1 У цьому випуску: Innovact Campus Awards Стипендійна програма академічних обмінів iмені Фулбрайта 3 Програми Erasmus Mundus Гранты 2012-2013 на ознакомительные поездки студенческих групп в Германию 6 Економіка 8 Політологія 11 Математика 18 Міждисциплінарні 21 За детальною інформацією звертайтесь 25 2 5 7 января 2013. В ноябре 2012 года во Франции в 11- За 11 лет существования конкурс ый раз стартует европейский конкурс Innovact Campus Awards Innovact Campus Awards, который зарегистрировал несколько тысяч дает возможность молодым кандидатов со всей Европы. В исследователям и предпринимателям конкурсе могут принять участие Европы представить и реализовать студенты и молодые исследователи свои проекты. из Европы. Одиннадцатый год подряд конкурс Участвовать можно как предлагает участникам индивидуально, так и группой, продемонстрировать свои таланты и предложенные инновационные показать, что именно их бизнес- проекты могут находиться в фазе проекты являются самыми разработки или в процессе инновационными и самыми реализации. смелыми! Какова же награда? Все, что нужно для начала бизнеса: Финалисты будут приглашены в консультации экспертов, Реймс, где 26 и 27 марта 2013 будет информационная поддержка и проходить 17-ый европейский Форум стартовый капитал в размере до 5000 молодого инновационного евро. предприятия Innovact. Это уникальная возможность представить Ежегодный конкурс Innovact Campus свои проекты полутора тысячам Awards проходит в рамках Форума участникам из 20 стран, поделиться Innovact, организованного при опытом с другими молодыми поддержке Торгово-промышленной предприятиями Европы. Во время палаты города Реймса и Европейской Форума жюри, состоящее из комиссии. Для участия в конкурсе бизнесменов, журналистов и ученых необходимо подать заявку до 28 разных европейских стран, оценит 3 предложения и выберет три самых Саленто. перспективных проекта. Проекты будут оцениваться по креативности, Для участия в Конкурсе заполните смелости идей, профессионализму и анкету на сайте www.innovact.com реалистичности. Победители получат денежные призы в размере до 5000 Отправьте заполненную анкету по евро, советы экспертов, а также электронной почте по адресу: информационную поддержку в olivia.timone@ica-2013.com европейских СМИ. Оливия Тимон +33 (0)1 55 50 04 15 В прошлом году в конкурсе приняло Крайний срок подачи заявок: участие 160 проектов из 28 понедельник 28 января 2013 европейских стран, 42 из которых вышли в финал. Победителями Вручение призов будет проходить в стали: ирландский поект VisionRE™, рамках Форума Innovact 27 марта призванный расширить возможности 2013 в городе Реймс (Франция) в слабовидящих людей, рамках Форума Innovact. представленный Джоном Кираном O'Каллаган из технологического Более подробная информация: института Корка, проект нового www.innovact.com языка программирования WebShell, представленный Арно Тибо из французской школы инженеровпрограммистов EPITA и MRS, проект электромеханических систем, способных сортировать и извлекать отходы из вакуумной камеры термического испарения, представленный Сальваторе Модео из итальянского университета 4 адміністратори вищих навчальних закладів; співробітники науководослідних установ; журналісти; фахівці з бібліотечної, музейної та архівної справи; спеціалісти у сфері управління культурою; працівники громадських організацій (НДО) Документи приймають до 31 березня Стипендійна програма академічних обмінів iмені Фулбрайта Стипендії для студентів та випускників Програма імені Фулбрайта, спонсорована урядом США, посідає чільне місце у системі міжнародної освіти. Узасаднена ідеєю взаємодії та взаєморозуміння й уґрунтована на пізнанні та повазі до розмаїтого світу, вона успішно діє з 1946, нині — у 155 країнах світу. За 20 років існування Програми в Україні понад 800 українців навчались, стажувались, проводили дослідження в США; у свою чергу, майже 500 американців викладали в українських вишах й займались науковою працею ВНЗ Fulbright Graduate Student Program: Навчання в американських університетах від одного до двох років на здобуття ступеня маґістра. У конкурсі можуть брати участь студенти старших курсів, випускники ВНЗ та аспіранти. Кандидати повинні мати щонайменше диплом бакалавра на час призначення стипендії. Документи приймають до 16 Ґранти для молодих викладачів та дослідників Fulbright Faculty Development Program: Проведення дослідження в університетах США впродовж одного академічного року. У конкурсі можуть брати участь викладачі та дослідники віком до 40 років з дворічним професійним досвідом, які ще не мають наукового ступеня; молоді кандидати наук (не пізніше 5ти років після захисту); 5 травня • Братиславський університет імені Яна Коменського (Словацька Республіка) Програми Erasmus Mundus Стипендії Еразмуc Мундус EMP-AIM Проект Еразмуc Мундус