WOLFSON LIBRARY NEWLY ACQUIRED BOOKS – December 2005 BIOGRAPHY Jane Goodall : a biography / Meg Greene. - Westport ; London : Greenwood Press, 2005. (Greenwood biographies) ACGO ZOOS and ZOO ANIMALS India report for the 2005 annual CBSG meeting Syracuse, New York, USA [text and electronic resource]. - New Delhi : Central Zoo Authority, 2005. 27AJ/Q CD-ROM kept at Library Desk The use of wildlife for research : proceedings of the conference held at the Western Plains Zoo, Dubbo, NSW 26-27 May 1999 / edited by David Mellor and Vaughan Monamy. - Glen Osmond : ANZCCART, 1999. 28AJ,AF Presented by Mr R. Ewbank, 31 October 2005. Erkrankungen der Zootiere. Verhandlungsbericht des 42. Internationalen Symposiums über die Erkrankungen der Zoo- und Wildtiere. Prague/Czech Republic 2005 / edited by Kai Frolich, Falko Steinbach ; assisted by Steven Seet. - Berlin : Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, 2005. (Erkrankungen der Zootiere ; 42) 47AJT Reference only Erkrankungen der Zootiere. Verhandlungsbericht des 41. Internationalen Symposiums über die Erkrankungen der Zoo- und Wildtiere. Rome/Italy 2003 / edited by Jutta Wisser, Heribert Hofer, Kai Frolich ; assisted by Willi Jakob. - Berlin : Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, 2003. (Erkrankungen der Zootiere ; 41) 47AJT Reference only CONSERVATION Reducing poverty and sustaining the environment : the politics of local engagement / edited by Stephen Bass ... [et al.] - London : Earthscan, 2005. AP,Z Presented by Glyn Davies, 6 December 2005. Wild solutions : how biodiversity is money in the bank / Andrew Beattie, Paul R. Ehrlich ; with illustrations by Christine Turnbull. - 2nd ed. - New Haven ; London : Yale University Press, 2004. AP,JEJ 2006 state of the wild : a global portrait of wildlife, wildlands, and oceans : hunting and the wildlife trade / edited by Sharon Guynup. - Washington ; London : Island Press, 2005. AP Presented by Glyn Davies, November 2005. People, plants and protected areas : a guide to in situ management / John Tuxill and Gary Paul Nabhan. - London : Earthscan, 2001. AP,Z Originally published as: Plants and protected areas. - Cheltenham : Thornes, 1998. Published in association with WWF International, UNESCO, and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. AQUACULTURE Research on shellfish cultivation : a synopsis of research funded by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) between 1990 and 2003 / I. Laing ... [et al.] Lowestoft : Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, 2004. (Science series technical report ; no. 122) 28ARD ECOLOGY and EVOLUTION Environmental physiology of animals / Pat Willmer, Graham Stone, Ian Johnston. - 2nd ed. Malden, Mass. ; Oxford : Blackwell, c2005. GAP Evolutionary ecology : the Trinidadian guppy / Anne E. Magurran. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2005. (Oxford series in ecology and evolution) GAU GLOBAL WARMING Climate change and biodiversity / edited by Thomas E. Lovejoy & Lee Hannah. - New Haven ; London : Yale University Press, c2005. GIA 2 Can nature survive global warming? / Chris Rose and Phil Hurst. - Gland : World Wide Fund for Nature, 1992. (WWF International Discussion Paper) 28GIA HABITATS & FAUNA Space, time, form : the biological synthesis / by Léon Croizat. - Caracas : Published by the author, 1962. 7HA Presented by Mr R. Ewbank, 31 October 2005. Invasive alien species : a new synthesis / edited by Harold A. Mooney ... [et al.] - Washington, DC ; London : Island Press, c2005. (SCOPE report ; 63) HEX Towards a theory of the functioning of aquatic ecosystems / Alexander F. Alimov. - Leiden : Backhuys Publishers, c2003. 27HL Integrating knowledge for river basin management : progress in Thailand / edited by Anthony J. Jakeman ... [et al.] - Canberra : Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, 2005. (ACIAR Monograph ; no. 118) HMB Ocean life / Les Holliday. - London : Tiger Books International, 1992. (Nature library) HR Presented by Ian Meyrick, 16 December 2005. Encyclopedia of the oceans / Dorrik Stow. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, c2004. HR Presented by Ian Meyrick, 16 December 2005. Spring plankton surveys of the eastern Irish Sea in 2001, 2002 and 2003 : hydrography and the distribution of fish eggs and larvae / N. Bunn, C.J. Fox and R.D.M. Nash. - Lowestoft : Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, 2004. (Science series data report ; no. 42) HRL Spring plankton surveys of the Irish Sea in 2000 : hydrography and the distribution of fish eggs and larvae / N. Bunn and C.J. Fox. - Lowestoft : Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, 2004. (Sciences series data report ; no. 41) 28HRL Wild London : the nature of a capital / written and photographed by Iain Green. - Crowborough : Tiger Books, 2005. IED The complete fauna of Iran / Eskandar