SIGCSE 03 paper (MS Word, 4 pages)

Brute force and backtracking
Stephen Weiss
Department of Computer Science
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
CB# 3175, Sitterson Hall
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3175
In our CS-2 course we cover a number of
problem solving techniques, one of which is
brute force. By brute force we mean solving a
problem by simply trying all possible candidate
solutions looking for ones that work. Problems
that submit to brute force solution require two
attributes. First the space from which solutions
are drawn must be finite. And second, the
problem must be what I call an "oh yeah"
problem. This is, a problem that may be very
hard to solve, but when you are presented with a
candidate, it is relatively easy to determine
whether or not it is a solution. A good example
is a combination lock. If the lock has 60
numbers on the dial and has a three-digit
combination, then the solution space contains all
possible three-digit combinations (x,y,z) when
each is limited to 1...60, a total size of 603 or
216,000. But if presented with a candidate
combination, it is a simple matter of dialing the
combination and yanking on the lock to
determine if the combination is correct. Given
the power of machines available today, brute
force turns out to be very reasonable, even when
the solution space is very large.
Brute force problem solving is characterized by
the figure below.
The generator produces
elements of the solution space, one at a time, and
passes each to the filter. The filter determines
whether the candidate is a solution. If so, it is
passed to the outside; if not, it is discarded.
advance or at least bounded, and where each si is
drawn from a finite pool. For simplicity, we’ll
assume that each si is drawn from the same pool.
We assume availability of a Sequence class that
maintains and manipulates a sequence. Methods
in the sequence class include:
extend(x) Add x to the right end of the
retract() Remove the rightmost element
of the sequence.
Return current sequence length
We can now use the classic backtracking
algorithm to generate all possible sequences of
length n. The iterative algorithm consists of two
phases. In the first phase, we repeatedly add new
elements to the sequence.
Extend(x) where x is something new,
that is, something that has not already
been added to the sequence at this point.
When this step fails, either because the sequence
has reached maximal size or because there’s
nothing new to do, then we go to the second
phase, the backtrack phase (from which the
algorithm gets its name).
Undo (retract) the most recently added
element of the sequence.
And then return to the first phase.
When the second phase fails (there’s nothing left
to undo) the algorithm ends.
Instead of the iterative version, we use the
simpler, recursive version of the backtrack
algorithm. The algorithm below (in pseudo Java)
displays all maximal length sequences.
backtrack(Sequence s)
For each si in the pool
if (sequence is maximal size)
{display sequence}
We restrict ourselves to problems whose solution
is a sequence (s1, s2, …sn) where n is known in
Nifty backtracking
Converting this “all sequence generator” to a
problem solver requires only that the maximal
length sequences pass the filter before display.
For many problems, brute works well with no
further modification.
However, for some
problems, the number of candidate sequences is
so large that we must modify the basic
backtracking algorithm to make it tractable.
The classic case study for brute force solution is
the 8-queens problem: how can you place eight
chess queens on a chessboard so that no queen
can attack any of the others. 1 In its most general
form in which each of the queens can occupy any
square on the board, the size of the solution
space is 648 or more than 280,000,000,00,000.
Even on the most powerful, multi-gigahertz
machines, there are simply too many possibilities
to try them all.
We treat two strategies to improve efficiency.
First, we attempt to reduce the size of the
solution space. In the 8-queens problem, for
example, we quickly realize that any solution
must have each queen in her own row. Any
placement of queens in which two or more
queens share a row cannot be a solution. Hence
we can reformulate the problem: how can we
place the eight queens, one per row, so that there
are no threats? This change reduces the size of
the solution space to 88, a mere 16,777,216 or
about sixteen million times smaller than the
original. Now brute force starts to look practical.
The second efficiency measure, pruning, often
yields even more dramatic improvements. With
pruning, we test partially completed sequences
for viability. A viable partial sequence is one
that might possibly lead to a solution; a nonviable partial sequence is one that cannot
possibly lead to a solution. For example, in the
figures that follow, the first arrangement is
viable while the second is non-viable2.
