Advanced Higher Computing Data Communications 1 a b Protocols at all layers in a protocol hierarchy add overhead (additional data) to the data being transmitted. For each of the following layers, identify one component of this additional data and describe its purpose. (You should choose a different component at each layer.) Data link layer Network layer Transport layer The Aberness Bookshop has decided to open a web site to attract new customers. The site is to be maintained on the bookshop's own server. Speed of response is thought to be very important to the popularity of the site. Each book will have its own web page, containing 5000 bytes of text and a compressed image of the book's cover, which takes 15 000 bytes. i ii iii c The Internet Service Provider (ISP) that the bookshop uses imposes a maximum packet size of 1040 bytes, of which 40 bytes are reserved for protocol overheads. The bookshop's server is connected to the ISP by a 64000 bits per second ISDN link. What is the minimum time that will elapse between a book's web page being requested from the server for the first time and it being available at the ISP for onward transmission to the customer? Justify your calculations. 4 It is suggested that shorter times may be possible if the bookshop changes its ISP to one that offers a 96000 bits per second link. This alternative ISP imposes a maximum packet length of 600 bytes of which 100 bytes are reserved for protocol overheads. Calculate the minimum time for a book's web page to be available at this ISP. 2 There are many other sources of delay in network communications apart from the time for a requested page to reach the ISP. Describe measures that the ISP can take to reduce the delay. 2 A business with a web site wishes to investigate the possibility of on-line ordering of goods from its web site. Describe what problems there could be with this development and how^ you would advise the business to solve them. Your answer should consider the following factors. 2 6 Security Network failures Multiple access 6 One way of classifying protocols is to describe them as providing either a connection oriented service or a connectionless service. A protocol providing a connection oriented service is one in which both processes involved in the communication maintain state information about the progress of the communication. A protocol providing a connectionless service maintains no such state information and merely transmits each message without regard to the outcome of earlier message transmissions. a State whether a connection oriented or a connectionless service is preferable for the following applications. Justify each answer carefully. i Web page retrieval ii Electronic mail iii Telephony iv Remote weather station monitoring 4 1 b c 3 Explain how a connection oriented service can be provided by the transport layer in the case of a network layer that offers only a connectionless service. Your answer should take account of the following possibilities. Packets may be lost Packets may be duplicated Packets may be resequenced 4 A file transfer protocol is to be developed. Outline the design of such a protocol using a connectionless transport service. Your answer should make reference to: encoding flow control error recovery 8 The (fictional) republic of Sans Serif holds annual referendums to decide on its policy in areas of national importance. The government wishes to hold these referendums electronically and has retained your services as a consultant for the design of the communications network. Sans Serif consists of four islands, Bodoni, Helvetica, Optima and Palatino, situated in the Informatica Ocean. A map giving the voting population on each island and distance to other islands is shown below. Voting in referendums is compulsory. Every member of the population will vote on the island on which they live. The votes on each island are collected in a communications centre on that island, and must all be transmitted to the Referendum Count Centre which is situated on Optima. The transmission of the votes will not start until the polls have closed, and must be completed within one hour. In 1998, the volume of data associated with each person's votes is 1000 ASCII characters. The votes on Optima are collected at the Referendum Count Centre itself. Two designs have been proposed for linking the communications gateways together. Design A In this design, the gateway on Palatino is connected to the Helvetica gateway using a microwave radio link. The Bodoni gateway is linked to the Helvetica gateway using a fibre optic cable, known in Sans Serif as Type 1. The link from the Helvetica gateway to the gateway on Optima is a fibre optic cable known in Sans Serif as Type I I. Design B In this design, Type I fibre optic cables are used to connect each island directly to Optima. A table giving the speed, purchase price and annual running costs of the hardware components is given below. 2 Microwave transceiver Optical fibre interface (Type 1) Optical fibre interface (Type 11) Optical fibre (Type I) Optical fibre (Type 11) a Speed (bits per second) 64000 128000 256000 128000 256000 Purchase Price (Dollars) 10000 12000 15000 100 per km 150 per km Annual Cost (Dollars) 200 600 800 0 0 Compare the suitability of the two designs. Your comparison should refer to the following characteristics of the design: i purchase price; 4 ii annual running costs; 2 iii reliability. 