Revised 3/9/16 Bilingual Reading – Grade 1 Unit of Study: Establishing Routines CURRICULUM OVERVIEW First Grading Period Weeks 1- 5 Big Idea Unit Rationale “Teaching begins with understanding – not getting the children to understand, but rather, about my understanding of each of them – what they understand, know, and care about and how they work in a classroom” (4). Avery, C. (2002) …And with a Light Touch. Heinemann Publishers, Portsmouth, NH. TEKS Specificity – Intended Outcome Concepts TEKS TEKS Grade 1 The student is expected to… 1A determine the purpose(s) for listening such as to get information, to solve problems, and to enjoy and appreciate 1B respond appropriately and courteously to directions and questions 1C participate in rhymes, songs, conversations, and discussions 1D listen critically to interpret and evaluate 1E(ii) listen responsively to stories and other texts read aloud, including selections from classic and contemporary works in Spanish 1F identify the musical elements of literary language such as its rhymes or repeated sounds 2A connect experiences and ideas with those of others through speaking and listening 3C ask and answer relevant questions and make contributions in small or large group discussions 4B use vocabulary to describe clearly ideas, feeling, and experiences 5A recognize that print represents spoken language and conveys meaning 5B know that print moves left-to-right across the page and top-to-bottom 5C understand that written words are separated by spaces 5D know the difference between individual letters and printed words 5F know the difference between capital and lowercase letters 5H understand that spoken words are represented in written language by specific sequences of letters 5I recognize that different parts of a book…offer information 5J recognize that there are correct spellings for words 5C understand that written words are separated by spaces 6A demonstrate the concept of word by dividing spoken sentences into individual words 6B identify, segment, and combine syllables within spoken words… 6C produce rhyming words and distinguish rhyming words from non-rhyming words 6D(ii) identify vowel and consonant sounds 6E blend sounds to make spoken words. . . through ways such as moving manipulatives to blend phonemes in a spoken word SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period “The climate of the classroom is a critical element in children’s learning. The entire tone of the year can be determined by the care, time, and effort I invest at the beginning” (27). Avery, C. (2002) …And with a Light Touch. Heinemann Publishers, Portsmouth, NH. “I CAN” statements highlighted in yellow and italicized should be displayed for students. Yo puedo: escuchar por diferentes razones (1A, 1D) hacer y contestar preguntas (1B, 3C) participar en rimas, canciones, conversaciones y discusiones (1C) escuchar y participar durante las lecturas en voz alta (3A, 13B) identificar rimas y sonidos repetidos (1F) hacer conexiones personales con el texto, hacer conexiones entre textos y con el mundo real (2A, 16A) entender que las palabras habladas están hechas de sonidos (7B) entender que las palabras escritas se separan por espacios en blanco ( 5C) entender la diferencia entre una letra y una palabra (5D) escuchar a cuentos y poemas (1E, 13A) entender que lo impreso en una página se lee de la izquierda hacia la derecha (5B) usar el vocabulario nuevo (4B) saber los conceptos de la letra impresa (5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 5F, 5I, 7B) dividir las oraciones en palabras (6A) dividir las palabras en sílabas y sonidos y unir los sonidos y las sílabas para formar palabras (6B, 6E, 6F) identificar los sonidos de las vocales y consonantes (6Dii) nombrar las letras del alfabeto (7A) hacer parejas de palabras que riman y distinguir las palabras que riman y no riman (6C) descifrar las palabras (7D, 7Eii, 7H) leer texto descifrable (7G) usar patrones ortográficos para leer las palabras (8B) reconocer las palabras comunes con rapidez (8Gii) leer con fluidez (9C) discutir los significados de palabras (11A) Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 Page 1 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Revised 3/9/16 6F segment one-syllable spoken words into individual phonemes, including three and four phoneme words, clearly producing beginning, medial and final sounds 7A name and identify each letter of the alphabet 7B understand that written words are composed of letters that represent sounds 7D(ii) learn and apply the most common letter-sound correspondences 7E(ii) decode words using knowledge of all Spanish sounds, letters, and syllables 7G use letter-sound knowledge to read decodable texts 7H(ii) apply letter-sound knowledge of consonant-vowel patterns to produce syllables to begin to read 8B use common spelling patterns to read words 8F use word knowledge and context to identify words and confirm their meanings 8G(ii) develop automatic recognition of words that use specific spelling patterns 9C read orally from familiar texts with fluency 9D self-select independent level reading 11A discuss meanings of words and develop vocabulary through meaningful/concrete experiences 11B develop vocabulary by listening to and discussing both familiar and conceptually challenging selections read aloud 12A use prior knowledge to anticipate meaning and make sense of texts 12C retell or act out the order of important events in stories 13A listen to stories being read aloud 13B participate actively when predictable patterned selections are read aloud 14C distinguish fiction from nonfiction, including reality and fantasy 14F understand literary terms by distinguishing between the roles of the author and illustrator… 15C draw conclusions from information gathered 16A connect his/her own experiences with the life experiences, languages, customs, and culture of others 17E gain increasing control of penmanship leer las palabras nuevas y usarlas en las discusiones y la escritura (11B) usar el conocimiento previo para entender el texto (12A) volver a contar un cuento (12C) saber la idea principal del libro (12F) poner los eventos de la historia en secuencia (14B) distinguir entre los hechos y la fantasía (14C) utilizar el conocimiento de palabras y el contexto para identificar las palabras (8F, 11A) explicar lo que hacen los autores e ilustradores (14F) escribir en mi mejor letra (17E) Evidence of Learning 80% of students will know all letter names and sounds 80% of students will be able to divide words into syllables and phonemes and also combine phonemes and syllables to form words 80% of the students will score 80% or above on the weekly spelling tests 80% of the students will be “Desarrollado” on the Tejas LEE assessment SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 Page 2 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Revised 3/9/16 Bilingual Reading – Grade 1 Unit of Study: Establishing Routines CURRICULUM GUIDE First Grading Period Weeks 1- 5 Essential Questions Unit of Study: Establishing Routines How do I make connections to a story? What do I do in the independent reading, retelling, word work, writing, and listening work stations? What is the main idea of a story? What do good readers do to comprehend text? Week 1 Essential Pre-requisite Skills learn the vocabulary of school such as numbers, shapes, colors, directions, and categories (K) know that print moves left-to-right across the page and top-to-bottom (K) produce rhyming words and distinguish rhyming words from non-rhyming words (K) blend sounds to make spoken words such as moving manipulatives to blend phonemes in a spoken word (K) name and identify each letter of the alphabet (K) learn and apply letter-sound correspondences of a set of consonants and vowels to begin to read (K) The Teaching and Learning Plan Instructional Model/Teacher Directions Note: Week 1 will be used to introduce classroom rules and routines, review skills, and to set up and model work stations. Scott Foresman Lectura will be used beginning week 2. Use the information below to plan your first week during the reading block. The times shown are for week 1 only. Whole Group Instruction 40 minutes Establish Classroom Rules, Routines and Procedures: It is extremely important that the teacher spends 2-3 weeks setting up and establishing classroom rules, routines and procedures. The rules must be posted, discussed, modeled and practiced by the students so the students learn and understand them. Use the fish-bowl technique to show students how and how not to behave in class. Teachers should also send the rules home so parents know what is expected of their children in class. Behavior problems can be reduced to a minimum if an open line of communication is established between the teachers and parents. There must also be consequences for students not following the rules, and the teacher must be consistent in enforcing the consequences when rules are not followed. Be sure to post the consequences with the rules so all students can see them. Try to focus on the positives, not the negatives. Praise students for staying on task and modeling good behavior, etc. instead of constantly pointing out and reprimanding offtask behaviors. Rewarding first grade students is an effective way to establish good behavior. Rewards such as praise, positive notes sent home and stickers are a good way to maintain good classroom behavior. For the first few weeks, teachers need to reward students often, preferably on a daily basis. After good behavior has been established, the rewards can be spread out over a weekly or monthly basis. Teachers should send home a conduct chart daily for parents to review and sign. Explain procedures such as going to the restroom, getting and putting away materials, sharpening pencils, etc. The rules must be reviewed and modeled everyday this week and the revisited the following week and throughout the year. This will ensure that the students comprehend and follow the rules. See the Bilingual Teacher Toolkit for the following information: o Fish-Bowl technique o sample letter to parents with class rules, consequences and rewards (in Spanish) o sample conduct chart (in Spanish) o “Dame 5” posters (in Spanish) and technique - used to get students immediate attention o sample student conduct letter (in Spanish) o sample behavior management plan o how to set up classroom procedures SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 Page 3 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Revised 3/9/16 Review previously taught skills: Students may not have retained all information learned during the last school year, so it is important to review kinder skills the first week of school. This will give the teacher an idea of what the students know and don’t know. Review the alphabet (letter names and sounds). Make learning fun – use games such as alphabet bingo to review and teach skills. Practice phonemic awareness activities, such as Conocimiento de los sonidos, Identificación del sonido inicial, y Segmentación de las sílabas. See the Bilingual Teacher Toolkit for ideas. Page 3 of the Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities has sample games that can be used to review these skills. Students will practice the alphabet letter name and sound using speed drills which are available in the Bilingual Teacher Toolkit. Work Station Routines: If rules and routines for work stations are set up and established during the first few weeks of school, the stations will run smoothly for the rest of the year. Only one work station will be introduced each week in first grade. This will give the teacher time to introduce the work station using the fish bowl technique. Students will take turns practicing working at the stations, while the rest of the class observes and gives feedback on what worked and what didn’t work. Make sure explicit directions are given and call on students to restate the directions. There is more information on work station routines in the Small Group Guided Reading Instruction/Work Stations section of this scope and sequence. Set Up the Reading Notebook: All students should have a wide-rule spiral notebook to be used as the Reading Notebook. The Reading Notebook will include Reader Response and Vocabulary/Phonics words. The students will read books or listen to the teacher during the read aloud, and then write a response to the story in their notebooks. Students will also write vocabulary or phonics words introduced during the whole group lesson. This is one way to hold students accountable for what they have learned, and great to show parents during parent-teacher conferences or on open-house nights. Assessing Students: During the first two weeks of school, the teacher should assess the students formally or informally to get an idea of what skills and knowledge they are entering first grade with. This will help the teacher to place the students into reading groups for Small Group Guided Reading Instruction. Since the Tejas LEE will not be administered until the 6th/7th week of school, some kind of assessment needs to be done in order to group students. The Scott Foresman Benchmark Assessment should be administered to the whole class during the first week of school. Another assessment such as Sunshine or Rigby Benchmark running records, etc. should be administered as well, so teachers will have additional information on the students’ reading levels. Go to the Bilingual Teacher Toolkit for a sample assessment on alphabet, word reading, word writing and dictation tests. Handwriting Practice: Since there is no handwriting book provided for the bilingual students, handwriting will be taught on day 2 of each week using the Scott Foresman Lectura Caligrafía lesson. Handwriting must be taught through extensive modeling and it must be monitored, especially during the fist month of school. Not only is letter formation important, but also posture and pencil grip. First grade paper with the middle dotted line should be considered. The teacher needs to monitor and assure that each letter touches the appropriate lines. Day two of Small Group Guided Reading Instruction can be used for additional handwriting practice. This will allow the teacher to work with individual students who need additional assistance in letter formation. See the Bilingual Teacher Toolkit for additional information on handwriting instruction, proper letter formation, finger