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PharmNet Tips
Table of Contents
Admission Medication Reconciliation – Resuming after Interruption
Admission Medication Reconciliation - Entering Meds from Transferring Facility
Admission Medication Reconciliation Form
Date Shortcut: Entering Today's Date
Discharge Medication Reconciliation-Canceling Home Meds
Favorites - Usage of
Favorites - Organizing
Frequently Used Medications
Medication List - Compliance: Last Dose and Time
Medication List – Resizing to View Details
Medication List - Searching for Medications
Medication Request
Patient Search (Enhanced View)
Refresh of PowerChart Data (Enhanced View)
Reports - Printing of
SnoMed Abbreviations – Definition
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p. 4
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p. 10
PharmNet Tip
To use the provided list of common drug allergies:
1. When adding or modifying allergies, click Catalog tab
2. Expand the “Common Drugs Allergies” folder
3. Select the appropriate medication
To reactivate an inactive allergy:
1. Within the Allergies window Right click on the substance or “No
Known Allergies”
2. Select “Modify”
3. Under Allergy details, use dropdown menu to change status to
Always compare newly added allergies to active
medication orders:
1. After entering allergies, click “Reverse Allergy
2. If a red dot appears in the Interaction column,
double-click it for more information.
Notify team members about interactions immediately.
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Entering Medications from a Transferring Hospital’s MAR
To document medications administered at a transferring hospital:
1. From within Medication List, Document Medication by Hx, click “Order Comments” tab
2. Type an Order Comment of *MAR
This Order Comment flags the
medication as a transfer facility
MAR and prevents it from
appearing as a home med on
the Transfer and Discharge
Medication Reconciliation and
the Discharge Home
Medications Instructions list
given to the patient
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Last updated: 7/8/10
PharmNet Tip
Resuming Admission Medication Reconciliation
To continue documenting when interrupted before finishing:
1. In the left-hand menu, click “Form
2. Locate the PowerForm in the current,
active encounter
3. Right click the form name and select
4. You can now finish entering the
patient information
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Admission Medication Reconciliation Form
To open a section for the first
In center of the window, click the
“Open” radio button next to the section
you want to open (e.g. Allergy Profile)
To re-open a section:
On the left side of the window, use the
menu to select the section you want to
re-open. Sections you have already
opened are green.
Note: If you use the radio buttons in the
center of the window to re-open a
section, you will be asked whether you
want to UNCHART. This will delete all
previously entered information from that
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Last updated: 7/8/10
PharmNet Tip
Today’s Date
Entering the letter T will make today’s date appear in any date field.
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Canceling Home Meds from Discharge Medications Instructions
There are two Discontinue Reasons that may be used to prevent a home medication from appearing on the
Discharge Home Medications Instructions report. This is important to use if a medication has been accidentally
entered for the wrong patient.
Entered in Error
Wrong Encounter
To use Discontinue Reasons:
1. In Medication List, right click the medication
you want to discontinue.
2. Select “Cancel/DC”
3. Press E or W button, as applicable
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Last updated: 7/8/10
PharmNet Tip
Using Favorites
For quick access, you can save commonly used allergies,
medications and reactions/symptoms as Favorites.
To save an allergy or reaction/symptom as a Favorite:
1. Search for the allergy or reaction/symptom
2. Right click on the name
3. Click “Add to Favorites”
To save a medication as a Favorite:
1. Performed steps 1-3 above
2. Choose which folder you want to save the
medication in
3. Click OK
To access your Favorites, click the
the toolbar.
button in
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Organizing Favorites
1. In the toolbar, click the small arrow button
2. Click “Organize Favorites”
3. A pop-up window showing all your Favorites will
 To reorder your list, select the item to move
and then use the arrow buttons on the right to move it up or down in the list
 To create new folders, click “Create Folder” on the left
 To move items into a folder, select the item to move and click “Move to Folder” on the left
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Last updated: 7/8/10
PharmNet Tip
Frequently Used Medications
To use the provided list of commonly used medications:
1. Click the
button on the toolbar to open the Medications folder
2. Chose from the alphabetized list of medications
If a medication cannot be found or the actual name is unknown (e.g. “little blue pill”):
1. Within the Medications folder, select “Other Frequently Used Meds”
2. Select “Template Non-Formulary”
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Adding Last Dose Date and Time
When adding or modifying an existing med, remember to document the date and time the last dose was taken.
1. In the Details frame, click the Compliance tab
2. Enter the date and time (Press T for today’s date)
This information will display on the printed Admission Medication Reconciliation report.
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Last updated: 7/8/10
PharmNet Tip
Resizing Order Details Screen
If you open the Medication List but cannot see the
1. Click the line between the Medications list and the
Details tab (below the scroll bar)
2. Drag the line up to reveal more of the Details tab
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Searching Home Medications
You can search for a medication using its first few letters or a partial name.
1. Enter the letters you want to search with
2. Use the dropdown menu next to the Search
button to select either “Contains” or “Starts
3. Press “Search”
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Last updated: 7/8/10
PharmNet Tip
Entering Medication Requests
From PowerOrders or Medication List:
1. Right-click the inpatient medication
2. Select Medication Request
3. A Medication Request window will open –
select the correct reason
4. Enter a comment in the white box (if
5. Click Ok
6. Pharmacy will receive order and send
dose with appropriate labels
n to
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Patient Search
The Patient Search box is located in the toolbar on the top right of the screen.
To search:
1. Type a name in the search field or simply click the binoculars to open the Patient Search page.
2. To search by FIN, enter the number in the FIN NBR field on the left side of Patient Search.
3. Be certain to open the active encounter from the list of encounters presented.
Searching by FIN is preferred. It ensures you will open the correct encounter record.
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Last updated: 7/8/10
PharmNet Tip
Refresh PowerChart
Refresh the information in PowerChart by clicking
Remember to refresh every time you complete a PowerForm or modify home medications.
The length of time since the information was refreshed is displayed next to the refresh button.
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Printing Reports
1. In the Task menu at the top left side of the window, select Reports
2. Use the check boxes to select the report(s) you want to print
Note: Disregard the date and time fields at the bottom of the screen – all reports run for a set timeframe that
cannot be modified.
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Last updated: 7/8/10
PharmNet Tip
Common SnoMed Abbreviations
You might see the following abbreviations when searching for allergy Substances or Reactions:
Remember: To speed up allergy entry, you can
add Substances and Reactions to your Favorites
by right clicking on them and selecting “Add to
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Last updated: 7/8/10