Firouz. - London : I.B. Tauris, 2005. IPA 3 Fauna of Andhra Pradesh : part 2, mammals and marine & estuarine fishes / edited by the Director, Zoological Survey of India. - Kolkata : Zoological Survey of India, 2004. (State fauna series ; 5) IQI FOSSILS Studies on fossils in amber, with particular reference to the Cretaceous of New Jersey / David Grimaldi, editor. - Leiden : Backhuys, 2000. JLK INVERTEBRATES Check-list of Latvian beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera) / Dmitry Telnov. - 2nd ed. - Riga : Entomological Society of Latvia, 2004. (Compendium of Latvian coleoptera ; v. 1) 28QM/MY Lepidoptera of the Pacific Northwest : caterpillars and adults / Jeffrey C. Miller, Paul C. Hammond. - [Morgantown, WV] : FHTET, [2003]. (FHTET ; 2003-03) QT Atlas of Japanese Scarabaeoidea : volume 1 Coprophagous group / editors & authors Shinya Kawai ... [et al.] - Tokyo : Roppon-Ashi Entomological Books, 2005. QMQ FISH Reproductive biology and phylogeny of Chondrichthyes : sharks, batoids and chimeras / volume edited by William C. Hamlett ; series edited by Barrie G.M. Jamieson. - Enfield (NH) ; Plymouth : Science Publishers, c2005. (Reproductive biology and phylogeny ; v. 3) VC Advances in grouper aquaculture / editors: M.A. Rimmer, S. McBride and K.C. Williams. Canberra : Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, 2004. (ACIAR Monograph ; no. 110) VTB REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS Demand driven : the trade of Indian Star Tortoises Geochelone elegans in Peninsular Malaysia [electronic resource] / Chris R. Shepherd, Elizabeth A. Burgess, Maple Loo. - Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia : TRAFFIC Southeast Asia, 2004. (TRAFFIC Southeast Asia Report) ONLINE System requirements: Adobe Acrobat software. Mode of access: World Wide Web. 4 BIRDS Birds and marshes of the Chesapeake Bay Country / by Brooke Meanley. - Centreville, Maryland : Tidewater, 1975. X/BEM Presented by Mr R. Ewbank, 31 October 2005. Madagascan dabbling ducks Madagascar teal Anas bernieri Meller's duck Anas melleri : guidelines on their husbandry, biology and conservation / H. Glyn Young. - Trinity : Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, 2005. 28XIS Sea eagle 2000 : proceedings from the International sea eagle conference in Björkö, Sweden, 1317 September 2000 / Björn Helander, chief editor ; Mick Marquiss, Bill Bowerman. - Stockholm : Swedish Society for Nature Conservation, 2003. XJL MAMMALS The English pig : a history / by Robert Malcolmson and Stephanos Mastoris. - London ; Rio Grande : Hambledon, 1998. YIL Presented by Mr R. Ewbank, 31 October 2005. Against the grain : trade in musk deer products in Singapore and Malaysia [electronic resource] / Debbie Ng and Elizabeth A. Burgess. - [S.l. : TRAFFIC Southeast Asia], 2004. (TRAFFIC Southeast Asia Report) ONLINE System requirements: Adobe Acrobat software. Mode of access: World Wide Web. The lady and the panda : the true adventures of the first American explorer to bring back China’s most exotic animal / Vicki Constantine. - New York : Random House, c2005. ACHA Bats of Puerto Rico : an island focus and a Caribbean perspective / Michael R. Gannon ... [et al.] ; illustrations by Jeffrey Martz. - Lubbock : Texas Tech University Press, c2005. YV/CG Habitat fragmentation and metapopulation dynamics of the Angola black-and-white colobus monkey (Colobus angolensis palliatus) in coastal Kenya / by Julie Anderson THESES Thesis (Ph.D.)-University College, London, [2005] World atlas of great apes and their conservation / edited by Julian Caldecott and Lera Miles ; foreword by Kofi A. Annan. - Berkeley ; London : University of California Press, c2005. YZ,AP 5 Kanzi's primal language : the cultural initiation of primates into language / Pär Segerdahl, William Fields and Sue Savage-Rumbaugh. - Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2005. YZL Hanging in the balance : an assessment of trade in orang-utans and gibbons in Kalimantan, Indonesia [electronic resource] / Vincent Nijman. - Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia : TRAFFIC Southeast Asia, 2005. (TRAFFIC Southeast Asia Report) ONLINE System requirements: Adobe Acrobat software. Mode of access: World Wide Web. In full swing : an assessment of trade in orang-utans and gibbons on Java and Bali, Indonesia [electronic resource] / Vincent Nijman. - Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia : TRAFFIC Southeast Asia, 2005. (TRAFFIC Southeast Asia Report) ONLINE System requirements: Adobe Acrobat software. Mode of access: World Wide Web. STUDBOOKS Internationales tigerzuchtbuch ; 2005 International studbook of the Asiatic wild asses ; no. 37, 2005 International studbook of the African wild asses ; no. 33, 2005 Library Catalogue https://library.zsl.org Library direct line 020 7449 6293 6 Email library@zsl.org Internet http://www.zsl.org