spacing, posture and pencil grip. Spelling: Beginning week 2, the students will take spelling tests. The words are not listed in Scott Foresman until Unit 2, which will be week 9 of the school year. Spelling must be introduced earlier, so a word list will appear on page one of each week’s scope and sequence. The spelling words for weeks 2-8 DO NOT need to be sent home and practiced. The words will include the syllables taught during that particular week and during previous weeks. The syllable patterns will be taught during the phonics lesson and practiced using letter cards, tiles, magnetic letters, etc. They will also be included in the fluency speed drills. SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 Page 4 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Revised 3/9/16 It would be a good idea for the teacher to create a list of words (real or nonsense) using weekly syllables for students to practice writing on individual chalkboards or whiteboards. This will allow the teacher to see which students need additional practice in the phonics skill of the week. The teacher should also take anecdotal notes so he/she will know what needs to be retaught Small Group Guided Reading Instruction. Throughout the week, students will practice the spelling pattern with the use of chants and spelling activities/games that are available in the Teacher Toolkit. Read Alouds: It is very important that teachers read aloud to students on a daily basis. It motivates children with the desire to read; it builds oral language and vocabulary; and it allows kids to make connections to what they already know. Teachers need to make sure they model how students are to make connections while they read by using think aloud strategies. Three examples of connections are: Text-to-Self Connections: The teacher connects the text to something in his/her own life experience. Text-to-Text Connections: The teacher makes a connection between the text and another text/story that has been previously read. Text-to-World Connections: The teacher makes a connection between the text and something that is occurring or has occurred in the world. Small Group Guided Reading Instruction/Work Stations 30 Minutes Please Note: During the first three weeks, Work Stations will not occur simultaneously with Small Group Guided Reading Instruction. This will allow time for the teacher to establish Work Station routines/management. Only one (1) hands-on work station should be introduced during week 1. Each work station should have differentiated activities that reinforce skills and strategies taught during whole group instruction. This week’s work station is: The Independent Reading Station (El taller de lectura independiente). The teacher will follow the procedures listed below for introducing and maintaining work stations: Introduce the Independent Reading Station to the whole class as a “Fish-Bowl” demonstration on Monday and Tuesday. Then have the class observe a group using the work station. The students will determine what went well and determine the needed rules for work station use. Make sure explicit directions are given for work station use. Show students how to document work done at the work station and how to use and put away materials (suggestion – a work station folder for each student). Use the first three weeks to visit each work station to observe, converse with each student and take anecdotal notes. Provide book baskets at each work station in case the students finish all of their work early. On Wednesday and Thursday, divide the class into groups. Groups will practice working at the Independent Reading Station. On Friday, have the students create a list of rules for the Independent Reading Station. Go to the Bilingual Teacher Toolkit for ideas on work station activities. Whole Group Instruction - Read Aloud 20 minutes Please Note: The teacher will read a book aloud to the students for enjoyment everyday while modeling Think Aloud Strategies (which include Text-to-Self, Text-to-Text, and Text-to-World Connections). The students will respond to the read aloud by writing a few sentences about the story in the Reader Response section of their Reading Notebook. Invented spelling is okay for the first several weeks of school because it will give the teacher information on how well the students can write. Suggested Read Alouds for Week One: Boomer va a la escuela by Constance W. McGeorge Froggy va a la escuela by Jonathan London Clifford va a la escuela by Norman Bridwell Franklin va a la escuela by Paulette Bourgeois ¡La señorita Nelson ha desaparecido! by Harry Allard ¡Qué nervios! El primer día de escuela by Julie Danneberg ¡No te comas a la maestra! by Nick Ward SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 Page 5 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Revised 3/9/16 Week 2 The Teaching and Learning Plan for Superlibro Mariza en la escuela Instructional Model/Teacher Directions Daily Instructional Routines 30 Minutes Vocabulary Fluency pp. 30-31 Fonética: Las vocales a, e, o Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica o Vistazo previo al cartel o Cantar la rima Relacionar el sonido y la letra Rutina o Separar Sonidos Hacer una actividad para desarrollar la conciencia fonémica y la fonética (Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities) o Secuencia de sonidos (a): Identificación del sonido inicial usando palabras que empiezan con a, e, o Presentar las palabras de ortografía Escoger unas de las actividades para practicar deletreando las palabras (Teacher Toolkit: Spelling Chants) p. 28 Desarrollar el vocabulario oral p. 31 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso frecuente o Presentación de las palabras Lunes Spelling Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills) Escuchar al maestro leer el librito de fonética El día de papá en voz alta Practicar la lectura en eco usando el librito de fonética El día de papá (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Echo Reading) p. 36 Fonética: Las vocales i, u Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica o Cantar la rima Relacionar el sonido y la letra o Práctica del sonido y la sílaba Hacer una actividad para desarrollar la conciencia fonémica y la fonética (Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities) o Secuencia de sonidos (a): Identificación del sonido inicial usando palabras que empiezan con i, u Escoger unas de las actividades para practicar las palabras de ortografía (Teacher Toolkit: Games/Activities to Practice Spelling Words) p. 37 Caligrafía: Trazos o Postura y posición del papel o Sujetar el lápiz Práctica de hacer rayas p. 37 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso frecuente o Juego de letras Martes Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills) Practicar la lectura en eco usando el librito de fonética El día de papá (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Echo Reading) SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 Page 6 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Jueves Miércoles Revised 3/9/16 pp. 42-43 Fonética: Las vocales a, e, i, o, u Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica o Cante la rima Relacionar el sonido y la letra Actividades para practicar la fonética o Busca la vocal Librito de fonética Hacer una actividad para desarrollar la conciencia fonémica y la fonética (Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities) o Partes de una palabra (c): Unión de sílabas Librito de fonética 1, El día de papá Escoger unas de las actividades para practicar deletreando las palabras (Teacher Toolkit: Spelling Chants) p. 43 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso frecuente Escoger una actividad de vocabulario práctico para repasar las palabras de la semana. (Teacher Toolkit: HandsOn Vocabulary Instruction) Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills) Leer el librito de fonética El día de papá en coro (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Choral Reading) pp. 48-49 Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con m Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica Relacionar el sonido y la letra o Libro de fonética o Atención a necesidades diversas Hacer una actividad para desarrollar la conciencia fonémica y la fonética (Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities) o Secuencia de sonidos (c): Identificación de la sílaba inicial usando palabras que empiezan con ma, me, mi, mo, mu o Partes de una palabra (c): Unión de sílabas Escoger unas de las actividades para practicar las palabras de ortografía (Teacher Toolkit: Games/Activities to Practice Spelling Words) p. 49 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso frecuente o Asociar palabras Escoger una actividad de vocabulario práctico para repasar las palabras de la semana. (Teacher Toolkit: HandsOn Vocabulary Instruction) Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills) Leer el librito de fonética El día de papá en coro (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Choral Reading) SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 Page 7 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Viernes Revised 3/9/16 pp. 54-55 Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con p Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica Relacionar el sonido y la letra Actividades para practicar la fonética o Relación con el cuento Hacer una actividad para desarrollar la conciencia fonémica y la fonética (Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities) o Secuencia de sonidos (c): Identificación de la sílaba inicial usando palabras que empiezan con pa, pe, pi, po, pu o Partes de una palabra activity (c): Unión de sílabas mi me amo mamá papá Weekly Spelling Words mapa papa ama puma Pepe Escoger unas de las actividades para practicar las palabras de ortografía (Teacher Toolkit: Games/Activities to Practice Spelling Words) Examen de ortografía el la soy High Frequency Words yo osito quiero p. 55 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso frecuente o Formar oraciones Escoger una actividad de vocabulario práctico para repasar las palabras de la semana. (Teacher Toolkit: HandsOn Vocabulary Instruction) Vocabulary Words mascota irse nombre primer mochila Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills) Leer el librito de fonética El día de papá en coro (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Choral Reading) Academic Vocabulary nombre alfabeto apellido letra libro predecir título Comprehension Focus Lessons 15 Minutes Note: On Mondays, a read aloud of a mentor text will be done during the comprehension focus lesson. Therefore, 10 minutes will be added to the focus lesson and an additional read aloud after small group/work station time will not take place. Semana 2: Predecir Focus: Predicting involves thinking about what is known in the text and anticipate what will happen next. There are no wrong answers in predicting. The accuracy of the prediction will become evident when the next section of the text is read. (Trisha Callella, Reading Comprehension: Tools for Tackling Text. CTP, 2000.) Day 1: Introduce the comprehension skill with a read aloud. (Teacher Toolkit: Teaching Comprehension; Thinking Aloud; Making Predictions) Before teaching the skill of making predictions, preview the text to look for good places to model. Mark stopping points where you will think aloud and make predictions. Make predictions about the title or sections of the text. Ask students if they ever try to guess what is going to happen next when watching a movie. Explain that good readers do that when reading by using what they already know along with clues from the story to make predictions. Show students your thinking by talking through a prediction using the title and cover illustrations of the read aloud. Make a connection to personal experiences whenever possible. Stop two to three times to adjust or make new predictions based on textual evidence/personal experience. Ask students to turn and talk to their partner to predict what will happen next and explain why. After the read aloud, remind students that good readers make predictions when they are reading. SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 Page 8 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Revised 3/9/16 Días 2 - 5: Repasar la destreza de comprensión a través de la semana. Día 2: p. 30 Desarrollar la comprensión auditiva Enseñar: Hacer predicciones o Demostrar o Practicar Día 3: p. 40 Desarrollar la comprensión auditiva Practicar: Hacer predicciones Día 4: p. 46 Practicar: Hacer predicciones Repaso: Repasar Idea Principal o Idea principal de una ilustración Día 5: Modelar la destreza de hacer predicciones al leer un libro en voz alta. Usar las estrategias de pensar en voz alta para modelar la destreza. Small Group Guided Reading Instruction/Work Stations 35 Minutes Please Note: During the first three weeks, Work Stations will not occur simultaneously with Small Group Guided Reading Instruction. This will allow time for the teacher to establish Work Station routines/management. The students will work at two stations this week. Each work station should have differentiated activities that reinforce skills and strategies taught during whole group instruction. This week’s work station is: The Drama/Retelling Station (El taller de dramatización/volver a contar) The teacher will follow the procedures listed below for introducing and maintaining work stations: Introduce the Drama/Retelling Station to the whole class as a “Fish-Bowl” demonstration on Monday and Tuesday. Then have the class observe a group using the work station. The students will determine what went well and determine the needed rules for work station use. Review how to use last week’s Independent Reading Station also. Practice movement to and from work stations, giving explicit directions and observing, noting, and sharing progress with students. Show students how to document work done at the work station and how to use and put away materials (suggestion – a work station folder for each student). Use the first three weeks to visit each work station to observe, converse with each student and take anecdotal notes. Provide book baskets at each work station in case the students finish all of their work early. On Wednesday and Thursday, divide the class into groups. Groups will practice working at the Drama/Retelling Station and the Independent