APPLICATION FOR RECRUITMENT OF HOSTEL WELFARE OFFICER GR-II VISAKHAPATNAM DIST., (To be filled by the candidate) Photo of the applicant duly attested by the Gazetted Officer Note: (i) Application must be filled up by the candidate in his/her own handwriting (ii) While filling names & address fill up one letter in each box leaving one box between words. 1. Surname: Name: 2. Father’s Name / Husband Name: 3. Postal Address: Mandal District: PIN Phone No./Cell No. 4. Date of Birth : (DD-MM-YYYY) Age as on 1.7.2010(Yrs-Months-Days) 5. Gender (Put tick (√ ) mark Male Female 6. Community to which you belong to : (Put tick (√ ) mark) OC BC(A) BC(B) BC ( C ) BC(D) 7. Do you claim to be a local candidate (Put tick (√ ) mark) BC(E) SC Yes No ST (i) Particulars of study of the candidate in seven years ending with Class X. Class Name of the Place District State Duration Institution From To th 4 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th (ii) If the candidate has not studied in any school during the whole or any part of Seven years period mentioned above, but claims to be a local candidate by virtue period of residence, he/she should submit the particulars in the following table (certificate of residence in the proforma mentioned in the AnnexureIII shall be encloed Sl. No. Village Mandal District Period of Residence From To 8. (i)Are you a Physically Handicapped ? (Put tick (√) mark) (ii) If yes, please mention : No (Put tick (√) mark) Visually Handicapped Hearing Impaired (iii) Scriber required (Put tick (√ ) mark) 9. Fees particulars: Yes Amount paid Yes Ortho.Handicapped No Rs. D.D.No. Date: Name of the Bank: Branch: 10. GENERAL QUALIFICATIONS : Intermediate/ B.Sc./ B.Com./ B.A./ Oriental Title Sl. No. Name of the Examination Name of the Board/University Optional Subjects & Medium Register No. Optional Subjects & Medium Register No. Marks Secured Maximum Month and Year of Passing Examination 10. PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS: Sl. No. Name of the Examination Name of the Board/University Date: Total Marks (Theory + Practical) Secured Maximum Month and Year of Passing Examination Full Signature of the Applicant DECLARATION I hereby declare that all information furnished by me in this application is true and correct and I undertake to produce the original documents at any moment, failing which my candidature may be cancelled. I am fully aware that furnishing false information will lead to a criminal case against me, apart from cancellation of my candidature as it amounts to cheating. I am alone responsible If any wrong entries made by me in the application form. Date : Place : Full Signature of the Applicant ANNEXURE – I CERTIFICATE OF RESIDENCE (To be produced by the candidates who have not regularly studied during the whole or any part of the relevant 7 years period but claims to be local candidates by virtue of residence) It is hereby certified : a) ThatSri/Smt/Kum_____________________________________________________________ S/o., W/o.,D/o., ________________________________appeared for the first time for SSC Examination in_____________Month of ___________Year. b) That he/she has not studied in any educational institution during the whole or part of seven(7) consecutive academic years in which he/she first appeared for the aforesaid examination. c) That in seven(7) years immediately preceding the commencement of the aforesaid examination he/she resided in the following place (s) namely. Sl.No. Village Mandal District Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Office Seal OFFICER OF THE REVENUE DEPARTMENT (Not below the rank of Mandal Revenue Officer In independent charge of a Mandal) Station : Date : *STRIKE OFF WHOLE/PARTS AS THE CASE MAY BE. ANNEXURE – II CHECK LIST (Put tick ( √ ) mark) 1) Have you enclosed the following certificates. a) Attested copies of the Pass Certificates and Mark Memos of Educational Qualifications prescribed for the post. YES / NO b) Attested copy of SSC certificate (or its equivalent) c) YES / NO Attested copy of community Certificates issued by the competent Authority in case of SC, ST and BC YES / NO d) Attested copies of Study Certificate(s) in case of study from Class IV to X YES / NO e) Annexure – I Certificate of Residence in case of those who have not Studied in any school up to the class 10th or its equivalent. YES / NO f) Attested copy of certificate of proof of VH/HI/OH as the case may be YES / NO g) Whether Two (2) self addressed and stamped envelops (10” x 4”) are Enclosed. YES / NO 2. Have you affixed your latest photograph on the application form and on Hall Tickets. 3. Have all the columns in the application form been filled ? 4. Have you submitted two latest Passport size Photographs ? 5. Have you been in possession of required qualification for the post ? YES / NO YES / NO Signature of the Candidate YES / NO YES / NO Signature of the Official incharge of the application receiving counter B.C.WELFARE DEPARTMENT, VISAKHAPATNAM DISTRICT HALL TICKET FOR THE RECRUITMENT OF HOSTEL WELFARE OFFICERS GRADE-II TEST 2011. (For Office Purpose only) Date: Time: Regd., No. Examination Centre : Pass port size Phote of the applicant (to be attested by any gazetted officer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Name of the Candidate : 2. Father’s Name : 3. Caste : 4. Personal marks of Identification : i) ii) Signature of the Candidate (at the time of examination only) Signature of the Dist.B.C.Welfare Officer/Member Secretary, DSC, Visakhapatnam B.C.WELFARE DEPARTMENT, VISAKHAPATNAM DISTRICT HALL TICKET FOR THE RECRUITMENT OF HOSTEL WELFARE OFFICERS GRADE-II TEST 2011. (For Office Purpose only) Date: Time: Regd., No. Examination Centre : Pass port size Phote of the applicant (to be attested by any gazette officer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Name of the Candidate : 2. Father’s Name : 3. Caste: : 4. Personal marks of Identification : i) ii) Signature of the Candidate (at the time of examination only) Signature of the Dist.B.C.Welfare Officer/Member Secretary, DSC, Visakhapatnam INSTRUCTIONS: 1. All the columns should be filled by the candidate in his/her own hand writing only. 2. In completed/unfilled applications will be summarily rejected. 3. Candidate should enclose attested zerox copies of the certificates. 4. No candidate is allowed to enter the examination hall, 5 Minutes after the commencement of examination. 5. Total No.of vacancies: 15 ( OC – 5, OC (W) – 3, SC – 2, ST(W) – 1, BC A – 1, BC B – 1, BCB (W) – 1, OH – 1). 6. Mode of Selection: On the basis of marks secured in written test (objective type) 7. Written test will be in the standard of Graduation with B.Ed., level (DSC School Asst., model) consisting of General Studies 75 Marks, covering topics like polity, Economy, History, Geography, General Science etc., with focus on Andhra Pradesh, General English 25 Marks, Test of Reasoning 25 Marks and Current Affairs and aptitude 25 Marks. 8. Duration of the test: 3 Hours. 9. Use blue/black point pen only 10.Any corrections/over writing on the answer sheet, marks will not be awarded. 11.Question papers will be both in English and Telugu language. 12.In the written test, if 2 or more candidates secure same marks, preference shall be given to the candidate, who is older in age and next preference shall be given for higher qualification. 13. Cell phone is strictly prohibited in the exam hall.