

Management of Technology

科目名称:Marketing for Management of Science and Technology


Course Outline and Objectives:

The main objective of this course is to assist students to develop creative, productive, and strategic thinking skills and the ability to apply all these skills in order to deal effectively with constantly emerging new realities in both the global and local markets.

To this end, the course has been designed to refocus on the importance and relevance of MOST (Management of Science and Technology), to the successful implementation of Marketing and vice versa.

MOST has always been an integral part of Marketing. However, Science and

Technology have emerged in this new millennium as the most important driver of future events unprecedented in scale and impact.

The accelerating speed of scientific and engineering innovations in all areas

(Physics, Bio-technology, Computer Science, Telecommunications, Technologies,

Ecology, Micro-Biology, Engineering, Micro-Engineering and so on) and the intensifying competition due to the globalization of human activities and enterprises, have significantly raised the importance of MOST in the execution of almost all marketing related activities.

To equip students with the creative, productive and strategic thinking skills and the ability to apply these skills, this course covers not only the common core elements of Marketing theory, through power point presentations, discussion topics, readings and assignments, but also draws upon the case method approach to expose students to real-world examples of Marketing in action with a strong emphasis upon the symbiotic relationship between Marketing functions in the organization and the management of science and technology.

A holistic approach to the study of Marketing in the context of the organization as a whole, and the environment in which it must operate and succeed, with a particular focus on the role of the management of science and technology, aims to develop the students strategic mind, and strategic mind set.


Management of Technology


After completing this subject, students will be expected to:

1) Have acquired a good understanding of basic marketing concepts;



Understand the methodologies applied to modern marketing;

Appreciate the place of marketing in the context of a rapidly changing marketing environment, due in a large part to the impact of Science and




Appreciate and enjoy the process of developing creative, productive, and strategic thinking skills in relation to marketing in a Science and

Technology driven global environment.

Have acquired the skills required to apply marketing concepts in combination with their own creative thinking towards the interpretation, evaluation, and initiation of more effective business activities in the real world.

Target Audience:

The target audience of this course is purposefully broad. An understanding of core marketing concepts, principles and processes, and an understanding of the dynamics of marketing in the management of science and technology are increasingly essential for todays and tomorrows managers.

Consequently, the course is developed for participants who may or may not have a prior background in marketing, but who wish to understand and/or eventually develop marketing strategies in fast moving organizations that operate in highly competitive environments.

While a typical participant could be considered to be:

 A student with a Masters' Degree in a Science or Engineering field or;

 A student with a Bachelors' Degree in a Science or Engineering field;

 With more than several years' work experience

It must be emphasized that students who do not fit into the ‘ typical target group ’ will benefit from this course. Today ’ s organizations, in all fields, including: manufacturing, the service industry, and even tourism, are increasingly dependent upon science and technology to compete and operate successfully. A broad understanding of marketing in the context of MOST, is therefore considered applicable to a very large target audience. All in all, the course is considered equally valuable to students of humanities or the social sciences


Management of Technology

Course Outline:

Module *: Course Warm-up


- Breathing exercise

- Opening your mental locks

Lecture teaching materials :

PowerPoint Slides, Teaching notes.

Keywords: Mental locks

Module 1: Course Overview

Content :

- Welcome

- Target Audience

- Course Objectives

- Course Goals

- Approaches

- What is MOST?

- From Technology Push to Market Pull

- Is Marketing a Science or an Art?

- The need for a Paradigm Shift

- The 3 Maxims of Marketing according to Aki Takamoto

- References and Further Readings

Lecture teaching materials :

PowerPoint Slides, Teaching notes.

Keywords : Target audience, MOST, Technology push, Market pull,

Paradigm shift

Module 2 : Marketing Management

Content :

- What is marketing?

- Basic Concepts Underlying Marketing

- Marketing Management Philosophies

- The Function of Marketing within a Company

- The Marketing Equation

- The Marketing Mix

- Marketing Strategy

- Marketing Process

- Marketing Plan

Lecture teaching materials :

PowerPoint Slides, Teaching notes.

Keywords : Marketing, Marketing equation, Marketing mix, Marketing strategy, Marketing process, Marketing plan.


Management of Technology

Module 3 : Market Oriented Strategic Planning

Content :

- What is market oriented strategic planning?

- Defining the mission of the organization

- Analyzing the business environment

- Defining the business domain

- Defining objectives and goals

- Strategy formulation

- Program formulation, implementation, evaluation and control

- Oriental philosophy of strategy

Lecture teaching materials :

PowerPoint Slides, Teaching notes.

