EVALUATION OF ASPHALT COMPOSITION LABORATORY DETERMINATION METHODS iktorasudriusVaitkus2, Alfredas Laurinavičius3, Donatas Čygas4 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio av. 11, 10223 Vilnius-40, Lithuania 1 E-mail: viktoras.vorobjovas@ap.vtu.lt, 2E-mail: akml@ap.vtu.lt, 3 E-mail: alfla@ap.vtu.lt, 4E-mail: dcyg@ap.vtu.lt Abstract. The majority of Lithuanian road material testing laboratories uses the chlorinated solvents for the determination of the hot mixed asphalt (HMA) mixtures in order to separate the binder from the aggregates. The separation-with-solvents method carries out the main function, separates the mineral aggregates and the binder. However, the methods using the solvents are expensive, require big experience and are not safe. With the constantly growing requirements for health and environmental protection it is aimed to reduce the use of chlorinated solvents in laboratory investigations. For this purpose the new methods are being created to determine the HMA content. One of the new methods is the ignition method. Keywords: asphalt content, extraction, ignition, gradation, binder content. 1. Introduction Based on 2006 data, nearly 60 % of Lithuanian state roads have asphalt pavement. Asphalt pavement is the most widely used type of pavement in the world. Asphalt pavements are strong and strainth, having good skidresistance [1, 2, 3]. Asphalt quality is highly dependant on the type and quality of the composing materials of the mixture. There are cases when asphalt pavement fails before the end of the predicted service life. It also happens that the paving characteristics of asphalt do not match the required ones. Asphalt pavement has to withstand the long-term static and the short-term repeated dynamic loads, caused by the standing or moving vehicles at different time of the year. The most characteristic asphalt properties are: elasticity, viscosity and plasticity [2]. The properties vary in a very wide range, depending on ambient temperature, speed of the applied loads and duration of the load impact. Asphalt is multi-component conglomerate material, the separate mineral particles of which is in touch with the other particles and is covered with binder, binding the particles into a single conglomeration. Asphalt structure is characterized by the size and the shape of mineral particles, interrelation between the particles of different size, the properties of the aggregate, also the content, structure and the properties of the binding material, the type of interrelation between the binder and the mineral particles. For practical purposes the most important is the optimal asphalt structure, which ensures the best properties of the mixture. The optimal structure not only reflects the best characteristics of asphalt properties, but also ensures the highest mechanical stability of the material in pavement. The main condition to ensure the highest strength of asphalt is: a dense mineral structure of the mix, which could be achieved by a proper selection of gradation, also the largest possible compaction of mineral particles and the optimum bitumen content for a certain mineral composition of the mix under the existing conditions of mixing and compacting [2]. The produced HMA mixture should meet the project requirements. The main characteristic of asphalt lies in its composition - bitumen content and gradation. Bitumen is a very important component of an asphalt mixture, ensuring pavement strength and durability [4]. Bitumen content and gradation, required for the asphalt mixture, is determined by laboratory testing. Extraction with chlorinated solvents is one of the most popular and most widely used methods in the world and in Lithuania. However, this method is expensive, relatively timeconsuming, difficult to perform and hazardous to the environment. Taking into consideration the growing requirements for health and environmental protection, and following the EU Council Directive 98/24/EC on the “Protection of the Health and Safety of Workers from the Risks Related to Chemical Agents at Work” the aim is to reduce the use of chlorinated solvents at the workplaces. Therefore, we are seeking for new alternative methods to determine the composition of asphalt mixture. In 1969 the scientists of US Clemson University J.D. Antrim and H.W. Busching [5] suggested the use of a new method for the determination of bitumen content in an asphalt mixture based on the bitumen ignition. The furnace, used in this method, was created in the National Center for Asphalt Technology (NCAT). Investigation of the accuracy of the results, obtained by this method, showed that this method is as accurate as the extraction method. The ignition method is still new in our country, thus, it is necessary to study the reliability of results of testing HMA mixtures in Lithuania. This paper gives the analysis and the comparison of two different methods for the determination of asphalt content: ignition method and the most frequently-used in the world and in Lithuania – extraction with chlorinated solvents. 