Hour 6 Book 1 - Ms Benton's Wiki

Hour 6 Book 1
Sarah Elder
Page 20-21 this talks about how Wes got to be sheriff and how Julian almost forced him into it
when it wasn’t what he really wanted to do, he really wanted to go into law.
Page 24 Marie is introduced and David says that he loved Marie because she cared for him.
Page 27 Marie first becomes ill and protests when they insist on calling Frank to check on her.
She confides in Mrs. Hayden that Frank had molested raped many of the Indian girls, * conflict
begins to build between Gail & Wes because Wes has a hard time with his brother being
MAJOR THEMES IN BOOK: racism & stereotypes
The conflict with Wes knowing about the accusations against Frank since he is the sheriff he
legally has to take action and investigate but being that Frank is his brother it’s difficult for him.
Another conflict is that Marie gets sick and David is concerned because she had always been
there to care for him.
Page 49 David eavesdrops and overhears Wes’s accusations and says he already starts
thinking of Wes as a criminal
Conflict in the fact that David’s mom and dad are trying to hide what Marie said from him when
he really already heard and is trying to keep them from finding out.
Tension builds between Mrs. Mr. Hayden on page 52-53- when they have the section talking
about how Wes can sit and eat the cake when Gail is way to worried about all that is going on,
where as Wes tries to act as if none of it is affecting him and everything is normal.
Page 53 Wes doesn’t want talk getting around town.
-doesn’t want people to think badly of his family
-doesn’t want to learn more because he doesn’t want to know that Frank is guilty
-doesn’t want his father to hear out of shame and fear
Page 54 This shows that Wes knew Frank was guilty and he didn’t want to investigate because
he knew Frank would be in a lot of trouble.
Page 47 Gail tells Wes what Marie said and Wes can’t even look her= in the eyes while she is
talking (sign that he knows all the info is true)
Page 37 Talks about how Frank had always been Julian’s favorite and had always been thought
of as higher than Wes
RACISM THEME: when Wes and Frank mock Marie because she didn’t want to be seen by a
Nkaujci Vang
Montana 1948 Notes
Prejudice towards Indians Notes:
Pg. 24 “fat old toothless Indian woman anyone could have sex with for two dollars.” This
quote from page 24 was when David heard a rumor about the Frenchy’s bar storage room
keeping an Indian woman for sex. Quote is prejudice toward Indian women saying that
they are prostitutes and cheap.
Pg. 34 Explains how his father dislikes Indians but also treats them as human being. Also
explains how and when David found out about his father’s racism towards Indians.
Pg. 35 Shows how Wes and Frank talk over phone about Marie’s health and made fun of
her, of how she needs a “tribal medicine man” to cure the illness. Plus they laugh over the
phone –Frank saying he will dance around her bed and beats drum. They’re making
judgment towards Indian culture and are disrespecting their values.
Pg. 46 Explains Wes’s judgment about Indians saying that they’re liars. Proven from his
quote “ She’s an Indian- why would she tell the truth.”
Argument of Uncle Frank:
Pg. 45-54 Page 45 is where the conversation about Uncle Frank’s crime began. Although
Gail and Wes think that they were talking privately, David sneaks behind the corner of
the house to investigate the conversation.
Rebecca Bilbro
Ms. Benton
Hour 6
Montana 1948 Notes
“There are…1948” (11-12).
This shows how much David’s life changed that summer. Symbolizes the confusion and
how fast the events of than summer seemed to happen.
“We lived…courthouse” (18).
This shows how involved in the law and justice the Haydens are [supposed to be].
Symbol for being in charge of justice for all.
“(And now…women)” (20).
This passage shows that the grandfather is a controlling man who wasn’t very caring.
“Yes,…this job” (21).
This shows how much respect and power the Haydens have in their community, so a
Hayden doing something wrong probably wouldn’t be reported or believed.
“I never…as I could” (22-23).
This shows David’s personality and how he doesn’t understand how life works. Possible
doesn’t understand the consequences of Frank getting arrested and it being made public.
“Marie’s room…began” (26).
Descirbes Marie’s room and the importance of it.
“Marie stayed…lunch” (27).
Shows Marie’s first signs of problems. Starts the controversy.
“This remark…than a whisper” (30-31).
Hints at future issues with Frank. Raises suspicion.
“Frank went… “…a damn”” (40).
More suspicion about Frank. Frank’s disgust shows he may be nervous about something
(his secret about molesting Native American girls) getting out.
“I wanted…Frank” (41).
David’s confusion about what happened between Frank and Marie, but he knows
something is wrong and that Frank is dangerous and/or scary.
“I couldn’t…back” (43-44).
Shows Haydens are secret-keepers and not always honest. Also shows the mom never
trusted Frank and was suspicious of his character.
“My mother…the truth” (45-46)?
Reveals secret. Shows stereotype against Native Americans at the time---that the Native
Americans lie.
“I was…for good” (49).
(Big change)
Shows David’s reaction to Frank’s crimes. Shows how drastically David’s life just
“One one… “…though”” (51).
Confirms Marie’s story. Also shows prejudice about only hurting Native American girls
and acts like that doesn’t matter as much as others.
““I don’t…”…earthly one” (53).
Shows Wes’s reason for not wanting to do what’s right. Also shows how much Wes fears
his father.
“After…guilty” (54).
David knows his father, the sheriff, knows that Frank is guilty, but that his father isn’t
sure if he should act on it.
When Wes asks why Gail tells him about what Frank did---because he’s sheriff?