Reading Station. Teacher will circulate from station to station. On Friday, have the students create a list of rules for the Drama/Retelling Station. Go to the Teacher Toolkit for ideas on work station activities. Read Aloud 10 Minutes Routine: Preread the book to be familiar with the content and how to guide student discussion. Establish a purpose, tell why you selected the book, and familiarize them with the author, illustrator, and genre. Ask students to make predictions. Model comments and reflections as you read. Find a few places to pause and invite students to comment. Keep the pace of the reading so that it is not disjointed, but enjoyable. Keep a list of books you have read aloud and post it so that students can use the list to make connections. Place books you have read aloud in a special container, or display them in the classroom library for easy access. SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 Page 9 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Revised 3/9/16 Resources Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities Fluency Speed Drills Ways to Teach Fluency packet Spelling Chants Games/Activities to Practice Weekly Spelling Words Hands-On Vocabulary Instruction SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period Textbook: Scott Foresman Lectura Guía del maestro, Vol. 1 – ¡Qué bien la pasamos!, Páginas 16-57 Superlibro Mariza en la escuela Librito de fonética 1, El día de papá Additional Resources: Cartel de rimas y canciones Audiocasete de la selección Audiocasete para desarrollar el contexto Cuaderno de práctica Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 Suggested Read Alouds: Las huellas de los animales by Arthur Dorros Froggy juega al fútbol by Jonathan London El perro vagabundo by Marc Simont Harry, el perrito sucio by Gene Zion Podría haber sido peor… by A.H. Benjamín Moncho y la mancha by Kilo DaSilva Page 10 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Revised 3/9/16 Week 3 The Teaching and Learning Plan for Superlibro Mariza en la escuela Instructional Model/Teacher Directions Daily Instructional Routines 30 Minutes pp. 68-69 Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con s Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica o Activar conocimientos previos Relacionar el sonido y la letra o Formar una palabra Rutina o Separar sonidos de letras Hacer una actividad para desarrollar la conciencia fonémica y la fonética (Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities) o Secuencia de sonidos (c): Identificación de la sílaba inicial usando palabras que empiezan con sa, se, si, so, su o Partes de una palabra (a): Segmentación de sílabas Lunes Spelling p. 74 Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con n Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica o Cartel de rimas y canciones de fonética Relacionar el sonido y la sílaba o Sílabas con n Hacer una actividad para desarrollar la conciencia fonémica y la fonética (Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities) o Secuencia de sonidos (c): Identificación de la sílaba inicial usando palabras que empiezan con na, ne, ni, no, nu Martes Phonemic Awareness/Phonics SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period Vocabulary Fluency Presentar las palabras de ortografía Escoger unas de las actividades para practicar deletreando las palabras (Teacher Toolkit: Spelling Chants) p. 69 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso frecuente o Presentación de las palabras Repasar las palabras de vocabulario Escoger unas de las actividades para practicar las palabras de ortografía (Teacher Toolkit: Games/Activities to Practice Spelling Words) p. 75 Caligrafía: Trazos o Escribir n p. 75 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso frecuente o Juego de enlazar palabras y oraciones Repasar las palabras de vocabulario Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills) Escuchar al maestro leer el librito de fonética Pasa la bola en voz alta Practicar la lectura en eco usando el librito de fonética Pasa la bola (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Echo Reading) Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills) Practicar la lectura en eco usando el librito de fonética Pasa la bola (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Echo Reading) Page 11 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Miércoles pp. 86-87 Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con d Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica Relacionar el sonido y la letra o Librito de fonética o Atención a necesidades diversas Hacer una actividad para desarrollar la conciencia fonémica y la fonética (Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities) o Secuencia de sonidos (c): Identificación de la sílaba inicial usando palabras que empiezan con da, de, di, do, du o Partes de una palabra (a/c): Segmentación/Unión de sílabas Escoger unas de las actividades Jueves Revised 3/9/16 pp. 80-81 Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con l Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica o Cartel de rimas y canciones de fonética Relacionar el sonido y la letra Actividades para practicar la fonética o Cántalo a tu manera Librito de fonética o Encuentra palabras con l Hacer una actividad para desarrollar la conciencia fonémica y la fonética (Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities) o Partes de una palabra (a): Segmentación de sílabas Librito de fonética 2, Pasa la bola SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period Escoger unas de las actividades para practicar deletreando las palabras (Teacher Toolkit: Spelling Chants) para practicar las palabras de ortografía (Teacher Toolkit: Games/Activities to Practice Spelling Words) p. 81 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso frecuente Escoger una actividad de vocabulario práctico para repasar las palabras de la semana. (Teacher Toolkit: Hands-On Vocabulary Instruction) Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad p. 87 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso frecuente Escoger una actividad de vocabulario práctico para repasar las palabras de la semana. (Teacher Toolkit: Hands-On Vocabulary Instruction) Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills) Leer el librito de fonética Pasa la bola en coro (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Choral Reading) (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills) Leer el librito de fonética Pasa la bola en coro (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Choral Reading) Page 12 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Viernes pp. 92-93 Fonética: Palabras que riman Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica Relacionar los sonidos y las sílabas Actividades para practicar la fonética o Palabras que riman en rimas tradicionales Hacer una actividad para desarrollar la conciencia fonémica y la fonética (Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities) o Rimas y aliteración (a): Rimas o Partes de una palabra (a/c): Segmentación/Unión de sílabas Escoger unas de las actividades para practicar las palabras de ortografía (Teacher Toolkit: Games/Activities to Practice Spelling Words) Examen de ortografía p. 93 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso frecuente Escoger una actividad de vocabulario práctico para repasar las palabras de la semana. (Teacher Toolkit: Hands-On Vocabulary Instruction) Revised 3/9/16 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills) Leer el librito de fonética Pasa la bola en coro (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Choral Reading) o Weekly Spelling Words uno sol lado nido dado dudo son liso dame pan High Frequency Words también así tu tengo no pero Vocabulary Words mascota nombre mochila irse primer Academic Vocabulary título página titular autor/autora vocal rima clasificar Comprehension Focus Lessons 15 Minutes Semana 3: Clasificar Focus: Creating categories involves placing things or groups based on how they are similar. Organizing the details of a story into categories helps the reader keep track of what is important and determine how the pieces of the story fit together. (Trisha Callella, Reading Comprehension: Tools for Tackling Text. CTP, 2000.) Personajes Escenario Problema Resolución Day 1: Provide sets of picture cards or objects for students to sort. Have a variety such as groups of animals (include mammals, birds, reptiles, etc.), foods, clothes, etc. If possible, create the same set of pictures or objects for several groups of students. Tell students that they are going to help you decide how to group the pictures/objects into different sets. Explain that they are to look over the pictures/objects and decide how they are similar and then they will group those particular things together. This is going to be an open sort so you will not give much direction to the students. Therefore, students will have to think how they would like to group the pictures/objects. There are many possible answers. For example, if one of the groups is animals, the children could even break the groups down further into mammals, birds, and reptiles, or animals with fur and animals without fur, animals with two legs and animals with four legs, etc. After students have categorized their pictures/objects, call on students or groups to come to the front and display their pictures/objects on a pocket chart and explain how they categorized them together. SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 Page 13 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Revised 3/9/16 Explain that there are many ways to categorize the pictures/objects and that this skill helps readers to organize story details so they can decide what information is important and how the pieces of the story fit together. NOTE: During the read alouds this week, model how to categorize story information. You can begin by using a story chart to help students sort out the characters, setting, problem, solution. Días 2-5: Repasar la destreza de comprensión a través de la semana. Día 2: p. 72 Desarrollar la comprensión auditiva Enseñar: Clasificar o Demostrar o Practicar Día 3: p. 78 Desarrollar la comprensión auditiva Practicar: Clasificar Día 4: p. 84 Practicar: Clasificar Repasar: Causa y efecto o Usar causa y efecto Día 5: Los alumnos van a clasificar más fotos/objetos. Distribuya un conjunto de fotos/objetos a cada grupo y dígales que van a clasificarlos de acuerdo con lo que tienen en común. Deje que cada grupo explique cómo clasificaron las fotos/los objetos. Small Group Guided Reading Instruction/Work Stations 35 Minutes Please Note: During the first three weeks, Work Stations will not occur simultaneously with Small Group Guided Reading Instruction. This will allow time for the teacher to establish Work Station routines/management. The students will work at three stations this week. Each work station should have differentiated activities that reinforce skills and strategies taught during whole group instruction. This week’s work station is: The Word Work Station (El taller de palabras). Assign a captain for each group. Explain the “Ask three before me” rule. Explain that the captain is the only person allowed out of his/her seat. If a student needs help, he/she may ask the captain, who in turn may solicit an answer from three others before asking the teacher. Only the captain of each group is permitted to ask the teacher a question. This will eliminate students getting out of their seats and interrupting the teacher during Small Group Guided Reading Instruction (which begins next week). The teacher will follow the procedures listed below for introducing and maintaining work stations: Introduce the Word Work Station to the whole class as a “Fish-Bowl” demonstration on Monday and Tuesday. Review how to use the previous two week’s Independent Reading and Drama/Retelling Stations also. Then have the class observe a group using the work station. The students will determine what went well and determine the needed rules for work station use. Practice movement to and from work stations, giving explicit directions and observing, noting, and sharing progress with students. Show students how to document work done at the work station and how to use and put away materials (suggestion – a work station folder for each student). Use the first three weeks to visit each work station to observe, converse with each student and take anecdotal notes. Provide book baskets at each work station in case the students finish all of their work early. On Wednesday and Thursday, divide the class into groups. Groups will practice working at the Word Work Station, Drama/Retelling Station and the Independent Reading Station. Teacher will circulate from station to station. On Friday, have the students create a list of rules for the Word Work Station. Go to the Teacher Toolkit for ideas on work station activities. SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 Page 14 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Revised 3/9/16 Read Aloud 10 Minutes Routine: Preread the book to be familiar with the content and how to guide student discussion. Establish a purpose, tell why you selected the book, and familiarize them with the author, illustrator, and genre. Ask students to make predictions. Model comments and reflections as you read. Find a few places to pause and invite students to comment. Keep the pace of the reading so that it is not disjointed, but enjoyable. Keep a list of books you have read aloud and post it so that students can use the list to make connections. Place books you have read aloud in a special container, or display them in the classroom library for easy access. Resources Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities Fluency Speed Drills Ways to Teach Fluency packet Spelling Chants Games/Activities to Practice Weekly Spelling Words Hands-On Vocabulary Instruction SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period Textbook: Scott Foresman Lectura Guía del maestro, Vol. 1 – ¡Qué bien la pasamos!, Páginas 58-95 Superlibro Mariza en la escuela Librito de fonética 2, Pasa la bola Additional Resources: Cartel de rimas y canciones Audiocasete de la selección Audiocasete para desarrollar el contexto Cuaderno de práctica Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 Suggested Read Alouds: The Bilingual Book of Rimes, Songs, Stories