Proposal: 1 Supervisor: Supratik Roy Title: Nash competitive equilibria in asset markets Description: CAPM assumes that all market participants take prices as given. In practice, market data appear to support this assumption for small investors, but not for large investors like mutual funds and hedge funds whose transactions have an impact on prices. Hens etal combine price taking and strategic behavior in a simple asset market model with multiple assets, with the competitive part based on Arrow and Debreu (1954), and the strategic part based on the strategic market game (SMG)[Dubey, Shapley and Shubik]. In this approach, a two period model is considered with a finite number of states in the second period. All decisions are taken in the first period and a finite number of investors are endowed with wealth that can be spent on first period consumption and on a finite number of assets (bonds and shares) delivering state contingent payoffs in the second period. Asset payoffs are assumed to be the only source to finance second period consumption, and both competitively and strategically acting investors are simultaneously allowed on the asset market. Competitive investors take prices as given, while strategic investors choices incorporate the market impact of their demand. It is shown that if two-period fund separation holds, the first-order conditions of the strategic and the competitive investor only differ by a scalar connected to the existence of a Nash equilibrium in the SMG. However, when derivatives are considered, strategic behavior is found to differ from competitive behavior even in those cases where two-period fund separation holds. Constant relative risk aversion (CRRA) and no-aggregate risk (NAR) are found to be sufficient to ensure two-period fund separation. The project involves looking at one or more aspects of the following (a) extending the model to more than two periods (b) weakening the assumptions of CRRA and/or NAR (c) endogenize wealth by giving agents endowments in the form of assets. Any other modifications of the various assumptions or conditions under which the model has been analyzed in the paper, can be suggested for exploration by the student. Hens,T, Reimann, S, and Vogt, B. Nash competitive equilibria and two-period fund separation, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 40 (2004), 321-346. [The paper should be available through UCC library online] Proposal: 2 Zero beta model estimation. Supervisor: Bernard Hanzon The zero beta model is a CAPM/Asset Pricing Theory type model, which can be found for instance in [1]. It is used in case one assumes there is no risk-free investment available in the market. In such case the so-called zero-beta-portfolio takes the place of the risk-free interest rate in the theory. (The zero-beta approach was first developed by Fischer Black) . Estimation of zero-beta models via maximum likelihood leads to a non-linear set of equations. These can be solved by new technique that is being developed in the Edgeworth Centre. In this project the results of the new technique will be compared to more traditional techniques as described in [1]. In the first instance this will be done on simulated data. This will allow us to investigate the behaviour for particular cases in which the two methods may give different answers. Once we are happy with the outcomes the techniques can be applied to real data. [1] Campbell, Lo, MacKinlay, The Econometrics of Financial Markets, Princeton University Press Proposal: 3 Option pricing with Variance Gamma and EPT driven models. Supervisor: Bernard Hanzon Classical option pricing is based on models driven by Brownian motion. However empirical studies show that the Gaussian assumption that is made in such models is incorrect. Models such as the Variance Gamma model (see e.g. [1]), which are non-Gaussian, are begin put forward as alternatives. The Variance Gamma model can be seen as a special case of a more general class of models which we call the EPT-class and which is currently being investigated. Analytical formulas have been developed for that class. One issue that arises for non-Gaussian models is that there are no risk-free hedging strategies (market incompleteness). The purpose of the project is to apply a Monte Carlo simulation approach to investigate the risks in various hedging strategies for such models. Also Monte Carlo can be used to compute option prices which can be compared to the theoretical prices that are obtained using the analytical formulas. [1] Dilip Madan, Peter Carr, Eric Chang, The Variance Gamma process and option pricing, European Finance Review, 2, pp. 79-105, 1998. Proposal: 4 Non-gaussian asymptotic distributions for estimation of stochastic state-space models. Supervisor: Bernard Hanzon Stochastic state space models are used in many applications including financial mathematics, where they are used to model interest rates for instance. Once aspect of the estimation of state space models is that one has to arrive at a correct specification of the order (state space dimension) of the model. If the order is specified correctly then the usual estimation methods will have have a distribution which (after appropriate scaling) tends to a Gaussian distribution for large numbers of observations. However if the order is taken too large, then much less is known about this distribution except that it will not be Gaussian. In this project this question will be investigated both using simulation techniques as well as analytical techniques. A Monte Carlo technique can be used to generate the data and to generate the corresponding empirical distribution of the estimators. By using various appropriate parametrizations of the state space model various hypotheses about the asymptotic distribution will be investigated. We will start with a simple AR(1) model that is estimated while the data are generated by white noise. [1] E.J. Hannan, M. Deistler, The Statistical Theory of Linear Systems, Wiley. Proposal: 5 A study on Ruin Theory with particular applications to reinsurance contracts Supervisors: Damian Conway and Tom Carroll Background: Ruin theory examines the solvency of an insurer in a theoretical setting. The insurer's surplus or reserve for an insurance portfolio over time is modelled by a stochastic process. Objectives: 1) Build Collective Risk Models to analyse an insurer’s annual surplus position at each yearend. 