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RA(LT) June 2014
Letter of Offer for Research Associates (Limited Term) – Term Renewal
The letter of offer needs to be signed before (not on) the start date of the new term.
Ensure footnotes are removed before delivering letter.
The PI should review with HR whether there are any other policies/guidelines not listed in Appendix “A”
that are particularly relevant to the employee’s job and if there are, add reference to those into the letter
and either attach a copy or advise the employee of where to find a copy.
Additionally, the PI should review with HR whether there are any new or changed policies that apply to the
individual and include reference to these where indicated in the letter and attach hard copies of relevant
new/changed policies.
A signed copy of this letter is to be retained in the employee’s HR file and a copy to be forwarded to the
HR Generalist, along with a signed copy of the position description.
Ensure that the position description is up to date and accurate.
RA(LT) June 2014
Personal & Confidential
Dear (name):
We are pleased to confirm the offer of an extension to your (add “part-time” if applicable) term employment with
the University of Toronto in the position of Research Associate (Limited Term) in the (office/department/faculty).
Your term was originally scheduled to end on (date). You are being offered a (#) month extension and your
renewed term of employment will end on (date).1
Your salary will (continue to) be $(x,xxx.xx) per month, equivalent to an annual salary of $(xx,xxx.xx), less
applicable deductions and subject to changes pursuant to the compensation policies and procedures
applicable to Research Associates, as amended from time to time
Your salary will be paid by direct deposit. If you are not already being paid via direct deposit, or your
banking information has changed, please provide a void cheque to [name] as soon as possible.
Your printable monthly pay statement continues to be available on-line through the University’s Employee SelfService (ESS) at http://www.hrandequity.utoronto.ca/resources/ess.htm.
The position description for Research Associate (Limited Term) is enclosed. (OR Your duties will continue to be as
set out in your original letter of offer dated XX.)
Your employment will end on (end date), unless terminated earlier in accordance with Section V of the University's
Policies for Senior Research Associates and Research Associates (Limited Term), as further discussed below.
This letter constitutes notice to you of the termination of your employment effective (end date). Your employment
will not be extended beyond (end date) unless a new written contract to extend your employment beyond (end
date) is offered and accepted.
As a staff-appointed employee of the University you will continue to be eligible to participate in the University’s
benefit plans, including the University of Toronto Pension Plan on the terms of those plans as they exist from time
to time.
Employment Policies
Your terms and conditions of employment will continue to include the provisions of the University's Policies for
Senior Research Associates and Research Associates (Limited Term), as amended from time to time. You were
given a copy with your original letter of offer on (date).2 A copy of the Policies for Senior Research Associates and
Research Associates (Limited Term) is also available on the internet at
f. As you know, these Policies cover many important terms of employment such as compensation, hours of work,
holidays, vacation, conflict of interest, intellectual property, and various benefits and perquisites available to you.
It is very important that you pay attention to Section V of these policies entitled: Termination of Employment
(Research Associates (Limited Term)), which sets out the circumstances in which your employment may be
Under the applicable policies, RA(LT) terms are normally initially at least 6 months, and can be extended up to a
maximum of 5 years total.
2 Check to see if this is the case. If it is not, change this line to read: “A current copy of the policies is enclosed.”
And enclose a copy.
RA(LT) June 2014
terminated and describes all of your entitlements upon termination. If your employment is terminated you will not
receive anything beyond that which is specified in Section V.
You will also continue to be subject to and bound by University policies of general application and their related
guidelines. The policies are listed on the Governing Council website at
http://www.governingcouncil.utoronto.ca/Governing_Council/Policies.htm. For convenience, a partial list of
policies, those applicable to all employees, and related guidelines can be found on the Human Resources and
Equity website at http://www.hrandequity.utoronto.ca/about-hr-equity/policies-guidelines-agreements.htm and is
also attached to this letter as Appendix “A”.
You should pay particular attention to those policies which confirm the University’s commitment to, and your
obligation to support, a workplace that is free from discrimination and harassment as set out in the Human Rights
Code, is safe as set out in the Occupational Health and Safety Act, and that respects the University’s commitment
to equity and to workplace civility.3
All of the applicable policies may be amended and/or new policies may be introduced from time to time. When this
happens, if notice is required you will be given notice as the University deems necessary and the amendments will
become binding terms of your employment contract with the University.
Please carefully review all applicable policies and guidelines. By signing this letter you acknowledge that you
understand them and agree to be bound by them. If you have questions about any of these policies or guidelines
you should raise them with HR before accepting this offer.
In the event that you have a disability that would impact upon how you would respond to an emergency in the
workplace (e.g., situations requiring evacuation), you should contact Health & Well-being Programs & Services at
416.978.2149 as soon as possible so that you can be provided with information regarding an individualized
emergency response plan.