and Fingerplays by Pam Schiller, Rafael Lara-Alecio, and Beverly J. Irby ¿Tu mamá es una llama? by Deborah Guarino Tito, Tito: Rimas, adivinanzas y juegos infantiles by Isabel Schon Relajo en la cocina by Adela Artola Allen Page 15 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Revised 3/9/16 Week 4 The Teaching and Learning Plan for Superlibro Muchos papás Instructional Model/Teacher Directions Daily Instructional Routines 30 Minutes Martes Lunes Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Spelling Vocabulary pp. 112-113 Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con t Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica o Empareja Relacionar el sonido y la letra o Encuentra la sílaba Rutina o Hacer nuevas palabras Hacer una actividad para desarrollar la conciencia fonémica y la fonética (Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities) o Secuencia de sonidos (c): Identificación de la sílaba inicial usando palabras que empiezan con ta, te, ti, to, tu o Partes de una palabra (d): Unión de sonidos Presentar las palabras de ortografía Escoger unas de las actividades para practicar deletreando las palabras (Teacher Toolkit: Spelling Chants) p. 110 Desarrollar el vocabulario oral o Represéntalo p. 118 Escoger unas de las actividades para practicar las palabras de ortografía (Teacher Toolkit: Games/Activities to Practice Spelling Words) p. 119 Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con b Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica o Cartel de rimas y canciones de fonética Relacionar el sonido y la sílaba Hacer una actividad para desarrollar la conciencia fonémica y la fonética (Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities) o Secuencia de sonidos (c): Identificación de la sílaba inicial usando palabras que empiezan con ba, be, bi, bo, bu SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period p. 113 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso frecuente o Presentación de las palabras Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso frecuente o Juegan a “¡Créalo!” Repasar las palabras de vocabulario p. 119 Caligrafía: Trazos o Postura en la escritura o Practicar trazos Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 Fluency Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills) Escuchar al maestro leer el librito de fonética De la A a la Z en voz alta Practicar la lectura en eco usando el librito de fonética De la A a la Z (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Echo Reading) Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills) Practicar la lectura en eco usando el librito de fonética De la A a la Z (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Echo Reading) Page 16 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Escoger unas de las actividades para practicar deletreando las palabras (Teacher Toolkit: Spelling Chants) Miércoles p. 125 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso frecuente o Jugar a “Encuéntralo” Escoger una actividad de vocabulario práctico para repasar las palabras de la semana. (Teacher Toolkit: Hands-On Vocabulary Instruction) Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills) Leer el librito de fonética De la A a la Z en coro (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Choral Reading) pp. 130-131 Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con ch Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica o ¡Escúchalo! Relacionar el sonido y la letra o Librito de fonética o Atención a necesidades diversas Hacer una actividad para desarrollar la conciencia fonémica y la fonética (Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities) o Secuencia de sonidos (c): Identificación de la sílaba inicial usando palabras que empiezan con cha, che, chi, cho, chu o Partes de una palabra (cd): Unión de sonidos o Separación de sonidos activity (b): Segmentación de sonidos Escoger unas de las actividades para practicar las palabras de ortografía (Teacher Toolkit: Games/Activities to Practice Spelling Words) p. 131 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso frecuente o Buscar la palabra Escoger una actividad de vocabulario práctico para repasar las palabras de la semana. (Teacher Toolkit: Hands-On Vocabulary Instruction) Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills) Leer el librito de fonética De la A a la Z en coro (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Choral Reading) Jueves Revised 3/9/16 pp. 124-125 Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con f Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica Relacionar el sonido y la letra Actividades para practicar la fonética o La familia en la playa Librito de fonética Hacer una actividad para desarrollar la conciencia fonémica y la fonética (Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities) o Separación de sonidos (b): Segmentación de sonidos SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 Page 17 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Viernes Revised 3/9/16 p. 136 Escoger unas de las actividades para Fonética: Orden alfabético Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica Relacionar el sonido y la letra Actividades para practicar la fonética o Círculo alfabético Hacer una actividad para desarrollar la conciencia fonémica y la fonética (Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities) o Secuencia de sonidos (a): Identificación del sonido inicial o Partes de una palabra (d): Unión de sonidos o Separación de sonidos (b): Segmentación de sonidos practicar las palabras de ortografía (Teacher Toolkit: Games/Activities to Practice Spelling Words) Examen de ortografía Weekly Spelling Words bote bata fecha tapa leche fin muchacho debe pito maleta p. 137 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso frecuente o Búsqueda de palabras Escoger una actividad de vocabulario práctico para repasar las palabras de la semana. (Teacher Toolkit: HandsOn Vocabulary Instruction) High Frequency Words está en gracia eres con para Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills) Leer el librito de fonética De la A a la Z en coro (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Choral Reading) Vocabulary Words jugar trabajar de paseo orgullosos Academic Vocabulary título página titular autor/autora vocal rima Comprehension Focus Lessons 15 Minutes Note: On Mondays, a read aloud of a mentor text will be done during the comprehension focus lesson. Therefore, 10 minutes will be added to the focus lesson and an additional read aloud after small group/work station time will not take place. Semana 4: Idea Principal Focus: The main idea is the most important idea of a topic. Identifying the main idea involves determining the focus or theme of a story. This requires being able to see how the details of the story work together to support one idea. (Trisha Callella, Reading Comprehension: Tools for Tackling Text. CTP, 2000.) Day 1: Introduce the comprehension skill (main idea) with a read aloud. (Teacher Toolkit: Teaching Comprehension; Thinking Aloud; Main Idea) Before reading, pre-select two or three stopping points to teach main idea. Place sticky notes on the pages you will be thinking aloud. The main idea is what a story is all about. Authors use small pieces of information called supporting details to tell more about the main idea. Good readers think about the main idea to help them understand the story. Read a short nonfiction article/selection. Find a good stopping point to state the main idea. Do a think aloud. “The sentences are mostly about _________. I think the main idea is ________.” (“Las oraciones tratan principalmente de __________________________. Creo que la idea principal es _____________.”) Continue to read the article. Continue to think aloud. Remind students that the main idea is the most important idea. Supporting details tell more about the main idea. Have students write the main idea in their reader’s notebooks. SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 Page 18 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Revised 3/9/16 Días 2-5: Repasar la destreza de comprensión a través de la semana. Día 2: p. 116 Desarrollar la comprensión auditiva Enseñar: Identificar la idea principal o Demostrar o Practicar Día 3: p. 122 Desarrollar la comprensión auditiva Practicar: Idea principal Día 4: p. 128 Practicar: Identificar la idea principal Repasar: Clasificar o Buscar categorías Día 5: Preparen varios párrafos de 3 ó 4 oraciones que no expresan la idea principal y escríbalas en hojas de papel. Lean los párrafos a los alumnos y pídales que discutan lo que las oraciones de cada párrafo tienen en común. Pida que los alumnos decidan en una oración que expresa la idea principal y escríbala en una tira de papel. Invite a los alumnos a justificar la razón por cada idea principal. Small Group Guided Reading Instruction/Work Stations 35 Minutes Please Note: This week Small Group Guided Reading Instruction will occur simultaneously with the Work Stations. Small groups should be formed based on teacher observation during the whole group instruction. The students will work at four stations this week. Each work station should have differentiated activities that reinforce skills and strategies taught during whole group instruction. This week’s work station is: The Writing Station (El taller de escritura). Review the “Ask three before me” rule. Review that the captain is the only person allowed out of his/her seat. If a student needs help, he/she may ask the captain, who in turn may solicit an answer from three others before asking the teacher. Only the captain of each group is permitted to ask the teacher a question. This will eliminate students getting out of their seats and interrupting the teacher during Small Group Guided Reading Instruction. The teacher will follow the procedures listed below for introducing and maintaining work stations: Introduce the Writing Station to the whole class as a “Fish-Bowl” demonstration on Monday and Tuesday. Then have the class observe a group using the work station. The students will determine what went well and determine the needed rules for work station use. Practice how the “Ask three before me” rule will work. Have students practice going to the work stations. The teacher will pull a group of students for Small Group Guided Reading Instruction and the captains will model how the “Ask three before me” rule. Practice movement to and from work stations, giving explicit directions and observing, noting, and sharing progress with students. Show students how to document work done at the work station and how to use and put away materials (suggestion – a work station folder for each student). Use a few minutes before meeting with small groups to visit each work station to observe and and take anecdotal notes. Provide book baskets at each work station in case the students finish all of their work early. On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, divide the class into groups. Groups will practice working at the Writing Station, Word Work Station, Independent Reading Station and Drama/Retelling Station. On Friday, finish work stations/Small Group Guided Reading Instruction a few minutes early and have the students create a list of rules for the Writing Station. Go to the Teacher Toolkit for ideas on work stations. SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 Page 19 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Revised 3/9/16 Read Aloud 10 Minutes Routine: Preread the book to be familiar with the content and how to guide student discussion. Establish a purpose, tell why you selected the book, and familiarize them with the author, illustrator, and genre. Ask students to make predictions. Model comments and reflections as you read. Find a few places to pause and invite students to comment. Keep the pace of the reading so that it is not disjointed, but enjoyable. Keep a list of books you have read aloud and post it so that students can use the list to make connections. Place books you have read aloud in a special container, or display them in the classroom library for easy access. Resources Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities Fluency Speed Drills Ways to Teach Fluency packet Spelling Chants Games/Activities to Practice Weekly Spelling Words Hands-On Vocabulary Instruction SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period Textbook: Scott Foresman Lectura Guía del maestro, Vol. 1 – ¡Qué bien la pasamos!, Páginas 96-139 Superlibro Muchos papás Librito de fonética 3, De la A a la Z Additional Resources: Cartel de rimas y canciones Audiocasete de la selección Audiocasete para desarrollar el contexto Cuaderno de práctica Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 Suggested Read Alouds: El hallazgo de Jamaica by Juanita Havill Por amor a nuestra Tierra by P.K. Hallinan Rita, ¡NO GRITES! by Flávia Muniz Inés del revés by Anita Jeram Crisantemo by Kevin Henkes Page 20 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Revised 3/9/16 Week 5 Week 5: The Teaching and Learning Plan for Superlibro Muchos papás Instructional Model/Teacher Directions Daily Instructional Routines 30 Minutes Martes Lunes Phonemic Awareness/Phonics pp. 150-151 Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con ga, go, gu D54Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica o ¡A maullar! Relacionar el sonido y la letra o Levanten la cabeza o Haz una palabra Rutina o Discriminación de sonidos Hacer una actividad para desarrollar la conciencia fonémica y la fonética (Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities) o Secuencia de sonidos (c): Identificación de la sílaba inicial usando palabras que empiezan con ga, go, gu o Manipulación de sonidos (a/b): Omisión del sonido inicial y final p. 157 Fonética: Sílabas abiertas gue, gui Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica Relacionar el sonido y la sílaba Hacer una actividad para desarrollar la conciencia fonémica y la fonética (Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities) o Secuencia de sonidos (c): Identificación de la sílaba inicial usando palabras que empiezan con gue, gui o Manipulación de sonidos (a/b): Omisión del sonido inicial y final SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period Spelling Vocabulary Fluency Presentar las palabras de ortografía Escoger unas de las actividades para practicar deletreando las palabras (Teacher