4 State any assumptions made in your answer. b c 4 In 1999, it is anticipated that the number of questions to be decided by referendum will double the volume of data to be transmitted. The requirement that all the data should reach the Referendum Count Centre within one hour will remain. For each design, A and B, outlined above, show that the design would not be adequate for the new situation. Justify your answer. For each design, specify an appropriate upgrade, and indicate its cost. 6 For each proposed design, A and B, identify possible security weaknesses and describe how the design can be made more secure. State any assumptions made in your answer. 4 Communication protocols in the data link layer of the ISO/OST model incorporate mechanisms for detecting transmission errors. a b Give two examples of mechanisms for detecting errors. Compare the benefits and limitations of your chosen mechanisms. In each case, identify types of transmission errors that the mechanism fails to detect. In a stop and watt protocol, the sending process transmits a frame and then waits for an acknowledgement of that frame before transmitting the following frame. The receiver transmits an acknowledgement for any frame which arrives without an error. i Given that errors could corrupt the frames or the acknowledgements or both, describe techniques which could be used to ensure that: ii c d 3 a frame which has not been received correctly is retransmitted by the sender; and the receiver ignores any retransmitted copies of frames that have already been received without corruption. 2 Using structured English or otherwise, outline an algorithm for the sending process. 6 Modern local area networks have a very low rate of transmission errors. Using stop and wait protocol, a fixed frame size may give poor performance for large file transfers. Describe a protocol that gives better performance than stop and wait. justify your answer fully. 3 Local area networks based on a bus topology are likely to adopt different protocols from those based on a ring topology. 3 5. a. i Explain why these topologies use different protocols. 2 ii At which level in the ISO/OSI model do these differences occur? 1 iii Briefly discuss the suitability of each topology for a network that controls a number of industrial robots. 3 An advertising agency has decided to install a computer network to allow its artists to share designs created with an art package and to share a colour graphics printer. In addition to workstations used for art work, other workstations on the network will be used by secretarial staff to produce word processed documents which will be printed using a shared laser printer. The agency must choose between a client server network and a peer-to-peer network. With the client server network, all the software and files would be stored on a central hard disk attached to the file server while the workstations would have no disk storage. With the peerto-peer network, there would be no central disk storage but each workstation would have its own hard disk storage which could be accessed by any other workstation on the network. With either type of network, all workstations would be able to access the colour graphics printer and the laser printer. i. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each type of network for the applications des 6 crib ed. ii. What are the implications for workstation linkage and bandwidth requirements if the age 4 ncy deci des to inst all a clie nt serv er net wor k? b. In the ISO OSI model, each layer has its own functions and provides services to the layer above. 4 i. Describe briefly three functions of the transport layer. 3 ii. (ii) Describe briefly two services which the transport layer provides to the session layer. 2 c. In the ISO OSI model, the data link layer is responsible for the reliable transfer of data across the data link being used. This involves protocols for flow control and error control. i. X-on / X-off and window mechanisms are two common flow control schemes. 5 3 Des crib e eac h of thes e sch eme s. Wh ich sch eme wo uld be mor e app ropr iate to con trol the flo w of data whe n a co mp uter is sen din g cha ract ers to a prin ter? Giv e a reas on for you r ans wer . 6 ii. In continuous repeat request transmission, selective retransmission and go-back-N are two alternative procedures for error control. 2 Des crib e ho w eac h of thes e pro ced ures wo uld han dle an erro r whe re fra me nu mb er K in a seq uen ce of fra mes is corr upt ed. 6. A university student cannot find the answer to a programming problem she has encountered in her project. She decides to use the international links provided by the university's computer network to help find the solution. There is a range of network applications available, which includes: directory services; bulletin boards; remote databases; and file transfer. a. i. Describe briefly the operation of each of the network applications shown in italics above. 2 ii. Explain how the student could make use of each application to help overcome her problem. 4 7 iii. b. Identify one other network application and explain how it could be used to help the student. 2 The student decides to retrieve some information from a remote database. Two client programs are available, either of which could be used to access the database. The programs operate in different ways as follows. Program 1: Every time the user issues a command, this program logs on to the remote database, retrieves the necessary information and logs off. Program 2: This program remains continuously connected to the remote database unti 'I all the student's commands have been processed. Compare these two methods of operation with regard to: i. financial cost; ii. network traffic; iii. the load on the database server; iv. the response time experienced by the student. 