EMP-AIM оголошує про початок прийому заявок на отримання стипендій на навчання та дослідження для студентів, магістрів, аспірантів, вчених та науково-педагогічних працівників у таких галузях знань: • Право • Бізнес та менеджмент • Соціальні науки • Освіта та педагогіка • Мови та філологія • Математика та інформатика Академічна мобільність проходитиме у 8 університетах Європи: • Університет Миколаса Ромеріса (Литва) – Координатор проекту • Університет імені Йогана Кеплера в місті Лінці (Австрія) • Університет м. Печ (Угорщина) • Університет Саленто (Італія) • Вища школа бізнесу Туріба (Латвія) 6 • Університет Аліканте (Іспанія) • Університет Гламорган (Великобританія) Переможці конкурсу отримають: • Місячну стипендію на навчання/стажування/проведення дослідження в європейському університеті (див. таблицю нижче), • Оплату за навчання (в університеті, на який подавали заявку), • Сплату дорожніх витрат, • Страхування (медичне, від нещасних випадків та під час подорожей). Тривалість та розмір стипендій залежить від категорії академічної мобільності: Тривалість та Розмір стипендії Студенти 1 семестр; 1 академічний рік 1000 Євро в місяць (eur) Магістри 1 академічний рік 1000 Євро в місяць (eur) Аспіранти 6 місяців; 10 місяців 1500 Євро в місяць (eur) Докторанти 6 місяців 1800 Євро в місяць (eur) Професорсько-викладацький склад 1 місяць 2500 Євро в місяць (eur) Останній термін подачі онлайн–заявок – 25 січня 2013 р. Стипендії DAAD Гранты 2012-2013 на ознакомительные поездки студенческих групп в Германию Германская служба академических обменов (DAAD) предоставляет гранты для проведения ознакомительных поездок в Германию студенческих групп. Проведение ознакомительных поездок групп возможно с 1 сентября 2012 по 28 февраля 2013. Целью ознакомительных поездок является проведение встреч с немецкими студентами и учеными, установление контактов с вузами, организациями и учреждениями, представляющими интерес с профессиональной точки зрения, а также получение страноведческих знаний о Германии. Внимание! Страноведческая часть программы пребывания группы не должна составлять более одной трети запланированной продолжительности поездки! Длительность поездки, включая день приезда группы в Германию и день отъезда группы из Германии, не может превышать 7 - 12 дней. Целевая группа: Студенты 3-го, 4-го, 5-го и 6-го курсов всех специальностей под руководством одного преподавателя, который будет сопровождать группу. Численность группы, не считая преподавателя, составляет т min. 10 до max. 15 участников. По договоренности с DAAD в состав группы могут быть включены не более двух аспирантов. Размер финансирования: Размер финансирования составляет 50,- евро в день на каждого участника группы. Внимание! Международные транспортные расходы (проезд в Германию и обратно) участники поездки оплачивают самостоятельно! Все участники поездки должны владеть одним и тем же иностранным языком: либо все участники поездки владеют немецким языком, либо вся группа говорит по-английски. 7 Економіка Master of Science programs 2013, USA Open to: college seniors, recent graduates and young professionals worldwide The Fordham Business Challenge 2013 is a scholarship competition for students around the world, particularly Europe, to win a scholarship to study a specialized Master of Science program at Fordham Graduate School of Business in New York City fall 2013. Scholarships available for the following Master of Science programs: MS in Quantitative Finance MS in Global Finance MS in Media Entrepreneurship MS in Investor Relations MS in Business Analytics MS in Marketing Intelligence MS in Business Enterprise 3-Continent Master of Science in Global Management Competition: the competition consists of answering a series of multiple-choice question sets and answering an essay question that relates to applicant’s chosen MS program. Prizes: there are 16 scholarships in total, 8 full- and 8 half-scholarships. * first place winners will receive a full-tuition scholarship and will be invited to the prize ceremony which will be held in New York City in April 2013. * second place winners will receive a half-tuition scholarship. Eligibility: Open for college seniors, recent graduates and young professionals worldwide. Deadline: February 1, 2013. 