Syllabus - Widener University

Widener University
School of Engineering
EE 348 Microelectronics
Fall 2014
Catalog data
Credits and contact hours: 3 semester hours, MWF 10:00 - 10:50 AM
Prerequisites or co-requisites: Prerequisites: EE 220, EE 347)
Curricular requirement: Required course in EE
Course Objectives
Students will understand the theory of a variety of analog circuits.
Students will become familiar with practical integrated circuit design.
Students will become proficient in the use of PSPICE circuit simulation.
Students will learn to design microelectronic circuits using CMOS and NPN transistors
Students will develop their written communications skill by submitting reports according to a
prescribed format.
Student Outcomes
Outcomes of this course that will document the preparation graduates attain that achieve the program
educational objectives, pursuant to ABET Criterion 3, include the following:
Students are expected to demonstrate an ability to design a system, component, or process to
meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social,
political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
Students are expected to demonstrate an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering
The general theme of Electronics I dealt with the concepts and operation of standard semiconductor
devices. Subjects such as the PN junction diode, the Zener diode, the BJT and FET family of
transistor were covered, as well as some simple applications. Now, in Microelectronics, more
advanced circuit analysis methods are introduced rather than, for instance, describing additional
semiconductor devices. Topics such as differential amplifiers, frequency response, negative
feedback amplifiers, power amplifiers, and semiconductor fabrication will be covered.
Computer Usage
Students are expected to use electrical circuit simulation techniques using the PSpice package, which
is available in the computing laboratories. A student/demo copy can also be obtained directly from
[] Introductory books are available in
most bookstores.
Contacting the Professor
R. P. Jefferis
Kirkbride 365A (Office hours posted)
(610) 499-4052
Note: Use this e-mail address ONLY. Start Subject line with EE338.
Note: Do NOT use any other email address for this Professor.
First meeting will be on Thursday August 29, 2013 in KH 331
Course Conduct
Grades will be on the +/- system, as indicated below. Class attendance is mandatory, unless
excused. More than three unexcused absences can result in grade reduction. Homework must
be submitted by due date given.
Homework will be assigned and graded. There will be a significant design problem that will require
P-Spice simulation.
The final grade will be determined (approximately) by the following weights:
 Homework:
 Design problem
 Hour-exam
 Final (comprehensive):
Class Policy:
 Students are expected to attend all classes. It’s a student’s own responsibility to make up all
work missed due to absence.
 Penalties for academic fraud will be based on Academic Policy Procedures and Regulations in
the Widener University Student Handbook.
Microelectronic Circuits by Adel S. Sedra and Kenneth C. Smith, 6th Ed. Revised, Oxford, 2010
(ISBN: 978-0-19-532303-0)
Recommended References:
Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design by Donald A. Neamen, Irwin, 2000.
Electronics by Allan R. Hambley, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall, 2000.
Elements of Electronic Design by Clifford D. Ferris
Microelectronic Circuits and Devices by Mark N. Horenstein
Microelectronics: An Integrated Approach by Howe and Sodini, Prentice Hall, 1996.
VLSI Design Techniques for Analog and Digital Circuits, Randall L. Geiger, Phillip E. Allen, and
Noel R. Strader, McGraw-Hill, 1990.
Tentative outline of the course:
Aug 25
Aug 27
Aug 29
Basic MOSFET model
MOS analog fabrication
Chap: Pages
6: 350 – 489 (Review)
5: 230 - 246
Notes & Appendix A
Sep 1
Sep 3
Sep 5
Labor Day (No class)
MOSFET model and parameters
MOSFET models
5: 246 – 261
5: 261 - 270
Sep 8
Sep 10
Sep 12
Small signal models
Common source amplifiers
Common gate amplifiers
5: 270 - 287
5: 291 - 300
5: 300 - 302
Sep 15
Sep 17
Sep 19
Common drain amplifiers
Biasing in MOS circuits
Current sources
5: 302 - 306
5: 306 - 312
5: 312 – 314, 7: 527 - 532
Sep 22
Sep 24
Sep 26
Discrete-Circuit amplifiers
Circuit building blocks
Active loads
5: 314 - 323
7: 492 - 499
7: 499 - 506
Sep 29
Oct 1
Oct 3
Review & Problem Session
Examination (Models and Analysis)
Cascode amplifiers
7: 506 - 520
Oct 6
Oct 8
Oct 10
P-SPICE models
P-SPICE examples
FET Differential amplifiers
6: 656 - 664
6: 656 - 664
7: 687 - 704
Oct 13
Oct 15
Oct 17
Fall Break (No class)
BJT circuits
CMOS and BJT comparisons
7: 532 - 549
7: 554 - 558
Oct 20
Oct 22
Oct 24
Amplifier frequency response
Differential amplifiers
Amplifier Design Workshop
7: 558 - 568
8: 586 - 602
Oct 27
Oct 29
Oct 31
Amplifiers with active loads
Transconductance amplifiers
Amplifier configurations & analysis
8: 603 – 608, 8: 635 - 644
8: 638 - 641
8: 651 - 657
Nov 3
Nov 5
Nov 7
Power amplifiers
Class A amplifiers
Class B amplifiers
11: 910 - 912
11: 913 - 918
11: 918 – 939
Nov 10
Nov 12
Nov 14
D/A Conversion Circuits
Semiconductor switches
MOS logic Fabrication
14: 1159 - 1164
Nov 17
Nov 19
Nov 21
Review & Problem Session
MOS Logic, continued
CMOS Logic circuits
14: 1142 - 1158
Nov 24
Nov 26
Nov 28
Logic circuit fabrication
Resisters and storage
Thanksgiving Vacation (no class)
14: 1164 – 1166, Notes
Dec 1
Dec 3
Dec 5
Storage circuit fabrication
Misc. topics
Project presentations
14: 1164 – 1166, Notes
Dec 8 – 12
Final Exam (Oral and Design Report)