8 c. The student would like to investigate the possibility of completing the project from home. She would like to be able to connect to the university network and, from there, communicate with people and access computer resources throughout the world. Also, the connection to the university should allow her to run programs on the university's minicomputer systems. In addition, she hopes to be able to take part in real-time computer conferencing, perhaps involving the transmission of digitised video. 8 i. Describe the communications hardware and software required. ii. Describe the advantages and disadvantages to the student of completing the project fro 4 m ho me in this way . 9 Advanced Higher Computing Data Communications - Solutions Q 1. a. b. c. 2. a. b. Marking Scheme data link layer: sequence number, acknowledgement, control, CRC or frame check sequence numbering is to detect missing frames acknowledgement give sequence numbers successfully received at other end control allows sequence numbers to be initialised, protocol parameters negotiated, etc. CRC or frame check is used to detect transmission errors in frame network layer: address(es), virtual circuit number, age transport layer: sequence numbers, quality of service parameters, control fields i. Each book requires 20,000 bytes, which is 20 packets. Hence need to transmit 20*1,040 = 20,800 bytes - 166,400 bits. At 64,000 bits per second = 2.6 sees ii. This ISP requires 40 packets, 40*600 = 24,000 bytes = 192,000 bits At 96,000 bits per second = 2 sees iii An option to allow no graphics, but only ASCII text to be . downloaded would save a lot of time, and reduced delay. Caching of web pages at local servers will help too. Other answers acceptable Security of order, both from point of view of encrypting credit card numbers and of ensuring that all are genuine is important. Use of encryption or Secure Sockets Layer(SSL) should solve this problem Network failures less of a problem if the protocol is stateless, and only accumulates orders until committed. One might wish to confirm orders by e-mail. Multiple access is a problem if on line ordering is updating the stock records of the business. Need to be sure that once an item is shown as available it remains so until ordered. i. connection oriented (probably need many packets to retrieve a large web page and its associated graphics) ii. connection oriented, because we need acknowledgements that the whole message has been received. iii connection oriented, since it is vital that packets arrive in . the correct order, loss of packets is not so important iv. connectionless is most appropriate, since the stations probably only send in reports once every hour or day or ... Other answers possible, so long as well argued Each packet sent by the transport protocol through the network layer should contain sequence numbers to allow the detection of missing packets at the receiving end. When a packet is sent a timer is set, and if it expires before an acknowledgement is received, the packet must be retransmitted. The receiver should reply with an acknowledgement of the sequence number just received. If a packet is lost, it is possible for packets to be received in the wrong order. The receiver can either insist on receiving packets in order, and ignore those that do not have the correct sequence number, or it can store those packets that arrive before their predecessors, and deliver them all to the user when the missing packet(s) arrive. Comments 1 mark for name of component, 1 for purpose at each level; 6 marks Outcome 2 a, c, d 4 marks 2d 2 marks 2d up to 2 marks, either or both answers acceptable 2d 6 marks 2 1 a, 2 a, d 1 mark each, mostly for justification sequence numbers, acknowledgements, timers retransmissions, buffering of packets arriving out of order, 2 marks each total: 8 marks 2 10 c. 3. a. Encoding: Split the file up into n packets, packets should be as large as possible. Could also mention encoding in the sense of character sets used by different machines. Flow control: Send a header packet that indicates that n packets are to follow, and wait for it to be acknowledged (if it is not, the receiver will not be expecting packets). If no acknowledgement comes, try again. Once the initial message is acknowledged, send each packet, individually, with an identifier which states where in the file it belongs. Error recovery: After an interval, the receiver can time out and send an acknowledgement of the packets that have already arrived. On the basis of this, the missing packets can be retransmitted. The traffic generated by each island is 8*P* 100013600 where p is the voting population of the island in question, and 8 bits are assumed for ASCII characters. If 7 bit ASCII is used, all figures need to be reduced by 7/8! This gives 125,000 bps from Bodoni, 50.000 from Palatino, 25,000 from Helvetica, and 8,333 from Optima i. System A Cost is 2 microwave transceivers, + two 128K optical units + 5Okm of 128K fibre + two 256K optical units and 25 km of type II fibre Capital 20,000+24,000+50* 100+30,000+25* 150 = 82750 splitting file, initialisation, identification of parts, timeouts, retransmission of missing parts, 2 marks each up