THE PAST TENSE VERY USEFUL WEBSITE FOR TENSES: 1. In English, give some examples of when you could use the past tense; 2. Ask your mentor to tell you some useful regular and irregular verbs in the past tense. You should make some suggestions in English e.g. I danced, We wrote. Don’t ask for any explanations yet. Write the verbs in the space below and see if you can notice any patterns. Regular verbs 3. Irregular verbs Can you complete the following table for your language? I played You (informal) played He played She played It played We played You (formal/plural) played They (masc./fem.?) played I went You (informal) went He went She went It went We went You (formal/plural) went They (masc./fem.?) went 4. “Regular verbs” follow some sort of pattern. Ask your mentor to show you how to form regular verbs in the past tense in your language and make some notes here. In particular, you may want to note down endings of groups of regular verbs. 5. “Irregular verbs” don’t follow a pattern. We need to learn them. Use the space below to note any useful irregular verbs in the past tense in your language; 6. What other important things have you learnt about the present tense in your language? How is the past tense similar/different to the past tense in English.