University of Portland School of Engineering 5000 N. Willamette Blvd. Portland, OR 97203-5798 Phone 503 943 7314 Fax 503 943 7316 Functional Specifications Project Meadowlark: A CMOS Programmable Digital Low-Pass Filter Contributors: Jennifer Galaway Jennifer Williams Approvals Name Signature file Dr. Osterberg UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND Date Date Name Signature file Dr. Lillevik SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Date Date CONTACT: J. GALAWAY FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS PROJECT MEADOWLARK REV. 1.1 PAGE II Revision History Rev. Date Author 0.5 0.8 0.9 09/1702 09/19/02 9/19/02 J. Galaway & J. Williams J. Galaway & J. Williams J. Galaway & J. Williams 1.0 9/28/02 J. Galaway & J. Williams 1.1 11/11/02 J. Galaway & J. Williams UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Reason for Changes Initial draft Inserted figures and tables Edited values, inserted graph Edited through suggestions from Mr. Mike Desmith (Industry Rep) Edited due to Change Control Request and Approval CONTACT: J. GALAWAY FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS PROJECT MEADOWLARK REV. 1.1 PAGE III Table of Contents Summary....................................................................................................................... 1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 3 Background .................................................................................................................. 4 Requirements ............................................................................................................... 5 Overview ..................................................................................................................................................5 Physical Specifications............................................................................................................................6 VLSI Chip:.........................................................................................................................................6 Oscilloscope: ....................................................................................................................................6 Function Generator: .........................................................................................................................7 Power Supply: ..................................................................................................................................7 ADC: .................................................................................................................................................7 DAC: .................................................................................................................................................7 Bread Board: ....................................................................................................................................7 Ribbon Cable:...................................................................................................................................7 Cables: ..............................................................................................................................................7 Wire Wrap Sockets: .........................................................................................................................7 Wire:..................................................................................................................................................8 Control Dials: ....................................................................................................................................8 Discrete Logic: ..................................................................................................................................8 Environmental Specifications .................................................................................................................8 Mobility: .............................................................................................................................................8 Temperature: ....................................................................................................................................8 Relative Humidity: ............................................................................................................................9 Shock and Vibration: ........................................................................................................................9 Input/Output Specifications .....................................................................................................................9 UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CONTACT: J. GALAWAY . . . . Graphic Display: ...............................................................................................................................9 . . Frequencies: .................................................................................................................................. 10 . . Coefficients: ................................................................................................................................... 10 . FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS PROJECT MEADOWLARK REV. 1.1 PAGE IV Conclusions ...............................................................................................................11 UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CONTACT: J. GALAWAY FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS PROJECT MEADOWLARK REV. 1.1 PAGE V List of Figures Figure 1. Block Diagram of Meadowlark ..................................................................................................5 Figure 2. Typical Low-Pass Filter output Graphical Display …………………………………………10 UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CONTACT: J. GALAWAY FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS PROJECT MEADOWLARK REV. 1.1 PAGE VI List of Tables Table 1. Physical Specifications ....................................................................................................................6 Table 2. Environmental Specifications ..........................................................................................................8 Table 3. Input/Output Specifications..............................................................................................................9 UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CONTACT: J. GALAWAY FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS PROJECT MEADOWLARK Chapter REV. 1.1 PAGE 1 Summary 1 Project Meadowlark is a CMOS Programmable Digital Filter implemented with a VLSI chip. The project is to be used as a classroom demonstration tool at the University of Portland. This document covers exclusively the external features of Project Meadowlark. The internal workings of the project will be examined in a future document. The final display of Project Meadowlark is depicted on an Oscilloscope in the form of an analog output signal. The Function Generator generates the original input signal in the form of sweeping sine waves. This analog signal enters an Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC), which outputs an 8-bit digital signal to enter into the digital filter chip. The chip outputs a low-pass-filtered 8-bit digital signal, which then enters a Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) that converts the signal back into analog form which allows it to be displayed by the Oscilloscope. There are three main areas of Functional Specifications in this document: Physical, Environmental, and Input/Output. Summary tables are provided in the Requirements section of this document. The Physical Specifications takes into account both the actual model and a macro model of the chip. The Environmental Specifications consider temperature, humidity, and shock and vibration issues that may arise. For example, the device needs to be portable in order to transfer from classroom to classroom, but the less shock and vibration inflicted on it, the longer the product will maintain its condition. The Input/Output Specifications looks at the display, operating frequencies, and coefficients used in the project. Project Meadowlark can be a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd order digital filter, depending on the selected coefficients of a difference equation. All of these areas and specifications are subject to change throughout the duration of the project. In terms of budget, Project Meadowlark will