G.H.RAISONI COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, NAGPUR SESSION- 2009-2010 DEPARTMENT OF MECHNICAL ENGINEERING COMPUTER APPLICATION –I UNIT-I INTRODUCTION TO ALGORITHM 1) What are the properties of an algorithm? 2) What do you mean by narrative description? 3) What is flowchart? State various symbols used in flowchart. What are data, data type and primitive operations? 4) A system of linear equations of from ax + by = c and dx + ey = f can be solved using the following formulas:- x = ce - bf / ae - bd, y = af -cd / ae – bd 5) Write an algorithm to interchange three numbers ABC as shown below. 6) Radius of a circle(R) and co-ordinates of centre (x, y) are input. Write AN algorithm to determine whether the point(x1, y1) is lying inside the circle, on the circle or outside the circle. 7) Write an algorithm to solve roots of a quadratic equation. 8) Write an algorithm to print all Armstrong numbers between 1 and 500. If sum of cubes of each digit of the number is equal to number itself, then the number is called an Armstrong number. 9) Write an algorithm to check whether given number is palindrome or not. 10) Write an algorithm o compute sum o cosine series up to N terms. 11) Write an algorithm to interchange the two values without using third variable. 12) Write an algorithm to find factorial of a number. 13) Write an algorithm to find largest and smallest number from a given set of ten numbers. What is sub algorithm? 14) Write an algorithm to compute the sum of the following series up to n terms 1 + ½ + ¼ + 1/8 + 1/16 - ------ UNIT-II COMPOSITE DATASTRUCTURES 1) Write an algorithm to search an element X in an array A of N elements using Binary Search algorithm. 2) Write an algorithm to search an element X in an array A of N elements using Linear Search algorithm. 3) Name different types of sorting techniques. Write an algorithm for bubble sort. 4) Name different types of sorting techniques. Write an algorithm for bubble sort. 5) Trace the algorithm for searching X=35, in an array A [6] given below. A[6]={2,25,36,5,35,20} 6) What is an Array? Explain. 7) Write an algorithm to find transpose of a 3x 3 matrix. 8) Write an algorithm to add a 3 x 3 matrix. 9) Write an algorithm to subtract a 3 x 3 matrix. UNIT-III LINEAR DATA STRUCTURES 1) What do you understand by a linear data structure? 2) What is linked list? Explain it with an example. 3) Explain insertion on linked list. And write an algorithm of inserting a node into an ordered linked list. 4) Explain deletion operation by giving algorithm. 5) What is circularity linked list? Discuss advantages and disadvantages of circular lists. 6) What is doubly linked list? Give the insertion and deletion algorithms for doubly linked list. 7) Define a stack and explain the concept of stack. 8) Mention and explain operations on stack. 9) Write an algorithm to PUSH an element X in the stack S. 10) Write an algorithm to POP an element X in the stack S. 11) State and explain applications of stacks. Explain recursion. 12) Write a note on infix, suffix and prefix expressions with examples. 13) What is queue? Define and explain its concept by giving examples. 14) Give the storage representation of a queue in the memory. 15) State the operations performed on queue .write algorithm for each them. 16) What is a circular queue? State the operations performed on a circular queue and give algorithm for each of them. 17) What is deque? 18) Differentiate between stacks and queue. UNIT-IV NON-LINEAR DATA STRUCTURES 1) What is a Tree? Explain tree terminology. 2) What is a binary tree? How are binary trees represented in memory? 3) What is a binary search tree? 4) Write the procedure for insertion of a node in BST. 5) Formulate a Sub algorithm for traversing a Binary tree in a Post order. 6) Formulate a Sub algorithm for traversing a Binary tree in a Pre order. 7) Formulate a Sub algorithm for traversing a Binary tree in an In order. 8) Represent the following given tree graphically by. 1) Venn Diagram 3) Bar Chart 2) Nested Parentheses 4) Level Number Notations 9) A binary tree has 10 nodes. In order and Pre-order traversal of the tree is given. Construct a tree using the information available. Preorder :- 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 Inorder :- 3,5,4,2,1,7,9,8,10,6 10) Draw the expression trees for following mathematical expressions. a) b) c) d) (A / B ) / C + D * cos α +E [A + ( B – C ) ] / [( D - E) * (F + G – H )] *A+B*+C–DE A +B * C + D / F – G * (M * R) 11) Write Preorder, Postorder and In order for the tree given. 12) Write an Algorithm to search an element in the given tree. 13) Given the preorder and In order traversal of a binary tree, draw 9ots tree and write it’s pot order traversal. Preorder: Z A Q P Y X C B In-order: Q A Y P Z C B X UNIT-V FILE HANDLING 1) Define a record / group/ segment. 2) Define the following terms a) Item b) File c) Key d) Database 3) Define transaction & transaction record, transaction file. 4) Write a note on record organization. 5) Write notes on. 1) Sequential files 2) Structure of sequential and processing of sequential files or sequential file organization. UNIT-VI OBJECT MODELING 1) What is Object Oriented Programming? 2) What are the features of an Object Oriented Programming? 3) What is an Object? 4) What do you mean by Classes? 5) What are property and method of a Class? 6) Explain Abstraction. 7) Explain Inheritance. 8) What is Encapsulation? Explain. 9) What do you mean by Polymorphism? 10) What is Function Overloading? 11) What is Operator Overloading?