2. Overview of the previous investigations The methods, used to determine the HMA content, could be divided into two groups: using organic solvents and using the furnaces. Most of Lithuanian laboratories for the determination of asphalt content in a mixture use the chlorinated solvents, in order to separate binder from mineral aggregates. One of these methods is extraction. The main disadvantage of extraction is that sometimes, in the process of extraction, part of mineral particles flows out through the top of a thin-walled cylinder together with the extract and this reduces the data reliability [6]. The other methods to determine the asphalt content of HMA mixture are the methods of ignition. In 1969 the studies by the scientists of Clemson University (USA) revealed that the complete combustion of the binder could be achieved by subjecting HMA mixture at a temperature of 843°C. They also noted that the burning of aggregate at such a temperature could possibly cause the mass loss of the whole sample. Although the mass loss of granite materials was negligible, dolomite materials lost a significant amount of its mass. The scientists noted that during the ignition testing of 1000 g aggregates at a temperature of 843°C for 30 minutes in order to determine the binder content of asphalt mixture, the measured content could vary from the true binder content up to 1% [5]. Subsequent investigations of the new method were continued in the U.S. National Center for Asphalt Technology (NCAT) by Elton R. Brown, Nicholas E. Murphy, Li Yu and Stuart Mager [5]. Their tests solved many questions, identified by Antrim and Busching. First of all, a new furnace was created. In a new furnace the asphalt mixture was burnt at a temperature setting of 593°C but not 843°C, resulting in a significantly lower change in the results of the binder content due to ignition of mineral aggregates. The tests showed that the aggregate residue, remaining after ignition, is suitable to determine gradation of the asphalt mixture. Also it was noted that the results of burning at a temperature of 593°C are more accurate than 843°C. The new dishes were created, which reduced the burning time from 4,5 hours to 30-40 minutes. Further investigations with a new furnace resulted in the creation of ignition method to determine the binder content of HMA mixture and from the remaining burnt mineral aggregate – to determine the gradation. In order to determine the exact binder content the correction factor is necessary for some aggregates. No correction factor is needed for aggregate gradation. One of the main conclusions, made by Elton R. Brown, Nicholas E. Murphy, Li Yu and Stuart Mager, was that the accuracy of ignition method is as good as of the extraction method [5]. In 1995 E. R. Brown and Stuart Mager conducted a special study to determine the accuracy of the ignition method. For this purpose they used the method, developed by NCAT. 12 laboratories throughout the U.S. were selected for the study. Each of them was supplied with 1 furnace and the test procedure for the determination of binder content of HMA mixture by ignition method and was sent 4 different HMA mixture types. The study and the statistical analysis of the results showed that the ignition method is more accurate than the extraction method. In order to obtain a sufficient accuracy of the results it was important to identify the correction factors [7]. In 2002 Brian D. Prowell conducted analogical study as that of E. R. Brown and Stuart Mager. Brian D. Prowell used the same ignition method and not a standard ignition furnace but the infrared furnace. The study was based on the previously prepared asphalt mixtures with the already known content by using the standard and the infrared furnace. The study and the statistical analysis of the results showed that, when using a new type of infrared furnace, the test results are more accurate. Aditionaly, it was determined that the correction factors for the infrared furnace were generally smaller than those for the standard furnace [8]. 