to total of 8 marks ii. 1 mark each system system A Running 2*200+2*600+2*800 = 3,200 per annum system B Running 6*600=3,600 iii System A. The bandwith used on the links from Bodoni . and Palatino to Helvetica will be the same as the amount of traffic generated by Bodoni and Palatino (125,000 and 50,000), which is within the capacity of the links proposed. Ale fibre optic cable from Helvetica to Optima will use 720,000,000/3,600 = 200,000 bits per second. Doesn't leave much room for expansion of the questions, and the whole system is cut off if the fibre optic cable fails 2a Optima is not needed 1 mark for correct formula, 1 for working, less 0.5 for each arithmetic error 2 marks for single point of failure identification, 2 marks for differing reliability of fibre and microwave, 2 marks for bandwidth limitations, - 1 if no assumptions made System B. This uses 125,000 bps on the Bodoni/Optima link. 50,000 Palatino/Optima and 25,000 Heivetica/Optima fibre optics cables are used to connect each island directly to Optima. Each cable has a bandwith of 128,000 bits per second. Overall, the system is more reliable, since there is no single point of failure, but the bandwidth of the Bodoni link is very close to capacity. 11 b. c. 4. a. b. Design A is not adequate, since it already carries 200,000 bps and the capacity of the link Helvetica/Optima is only 256,000. This will need to be augmented with a second 256,000 bps fibre optic link. Likewise, Bodoni/Helvetica will need to be upgraded to 256K. Palatino/Helvetica will need upgraded to a 128K link too. Capital cost of system is 6*256K transmitters, 2*128K transmitters, 10Okm of 256K fibre and 3Skm of 128K fibre = 6*15,000+2*12,000+100*150+35*100=132,500 Other possible upgrades to design A would include adding a direct type II link from Bodoni to Optima and dropping the link between Bodoni and Helvetica, or having two parallel microwave links between Palatino and Helvetica instead of a type 1 fibre. Design B is not adequate, since the Bodoni/Optima link is almost saturated. It will need to be upgraded to 256K. Other links are adequate, so cost is 2*256K+4* 128K+70km 256K fibre + 75km 128K fibre 96,000. Alternatively, candidates having identified that neither design is adequate, could specify that data compression might be used to bring the data transmission rate down. Here, they will still receive 0,5 marks for each overloaded link, up to 2 in total. 'Re other marks will be gained from a discussion of data compression. eg compression ratios are not guaranteed, but depend on the data being transmitted. ASCII characters are likely to give a good compression rate. The cost of this option would be the costs of implementing the software Microwave links in particular are susceptible to eavesdropping. It is much more difficult to tap into fibre optics, but probably still possible. This can be prevented by the use of cryptography. Votes can be encrypted before the details are transmitted over the network The major security weakness in both designs is probably outwith the network we are designing. Possibility of eavesdropping, and insertion of votes which are not properly registered at the islands. Best solution to all these problems is a high integrity cryptographic system. Parity bit, simple to calculate, but fails to catch errors @vhich change an even number of bits. CRC check (checksum), slightly more complex to calculate, but much more robust. Catches all errors shorter than check sequence, and typically 97% of those longer errors. Only errors which exactly divide the check sequence are missed sending process should time out, and retransmit the frame frames should be sequence numbered ii. sender seq_no:=1; get next packet do forever: set sequence number in frame from seq_no send frame and set time out wait for next event timeout: retransmit same frame set time out acknowledgement: if acknowledge = seq_no then get next packet seq_no := seq_no+ 1 ½ mark for identifying each overloaded link maximum 2 marks 2 marks for design of new system 2 marks for new costs) 1 mark for compression, 1 for discussion and realisation that its not a guaranteed solution, 2 marks for costs 1 mark for eavesdropping, 1 for cryptography, 1 for security weaknesses probably outside current network. Extra mark for full answer. Other relevant considerations can gain marks too. ½ mark for each technique, 2 marks for discussion 2c 1 mark each 2a 1 mark for initialisation, 1 mark for timeout, 1 for checking acknowledge seq_no, 1 mark for advancing seq_no, 2 marks for general structure 2a 2a 12 c. A protocol which ought to give better throughput is a blast protocol. The name of the protocol is not required (they get marks for the description, even if they have don't know the name). All frames are transmitted without waiting for acknowledgements. On completion, the receiver sends an acknowledgement frame which will identify any frames that had transmission errors and need retransmission. If error rates are low, will only have to retransmit a few frames, and hence will only have to incur the wait for the acknowledgement a few times. d. i. ii. iii . 