Keywords: Strategic planning, Mission, Business domain, Objectives and goals, Oriental philosophy.

Module 4 : Markets and Buying Behavior

Content :

- What is a Market?

- Characteristics Affecting Consumer Buying Behavior

- Types of Buying Decision Behavior

- The Buyer Decision Process

- Buyer Decision Process for New Products

- Characteristics of Business Markets

- Case 1

- Case 2

- Comment and Discussion

Lecture teaching materials :

PowerPoint Slides, Teaching notes.

Keywords: Market, Buying behavior, Decision process, Business markets.

Module 5 : Marketing Information Systems

Content :

- Marketing Information Systems

- Marketing Research Process

- Research Objectives

- Data Sources

- Research Approaches for Primary Data Collection

- Research Instruments and Contact Methods

- Pitfalls of Marketing Research

- Discussion

Lecture teaching materials :

PowerPoint Slides, Teaching notes.

Keywords : Information systems, Research process, Data sources,

Research instruments.


Management of Technology

Module 6 : STP Strategy

Content :

- Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning

- Market Segmentation

- Market Targeting

- Market Positioning

- Cases

- Practice

Lecture teaching materials :

PowerPoint Slides, Teaching notes.

Keywords: Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning

Module 7 : Product Strategies

Content :

- What is a Product?

- Product Classification

- Product Strategy

- Branding

- Brand / Product Positioning

- Service

- Intangible Products

- Product Life Cycle

- Innovation

- Practice

Lecture teaching materials :

PowerPoint Slides, Teaching notes.

Keywords: Product, Branding, Service, Intangible products, Product life cycle, Innovation.

Module 8 : Pricing and Distribution Strategies

Content :

- Price

- Factors Affecting Pricing Decisions

- Pricing Approaches

- Pricing Strategies

- Place (=Distribution)

- The Nature of the Distribution Channel

- Discussion

Lecture teaching materials :

PowerPoint Slides, Teaching notes.

Keywords: Price, Place, Distribution channel.

Module 9 : Marketing Communication Strategies

Content :

- The fourth P


Management of Technology

- Communication Process

- Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Communications

- Identifying the Target Audience

- Determining the Communication Objectives

- Designing the Message

- Selecting the Communication Channels

- Establishing the Total Communication Budget

- Deciding on the Communication Mix

- Advertising

- Sales Promotion

- Public Relations and Publicity

- Personal Selling

- Direct Marketing

- Integrated Marketing Communications

- Keynesian Beauty Contest

- Discussion

Lecture teaching materials :

PowerPoint Slides, Teaching notes.

Keywords : Communication, Communication mix, Advertising, Public relations, Personal selling, Direct marketing.

Module 10 : IT and Marketing

Content :

- Need for a new Marketing Paradigm.

- E-commerce, e-business & e-marketing.

- E-segmentation-targeting and e-positioning.

- The 11 Immutable Laws of Internet Branding.

- e-marketing research.

- New Marketing Mix.

- More on e-business.

- Has IT changed Marketing?

Lecture teaching materials :

PowerPoint Slides, Teaching notes.

Keywords: E-commerce, E-business, E-marketing, E-STP, Immutable laws.

Module 11 : Managing Uncertainty

Content :

- Strategy Under Uncertainty.

- Decision Science.

- Scenario Planning.

- Real Options Theory.

- Pitfalls of Emerging Technologies.

- Disruptive Technologies.

Lecture teaching materials :

PowerPoint Slides, Teaching notes.


Management of Technology

Keywords: Uncertainty, Decision science, Scenario planning, Real options,

Emerging technologies, Disruptive technologies.

Module 12 : Strategic Management in the Asia Pacific

Content :

- The Strategic Importance of the Asia Pacific

- Managing Strategic Alliance

- Portfolio Management

- Game Theory

- Value and Supply Chain Management

- Balanced Scorecard

Lecture teaching materials :

PowerPoint Slides, Teaching notes.

Keywords: Strategic alliance, Portfolio management, Game theory, Value and supply chain management, Balanced scorecard.

Module 13 : Course Wrap-up

Content :

- Criticisms levelled at Marketing

- What is your highest need?

- Economics and Marketing

- The Three Maxims of Marketing

Lecture teaching materials :

PowerPoint Slides, Teaching notes.

Keywords: Highest need, Economics, Maxims of marketing.