3. Experimental investigations for the determination of asphalt content 3.1. Selection of samples for experimental investigations 28 cores, taken from the road pavement, were selected by an accidental order in the laboratory. The composition of the cores selected was determined by the use of both extraction and ignition methods. The majority of samples were the mixtures from the top layers of the pavement. Therefore, in order to study the more frequently-used asphalt mixtures in the second part of investigations, asphalt mixtures, used for the lower pavement layers were prepared in the laboratory. 4 asphalt mixtures of different grade were prepared. 6 samples were produced from each mixture and 4 samples – from one mixture. Since the smallest possible mass of the sample, required for the extraction method is 800 grams and for the ignition method - 500 grams, the test was conducted for the sample mass of (1100±100) grams, since the sample should represent the content of the mixture to be tested. Aggregate content, % of mass By ignition By extraction By ignition By extraction >2 By extraction 0,09 - 2 By ignition < 0,09 By extraction 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Bitumen content, % of mass1) By ignition Sample No. Table 3.1. Determined composition of samples, taken from asphalt pavement. Grade of mixture 4,18 5,58 5,36 5,39 5,44 5,31 5,33 5,61 5,46 5,44 5,14 6,29 6,23 6,07 6,13 6,00 5,95 5,93 6,04 5,66 5,24 5,66 5,64 5,98 5,47 5,09 6,25 5,56 6,00 6,06 5,57 5,94 5,85 5,82 5,67 5,79 5,62 6,04 4,72 6,56 5,79 6,09 6,39 5,92 6,05 5,96 6,50 5,59 5,52 5,35 5,82 5,82 5,93 4,93 6,06 5,59 6,63 9,67 6,51 6,43 6,82 6,33 8,35 9,09 9,65 7,57 8,62 8,09 8,04 7,56 7,41 7,35 7,61 8,19 7,54 7,64 8,39 7,32 4,51 5,78 9,32 6,87 7,70 6,59 10,70 10,50 6,90 7,30 7,20 7,40 9,60 10,90 11,00 6,70 8,80 8,90 8,80 8,40 8,50 8,60 9,00 9,50 9,30 10,40 9,00 8,60 7,50 7,40 10,20 6,60 8,50 6,70 26,24 35,50 38,44 34,18 35,00 34,53 38,31 39,43 36,98 40,63 32,96 27,77 36,90 37,28 36,51 38,10 38,32 37,05 39,64 31,95 30,46 37,80 32,81 35,56 40,28 36,73 40,05 35,08 31,50 33,80 39,30 35,10 33,70 34,20 38,00 36,40 33,00 32,60 27,50 21,00 32,00 33,50 37,00 35,80 38,40 35,40 40,30 30,20 29,30 27,60 34,30 34,10 41,60 33,30 37,60 32,60 67,13 54,82 55,05 59,38 58,19 59,14 53,34 51,48 53,37 51,80 58,42 64,14 55,07 55,16 56,08 54,55 54,07 54,76 52,82 60,41 61,15 54,88 62,68 58,66 50,41 56,40 52,25 58,33 57,90 55,70 53,80 57,60 58,90 58,40 52,40 52,70 56,20 60,70 63,70 70,10 59,10 58,10 54,50 55,60 52,60 55,10 50,40 59,40 61,70 63,80 58,20 58,50 48,20 60,10 53,90 60,70 0/16S-V 0/16S-V 0/11S-V 0/11S-V 0/11S-V 0/11S-V 0/11S-V 0/11S-V 0/11S-V 0/11S-V 0/16S-A 0/11S-M 0/16-Vn 0/16-Vn 0/16-Vn 0/16-Vn 0/16-Vn 0/16-Vn 0/16-Vn 0/16-Vn 0/16-Vn 0/16-Vn 0/11-V 0/11-V 0/11-V 0/11-V 0/11-V 0/11-A Note: the specified binder content exceeds 100 % of the aggregate mixture mass. Table 3.2. Determined composition of laboratory-prepared asphalt samples. Grade of mixture 0/16S-A 0/16S-A 0/22-Cs 0/16S-A Grade of bitumen B 50/70 B 70/100 B 50/70 67,0 67,0 67,0 67,0 67,0 67,0 67,0 67,0 67,0 67,0 67,0 67,0 67,0 67,0 67,0 67,0 67,0 67,0 67,0 67,0 67,0 67,0 B 50/70 69,4 63,7 68,8 65,1 67,1 66,6 66,3 66,0 64,2 64,7 62,8 61,5 64,9 63,7 64,8 64,3 65,5 64,4 65,6 66,6 67,3 66,5 Granite 65,8 64,3 66,6 65,2 66,4 63,8 64,6 64,5 65,4 65,3 63,4 64,4 65,1 64,3 65,0 64,2 67,6 66,6 64,6 67,3 66,2 64,7 Granite 27,0 27,0 27,0 27,0 27,0 27,0 27,0 27,0 27,0 27,0 27,0 27,0 27,0 27,0 27,0 27,0 26,0 26,0 26,0 26,0 26,0 26,0 Crushed granite 20,7 24,8 20,6 23,8 22,1 22,8 22,7 22,4 23,6 22,8 24,5 24,5 27,4 28,5 27,5 28,1 22,3 23,7 21,9 21,1 20,7 20,9 Dolomite By extraction 24,6 26,5 24,3 25,1 24,3 26,6 26,1 26,2 24,8 24,6 26,1 24,7 29,0 30,1 29,8 29,9 24,0 24,6 25,9 23,9 24,8 25,9 Job mix formula 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 7,0 7,0 7,0 7,0 7,0 7,0 By ignition 9,9 11,6 10,6 11,1 10,9 10,6 11,0 11,6 12,3 12,4 12,8 14,0 7,7 7,8 7,7 7,6 12,2 11,9 12,5 12,3 12,0 12,6 By extraction By ignition 9,6 9,1 9,1 9,7 9,3 9,6 9,3 9,4 9,7 10,1 10,5 10,9 5,9 5,6 5,2 5,9 8,4 8,8 9,5 8,8 9,0 9,4 >2 Job mix formula Job mix formula 3,4 3,8 4,2 4,6 5 5,4 3,4 3,8 4,2 4,6 5 5,4 3,4 3,8 4,2 4,6 3,8 4,2 4,6 5 5,4 5,8 By ignition 