2) Review and describe the main elements of classical Ruin Theory paying particular attention to Lundberg’s Inequality for ruin probabilities. 3) Combine the theory of Collective Risk Models and Ruin Theory to estimate ruin probabilities / expected time to ruin for an insurer. 4) Consider the effect that different reinsurance treaties will have on the insurer’s probability of ruin and expected profitability levels and decide on the optimal levels of reinsurance which should be used on various reinsurance contracts. 5) Develop simple iterative stochastic models of an insurance company (in Microsoft Excel or R) and use simulation techniques to compare the empirical ruin probabilities with the theoretical values of ruin. 6) Briefly review and discuss Solvency 2 legislation in the context of this project. References: Boland P.J. (2007). ‘Statistical and Probabilistic Methods in Actuarial Science’. Chapman and Hall. Lin X and Willmot G (1998). "Ruin Theory with Excess of Loss Reinsurance and Reinstatements” ( ‘Solvency 2’ – UK Financial Services Authority ( Proposal: 6 Actuarial data vs. Financial data: comparative analysis of models and estimation techniques Supervisor; Dr Gregory Temnov Traditionally, methods used to describe evolution of financial indices are different from the ones applied for modelling insurance data. However, in present days, dealing with highly volatile markets motivates adapting actuarial models for the purpose of realistic modelling of financial indices. It is suggested to analyze selected samples of financial data and to perform a comparative analysis with available actuarial data. One of the issues to study is whether the elements of Extreme value theory usually applied to actuarial data are suitable to use for the analysis of financial indices. Suitable numerical estimates may be used for this problem, depending on the convenience of implementation, in particular with respect to heavy-tailed distributions - see e.g. [1], [2] for general references. As the implementation of the numerical estimates should be performed with respect to sufficient accuracy and computational speed, the use of programming languages or/and mathematical packages (e.g., Matlab, R) is essential. It is expected that certain computational (programming) efforts should be made. To summarize, the general aim of the project is to investigate the matter of proper choice of suitable distributions for fitting financial and actuarial data, which is essential for risk management problems in the context of financial modelling, so that the project can be viewed as a link between financial and actuarial research areas. [1] S. Coles (2001). An Introduction to Statistical Modeling of Extreme Values. Springer [2] P. Embrechts, C. Klüppelberg and T. Mikosch (1997). Modelling extremal events for insurance and finance, Springer - Business & Economics. Proposal: 7 Title: Using finite field computations in algebraic optimization. Supervisor: B. Hanzon Description: Many optimization problems in financial mathematics and related areas are algebraic in nature (for instance if the criterion function is a multivariate polynomial or a multivariate rational function). In order to exploit this one can try to apply algebraic techniques. A drawback is that this typically requires exact computations leading to large integer coefficients. If one could work modulo a prime number p, the computations would simplify enormously, if p is not too large. In this project we want to investigate for a number of cases how such finite field computations could be applied and compare the computational speed of the resulting methods with the standard ("infinite field") approach. A study of literature in this area is part of the project. We may have to look into literature in adjacent areas such as coding and cryptography as finite field computations are used quite extensively in those areas. If time permits we can work out one or more examples from financial mathematics or related fields to show how the methods work. Proposal: 8 Title: C++ Finite Element Algorithms and C++ Software Implementation for Option Pricing Models. Supervisor: Dr. Jim Grannell Summary: Finite difference methods are of limited scope – essentially confined to problems over domains with very simple boundaries. Finite element methods do not suffer from this limitation. The project involves guided learning about finite methods for solving partial differential equations (and possibly partial differential inequalities) arising in option pricing and implementing an algorithm for solving one problem in C++. Proposal: 9 Title: A Study on Longevity Risk Supervisor: Damian Conway Student: Ciara Marie Coady A structural shift in demographics is taking place as people are living longer and longer. While an increasing number of people look forward to retirement insurers, pension funds and governments, with hundreds of billions of dollars in definedbenefit pension scheme liabilities is clear, face a much heightened risk of larger payouts. Actuaries use the term Longevity Risk to describe the potential risks attached to the increasing life expectancy of pensioners and policyholders, which can eventually translate in higher than expected pay-out-ratios for many pension funds and insurance companies. In this project we will: Consider ways to estimate the longevity risk in mortality projections. Consider ways to model the mortality and longevity risks so as to allow a quantitative interpretation of such risks on the insurer profitability and solvency levels. Consider how mortality and longevity risks could be hedged through a portfolio of investments of a pension fund or by the use of mortality bonds. Consider also the pricing of such bonds. Complete an analysis of the Solvency II standard model approach to longevity risk. References: