April - University of Toronto Libraries

-DRAFTILU Committee Meeting
April 20, 2005, Robarts Library
Present: Cris Sewerin (co-chair), Sara McDowell, , Jenny Mendelsohn, Margaret Fulford, Carla
Hagstrom, Suzanne Meyers Sawa, Julie Mitchell (practicum student visiting from UBC), Alison
Regrets: Fran Sardone, Jeff Newman, Nalini Singh
1. Minutes of March 16 Meeting
2. Business Arising
Web Advisory Group are creating templates for Research Guides and Course Guides based on
My.Library. The intention is to create a more streamlined, user-friendly look.
The Research Guides template is based on the POL201: Politics of Development guide currently
on the EIR site. The template will provide categories and descriptions that could be used for / or
adapted in new Research Guides. Non-Central Libraries can insert their own banners to the top
of the guides. Much work has been done on formatting, and naming of different categories of
resources. The group has also been working on creating guidelines for updating guides. Heather
Cunningham is working on headings that would be appropriate for Science Research Guides.
The Course Guides will be similar to the Research Guides. Marc Lalonde is currently working on
a draft. UTM Library has a number of course guides that are useful examples. At Gerstein some
of the Course Guides are designed for research groups, i.e. the “Pain Group.” Some problems
with the My.Library format occurs when non-U of T people want to use the guides but don’t
have access to the restricted library resources.
Discussion of incorporating learning objects in instruction pages. UTM , UTSC, OISE have been
working on this.
Discussion of sharing instructional materials, accessing other libraries’ guides through sites such
as CORIL. The issue of intellectual property, and the importance of giving adequate recognition
to people whose work is being used was discussed.
New directions:
Jeff Newman is working on creating online library tutorials using streaming videos with screen
capture software. Julie Mitchell gave us a brief demonstration of interactive tutorials from the
UBC library site. These can also include a sound component. Much interest in this new
technology, and discussion of the role of the committee regarding collaborations and software
needed to produce these online tutorials.
WebCT. A number of libraries have had experience with WebCT Marian Press has taught online
courses, some quizzes have also been created for 1st year Engineering classes as well as
Chemistry courses. Cris will send out a call to the Ref Services & ILU List asking whether there
are instructional materials that have been created that could be shared amongst U of T librarians.
3. Reports
Music Library: Suzanne is discussing with faculty members in the area of Music history &
culture, a plan to create 1st & 2nd year library assignments as part of the courses’ curricula.
Report on the Innovation Technology & Teaching at the University of Toronto, Tues April18,
Robarts Library.
This showcase of projects was organized through U of T’s Office of Teaching Advancement and
the Resource Centre for Academic Technology, in collaboration with OISE/UT’s Education
Commons. A number of library staff members took part. Jenny reported on the session that she
presented together with Heather Cunningham, Marian Press, and Elizabeth Smyth, “Teaching
and Learning in an Information-Rich Environment”. Jeff Newman gave a presentation on Live
Engineering. Now that instruction is integrated within the core first year course, Cris will be
evaluating undergraduate library instruction to identify key courses within rest of curriculum in
which library instruction could be incorporated. She will be approaching undergraduate and
graduate coordinators over the summer to gather feedback and make plans.
OCUL ER Report from Sara McDowell. Alan Darnell is bringing the Scholars Portal collection
of f/t journals to the Illumina interface. They are running a test batch on Web of Science content.
The Century of Science (pre-1945) d/b has been purchased & will be brought into Scholars
Portal. All Sage content / Psych Critique/ InSpec/ ITER is also being loaded by Scholars Portal.
Aim to launch Scholars Portal Search at the end of May. They are aiming to add 30 more nonCSA databases. With these additional databases, Scholars Portal will become a useful place to
start one’s research.
Scholar’s Portal is looking for suggestions of other databases to be added. Send suggestions to
Sara. (i.e. core databases within disciplines, like ABC Clio Historical Abstracts & America
History & Life, Wilson indexes, and/ or databases with unusual/ difficult interfaces such as
“L’Annee philologique” or the RILM databases & NSC databases. It was suggested that it might
be useful to get some Canadian content , i.e. CPI.Q into Scholars Portal.
The Illumina working group is working on creating a better user interface and will be conducting
focus user group trials.
4.Other Business..
New UTL web site. Sian Meikle announced at Reference Services Committee that staff can
preview new web pages in early August, with the aim to go live mid-August. People preparing
library and brochures should watch out because of changed headings, and urls. It was noted that
individual libraries will also need to adjust their webpage links. Some concern regarding timing
as regards Orientation sessions for the students in the beginning of September will be affected.
Suggested that Marc Lalonde attend the May 18 meeting to give us an update on the UTL web
For the June meeting, Cris will look into arranging for a staff member from CMS to come and
give us demonstrations of streaming software, and what would be involved (software purchases *
& licensing), especially with facilitating collaboration on creating library tutorials.
6. Next meeting
Wednesday May 25.