Toolkit: Spelling Chants) p. 151 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso frecuente Repasar las palabras de vocabulario Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills) Escuchar al maestro leer el librito de fonética El gato Gabi en voz alta Practicar la lectura en eco usando el librito de fonética (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Echo Reading) Escoger unas de las actividades para practicar las palabras de ortografía (Teacher Toolkit: Games/Activities to Practice Spelling Words) p. 157 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso frecuente o Jueguen a formar una oración Escoger una actividad de vocabulario práctico para repasar las palabras de la semana. (Teacher Toolkit: Hands-On Vocabulary Instruction) Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills) Practicar la lectura en eco usando el librito de fonética El gato Gabi (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Echo Reading) p. 157 Caligrafía: Trazos Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 Page 21 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Viernes Jueves Miércoles Revised 3/9/16 pp. 162-163 Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con ñ Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica Relacionar el sonido y la letra Actividades para practicar la fonética o Buscar palabras con ñ Librito de fonética Evaluación continua Hacer una actividad para desarrollar la conciencia fonémica y la fonética (Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities) o Manipulación de sonidos (c/d): Omisión de la sílaba inicial y final pp. 168-169 Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con v Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica Relacionar el sonido y la letra o Librito de fonética o Atención a necesidades diversas Hacer una actividad para desarrollar la conciencia fonémica y la fonética (Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities) o Manipulación de sonidos (c/d): Omisión de la sílaba inicial y final pp. 174-175 Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con ll Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica Relacionar el sonido y la letra Actividades para practicar la fonética o Cartel de rimas y canciones de fonética Hacer una actividad para desarrollar la conciencia fonémica y la fonética (Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities) o Secuencia de sonidos (a): Identificación del sonido inicial o Partes de una palabra (d): Unión de sonidos o Separación de sonidos (b): Segmentación de sonidos SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period Escoger unas de las actividades para practicar deletreando las palabras (Teacher Toolkit: Spelling Chants) p. 163 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso frecuente o Bolsas de palabras Escoger una actividad de vocabulario práctico para repasar las palabras de la semana. (Teacher Toolkit: Hands-On Vocabulary Instruction) Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills) Leer el librito de fonética El gato Gabi en coro (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Choral Reading) Escoger unas de las actividades para practicar las palabras de ortografía (Teacher Toolkit: Games/Activities to Practice Spelling Words) p. 169 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso frecuente o Repásala Escoger una actividad de vocabulario práctico para repasar las palabras de la semana. (Teacher Toolkit: Hands-On Vocabulary Instruction) Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills) Leer el librito de fonética El gato Gabi en coro (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Choral Reading) p. 175 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso frecuente o ¿Quién lo hace? Escoger una actividad de vocabulario práctico para repasar las palabras de la semana. (Teacher Toolkit: Hands-On Vocabulary Instruction) Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills) Leer el librito de fonética El gato Gabi en coro (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Choral Reading) Escoger unas de las actividades para practicar las palabras de ortografía (Teacher Toolkit: Games/Activities to Practice Spelling Words) Examen de ortografía Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 Page 22 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Revised 3/9/16 Weekly Spelling Words llega uña gota llave van año llama gato gusano uva High Frequency Words a como mamá papá qué más Vocabulary Words jugar trabajar de paseo orgullosos Academic Vocabulary palabra de uso frecuente dibujo ilustración realidad fantasía Comprehension Focus Lessons 15 Minutes Note: On Mondays, a read aloud of a mentor text will be done during the comprehension focus lesson. Therefore, 10 minutes will be added to the focus lesson and an additional read aloud after small group/work station time will not take place. Semana 5: Realidad y Fantasía Día 1: Introduce the comprehension skill (reality and fantasy) with a read aloud. Begin the lesson by asking students if anyone knows the meaning of the terms “fantasy” and “reality.” Explain that “reality” is something that can occur in real life and that “fantasy” is something that cannot happen. Tell students that they are going to listen to a story read aloud that contains elements of both “fantasy” and “reality”. Give a few examples of fantasy and reality. Read a book that has elements of both fantasy and reality such as Where the Wild Things Are/Donde viven los monstruos by Maurice Sendak. After reading the store, make a T-chart on the board. Write Reality (What Could Happen)/Realidad (Lo que podría suceder) on the left and Fantasy (What Could Not Happen)/Fantasía (Lo que no podría suceder) on the right. Ask students to name events from the story that could and could not happen in real life and write them in the correct column. Ask them to explain why each event is fantasy or reality. Días 2 - 5: Repasar la destreza de comprensión a través de la semana. Día 2: p. 154 Desarrollar la comprensión auditiva Enseñar: Realidad y fantasía o Demostrar o Practicar SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period Día 3: p. 160 Desarrollar la comprensión auditiva Practicar: Realidad y fantasía Día 4: p. 166 Practicar: Realidad y fantasía Repasar: Repasar el propósito de la autora o Usar el propósito del autor Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 Día 5: Hacer un repaso de la realidad y la fantasía. Escriba FANTASÍA en una tarjeta y REALIDAD en otra. Ponga las tarjetas en un cartelón de bolsillos formando dos columnas. Escriba ejemplos de fantasía y realidad en tarjetas. Haga que los alumnos clasifiquen las tarjetas como fantasía o realidad y que pongan la tarjeta en la columna correcta en el cartelón de bolsillos. Page 23 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Revised 3/9/16 Small Group Guided Reading Instruction/Work Stations 35 Minutes Please Note: This week Small Group Guided Reading Instruction will occur simultaneously with the Work Stations. Small groups should be formed based on teacher observation during the whole group instruction. The students will work at all five stations this week. Each work station should have differentiated activities that reinforce skills and strategies taught during whole group instruction. This week’s new work station is: The Listening Station (El taller de escuchar). Review the “Ask three before me” rule. Review that the captain is the only person allowed out of his/her seat. If a student needs help, he/she may ask the captain, who in turn may solicit an answer from three others before asking the teacher. Only the captain of each group is permitted to ask the teacher a question. This will eliminate students getting out of their seats and interrupting the teacher during Small Group Guided Reading Instruction. The teacher will follow the procedures listed below for introducing and maintaining work stations: Introduce the Listening Station to the whole class as a “Fish-Bowl” demonstration on Monday. Then have the class observe a group using the work station. The students will determine what went well and determine the needed rules for work station use. Practice how the “Ask three before me” rule will work. Have students practice going to the work stations. The teacher will pull a group of students for Small Group Guided Reading Instruction and the captains will model how the “Ask three before me” rule. Practice movement to and from work stations, giving explicit directions and observing, noting, and sharing progress with students. Show students how to document work done at the work station and how to use and put away materials (suggestion – a work station folder for each student). Use a few minutes before meeting with small groups to visit each work station to observe and take anecdotal notes. Provide book baskets at each work station in case the students finish all of their work early. On Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, divide the class into groups. Groups will practice working at the Listening Station, Writing Station, Word Work Station, Independent Reading Station and Drama/Retelling Station. On Friday, finish work stations/Small Group Guided Reading Instruction a few minutes early and have the students create a list of rules for the Listening Station. Go to the Teacher Toolkit for ideas on work station activities. Read Aloud 10 Minutes Routine: Preread the book to be familiar with the content and how to guide student discussion. Establish a purpose, tell why you selected the book, and familiarize them with the author, illustrator, and genre. Ask students to make predictions. Model comments and reflections as you read. Find a few places to pause and invite students to comment. Keep the pace of the reading so that it is not disjointed, but enjoyable. Keep a list of books you have read aloud and post it so that students can use the list to make connections. Place books you have read aloud in a special container, or display them in the classroom library for easy access. SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 Page 24 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Revised 3/9/16 Resources Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities Fluency Speed Drills Ways to Teach Fluency packet Spelling Chants Games/Activities to Practice Weekly Spelling Words Hands-On Vocabulary Instruction Textbook: Scott Foresman Lectura Guía del maestro, Vol. 1, Unidad 1 – ¡Qué bien la pasamos!, Páginas 140-177 Superlibro Muchos papás Librito de fonética 4, El gato Gabi Additional Resources: Cartel de rimas y canciones Audiocasete de la selección Audiocasete para desarrollar el contexto Cuaderno de práctica Suggested Read Alouds: Donde viven los monstruos by Maurice Sendak Frederick by Leo Lionni El trapito feliz by Tony Ross La torre de Zoe by Paul and Emma Rogers Marta habla by Susan Meddaugh Mi dinosaurio by Mark Alan Weatherby Evidence of Learning Differentiation Interims/TAKS/Benchmarks What do you do for students who need additional support? Students will meet with the teacher for Small Group Guided Reading Instruction. The teacher will do a skills lesson to address the needs of students and the students will apply that skill to their reading. Work stations are differentiated to meet the needs of the learner. Students will have additional practice to help them master the skills learned during whole group instruction. Sample Questions Third Grade: TAKS Released Test Source: TEA Website – February 2006 Spanish Reading 4. El párrafo 2 trata principalmente de — O los problemas de salud de Willy What do you do for students who master the learning quickly? Activities/materials offered during Small Group Guided Reading Instruction and work stations are differentiated to meet the needs of the learner. O qué raza es Willy SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period O lo que pasó después de que Willy salió del hospital O un problema que tenía Willy en el lomo Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 College-Readiness (Anticipated Skills for SAT/ACT/College Board/Careers/Life) Sample Questions Fifth Grade: TAKS Released Test Source: TEA Website – February 2006 Spanish Reading 34. Los párrafos del 21 al 32 tratan principalmente de — F Rosa Parks, una mujer que luchó por los derechos civiles de los afroamericanos G la vez que el abuelito de Alissa estuvo con Martín Luther King, Jr. H lo que Alissa ha leído acerca del movimiento de los derechos civiles J los recuerdos que tiene el abuelito de Alissa del movimiento de los derechos civiles Page 25 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Revised 3/9/16 Evidence of Learning Formative Mini Assessment SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period TAKS Benchmarks Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 College-Readiness Anticipated Skills for SAT/ACT/College Board Page 26 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Revised 3/9/16 Bilingual Reading – Grade 1 Unit of Study: Take a Closer Look at the World CURRICULUM OVERVIEW First Grading Period Weeks 6 – 9 Big Idea Unit Rationale “Inferring is the heart of meaning construction for learners of all ages. When readers infer, they use their prior knowledge and textual clues to draw conclusions and form unique interpretations of text” (107). Miller, D. (2002). Reading with Meaning. Stenhouse Publishers, Markham, Ontario. “Readers determine meanings of unknown words by using their schema, paying attention to textual and picture clues, rereading, and engaging in conversations with others. Readers make predictions about text and confirm or contradict their predictions as they read on” (121). Miller, D. (2002). Reading with Meaning. Stenhouse Publishers, Markham, Ontario. TEKS Specificity – Intended Outcome Concepts TEKS TEKS Grade 1 (Reading) The students will… 1C participate in rhymes, songs, conversations, and discussions 2A connect experiences and ideas with those of others through speaking and listening 3C ask and answer relevant questions and make contributions in small or large group discussions 4B use vocabulary to describe clearly ideas, feeling, and experiences 5A recognize that print represents spoken language and conveys meaning such as his/her own name and signs 5C understand that written words are separated by spaces 5F know the difference between capital and lowercase letters 5G recognize how readers use capitalization and punctuation