mainly be sponsored through borrowed equipment from the University of Portland. MOSIS will provide the CMOS VLSI chip. Tanner LEDIT will be used to design the VLSI chip. The project team as of this point will UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CONTACT: J. GALAWAY FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS PROJECT MEADOWLARK REV. 1.0 PAGE 2 purchase the ADC, DAC, power supply, control dials, wire-wrap sockets, and macro model discrete logic. It is possible that some of these components could be donated from a company or borrowed from the University of Portland. Any further questions or concerns can be raised to Jennifer Galaway, Project Manager, or Jennifer Williams, Project Team Member. UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CONTACT: J. GALAWAY FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS PROJECT MEADOWLARK Chapter REV. 1.1 PAGE 3 Introduction 2 The purpose of this document is to inform primarily the faculty of the University of Portland of the Functional Specifications of Project Meadowlark. After reading this document, the reader will know all of the external features of Project Meadowlark, as well as some background information about the project and any conclusions the project team has made. The internal features of the project will be discussed in a future document. The rest of the document will include the following: Background: This section will describe information needed to understand the document in its entirety. Requirements: This piece will be broken down into three major categories: Physical Specifications, Environmental Specifications, and Input/Output Specifications. Conclusions: Provides highlights of key points of the document and states any conclusions based on information made available in the document. UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CONTACT: J. GALAWAY FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS PROJECT MEADOWLARK Chapter REV. 1.1 PAGE 4 Background 3 Project Meadowlark consists of a Programmable Digital Filter implemented with a CMOS VLSI (very large-scale integration) chip. The chip is provided by MOSIS and is the most integral part of the final project. If for some reason the file used to create the chip in Tanner LEDIT, called a tpr file, is faulty in any way, the project will not work as desired or not at all. A digital filter chip has never been a project at the University of Portland, so many challenges lie ahead for the team. Once Project Meadowlark is complete, it can be used in a classroom setting as a demonstration tool. This is the main goal of the project. UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CONTACT: J. GALAWAY FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS PROJECT MEADOWLARK Chapter REV. 1.1 PAGE 5 Requirements 4 Overview Figure 1 shows the overall setup of Project Meadowlark. The function generator sends out an analog signal of sweeping sine waves, which enters an Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC). This converts the analog signal into an 8-bit digital signal, which enters the Digital Filter chip. Other inputs into the chip are three coefficients of a difference equation. Once the signal is properly filtered, another 8-bit digital signal enters a Digital-toAnalog Converter (DAC), which allows the newly filtered digital signal to be converted back into an analog signal. The output of the DAC is inputted into the Oscilloscope, and a graph is shown, depicting the magnitude of the frequency response of the digital filter. Figure 1. Block Diagram of Meadowlark UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CONTACT: J. GALAWAY FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS PROJECT MEADOWLARK REV. 1.1 PAGE 6 Physical Specifications Table 1. Physical Specifications contains a list of the physical specifications and their required values. Table 1. Physical Specifications Requirement VLSI Chip Oscilloscope Function Generator Power Supply ADC DAC Bread Board Ribbon Cable Cables Wire Wrap Sockets Wire Control Dials Discrete Logic Value 1.5 m CMOS Technology MOSIS/AMI Model: Tektronix TDS 310 2-channel oscilloscope, 50 MHz, 200 MS/s Model: Tektronix CFG253 3 MHz 5V To be determined To be determined N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 74xx VLSI Chip: A 40-pin DIP, provided by the MOSIS MEP program. The design will be done in CAD using Tanner LEDIT. Dimensions will be either a maximum of 2.2 mm x 2.2 mm, or a maximum of 4.6 mm x 4.7 mm. The dimensions depend on the size of the chip. Oscilloscope: To be used in the University of Portland Engineering building, provided by the University of Portland. UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CONTACT: J. GALAWAY FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS PROJECT MEADOWLARK REV. 1.1 PAGE 7 Function Generator: To be used in the University of Portland Engineering building, provided by the University of Portland. Power Supply: A 5V source with a current of about 3A. ADC: To be determined until purchase by the project team. Will be an 8-bit ADC. DAC: To be determined until purchase by the project team. Will be an 8-bit DAC. Bread Board: Possibly salvageable from previous senior design projects, provided by the University of Portland. Ribbon Cable: Possibly salvageable from previous senior design projects, provided by the University of Portland. Cables: Possibly salvageable from previous senior design projects, provided by the University of Portland. Wire Wrap Sockets: To be determined until purchase by the project team. UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CONTACT: J. GALAWAY FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS PROJECT MEADOWLARK REV. 1.1 PAGE 8 Wire: Provided by the University of Portland. Control Dials: To be determined until purchase by the project team. Discrete Logic: Used in the macro model of the chip. Environmental Specifications Table 2. Environmental Specifications contains a list of the physical specifications and their required values. Table 2. Environmental Specifications Requirement Value Mobility Temperature Relative Humidity Shock and Vibration Portable Room Temperature Indoors Only Minimum Mobility: Product needs to be portable enough to be carefully carried and/or rolled on a cart. Product is designed to be maintenance-free for one year. Temperature: Room temperature (65 - 75 F) UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CONTACT: J. GALAWAY FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS PROJECT MEADOWLARK REV. 1.1 PAGE 9 Relative Humidity: Product designed for indoor use only. Shock and Vibration: Keep to a minimum. Product is designed to be portable, but needs to be handled with care. Input/Output Specifications Table 3. Input/Output Specifications contains a list of the input/output specifications and their required values. Table 3. Input/Output Specifications Requirement Graphic Display Frequency Range Coefficients Value LPF, 5V Sine wave out 100 Hz – 100 kHz Selectable Graphic Display: Low-pass filter output response, amplitude varies with changes in frequency and coefficients. UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CONTACT: J. GALAWAY FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS PROJECT MEADOWLARK REV. 1.1 PAGE 10 Figure 2. Typical Low-Pass Filter output Graphical Display. Frequencies: Operates between 100 Hz and 100 kHz. Coefficients: Three coefficients: C1, C2, and C3; to be determined through more research and testing. UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CONTACT: J. GALAWAY FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS PROJECT MEADOWLARK Chapter REV. 1.1 PAGE 11 Conclusions 5 The introduction stated that the primary target market of this document is the faculty of the University of Portland. The project team needs to convince the faculty of the usefulness of Project Meadowlark, and will do so by providing the faculty as much information about the project as required. The background mentioned that the key point in the production of Project Meadowlark is the correct CAD design of the VLSI chip. Thus the project team will spend a large portion of the project design time on this issue. The requirements section mentioned that there are three key specification areas: Physical, Environmental, and Input/Output. It can be concluded that there is a good possibility of the project team needing to make some changes throughout the designing of Project Meadowlark, due to false assumptions/information or unexpected issues that may arise while building the project. UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CONTACT: J. GALAWAY