a variety of tools and interior design materials
 Evaluate the effectiveness of materials and tools used in interior
design presentation for job interviews
 Apply graphic techniques, evaluate the effectiveness of materials
and tools for fine-tuning the student portfolio
This course presents the professional tools
needed to develop a professional portfolio of your
interior design work as it progresses. Projects will
be created and fine-tuned to include in a portfolio
to secure a job in the profession.
Industry Sector: Fashion & Interior Design Career Pathway: Interior Design, Furnishing and Maintenance Grade Level: 14
Course Title: Internship
TOP CODE: 1302.00
School: Los Angeles Mission College
Critical Course Competencies/Skills/Concepts
Course Description
This class provides supervised fieldwork
experience with professionals. This class offers
numerous opportunities and hands on training in
the field in a non paid position. 108 hours of Field
work required. Beginning to advanced positions
Identify, explain and create a professional resume
Write a letter of introduction and resume of qualifications
Set up, plan and prepare a schedule of work hours
Record, create, write, compile and collect required weekly data of
events, responsibilities, duties and hourly tasks performed in
internship position
 Record, collect, report, set up daily log and journal of experiences
 Present detailed log listing internship experience
Industry Sector: Fashion & Interior Design Career Pathway: Interior Design, Furnishing and Maintenance Grade Level: 14
Course Title: Materials & Components
TOP CODE: 1302.00
School: Los Angeles Mission College
Critical Course Competencies/Skills/Concepts
Course Description
 Identify installation procedures of different projects, Identify
material specifications
 Recognize differences in product use
 Demonstrate knowledge of flooring materials, hard and soft
 Differential between wall and ceiling materials and their use
 Compare wall and ceiling applications, moldings, and floor styles
 Appraise and evaluate good interior design and safety in
This course covers specifications of paints,
finishes. Flooring, materials, both hard and soft,
walls, ceilings, moldings, door, windows and
window treatments, Residential and Commercial
applications will be covered. Field tips are
Industry Sector: Fashion & Interior Design Career Pathway: Interior Design, Furnishing and Maintenance Grade Level: 14
Course Title: Window Treatments
TOP CODE: 1302.00
School: Los Angeles Mission College
Critical Course Competencies/Skills/Concepts
Course Description
 Develop an understanding of the history of windows
 Create designs for hard and soft window treatments
 Measure window treatment jobs and calculate the amount of fabric
 Cost out window treatments
 Write window treatment specifications
 Understand window treatment installations
This course covers window history, hard and soft
window treatments and installations, specialty
installations, residential and commercial
specifications, sources for design concepts,
calculating fabric requirements, measuring
techniques used by installers, workrooms, and
interior designers and job costing.