5. a. i. In bus based systems, the signal travels to all stations simultaneously, in both directions. Ring based systems have unidirectional signal transmission, and the signal visits each station in turn, before returning to its sender. This return to sender means that it must take active steps to remove its signal. Layer 2, data link layer Robots need to be controlled in real time. Must be able to guarantee timely communication. This can be ensured by a priority mechanism. Bus based local area networks such as Ethemet do not support any priority mechanism. Ring based systems such as token ring or FDDI do support priorities using token passing. Credit for bus based network should only be given if it is made clear that it will support prioritised traffic, eg Token Bus , or possibly DQDB. Ethemet or CSMAICD do not support a priority scheme. Advantages Disadvantages Client centralised network entering passwords server management, etc adds to startup maintenance and overhead; loading up backup; easier software from remote control of printing server adds startup resources; tiine; requires network manager; requires more security through software for network passwords and restricted user access; 2 marks for description, 1 for explanation as to why better Candidates might suggest a sliding window protocol. 'Mis would be OK in a normal full duplex link, but on a LAN the link is half duplex, so will not work. Give 2 marks if sliding window fully explained (ie send up to n frwnes before waiting for acknowledgement, n chosen so that acknowledgement for a frame should arrive just before it is necessary to stop transmission 1 mark for each characteristic 2c accept Media access layer as well, ½ mark for physical 1 mark for idea of time critical communication, 1 for priorities, 1 for token mechanism 2d 6 x ½ marks for client server advantages / disadvantages; 6 x ½ marks for peerto-peer advantages / disadvantages. For each network type, both advantages and disadvantages must be mentioned and maximum of 4 x ½ marks if not related to application. 2 2d 2d 13 Art - client server WP client server Peer-topeer Art - peerto-peer WP - peerto-peer ii. b. i. same software, data files and library of shapes available to all users regardless of station; easier to access other designs and send designs to odiers; cheap hardware requirements as lower data transfer rate does not affect performance as with graphics; faster loading of software and data files; users determine public files at each station; faster transmission of files and printing as lower network traffic; easier to implement virtual memory facilities using the local hard disk to allow very large graphic layouts; No real advantages except secure e-mail facilities; slower to transmit large files of graphics to the file server or the colour printer; expensive hardware required for the high data transmission volumes; applications must be headed from server; multiple access to application will slow down network; data and software integrity lost as each station is independent; resources available to a user depend on the station used; expense on hardware (eg hard disks at each station); network management is in the hands of all the users; large graphics files require large local disk storage; more difficult to access resources such as document files, templates and printing resources as these are scattered through the other stations Candidates should answer in terms of the size of the graphics files relative to the WP files and suitable network topology. Justification to include discussion of bandwidth and physical connection. 1 mark for size of files, 1 mark for topology, 1 mark for bandwidth, 1 mark for physical connection (4 marks). 2 Responses must be in the context of client server. Esta blis hme nt of the link - 14 net wor k con nect ion, mul tiple xing or split ting , sele ct best tran spor t prot ocol for data size , map tran spor t addr esse s onto net wor k addr esse s; Dat a tran sfer pha se seq uen cing , bloc king , flo w cont rol, erro r dete ctio 15 n and reco very , con nect ion iden tific atio n; Release the data link - notifying release. 1 2d m ar k fo r ea c h d es cr ip ti o n (3 m ar ks ). ii. Two from: establish the transport connections for the session entities; provide the data transfer agreed; release the connection when the session is complete. c. i. Xon/ Xoff the rece iver sen ds a spec ial char acte r (Xoff) to the tran smit ter 1 mark for each description (2 marks). 2d 16 to ceas e tran smi ssio n unti l an over load con diti on is clea red; whe n the over load con diti on is clea red the rece iver then sen ds a spec ial char acte r (Xon) to the tran smit ter to resu me tran smi ssio n. Win dow mec hani sms - 17 the tran smit ter sen ds win dow s (fra mes ) and rece ives ack now ledg eme nts fro m the rece iver ; if an over load con diti on occ urs then ack now ledg eme nts are not sent and the tran smit ter stop s tran smi ssio n onc e a cert ain num ber 18 of una ckn owl edg ed win dow s buil ds up; onc e the over load clea rs ack now ledg eme nts resu me and the tran smit ter resu mes tran smi ssio n. X-on/X-off would be more appropriate as the printer cannot sustain the speed of output of the computer and the controlling device within the printer sends X-on and X-off signals as required. Also characters are indicated rather than blocks of output which would be grouped as a certain window size. 19 1 m ar k fo r d es cr ip ti o n of X o n/ X of f, 1 m ar k fo r d es cr ip ti o n of w in d o w m ec h a ni s m s; 1 m ar k fo r c h oi ce a n d ju st ifi ca ti 2a 20 ii. 4. a. i. ii. iii With selective retransmission, the receiver acknowledges each correct frame; the sender detects that no acknowledgement has been received for frame K and retransmits that frame, subsequent frames (K + 1, K + 2 etc) which have already been