to comprehend 5I recognize that different parts of a book such as cover, title page, and table of contents offer information 5J recognize that there are correct spellings for words 6B identify, segment, and combine syllables within spoken words such as by clapping syllables, etc. 6D(ii) identify vowel and consonant sounds 6F segment one-syllable spoken words into individual phonemes, including three and four phoneme words, clearly producing beginning, medial and final sounds 7A name and identify each letter of the alphabet 7B understand that written words are composed of letters that represent sounds 7C(ii) learn and apply letter-sound correspondences of consonant-vowel patterns to produce syllables to begin to read 7D(ii) learn and apply the most common letter-sound correspondences 7E(ii) decode words using knowledge of all Spanish sounds, letters, and syllables 7F decode by using all letter-sound correspondences within regularly spelled words 7G use letter-sound knowledge to read decodable texts 7H apply letter-sound knowledge of consonant-vowel patterns to produce syllables to begin to read 8A decode by using all letter-sound correspondences within a word 8B use common spelling patterns to read words SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period “I CAN” statements highlighted in yellow and italicized should be displayed for students. Yo puedo: participar en rimas, canciones, conversaciones y discusiones (1C) conectar mis experiencias e ideas con las de otros (2A) hacer y contestar preguntas (3C) usar el vocabulario (4B) reconocer que lo impreso tiene significado (5A) distinguir las letras mayúsculas de las minúsculas (5F) saber que los lectores usan las mayúsculas y la puntuación para comprender el texto (5G) conocer los conceptos de la letra impreso (5A, 5C, 5I, 7B) reconocer que las palabras siguen una ortografía propia (5J) dividir las palabras en sílabas y sonidos y unir los sonidos y las sílabas para formar palabras (6B, 6F) identificar los sonidos de las vocales y consonantes (6Dii) nombrar las letras del alfabeto (7A) entender que las palabras escritas están hechas de letras (7B) descifrar las palabras (7Cii, 7D, 7Eii, 7F, 7H) leer texto descifrable (7G) usar patrones ortográficos para leer las palabras (8B) reconocer las palabras comunes de volada (8Gii) leer con fluidez (9C) leer libros al nivel independiente (9D) desarrollar el vocabulario (10B) hablar de los significados de palabras (11A) usar el conocimiento previo para comprender el texto (12A) establecer el propósito para leer (12B) volver a contar el cuento en secuencia (12C) Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 Page 27 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Revised 3/9/16 8F use knowledge of word order and context to support word identification and confirm word meaning 8G(ii) develop automatic recognition of words that use specific spelling patterns… 9C read orally from familiar texts with fluency 9D self-select independent level reading such as by drawing on personal interest, etc. 10B develop vocabulary by listening to and discussing both familiar and conceptually challenging selections read aloud 11A discuss meanings of words and develop vocabulary through meaningful/concrete experiences 12A use prior knowledge to anticipate meaning and make sense of texts 12B establish purposes for reading and listening 12C retell or act out the order of important events in stories 12D(ii) monitor his/her own comprehension and act purposefully when comprehension breaks down… 12F make and explain inferences from texts such as determining important ideas and causes and effects, making prediction, and drawing conclusions 12G identify similarities and differences across texts such as in topics, characters, and problems 13A listen to stories being read aloud 13D connect ideas and themes across texts 13E describe how illustrations contribute to the text 14B understand simple story structure 14C distinguish fiction from nonfiction, including fact and fantasy 14E understand literary forms by recognizing and distinguishing among such types of text as stories, poems, and information books 14G analyze characters, including their traits, feelings, and relationships 17A gain increasing control of penmanship usar estrategias para comprender el texto (12Dii) hacer y explicar inferencias (12F) hacer conexiones con el texto (12G, 13D) escuchar cuentos leídos en voz alta (12A) describir como las ilustraciones te ayudan a entender el texto (13E) entender la estructura del cuento (14B) distinguir los hechos de la fantasía (14C) entender los diferentes géneros de libros (14E) analizar los personajes (14G) escribir en mi mejor letra (17A) Evidence of Learning 80% of students will be able to divide words into syllables and phonemes and also combine phonemes and syllables to form words 80% of the students will score 80% or above on the weekly spelling tests 80% of the students will score 80% or above on the weekly assessments 80% of the students will be “Desarrollado” on the Tejas LEE benchmark. 80% of the students will read at a fluency rate of 40+ wpm. SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 Page 28 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Revised 3/9/16 CURRICULUM GUIDE Essential Questions Essential Pre-requisite Skills Unit of Study: Take a Closer Look at the World What do good readers do to comprehend text? How can I use the textual evidence to support my prediction? Week 6 or 7 learn the vocabulary of school such as numbers, shapes, colors, directions, and categories (K) know that print moves left-to-right across the page and top-to-bottom (K) produce rhyming words and distinguish rhyming words from non-rhyming words (K) blend sounds to make spoken words such as moving manipulatives to blend phonemes in a spoken word (K) name and identify each letter of the alphabet (K) learn and apply letter-sound correspondences of a set of consonants and vowels to begin to read (K) The Teaching and Learning Plan for Superlibro Bernardo y Canelo Instructional Model/Teacher Directions Daily Instructional Routines - ~30 Minutes Lunes Phonemic Awareness/Phonics pp. 194-195 Fonética: Sílabas ca, co, cu Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica o Vistazo previo al cartel o Canten la rima Relacionar el sonido y la letra o Adivina el animal Rutina o Combinar sílabas Hacer una actividad para desarrollar la conciencia fonémica y la fonética (Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities) o Secuencia de sonidos (c): Identificación de la sílaba inicial usando palabras que empiezan con ca, co, cu o Manipulación de sonidos (a/c/d): Segmentación/Unión de las sílabas; Unión de sonidos SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period Spelling Presentar las palabras de ortografía Escoger unas de las actividades para practicar deletreando las palabras (Teacher Toolkit: Spelling Chants) Vocabulary p. 192 Desarrollar el vocabulario oral o Sustantivos p. 195 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso frecuente o Presentar las palabras Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 Fluency Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills) Escuchar al maestro leer el librito de fonética El yoyó del cucú en voz alta Practicar la lectura en eco usando el librito de fonética El yoyó del cucú (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Echo Reading) Page 29 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Escoger unas de las actividades para Martes p. 200 Fonética: Sílabas que, qui Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica Cartel de rimas y canciones de fonética Relacionar el sonido y la sílaba o El juego de las preguntas Hacer una actividad para desarrollar la conciencia fonémica y la fonética (Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities) o Partes de una palabra (a/c): Segmentación y unión de sílabas Escoger unas de las actividades para Miércoles pp. 206-207 Fonética: Sílabas ya, ye, yi, yo, yu Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica Relacionar el sonido y la letra o Busca las parejas Actividades para practicar la fonética o Trabalenguas Librito de fonética Evaluación continua Hacer una actividad para desarrollar la conciencia fonémica y la fonética (Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities) o Partes de una palabras (a/c): Segmentación y unión de sílabas Escoger unas de las actividades para Jueves pp. 212-213 Fonética: Sílabas abiertas ja, je, ji, jo, ju Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica Relacionar el sonido y la letra o Librito de fonética o Atención a necesidades diversas Hacer una actividad para desarrollar la conciencia fonémica y la fonética (Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities) o Separación de sonidos (a/b): Contar los sonidos en un palabra/Segmentación de sonidos SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period practicar las palabras de ortografía (Teacher Toolkit: Games/Activities to Practice Spelling Words) p. 201 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso frecuente o Enlaza palabras y oraciones Repasar las palabras de vocabulario p. 201 Caligrafía: Trazos practicar deletreando las palabras (Teacher Toolkit: Spelling Chants) practicar las palabras de ortografía (Teacher Toolkit: Games/Activities to Practice Spelling Words) Revised 3/9/16 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills) Practicar la lectura en eco usando el librito de fonética El yoyó del cucú (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Echo Reading) p. 207 Escoger una actividad de vocabulario práctico para repasar las palabras de la semana. (Teacher Toolkit: Hands-On Vocabulary Instruction) Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad p. 213 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso frecuente o Di la palabra que falta Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills) Leer el librito de fonética El yoyó del cucú en coro (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Choral Reading) (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills) Leer el librito de fonética El yoyó del cucú en coro (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Choral Reading) Escoger una actividad de vocabulario práctico para repasar las palabras de la semana. (Teacher Toolkit: Hands-On Vocabulary Instruction) Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 Page 30 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Viernes pp. 218-219 Fonética: Sílabas ge, gi Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica Relacionar el sonido y la letra Actividades para practicar la fonética o Usar los libros Hacer una actividad para desarrollar la conciencia fonémica y la fonética (Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities) o Manipulación de sonidos (a/b/c/d): Omisión del sonido inicial y final; Omisión de la sílaba inicial y final Escoger unas de las actividades para practicar las palabras de ortografía (Teacher Toolkit: Games/Activities to Practice Spelling Words) Examen de ortografía Weekly Spelling Words ojo queso jefe vaca come cuna quita jala poquito bajo SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period p. 219 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso frecuente o Oraciones Escoger una actividad de vocabulario práctico para repasar las palabras de la semana. (Teacher Toolkit: HandsOn Vocabulary Instruction) High Frequency Words de usted me gustan ese un Revised 3/9/16 Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills) Leer el librito de fonética El yoyó del cucú en coro (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Choral Reading) Vocabulary Words ejercicio payaso trucos Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 Academic Vocabulary cubierta/portada (delantera/de atrás) consonante palabra de uso frecuente dibujo ilustración secuencia Page 31 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Revised 3/9/16 Comprehension Focus Lessons 15 Minutes Note: On Mondays, a read aloud of a mentor text will be done during the comprehension focus lesson. Therefore, 10 minutes will be added to the focus lesson and an additional read aloud after small group/work station time will not take place. Semana 6 ó 7: Secuencia Focus: Sequencing is the ability to put objects, activities, and events in a logical order. It involves being able tot see the big picture of the story as opposed to focusing on individual details. (Trisha Callella, Reading Comprehension: Tools for Tackling Text. CTP, 2000.) Day 1: Introduce the comprehension skill (sequencing) with a read aloud. (Teacher Toolkit: Teaching Comprehension; Thinking Aloud; Sequencing) Explain that good readers think about the sequence of events in a story. Write these words in a graphic organizer on the overhead or dry erase board: Primero, Después, Luego, Por último Primero Después Luego Por último Tell students that they are going to listen to a story and then they will help sequence the story. Tell them to think about the parts of the story as you read aloud. Read aloud a story with a simple story line (clearly identifiable beginning, middle, end). As you read, think aloud using clue words to sequence the story. After the read aloud, ask students to help you sequence the events in the story. Write the events in the graphic organizer. Tell students that sometimes authors give clue words such as first, next, then, and last to help you understand and sequence the events. Encourage students to think about the sequence of events as they read. Días 2 - 5: Repasar la destreza de comprensión a través de la semana. Día 2: p. 198 Desarrollar la comprensión auditiva Enseñar: Identificar la secuencia o Demostrar o Practicar SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period Día 3: p. 204 Desarrollar la comprensión auditiva Practicar: Identificar la secuencia Día 4: p. 210 Practicar: Identificar la secuencia Repasar: Predecir Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 Día 5: Prepara tiras de papel con oraciones de un libro de su preferencia. Lea el libro a los alumnos en voz alta. Pida a los niños que pongan las oraciones en secuencia en un cartelón de bolsillos. Pídales que lean las oraciones con Ud. para asegurar que sí están en el orden correcto. Page 32 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Revised 3/9/16 Small Group Guided Reading Instruction/Work Stations 35 Minutes Note: The phonics story in the Scott Foresman