The University has a Staff Advisory Committee for its Research Associate staff. The primary role of the Advisory
Committee is to provide a forum where members can offer ideas and provide advice and feedback to the VicePresident, Human Resources & Equity. Members can also bring forward the views and interests of Research
Associate colleagues on the development and implementation of work-related policies and programs for Research
Associate staff. Committee members are selected through a volunteer / nomination process and serve terms of up
to three years. More information about this Committee can be found at http://www.hrandequity.utoronto.ca/abouthr-equity/advisory.htm.
Intellectual Property4
You are a member of the University’s “administrative staff” for the purposes of the University’s Inventions Policy
and Copyright Policy. Therefore, by signing this letter you assign to the University all of your rights, if any, in all
intellectual property, including without limitation, inventions, whether or not patentable, computer software,
copyright works, mask works, industrial designs, technical information, and trademarks that you create in the
course of your employment by the University (collectively, “Intellectual Property”). Your salary provides legal
consideration for the assignment of your rights in Intellectual Property to the University.
You must promptly disclose all Intellectual Property to the University and at the request of the University or its
assignee(s) at any time, including after your employment ends, cooperate in all lawful acts which may be
necessary or desirable to protect any Intellectual Property, including executing any patent application, or any
If there are specific other policies/categories of policy that are especially relevant to the employment, you could
add a reference to those here, e.g.: “In view of your specific job duties you should also pay particular attention to the
financial policies.” If there are policies/procedures/guidelines not listed in Appendix “A” that are binding (e.g., you
want to terminate employment for failing to follow those provisions) you could incorporate them here, including a
link to an online version or include a paper copy.
The Policies state: “If other arrangements regarding intellectual property are made they must be agreed to in writing
between the Senior Research Associate/ Research Associate (Limited Term) and the Principal Investigator, and
approved by the appropriate Vice-President.”
RA(LT) June 2014
application for registration or assignment relating to any such Intellectual Property, without charge to the University
or its assignee(s).
All written materials and other tangible objects, including laboratory notes, data, computer files, and copies of
them, and tangible research materials, including biological materials, made or compiled by you or made available
to you in the course of your employment, are the property of the University and shall be delivered to the University
upon termination of your employment or at any other time upon request.
Entire Agreement
The terms in this letter, including the terms of the documents referred to herein, constitute the entire agreement
between us concerning your employment. By signing below you agree that no other terms, conditions,
representations, etc. inform your decision to accept this offer.
Understanding and Acceptance of Offer
You may accept this offer by signing the duplicate copy of this letter and returning it to me before (a date prior to
the anticipated start date). If you have any questions please feel free to contact (name of HR Generalist/CSR, HR
Office, Phone #).
Principal Investigator
I have read, understood and accept the renewed offer of employment on the terms set out in the attached letter.
_________________________ _________________________
HR Office
Business Officer
Duplicate Copy of this Letter
Appendix “A” List of Policies of General Application
RA(LT) June 2014
Appendix “A”
List of policies of general application that form part of your employment contract
(please see http://www.hrandequity.utoronto.ca/about-hr-equity/policies-guidelines-agreements.htm for
links to these policies)
Access, Privacy and Protection
 Statement Regarding Access to Information and Protection of Privacy at the University of Toronto
 Access and Privacy Practices: General and Administrative
 Guideline Regarding Security for Personal and Other Confidential Information
Crisis Planning and Management
 Policy on Crisis Preparedness and Response
 Accommodation for Employees with Disabilities: U of T Guidelines
 Employment Equity Policy
 Statement of Commitment Regarding Persons with Disabilities
 Statement on Equity, Diversity and Excellence
 Statement on Human Rights
 (Procedures for) Reporting Incidents of Suspected Financial Impropriety
 Policy on Approval and Execution of Contracts and Documents
 Procurement Policy
 Guide to Financial Management
Health, Safety & Environment
 Environmental Health & Safety Policies & Procedures
 Health & Safety Policy
Information Technology
 Appropriate Use of Information and Communication Technology
 Policy on Information Technology
Intellectual Property
 Copyright Policy
 Inventions Policy
Workplace Conduct
 Policy on Ethical Conduct in Research
 Policy & Procedures: Sexual Harassment
 Policy with Respect to Workplace Harassment and related Human Resources Guideline on Civil Conduct
 Policy with respect to Workplace Violence and related Workplace Violence Program
 Statement on the Bearing of Firearms
 Statement on Prohibited Discrimination and Discriminatory Harassment and related Guideline for
Employees on Concerns and Complaints Regarding Prohibited Discrimination and Discriminatory
 Statement on Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment
 Statement of Institutional Purpose
 Statement on Freedom of Speech