received are not retransmitted With go-back-N, the receiver receives frame K+ 1 out of sequence and returns a negative acknowledgement (NAK) indicating that the last correct frame was K-1, it then discards frame K + 1 and all other frames K + 2 etc received until frame K is received correctly. The transmitter re-transmits all the frames from the last correctly received ie K - 1 main feature is to allow users to look Directory up names based on attributes and map services these names onto a network address. Bulletin boards allow communications between groups of people. Public messages can be left in areas which are accessible to a group of people who share a common interest. usually large collections of information Remote which can be searched from a machine databases which is not permanently linked. involves moving files from one File transfer machine to another. The machines are usually remote from one another and the files are transferred over a network rather than by exchanging disks. student knows the name of someone Directory working in a similar field at a different services university but doesn't know his/her email address. Bulletin boards can post a question to a conference / news group/Special Interest Group which carries information on the relevant topic. look for research articles or textbooks Remote on appropriate topic. Perhaps someone databases has already solved the problem and written it up. there may be a ready made solution on File transfer a remote file server - perhaps a set of library routines or a full solution. Electronic mail allows the exchange of information between people. Many e-mail systems work by storing to a user until that user next logs on. at which point the messages could be transferred. He/she could send a question to someone knowledgeable in the appropriate area but who lives in a different time zone. E-mail is cheaper than phone, faster than letter and the ‘store until read' nature of e-mail makes it easier to cope with different time zones. Or 1 mark 2a 1 mark 4 x ½ marks for a good description of each. 1a, b, d NOTE FOR AH THE RANGE IS NOT THE SAME AS CSYS SO THIS QUESTION OUGHT TO BE ALTERED AH : Information access, file transfer, email, remote access 4 x 1 mark for explaining how the student could use the application. 1a, b, d SEE AH NOTE ABOVE Other applications, for example, could be video conferencing and mailing lists. 1a, b, d ½ mark for identifying another network application and 1 ½ marks for good explanation of how it would help. 21 Chat application b. c. i. Financial cost ii. Network traffic iii Load on server iv. Response time i. Hardware Software could discuss problem on a real time chat application. Perhaps with fellow students working on the same problem or perhaps there is a group of developers who use the chat application to discuss problems and swap ideas. Working collaboratively on the problem may help the programmer. if user is paying 'on-line charges' or telephone charges program 1 will be cheaper to run. (Note: [most] university systems work on a fixed charge regardless of the duration of connections. If any pupil answers in these terms they should be given appropriate credit, but should still be aware of the telephone charges the student faces.) will probably be greater with program 1 due to increased overheads of logging on and off. Also more clients able to use remote database simultaneously (see (iii) below) so again more traffic generated by program 1. program 1 is only using the server as required. Resources not tied up during users 'thinking' and 'typing' time. Server is therefore used more efficiently server can deal with more clients in a given time. user may notice performance delay with program 1 compared to continuous connection due to increased overheads (see (ii) above). May also find server prevents log-on if becomes overloaded between one instruction from the user and the next. for basic e-mail / bulletin board access a modem and standard telephone would be adequate. Even running remote programs would be possible with a slow link. However, for conferencing (especially if video involved) an ISDN line and ISDN card for his/her PC would probably be necessary. (Dedicated line is unlikely in this scenario). again, for e-mail a straightforward comms package would do. To run remote programs you would probably need some sort of terminal application and software which would allow the PC to use the correct protocols (eg TCP/IP, WINSOCK, SLIP, PPP etc). Also include network application software such as the conferencing software. 4 x 2 marks for each valid comparison explained in detail. 1 1 mark for description of hardware and 1 mark for description of software. ½ mark available for poor description. 2c, 1b 22 ii. Advantages Disadvantages student can choose to work at times which suit him/her best. Save on the cost and inconvenience of travelling to and from university. The anonymity of communicating through e-mail, ie the student could ask a question and find that one of the leading experts in the field answers whereas face to face they might not take the time. running cost could be too high for a student (especially ISDN line). Could lead to feeling of isolation. Teleworking can lead to people working longer than they might otherwise, or if there are too many distractions (eg family) could make doing any work difficult. 4 x ½ mark for each valid and distinct advantage/disadvantage . Must be at least one advantage and one disadvantage. 2 c, 1b 23