By rejecting non-viable sequences early, we
eliminate many elements of the solution space
with a single test. For example, rejecting the
non-viable arrangement above eliminates the
need to check the 86 or more than a quarter of a
million complete queen arrangements that begin
this way. Hence a single test eliminates many
possibilities from further consideration. By
proper use of pruning, the 8-queen problem can
be solved by testing only about 16,000 partial or
full arrangements.
Adding pruning to the recursive backtrack
algorithm is simple and can be done in several
ways. We prefer the “test before extend”
strategy in which we check an element for
viability before adding it to the sequence. The
method okToAdd(si) returns true if adding si
to the currently viable sequence would result in a
viable sequence.
In chess, a queen can move horizontally, vertically, or along
a diagonal. Hence if a queen occupies a particular square on
the chess board, say row r and column c, then that queen
could attack another queen in that same row, that same
column, or along the two diagonals that pass through r,c.
While the first figure is viable, it turns out that there are no
solutions that begin this way. This illustrates that not all
viable sequences lead to solutions.
Nifty backtracking
backtrack(Sequence s)
For each si in the pool
if (s.okToAdd(si))
if (sequence is maximal size)
// Solution
{display sequence}
Another small change accommodates problems
where the solution size is not known in advance,
but is bounded.
backtrack(Sequence s)
For each si in the pool
if (s.okToAdd(si))
if (sequence is a solution)
// Solution
{display sequence}
if(sequence not max size)
Nifty exercises
Unfortunately, using the 8-queens problem as a
case study in class eliminates this as a possible
exercise. So we need other brute force problems.
What follows are some exercises in more or less
increasing order of difficulty.
Map coloring: given (possibly undrawable) map
with n regions represented by an adjacency
matrix (an nxn boolean matrix; entry (i,j) is true
if map region i shares a border with region j),
and a palate of c different colors, what are all the
different ways to color the map so that adjacent
regions are of different colors? Solutions are
sequences of length n where si is the color of the
ith region. Mapmakers have known for centuries
that four colors suffice for any planar map. But
the sufficiency of four colors was proven
mathematically only relatively recently.
Nifty backtracking
Running a maze: A rectangular maze is an nxm
grid with one square designated as the start and
another square designated as the finish. For each
square, the path to each of its four neighbors (up,
down, left, and right) may be open or blocked.
From each square, there are four possible moves:
up, down, left, and right. At each point along the
way, we need consider only three of these since
we don’t need to go back to the square from
which we came; the backtracking algorithm will
take care of that. A solution is a sequence of
moves (up, down, left, right) that takes us from
start to finish without violating the rules. A
sequence is nonviable if it contains a move along
a blocked path or if it brings us to a square
already visited (to prevent infinite trudging
around a loop). The length of a solution is not
known in advance, but is bounded by nm. This
problem is additionally nifty because it requires
students to design data structures for
representing the maze, and, if the maze contains
loops, keeping track of which squares that have
been visited.
Change making: Given an amount of money,
such as $1, what are all the different ways to
make that amount from coins? Solutions are
sequences of coins that sum to $1. To prevent,
multiple occurrences of the same solution, some
canonical representation must be chosen (such as
requiring that each coin in the sequence be no
greater than its neighbor on the left). Here again,
solution length is not known in advance, but is
bounded by 100. Because of the penny, any
viable partial set of coins will eventually lead to
a solution. The problem can be made more
interesting by specifying a different coin set. For
example, if all the coins are an even
denomination, then there's no way to generate an
odd sum, and not all viable sequences lead to a
solution. Or if we use the American coins but
without the penny and nickel, then some viable
partial sets cannot meet certain goals. For
example, three quarters is viable, but cannot lead
to an 80¢ goal. I gave a cash award of $1.91
(one of each coin) to the student who solved the
problem most efficiently.