8 English Language Skills Boston College Law School course work and related academic activities require written and spoken fluency in English. Students must be able to express themselves in both spoken and written English and must read the language with ease. Consequently, you must submit evidence of your English language ability unless either (a) English is your native language, or (b) English was the language of instruction for your entire legal education. We accept the following tests as evidence of your English ability: Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). We require a minimum score of at least 100 using the Internet-based test (IBT); or International English Language Testing System (IELTS). We require an Overall Band Score of at least 7.5. Both examinations are administered worldwide. Application Components The complete application will include: • Application form • Resume or c. v. • Statement of Purpose • Two signed letters of recommendation • Official transcripts with a certified English translation from all of your colleges, universities and graduate and professional schools • TOEFL or IELTS results • $75 Application Fee Which application to use There are two possible ways to the LL. M. program: on paper, or electronically through the LSAC web site. We encourage you to submit the paper version of the application, as long as (a) you plan to submit original paper recommendations and transcripts directly to us, and (b) you are asking the appropriate testing service to send your TOEFL or IELTS score report (if required) directly to us. Further information on these conditions appears below. If either of these conditions does not apply to you, please submit your application electronically through the LSAC web site. Please note that the e-app will become available in early October. If you use the e-app, you must also use the LSAC LL. M. Credential Assembly Service, including the International Transcript Authentication and Evaluation Feature. This enables you to provide all of your application documents to the LSAC, which will in turn forward the relevant documents to each school to which you apply. The LSAC charges applicants $200 for this service, plus $21 for each school to which you wish to send an application. These charges are in addition to Boston College Law School’s $75 application fee. Note: if you are applying electronically, you must pay the $75 application fee by credit card (Visa, Mastercard, Discover). If you are applying on paper, you may pay the application fee by a check, travelers checks, or a postal money order. If none of these forms of payment is available to you, please contact the LL. M. Office. For further information, see the relevant application instructions. 9 Financial matters The estimated cost of study for a single student during the 2012–13 academic year is $61,670. This figure consists of tuition and fees of $43,270 and estimated living expenses of $18,400. It does not include the expenses of travel between the student’s home country and the Boston area. The comparable figures for the 2013– 14 academic year are likely to be higher. Applicants requiring financial assistance should investigate funding sources in their home countries well in advance. Examples of such sources include employers, government agencies and foundations. A partial list of organizations that offer scholarship funding for U. S. graduate study follows: • American Association of University Women • American-Scandavian Foundation • Australian Federation of University Women Fellowship Fund • DAAD Scholarships for German citizens • Fulbright Scholarships • Golden Key International Honour Society • Ford Foundation • International Federation of University Women • Kosciuszko Foundation Scholarships for Polish citizens 10 • Mackenzie King Scholarships for Canadians • Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund • Organization of American States • P. E. O. International Peace Scholarships for Women • Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarships • World Bank Scholarships Program. The United States embassy or consulate in your home country may have additional information on Fulbright Scholarships and other fellowship opportunities. Finally, loan funding may be available from organizations such as Sallie Mae, or Citibank. If you are not a United States citizen or permanent resident, however, these lenders generally require a United States citizen or permanent resident to guarantee the loan. In addition, Boston College Law School has a limited amount of scholarship funding available to LL.M. students. You may submit your completed financial aid application either with your application for admission, or after you receive an offer of admission. We review your application for admission without regard to your financial situation, so submitting a scholarship application will have no effect on whether or not we offer you admission to the LL.M. program. Scholarship awards are made primarily on the basis of financial need. Deadline: April 1, 2013 Політологія PhD in Political Science 2013-14, CEU (Hungary) Call for Applications 2013/2014 The Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy, and International Relations At Central European University Is Pleased To Announce Its Call For Applications For