3,46 4,03 4,06 4,72 4,91 5,28 3,42 3,81 4,34 4,64 5,32 5,75 3,4 3,82 4,08 4,44 5,55 5,32 4,66 5,59 4,21 3,9 0,09 - 2 By extraction By extraction 3,34 3,7 3,98 4,35 4,62 5,19 3,4 3,7 3,87 4,07 4,68 4,94 3,33 3,73 4,05 4,43 5,61 5,32 5,11 5,59 4,59 4,45 Job mix formula Sample No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 < 0,09 Type of aggregate Aggregate content, % of mass Bitumen content, % of mass1) By ignition 3.2. Evaluation and analysis of the results of experimental investigations After extraction, ignition and screening of the samples, taken from asphalt pavement, the analysis of the results was carried out. Tables 3.1 and 3.2 give the results of investigations. In the Laboratory of Road Research of the Department of Roads of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University the composition of 28 samples, taken from asphalt pavement and of 22 laboratory-prepared samples was determined. Investigations were performed by using the extraction method with chlorinated solvent (trichloroethylene) and the ignition method. The job-mix formula of the samples, taken from the pavement, and a precise grading and binder content of the laboratoryprepared samples were known. The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the accuracy of extraction and ignition methods as well as their relationship. The extraction method is widely used all over the world and in Lithuania, while the ignition method is still new and rarely used, though it is more effective than the extraction. Note: the specified binder content exceeds 100 % of the aggregate mixture mass. After all the asphalt samples were investigated and a statistical analysis of the results was made, the distribution and correlation charts were presented (Fig. 3.1 - 3.8). The following correlations were obtained: between bitumen content – r = 0,899; between the fractions of aggregate < 0,09 mm - r = 0,837; between the fractions of aggregate 0,09-2 mm - r = 0,916; between the fractions of aggregate > 2 mm - r = 0,839. Investigation results show that the lowest correlation r = 0,837 is between the fractions of aggregate < 0,09 mm, the highest correlation – r = 0,916 is between the fractions of aggregate 0,09-2 mm. Figure 3.1 shows that the bitumen content in the asphalt sample, determined by the ignition method, is not always higher than that determined by the extraction method. The difference in the bitumen content between the ignition and extraction methods differs for all grades of asphalt mixture. Data in Figure 3.2 illustrates that nearly in all samples the content of < 0,09 mm fraction of aggregate, determined by the ignition method, is lower than that by the extraction method. This means that part of < 0,09 mm aggregate particles could be removed during the burning process together with smoke and other burning products in a disperse phase or did not stick to the filter in the centrifuge during the extraction and was washed-out together with trichloroethylene. Figure 3.3 shows that nearly in all samples the content of 0,09-2 mm fraction of aggregate, determined by the ignition method, is higher than that by the extraction method. This could happen because in the burnt sample the aggregate particles of < 0,09-2 mm fraction fused together, thus, making a larger part of 0,092 mm fraction. Bitumen content, % of mass 7,00 6,50 6,00 5,50 By Ignition 5,00 By Extraction 4,50 4,00 3,50 3,00 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Sample Aggregate content, % of mass Fig. 3.1. The determination bitumen content in the tested samples 16,00 14,00 12,00 By Ignition 10,00 By Extraction 8,00 6,00 4,00 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Sample Aggregate content, % of mass Fig. 3.2. The determined content of < 0,09 mm fraction of aggregate in the tested samples 45,00 40,00 35,00 By Ignition By Extraction 30,00 25,00 20,00 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Sample Aggregate content, % of mass Fig. 3.3. The determined content of < 0,09-2 mm fraction of aggregate in the tested samples 70,00 65,00 60,00 By Ignition By Extraction 55,00 50,00 45,00 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Sample Fig. 3.4. The determined content of > 2 mm fraction of aggregate in the tested samples Fig. 3.5. Correlation of determined bitumen content in all test samples. Fig. 3.6. Correlation of the determined content of < 0,09 mm fraction of aggregate in all test samples. Fig. 