Pilgrimages A pilgrimage is a journey made to a particular place for spiritual or religious reasons – to visit a holy person or to commemorate a special event that took place there. Below are a list of places that are common destinations for Christian pilgrimages. Fill in the different columns of the table as suggested for each of these destinations. Suggested websites are provided in the first column of the table. Destination Geographical Location What is it famous for? Country, City etc… Did something happen there? When did it happen? Is it still Did it involve one person or a group of happening? Was it miraculous? Assisi http://www.newadvent.org /cathen/01801a.htm Fatima http://www.ewtn.com/fati ma/ Guadalupe http://www.sancta.org/int ro.html Jerusalem (I think you can do this one without a website) Knock Who was involved there? people? http://www.nationmaster.c om/encyclopedia/Knock Lourdes http://www.newadvent.org /cathen/09389b.htm Medjugorje http://www.medjugorje.or g/medpage.htm Rome http://www.newadvent.org /cathen/15276b.htm Taize http://www.taize.fr/en_ru brique8.html