as exam style questions - The Grange School Blogs



A fit 18year old female student performs a 400m time trial in one minute.


Sketch and label a graph to show a typical HR response to exercise from the point 5 minutes before the run, during the time trail and over a 20 minute recovery period.

5 marks max A, 4 points B, 3 points C, 2 points D, 1 point E



Explain the meaning of this equation and give typical resting values that you might expect for an endurance based athlete.

6 marks max A, 5 points B, 4 points C, 3 points D, 1-2 marks E


A high level rower would have adaptations to the heart due to training

What effects of training on the cardiovascular system would you expect to see?

7 marks max 6 points A, 5 points B, 4 points C, 3 points D, 1-2 marks E

4 . Jodie Swallow is an Olympic triathlete with a resting HR of 36 bpm Give reasons that she has such a low HR.

6 max 5 marks A, 4 marks B, 3 marks C, 2 marks D 1 mark E


What adaptations to the vascular system would you expect to see from the same athlete?

8 max 6 points A, 5 points B, 4 points C, 3 points D, 2 points E


A fit 18year old female student performs a 400m time trial in one minute.


Sketch and label a graph to show a typical HR response to exercise from the point 5 minutes before the run, during the time trail and over a 20 minute recovery period.

5 marks max A, 4 points B, 3 points C, 2 points D, 1 point E

Graph should show

1 anticipatory rise just before exercise

2 initial rapid increase of HR

3 Max HR reached at end of exercise

4 initial quick recovery

5 tapering off of recovery

Graph axis should be clearly labelled. HR bpm, TIME rest, exercise, recovery



Explain the meaning of this equation and give typical resting values that you might expect for an endurance based athlete.

6 marks max A, 5 points B, 4 points C, 3 points D, 1-2 marks E

1 Q is cardiac output

2 this is blood pumped from LV per minute

3 is a combination of stroke volume- blood ejected per beat

4 and HR number of time the heart beats per minue

5 typically Q is 5.6l

6 SV 110ml, HR 51 bpm


A high level rower would have adaptations to the heart due to training

What effects of training on the cardiovascular system would you expect to see?

1. Bradycardia or slow resting HR less than 60bpm

2. Cardiac hypertrophy- enlarged heart

3. Greater stroke volume due to a larger heart amount of blood pumped per beat is larger.

4. Increased capillarisation of the heart

5. Ejection fraction or the % of blood pumped out of the heart per beat increases

6. Maximum cardiac output will increases due to increases in stroke volume.

7. The heart does not have to work as hard

4 . Jodie Swallow is an Olympic triathlete with a resting HR of 36 bpm Give reasons that she has such a low HR.

6 max 5 marks A, 4 marks B, 3 marks C, 2 marks D 1 mark E

1 Due to bradycardia or slow heart beat

2 Effects of endurance training is cardiac hypertrophy- the heart becomes bigger and stronger

3 Produces an increase in SV

4 Decrease in resting HR

5 This allows the heart to have more time for diastolic filling

6 This means that the heart does not need to pump as many times to pump the same amount of O2 around the body.

5.What adaptations to the vascular system would you expect to see from the same athlete?

7max 6 points A, 5 points B, 4 points C, 3 points D, 2 points E


Increased capillarisation so gaseous exchange is easier


improved ability for the arterioles to vasoconstrict and vasodilate


blood volume increases


respiratory gases are transported more easily


increased red blood cells and therefore haemoglobin


blood flows more easily as it becomes less viscous


the blood is more efficient in removing waste products such as lactic acid
