THREE DAY ROAD: PROMPTS TO WORK WITH On May 18th, you will be given 3 of these prompts, of which you will choose one to write a full essay in class on the 18th. In groups, you will review each of these prompts and begin brainstorming to develop and introductory paragraph for each prompt. PROMPT#1: p.1 brainstorm: 1. Conflict arises when a character’s (or characters’) beliefs or desires are incompatible with the reality he/she faces. To what extent is a central theme developed in Three Day Road in response to such a conflict? X becomes: Bitter/hostile Gets punished Is further alienated When faced with the harsh reality of war, an individual's personality and behaviour is strongly influenced, leading to the dilemma of maintaining one's culture or assimilating to the dominant society. When the person chooses to maintain culture rather than assimilate, the result is an inability to gain recognition or comraderie, thus leading to being ostracized from the group. In Joseph Boyden’s Three Day Road, Xavier refuses to give up his beliefs in his Native culture, and as a consequence, he can never fully fit in with the other soldiers in the war. In fact, he eventually becomes bitter and hostile with the others, gets punished for his lack of assimilation, and is even further alienated in the end. What part of the prompt is missing in this introductory paragraph? p.2 brainstorm: In the novel Three Day Road by Joseph Boyden, the central conflict revolving around Elijah and his desire to balance his Native culture with the reality of being immersed in the white culture plays a huge role in developing the theme that when a minority belief or desire become threatened by the dominant society, the sense of morality is drastically affected for the marginalized group, causing them to act in extreme ways and entirely out of character in order to find some sense of balance. 1-establish he’s a minority/establish his characteristics before changes; establish his beliefs/desires 2- establish dominant society’s power over him- and threat of losing beliefs/desires-proof of causes of change 3 – establish to what extent he is affected/changed, etc ( proof of changes having occurred)