Holocaust Unit Objectives

Holocaust Unit
Content Objective:
SWBAT understand The Strength of
the Human Spirit by discussing the
background of the Holocaust and
World War II.
Language Objective:
SWBAT understand The Strength of
the Human Spirit by filling in a KWL
chart, doing a Think-Pair-Share
activity to discuss vocabulary, and a
Ticket Out response.
Holocaust Unit
Content Objective:
SWBAT analyze a World War II
timeline by examining the “Road to
Language Objective:
SWBAT analyze a World War II
timeline by drawing conclusions and
answering questions about “The Road
to Auschwitz.”
Holocaust Unit
Content Objective:
SWBAT interpret Anti-Jewish
Laws/decrees by placing the laws in
chronological order on “The Road to
Auschwitz” timeline.
Language Objective:
SWBAT interpret Anti-Jewish
Laws/decrees by examining the
effects of the laws through a ThinkPair-Share activity.
Holocaust Unit
Content Objective:
SWBAT analyze photos from the
Holocaust by observing certain
qualities about the people in the
Language Objective:
SWBAT analyze photos from the
Holocaust by answering critical
thinking questions with a partner.
Holocaust Unit
Content Objective:
SWBAT research a specific topic
about the Holocaust by looking for
information on the computer in a
small group.
Language Objective:
SWBAT research a specific topic
about the Holocaust by presenting
information with a small group
through a power point presentation.
analyze photos from the Holocaust by
answering critical thinking questions
with a partner.