basal and the leveled books will be used during small group guided reading instruction. Small Group Guided Reading Instruction is based on students’ needs. The teacher will meet with two groups daily (17 minutes per group). The teacher should spend 5-7 minutes on a skills lesson to address one of the 5 reading components (Phonics, Phonemic Awareness, Vocabulary, Comprehension, or Fluency). Following the brief skills lesson, students should apply their new learning to connected text. On Tuesday, 10 minutes of Small Group Guided Reading Instruction may be devoted to children needing additional assistance with handwriting. It is very important that the teacher model good handwriting skills during whole group instruction. The whole group focus lessons are listed in the Scott Foresman T.E. on day 2 under the heading Caligrafía. During Small Group Guided Reading Instruction, the teacher needs to make sure that the children are practicing correct letter formation. During both whole group and Small Group Guided Reading Instruction it is suggested that the children use lined handwriting paper (not loose leaf paper nor spiral notebooks). Go to for ideas on skills lessons. Work stations will occur simultaneously with Small Group Guided Reading Instruction. Each station should have differentiated activities that reinforce skills and strategies taught during whole group instruction. Students not meeting with the teacher will spend the entire 40 minutes at one work station. Teacher will provide additional activities (such as book baskets) for students who finish work early. Students will visit the following five work stations: a) Listening Station (El taller de escuchar) b) Drama/Retelling Station (El taller de dramatización/volver a contar) c) Writing Station (El taller de escritura) d) Independent Reading Station (El taller de lectura independiente) e) Word Work Station (El taller de palabras) Go to Teacher Toolkit for ideas on work station activities. Read Aloud 10 Minutes Routine: Preread the book to be familiar with the content and how to guide student discussion. Establish a purpose, tell why you selected the book, and familiarize them with the author, illustrator, and genre. Ask students to make predictions. Model comments and reflections as you read. Find a few places to pause and invite students to comment. Keep the pace of the reading so that it is not disjointed, but enjoyable. Keep a list of books you have read aloud and post it so that students can use the list to make connections. Place books you have read aloud in a special container, or display them in the classroom library for easy access. SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 Page 33 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Revised 3/9/16 Resources Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities Fluency Speed Drills Ways to Teach Fluency packet Spelling Chants Games/Activities to Practice Weekly Spelling Words Hands-On Vocabulary Instruction SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period Textbook: Scott Foresman Lectura Guía del maestro, Vol. 1 – ¡Qué bien la pasamos!, Páginas 178-221 Superlibro Bernardo y Canelo Librito de fonética 5, El yoyo del cucú Additional Resources: Cartel de rimas y canciones Audiocasete de la selección Audiocasete para desarrollar el contexto Cuaderno de práctica Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 Suggested Read Alouds: La oruga muy hambrienta by Eric Carle Si llevas un ratón a la escuela by Laura Numeroff La semilla de zanahoria by Ruth Krauss Calabaza, calabaza by Jeanne Titherington El nabo gigante by Aleksei Tolstoy and Niamh Sharkey Alexander y el día terrible, horrible, espantoso, horroroso by Judith Viorst Cultivamos sopa de verduras by Lois Ehlert Page 34 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Revised 3/9/16 The Teaching and Learning Plan for Bernardo y Canelo Instructional Model/Teacher Directions Week 8 Daily Instructional Routines 30 Minutes Lunes pp. 232-233 Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con r fuerte Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica Relacionar el sonido y la letra o Haz una palabra Rutina o Separar sonidos de letras Hacer una actividad para desarrollar la conciencia fonémica y la fonética (Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities) o Partes de una palabra (a/b/c/d): Segmentación de sílabas; Contar las sílabas en una palabra; Unión de sílabas; Unión de sonidos Martes Phonemic Awareness/Phonics p. 238 Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con rr Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica Escuchar la rr Relacionar el sonido y la sílaba o Correspondencia entre el sonido y la letra o Practicar letras y sonidos Hacer una actividad para desarrollar la conciencia fonémica y la fonética (Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities) o Secuencia de sonidos (a): Identificación del sonido inicial SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period Spelling Presentar las palabras de ortografía Escoger unas de las actividades para practicar deletreando las palabras (Teacher Toolkit: Spelling Chants) Escoger unas de las actividades para practicar las palabras de ortografía (Teacher Toolkit: Games/Activities to Practice Spelling Words) p. 239 Caligrafía: Trazos Vocabulary Fluency p. 233 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso frecuente o Presentar las palabras Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills) Escuchar al maestro leer el librito de fonética Ramiro el zorro cocinero en voz alta Practicar la lectura en eco usando el librito de fonética Ramiro el zorro cocinero (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Echo Reading) p. 239 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso frecuente o Juego “Comienza con…” Repasar las palabras de vocabulario Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills) Practicar la lectura en eco usando el librito de fonética Ramiro el zorro cocinero (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Echo Reading) Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 Page 35 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Escoger unas de las actividades para practicar deletreando las palabras (Teacher Toolkit: Spelling Chants) Miércoles Jueves pp. 250-251 Fonética: Sílabas ce, ci Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica Relacionar el sonido y la letra Librito de fonética Hacer una actividad para desarrollar la conciencia fonémica y la fonética (Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities) o Separación de sonidos (a/b): Contar los sonidos en un palabra/Segmentación de sonidos Viernes Revised 3/9/16 pp. 244-245 Fonética: Sílabas za, zo, zu Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica Relacionar el sonido y la letra Actividades para practicar la fonética o Encuentra la sílaba que falta Librito de fonética o Enlaza los sonidos Evaluación continua Hacer una actividad para desarrollar la conciencia fonémica y la fonética (Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities) o Separación de sonidos (a/b): Contar los sonidos en una palabra; Segmentación de sonidos pp. 256-257 Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con r suave Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica Relacionar el sonido y la letra Actividades para practicar la fonética o ¿Cuál es diferente? Hacer una actividad para desarrollar la conciencia fonémica y la fonética (Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities) o Manipulación de sonidos (c/d): Omisión de la sílaba inicia/final SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period Escoger una actividad de vocabulario práctico para repasar las palabras de la semana. (Teacher Toolkit: Hands-On Vocabulary Instruction) Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills) Leer el librito de fonética Ramiro el zorro cocinero en coro (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Choral Reading) Escoger unas de las actividades para practicar las palabras de ortografía (Teacher Toolkit: Games/Activities to Practice Spelling Words) p. 251 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso frecuente Escoger una actividad de vocabulario práctico para repasar las palabras de la semana. (Teacher Toolkit: Hands-On Vocabulary Instruction) Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills) Leer el librito de fonética Ramiro el zorro cocinero en coro (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Choral Reading) Escoger unas de las actividades para practicar las palabras de ortografía (Teacher Toolkit: Games/Activities to Practice Spelling Words) Examen de ortografía p. 257 Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso frecuente o Completar oraciones Escoger una actividad de vocabulario práctico para repasar las palabras de la semana. (Teacher Toolkit: Hands-On Vocabulary Instruction) Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills) Leer el librito de fonética Ramiro el zorro cocinero en coro (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Choral Reading) Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 Page 36 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Revised 3/9/16 Weekly Spelling Words cero roca pozo rima carro perro cena zacate zorro cita High Frequency Words es o y Vocabulary Words puede día le ejercicio payaso trucos vocabulario Academic Vocabulary ortografía personajes ambiente recordar volver a contar tomar turnos Comprehension Focus Lessons 15 Minutes Note: On Mondays, a read aloud of a mentor text will be done during the comprehension focus lesson. Therefore, 10 minutes will be added to the focus lesson and an additional read aloud after small group/work station time will not take place. Semana 8: Recordar y volver a contar Focus: Retelling is the ability to summarize and organize the elements of a story. It involves processing the key points of the text and explaining those points in your own words. Good listening skills are an important part of this strategy. (Trisha Callella, Reading Comprehension: Tools for Tackling Text. CTP, 2000.) Day 1: Introduce the comprehension skill (retelling) with a read aloud. Review with students the five key elements that make up a story: escenario, personajes, problema (conflicto), resolución, y conclusión. Draw a picture of a large hand on an anchor chart and label the fingers with the names of the key elements. Also include pictures next to the words to help non-readers identify each of the elements on the hand. Introduce students how to retell a story using a book such as Strega Nona by Tomie dePaola. Ask students to put their hand out with the palm down. Tell them they will see three or four major lines or veins running through the top of their hand. Tell them to touch the lines and give you three or four predictions about the story by looking at the title and what they see on the cover of the book. Tell students they will learn to do a finger retelling of a story. Explain that each finger is assigned one of the five key story elements. As students retell an element, they hold up one of their fingers, both as a prompt and as a way to register that a particular element has been covered in the retelling. Tell the children as you read Strega Nona, you want them to see if their predictions are correct. After reading the story, they will help to retell the major elements by using the thumb will be used for the setting, the index finger for the main characters, the middle finger as the problem/conflict finger, the ring finger for naming the attempts at resolving the conflict, and the pinkie finger for telling the conclusion. After reading the story to the class, have the kids hold up their thumb and talk about the setting. Were their predictions correct? Have the students hold up their index finger and ask what they can tell you about the characters. Do the same with the middle, ring and pinkie fingers. As the students retell the story elements, they should support their information as well. (Source: Retelling Strategies to Improve Comprehension: Effective Hands-on Strategies for Fiction and Nonfiction That Help Students Remember and Understand What They Read by Darlene Shaw. Scholastic, 2005.) Días 2 - 5: Repasar la destreza de comprensión a través de la semana. Día 2: p. 236 Desarrollar la comprensión auditiva Enseñar: Recordar y volver a contar SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period Día 3: p. 242 Desarrollar la comprensión auditiva Practicar: Recordar y volver a contar Día 4: p. 248 Practicar: Recordar y volver a contar Repasar: Clasificar Clasificar personajes Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 Día 5: Lea un libro en voz alta. Pida que los alumnos vuelvan a contar el cuento a un compañero usando los dedos para nombrar los elementos del cuento. Page 37 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Revised 3/9/16 Small Group Guided Reading Instruction/Work Stations 35 Minutes Note: The phonics story in the Scott Foresman basal and the leveled books will be used during small group guided reading instruction. Small Group Guided Reading Instruction is based on students’ needs. The teacher will meet with two groups daily (17 minutes per group). The teacher should spend 5-7 minutes on a skills lesson to address one of the 5 reading components (Phonics, Phonemic Awareness, Vocabulary, Comprehension, or Fluency). Following the brief skills lesson, students should apply their new learning to connected text. On Tuesday, 10 minutes of Small Group Guided Reading Instruction may be devoted to children needing additional assistance with handwriting. It is very important that the teacher model good handwriting skills during whole group instruction. The whole group focus lessons are listed in the Scott Foresman T.E. on day 2 under the heading Caligrafía. During Small Group Guided Reading Instruction, the teacher needs to make sure that the children are practicing correct letter formation. During both whole group and Small Group Guided Reading Instruction it is suggested that the children use lined handwriting paper (not loose leaf paper nor spiral notebooks). Go to for ideas on skills lessons. Work stations will occur simultaneously with Small Group Guided Reading Instruction. Each station should have differentiated activities that reinforce skills and strategies taught during whole group instruction. Students not meeting with the teacher will spend