Zoo animal placement: Modern zoos often put
compatible animals together in a large enclosure.
For example, at the North Carolina Zoo, the
zebras, ostriches and giraffes are housed
together. However, it's a bad idea to include
predator and prey in the same pen. Given a set
of animals and an "eats" matrix (an nxn boolean
matrix; element (i,j) is true if animal i eats
animal j), what are the various ways to group the
animals safely?
Word jumbles: Given a jumbled word, list all the
real words that are permutations. This problem
requires the help of a dictionary that serves to
define "real" words3. To unscramble a word of,
say, length 6, we generate all possible 6-letter
sequences. To be viable, a sequence of letters
must be a prefix of a real word (for example
“bana” is a prefix of a real word, while “banx” is
not) and the sequence must be a prefix of a
permutation of the word we’re trying to
Solving this puzzle requires methods to
determine if one string is a prefix of another, if
one string is a permutation of another, and if one
string is a prefix of a permutation of another. It
also requires data structures and methods for
efficient storage and search of the dictionary.
These methods formed the basis of an earlier
Cryptograms: Given a word encoded by a
simple cipher, list all real words that have the
specified pattern of letters. For example, if the
encoded word is "QWDDPE", find all 6-letter
words where the third and fourth letters are the
same; the other letters are all different, and all
letters are different from the encoded letters.
Again a dictionary is needed. A sequence of
letters is viable if it is a prefix of a real word and
has the required letter pattern. A somewhat more
challenging version of this problem allows some
of the letters to be specified as would be the case
part way through solving a cryptogram. Known
letters are indicated in lower case; unknown
letters are in upper case. For example, if the
encoded word is “bWDDeE” then we’re looking
for a real word (like “bitter”) whose first letter is
‘b’; whose fifth letter is ‘e’; the third and fourth
letters are the same and different from the others,
and none of the unknown (uppercase) letters
match the decoded letters.
Word summing: We define 'a' to be 1; 'b' to be 2;
etc., and define "adding" two words as adding
their letter values, letter by letter. So for
example, "abcde" + "ghijk" = "hjlnp" since
'a'+'g'=h; 'b'+'h'='j', etc. The assignment is to
find the two words that add up to "stuff". Here
again, a dictionary is needed. This problem is
more challenging because the most efficient
solution requires a different set of candidates for
each letter. For example, the first letter of the
solution words could be ‘a’…’r’. However, the
fourth and fifth letters are restricted to ‘a’…’e’.
A more challenging version of this problem is to
find all words in the dictionary that are the sum
of two other dictionary words. There are also a
few words that are the sum of two different pairs
of words.
Nine square puzzle: given the nine squares
shown in the attached diagram, arrange them into
a three by three square so that wherever one
square touches another, the sum of the touching
numbers is zero. That is, a 1 must touch a –1; a
2 must touch a –2, etc. There are 9!*49 ==
95,126,814,720 different ways to arrange the
squares. Requiring a canonical arrangement (for
example, requiring that the label of the puzzle
piece in the upper left corner be the smallest of
the four corner pieces) reduces the number by a
factor of four to 23,781,703,680. Pruning is very
effective allowing the puzzle to be solved by
testing only about 76,000 configurations. If we
think of the 3x3 square being built starting at the
upper left and proceeding across the first row,
then the second and then the third, adding a new
piece to a partially built square is viable if it has
not already been used, if its numbers match its
neighbors to the left and above (if they exist),
and if this is a corner piece, its name is greater
than the piece in the upper left corner.
This was a particularly interesting exercise. I
gave the puzzle out early in the course and
encouraged student to try it. A very few actually
solved it by hand; most became delightfully
frustrated. They were very pleasantly surprised
to see how quickly the problem yielded to brute
force with appropriate pruning.
A copy of the assignment, executable program,
For further
reading on brute force and backtracking,
including complete Java programs, see our
chapter in brute force and backtracking (MS
Word) at
There’s a 25,000 word dictionary at
Nifty backtracking