Video Peer Appraisal With the increased emphasis on teaching and training, the visit will include an opportunity to look at the Educational Supervisor in action, by looking at a video of a CBD or discussion of a COT. This exercise will be helped by the Educational Supervisor having had the opportunity to reflect on the video prior to the visit. I am grateful to the North of Scotland for allowing us to modify their current model of tutorial review. You may wish to use this framework to assist in the formative review of you video – or you may simply want to talk about a particular issue that is important to you. In practical terms: 1. The learner should sign the consent form. 2. The Educational Supervisor should complete the “Educational Supervisor’s Copy” of the Video Tutorial Task List. 3. The Educational Supervisor should decide on an area within the tutorial on which to focus. 4. At the time of the visit, the visitors and Educational Supervisor will watch the video, the visitors completing the relevant sections of the “Visitors Copy” of the Video Tutorial Checklist. 5. The specific information recorded on the Visitors Copy of the Video Tutorial Task List will not be submitted as part of the formal report. 7. Video Peer Appraisal Document NHS EDUCATION FOR SCOTLAND TRAINING PRACTICE VISITS Videoing Tutorials The skills of leaner-centred teaching have much in common with patient-centred consulting, and therefore should be familiar to all Educational Supervisors. The list of nine Tasks that follows has been adapted from three sources: work done by Educational Supervisors in Highland “Professional Education for General Practice” by Havelock et al. The Oxford Region’s contribution to formative assessment of Educational Supervisor’s teaching The KSS (Kent, Surrey, Sussex) handbook on video tutorial summative assessment The Tasks The following tasks are appropriate for a tutorial between Educational Supervisor and GP Registrar: 1. Create an appropriate learning environment 2. Identify the learner’s agenda 3. Assess the learner’s needs 4. Negotiate and agree the process for learning 5. Select and use appropriate learning methods that develop the learner’s: a. Clinical competence b. Critical thinking c. Self-awareness 6. Summarise and check for learning 7. Agree plans for future learning 8. Use time appropriately 9. Establish and maintain an effective working relationship Practical Considerations A video’d tutorial is an artificial situation and can therefore only approximate to the normal unobserved tutorials of Educational Supervisor and GP Registrar learner. However, as in a COT put forward by a Trainee, it gives an opportunity for the Educational Supervisor to demonstrate that he or she can achieve the components of effective teaching. The tutorial should be problem-based – a one or two clinical cases, or practice situations or general issues brought to the tutorial by the GP Registrar as problems to him/her. Approx 20 minutes in length Recorded in a format that: o has the time showing o is of good sound and visual quality o allows observation of both Educational Supervisor’s and Learner’s faces Written consent obtained from learner – a sample consent form follows. Any patients discussed should not be identifiable by name The video should be accompanied by personal comments reflecting on the educational process displayed on the video, identifying strengths and weaknesses for each criterion. More important than producing a perfect video is the ability to recognise where and how it could have been better! See following sheet “Video Tutorial Checklist”. 7. Video Peer Appraisal Document Learner’s Consent for being Video’d This video of a tutorial will form an integral part of the practice visit, to ensure educational standards in the training practice. The tutorial will usually be with a GP Registrar, although if there is no Registrar currently in place any learner will do! This could be a GP Registrar “borrowed” from another practice, a GP colleague, a nurse or another practice team member. Name of Practice Name of Educational Supervisor Signature: Name of GP Registrar Signature Date 7. Video Peer Appraisal Document EDUCATIONAL SUPERVISOR COPY NHS EDUCATION FOR SCOTLAND THE TUTORIAL TASKS Create an appropriate learning environment Identify the learner’s agenda – Who or what is it you want to talk about? Assess the learner’s needs – What is it you need to learn? Negotiate and agree the process for learning – How shall we do this? Select and use appropriate learning methods that develop the learner’s: 1. Clinical Competence 2. Critical thinking 3. Self-awareness Summarise and check for learning What did we cover? And what did you learn? Agree plans for future learning – What happens now? Use time appropriately – ie well-paced, too rushed or too slow? Establish and maintain an effective working relationship Does the relationship appear to support the learning? 7. Video Peer Appraisal Document VIDEO TUTORIAL TASK LIST Educational Supervisor’s Reflections and Assessment VISITOR COPY NHS EDUCATION FOR SCOTLAND VIDEO TUTORIAL TASK LIST THE TUTORIAL TASKS 1 Create an appropriate learning environment 2 Identify the learner’s agenda – Who or what is it you want to talk about? 3 Assess the learner’s needs – What is it you need to learn? 4 Negotiate and agree the process for learning – How shall we do this? Select and use appropriate learning methods that develop the learner’s: 1. Clinical Competence 5 2. Critical thinking 3. Self-awareness 6 Summarise and check for learning 7 Agree plans for future learning – What happens now? 8 Use time appropriately – ie well paced, too rushed or too slow? 9 Establish and maintain an effective working relationship – Does the relationship appear to support the learning? 7. Video Peer Appraisal Document Areas for Discussion