the entire 40 minutes at one work station. Teacher will provide additional activities (such as book baskets) for students who finish work early. Students will visit the following five work stations: a) Listening Station (El taller de escuchar) b) Drama/Retelling Station (El taller de dramatización/volver a contar) c) Writing Station (El taller de escritura) d) Independent Reading Station (El taller de lectura independiente) e) Word Work Station (El taller de palabras) Go to Teacher Toolkit for ideas on work station activities. Read Aloud 10 Minutes Routine: Preread the book to be familiar with the content and how to guide student discussion. Establish a purpose, tell why you selected the book, and familiarize them with the author, illustrator, and genre. Ask students to make predictions. Model comments and reflections as you read. Find a few places to pause and invite students to comment. Keep the pace of the reading so that it is not disjointed, but enjoyable. Keep a list of books you have read aloud and post it so that students can use the list to make connections. Place books you have read aloud in a special container, or display them in the classroom library for easy access. SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 Page 38 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Revised 3/9/16 Resources Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities Fluency Speed Drills Ways to Teach Fluency packet Spelling Chants Games/Activities to Practice Weekly Spelling Words Hands-On Vocabulary Instruction SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period Textbook: Scott Foresman Lectura Guía del maestro, Vol. 1, Unidad 1 – ¡Qué bien la pasamos!, Páginas 222-259 Superlibro Bernardo y Canelo Librito de fonética 6, Ramiro el zorro cocinero Additional Resources: Cartel de rimas y canciones Audiocasete de la selección Audiocasete para desarrollar el contexto Cuaderno de práctica Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 Suggested Read Alouds: Strega Nona by Tomie dePaola Olivia by Ian Falconer El hombre de jengibre by Catherine McCafferty Los tres cerditos by Merce Escardo I. Bas Pollita chiquita by H. Werner Zimmerman La gallinita hambrienta by Richard Waring Cuando Sofía se enoja, se enoja de veras… by Molly Bang Page 39 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Revised 3/9/16 Week 9 The Teaching and Learning Plan for AEIOU and El gato de las mil narices Instructional Model/Teacher Directions Daily Instructional Routines 30 Minutes p. 17c Fonética: Vocales a, e, i, o, u Actividades de práctica o Cartel de rimas de rimas y canciones de fonética o Formar palabras Hacer una actividad para desarrollar la conciencia fonémica y la fonética para practicar la destreza más necesitada por los alumnos (Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities) p. 17d Ortografía: Palabras con a, e, i, o, u ¿Qué palabra soy? p. 39a Fonética: Vocales a, e, i, o, u Relación con el cuento Actividades de práctica o Formar palabras o Superlibro Repaso: Vocales Miércoles pp. 10i-10j, 10k-10l Fonética: Vocales a, e, i, o, u; Vocales fuertes a, e, o y vocales débiles i, u Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica o Presentar el cartel o Cantar la canción Relacionar el sonido y la letra o Presentar las vocales o Señalar las palabras o Combinar sílabas o Identificar palabras o Descifrar y formar otras palabras Rutina o Practicar la pronunciación Repetir Separen las palabras pp. 10j, 10l Examen preliminar Emplear el patrón ortográfico Lunes Spelling Martes Phonemic Awareness/Phonics SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period Vocabulary p. 10l Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso frecuente o Presentar las palabras p. 10m Presentar el vocabulario Fluency Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills) Escuchar al maestro leer el librito de fonética El osito dice en voz alta Practicar la lectura en eco usando el librito de fonética El osito dice (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Echo Reading) p. 17d Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso frecuente o Pesca de palabras Repasar las palabras de vocabulario Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad p. 39b p. 18a Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad Practicar la escritura Escoger unas de las actividades para Presentar el vocabulario (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills) Leer el librito de fonética El osito dice en coro (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Choral Reading) p. 17d Caligrafía: Aa o ¡Ay, me equivoqué! practicar deletreando las palabras (Teacher Toolkit: Spelling Chants) Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills) p. 17f Leer con fluidez o Volver a leer A E I O U Page 40 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Viernes Jueves Revised 3/9/16 p. 40a p. 40b Fonética: Vocales fuertes a, e, o, y vocales débiles i, u Repaso: Vocales Atención a necesidades diversas Ortografía: Palabras con a, e, i, o, u Práctica de ortografía en parejas Hacer una actividad para desarrollar la conciencia fonémica y la fonética para practicar la destreza más necesitada por los alumnos (Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities) Escoger unas de las actividades para practicar las palabras de ortografía (Teacher Toolkit: Games/Activities to Practice Spelling Words) Examen de ortografía Weekly Spelling Words ala elote imán oso uña uva a el iglú oveja High Frequency Words escondida boca entre está vaso Escoger una actividad de vocabulario práctico para repasar las palabras de la semana. (Teacher Toolkit: HandsOn Vocabulary Instruction) Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills) p. 39e Leer con fluidez o Escuchar El gato de las mil narices ▪ Audio ▪ Demostrar o Volver a leer El gato de las mil narices Escoger una actividad de vocabulario práctico para repasar las palabras de la semana. (Teacher Toolkit: HandsOn Vocabulary Instruction) Examen de la selección o Parte 1: Vocabulario (Cuaderno de práctica 1.2, p. 13) Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills) Leer el librito de fonética El osito dice en parejas (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Paired Reading) Vocabulary Words plaza comienzo equivoqué país revés sueños Academic Vocabulary vocal débil vocal fuerte vocabulario claves de contexto Comprehension Focus Lessons 15 Minutes Note: On Mondays, a read aloud of a mentor text will be done during the comprehension focus lesson. Therefore, 10 minutes will be added to the focus lesson and an additional read aloud after small group/work station time will not take place. Semana 9: Claves de contexto Focus: Context Clues help readers to figure out the meaning of unknown words. Day 1: Introduce Comprehension Skill with a Read Aloud– Context Clues (Teacher Toolkit: Teaching Comprehension; Thinking Aloud; Context Clues) Before reading, pre-select two or three vocabulary words to model context clues. Place sticky notes on the pages you will be thinking aloud. Ask “When you are reading and you come to a word that you don’t understand, what do you do?” Say “We are going to be word detectives. I’m going to show you how to use clues around the word to figure out what the word means.” Read aloud. Stop at two or three pre-selected words to think aloud. Model how good readers use context clues to figure out unknown words. Tell students that when they are reading and they come to a word they don’t know, they can use other words or sentences as clues to figure out the word. Continue to read aloud. Have students use context clues to figure out an unknown word. Have students turn and talk to a partner to give the meaning of the unknown word and how they figured it out. Remind students to use context clues to figure out unknown words in a text. Explain that good readers look for words or sentences around the unknown word to help them figure out the meaning of the word. SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 Page 41 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Revised 3/9/16 Días 2 - 5: Repasar la destreza de comprensión a través de la semana. Día 2: p. 17e Desarrollar la comprensión auditiva Enseñar la destreza o Demuestre o Practicar Día 3 Modelar la destreza de comprensión (claves de contexto) al leer el cuento El gato de las mil narices, pp. 18-37, en voz alta. Día 4: p. 39e Práctica: Claves de contexto Volver al superlibro Repaso: Clasificar Día 5: p. 40 Examen de la selección: Cuaderno de práctica 1.2 o Parte I: Vocabulario, p. 13 o Parte 2: Comprensión, p. 14 Small Group Guided Reading Instruction/Work Stations 35 Minutes Note: The phonics story in the Scott Foresman basal and the leveled books will be used during small group guided reading instruction. Small Group Guided Reading Instruction is based on students’ needs. The teacher will meet with two groups daily (17 minutes per group). The teacher should spend 5-7 minutes on a skills lesson to address one of the 5 reading components (Phonics, Phonemic Awareness, Vocabulary, Comprehension, or Fluency). Following the brief skills lesson, students should apply their new learning to connected text. On Tuesday, 10 minutes of Small Group Guided Reading Instruction may be devoted to children needing additional assistance with handwriting. It is very important that the teacher model good handwriting skills during whole group instruction. The whole group focus lessons are listed in the Scott Foresman T.E. on day 2 under the heading Caligrafía. During Small Group Guided Reading Instruction, the teacher needs to make sure that the children are practicing correct letter formation. During both whole group and Small Group Guided Reading Instruction it is suggested that the children use lined handwriting paper (not loose leaf paper nor spiral notebooks). Go to for ideas on skills lessons. Work stations will occur simultaneously with Small Group Guided Reading Instruction. Each station should have differentiated activities that reinforce skills and strategies taught during whole group instruction. Students not meeting with the teacher will spend the entire 40 minutes at one work station. Teacher will provide additional activities (such as book baskets) for students who finish work early. Students will visit the following five work stations: a) Listening Station (El taller de escuchar) b) Drama/Retelling Station (El taller de dramatización/volver a contar) c) Writing Station (El taller de escritura) d) Independent Reading Station (El taller de lectura independiente) e) Word Work Station (El taller de palabras) Go to Teacher Toolkit for ideas on work station activities. Go to the Teacher Toolkit for ideas on work station activities. Read Aloud 10 Minutes Routine: Preread the book to be familiar with the content and how to guide student discussion. Establish a purpose, tell why you selected the book, and familiarize them with the author, illustrator, and genre. Ask students to make predictions. Model comments and reflections as you read. Find a few places to pause and invite students to comment. Keep the pace of the reading so that it is not disjointed, but enjoyable. Keep a list of books you have read aloud and post it so that students can use the list to make connections. Place books you have read aloud in a special container, or display them in the classroom library for easy access. SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 Page 42 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Revised 3/9/16 Resources Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities Fluency Speed Drills Ways to Teach Fluency packet Spelling Chants Games/Activities to Practice Weekly Spelling Words Hands-On Vocabulary Instruction Textbook: Scott Foresman Lectura Guía del maestro, Vol. 2 – Míralo de cerca, Páginas 10a-41e Stories: AEIOU and El gato de las mil narices Librito de fonética 7 El osito dice Superlibro Plumas para almorzar Additional Resources: Cartel de rimas y canciones Audiocasete de la selección Audiocasete para desarrollar el contexto Cuaderno de práctica Suggested Read Alouds: Ramón y su ratón by Margarita Robleda Moguel Pulgas, el perro de José Luis by Margarita Robleda Moguel El carrito de Monchito by Margarita Robleda Moguel Un grillo en mi cocina by Margarita Robleda Moguel Sueños by Margarita Robleda Moguel Sana ranita, sana by Margarita Robleda Moguel Rebeca by Margarita Robleda Moguel Evidence of Learning Differentiation What do you do for students who need additional support? Students will meet with the teacher for Small Group Guided Reading Instruction. The teacher will do a skills lesson to address the needs of students and the students will apply that skill to their reading. Work stations are differentiated to meet the needs of the learner. Students will have additional practice to help them master the skills learned during whole group instruction. What do you do for students who master the learning quickly? Activities/materials offered during Small Group Guided Reading Instruction and work stations are differentiated to meet the needs of the learner. SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period Interims/TAKS/Benchmarks Sample Questions Third Grade: TAKS Released Test Source: TEA Website – April 2006 Spanish Reading 27 ¿Qué pasa inmediatamente después de que a Lalo se le cae el libro de ciencias de su escritorio? O O O O Su maestro le grita. Ve a un pájaro comerse una lombriz. Sus compañeros de clase se ríen de él. Va a la oficina de la directora. Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 College-Readiness (Anticipated Skills for SAT/ACT/College Board/Careers/Life) Sample Questions Fifth Grade: TAKS Released Test Source: TEA Website – Spring 2004 Spanish Reading 32 ¿Cuál es el problema de Ángel después de que le dan el papel del Caballero Trawood? F Debe escoger entre jugar básquetbol o estar en la obra. G En realidad, él quería el papel de uno de los guardias de la reina. H Tiene que pasar el fin de semana memorizando sus nuevos diálogos. J Tiene que decidir si va a participar en la obra sin César. Page 43 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Revised 3/9/16 Evidence of Learning Formative Mini Assessment SAISD © 2008-09 – First Grading Period TAKS Benchmarks Bilingual Reading Grade1- Initial Release Aug 08, V1 College-Readiness Anticipated Skills for SAT/ACT/College Board Page 44 of 44 Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.