3.7. Correlation of the determined content of 0,09-2 mm fraction of aggregate in all test samples. Fig. 3.8. Correlation of the determined content of > 2 mm fraction of aggregate in all test samples. Fig. 3.9. Statistical evaluation of the difference between the bitumen value and the job mix value in all test samples. Fig. 3.10. Statistical evaluation of the difference between the value of < 0,09 mm fraction of aggregate and the job mix value in all test samples. Fig. 3.11. Statistical evaluation of the difference between the value of 0,09-2 mm fraction of aggregate and the job mix value in all test samples. Fig. 3.12. Statistical evaluation of the difference between the value of > 2 mm fraction of aggregate and the job mix value in all test samples. The analysis of the difference between the investigation results and the job mix formulas gave the values of differences. The values were subjected to the statistical analysis and the dispersion diagrams were obtained (Fig. 3.9 – 3.12). The diagrams show the distribution of investigation results, obtained by using the ignition and extraction methods. Conclusions Based on the overview of previous investigations and a statistical analysis and evaluation of investigation results the following conclusions and recommendations could be given: 1) HMA mixtures and their components shall correspond to the traffic and climatic conditions. The HMA mixture production process shall be continuously checked and subjected to the quality control. This requires a proper sampling of asphalt mixtures and the use of certain methods to determine their composition; 2) The test by using the ignition method is twice as short as the extraction method. Thus, the test is quick and more effective. Also the ignition method is cheaper and more safe than the extraction method; 3) In accordance with the EU Council Directive 98/24/EC on the “Protection of the Health and Safety of Workers from the Risks Related to Chemical Agents at Work” it is aimed to create the more strict conditions for using, storing and working with chlorinated materials, therefore, in order to use less hazardous methods, it is necessary to conduct more comprehensive investigations and to determine the accuracy and reliability of the ignition method; 4) Investigation results showed that the bitumen content after ignition of samples is not equal to the bitumen content of extracted samples. The difference depends on the grade of asphalt mixture (type and grade of components). In HMS mixtures, containing dolomite aggregate, the bitumen content, determined by the ignition method, is higher than that determined by the extraction. When granite aggregate is used the results are opposite; 5) Statistical analysis of investigation shows a strong correlation r ≈ 0,9 between the methods. Therefore, it could be stated that the ignition method is as accurate as the extraction method for the determination of asphalt content. However, bitumen content in the burnt asphalt samples is more scattered from the point of view of the job mix formula, and the determined scattering of bitumen content in the extracted samples is very low, the average of values is close to the bitumen content of job mix formula; 6) Statistical analysis of investigation shows that the grading of extracted asphalt samples is less scattered from the point of view of the job mix formula than of the burnt samples. However, the difference between the content of fractions and the job mix formula in the burnt asphalt samples is less than in the extracted samples; 7) In order to get reliable results for each grade of the HMA mixture it is necessary to perform additional investigations of mixture composition, to ensure the correspondence of test sample to the job-mix formula and at least 20 tests for one grade of the mixture. In the result the correction factors could be determined. References 1. I. M. Grushko, I. V. Kroliov, I. M. Borsh. Road building materials. Моscow: Transport, 1983. 383 pages. (In Russian). 2. K. A. Sakalauskas, Е. А. Stankus, C. J .Rokas. Report about scientific research work “Of research of accuracy and stability of the technological process of 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. the preparation of asphalt mixtures”, Vilnius: 1983. 263 pages. (In Russian). D. Cygas, A. Laurinavicius. Main problems according to building asphalt layers in highways and city streets. 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