Academic Year 2013/2014 Central European University is an English-language, graduate university located in Budapest, Hungary. An international university with students from some 100 countries and faculty from more than 40, CEU offers small, seminar-style courses and a student/faculty ratio of 7:1. CEU is accredited in the United States and Hungary. The doctoral program in political science is operated jointly by the Departments of Political Science, Public Policy, and International Relations and European Studies is one of the largest, most international and most competitive programs in Europe. Students from over 30 countries are supported by more than 35 faculty members. The doctoral school offers five specializations based on a system of tracks: * Comparative Politics * International Relations * Political Economy * Political Theory * Public Policy SCHOLARSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS CEU is committed to attracting talented students and scholars from around the world. The University provides a variety of scholarships and research grants for which applicants from any country are eligible to apply. CEU Doctoral Fellowships cover full tuition, health insurance, and a generous stipend for housing and living expenses. More than 90 percent of PhD students receive the full doctoral fellowship from CEU, while others are supported by external organizations providing funding. Direct Student Loans and Canada Student Loans are available for eligible U.S. and Canadian students.External Scholarships and Financial Aid Programs administered through CEU include Erasmus Mundus scholarships, Erasmus research grants, and other private and public fellowships and scholarships. 11 CAREER PATHS Upon completion of the program, graduates of the School usually continue their career in higher education as well as in policy analysis, the media, civil service, and at international NGOs and research organizations. Deadline: January 24, 2013 12 Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships for Foreign Scholars and Artists for the academic year 2013-2014 The Swiss Government, through the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS), awards various postgraduate scholarships to foreign scholars and researchers: University scholarships (Swiss universities, Federal Institutes of Technology as well as Universities of Applied Sciences) Arts scholarships (schools of music and fine arts, only for a limited number of countries). These scholarships provide graduates from all fields with the opportunity to pursue doctoral or postdoctoral research in Switzerland at one of the public funded university or recognized institution. Please use the drop-down menu below to see what type of scholarships are offered for your country of origine. You will also find the necessary information regarding eligibility criteria and the application procedure. Ukraine 1. Type of scholarships offered (please see PDF files): Research Scholarships PhD Scholarships Post-doctoral Scholarships No Bachelor or Master scholarships are available 2. Eligibility: Please see eligibility criteria in the pdf files 3. Awards: Applications are subject to preliminary selection by the relevant national authorities and/or the Swiss diplomatic representation. The short-listed applications are then analyzed by the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS) which subsequently takes the final decision. The FCS is composed of University Professors from all the Swiss public Universities. Scholarship awards are decided on the basis of academic and scientific excellence. 4. Application procedure: If you fulfill the eligibility requirements cited in the above-mentioned scholarships, please contact the relevant application institution in your country of origin. 13 Full Tuition Scholarship: MA of Public Administration, Hungary The School of Public Policy at the Central European University’s twoyear Master of Public Administration (MPA) program will attract exceptional students who seek a professional education equipping them to make innovative contributions towards resolving the paramount public policy challenges of the 21st century. The MPA program will offer integrated components designed to foster intellectual growth and reflective thinking; the development of practical skills; and experiential learning. The program will place the student at the center of learning by making an effort to bridge classroom and experiential learning with real world problems, encourage both reflection and action, and contextualize knowledge. In cooperation with SPP’s network of worldwide partners, it entails a student-designed, policy-oriented practice component (the ‘passion project’), which commences in the winter term of the first year of the MPA program, builds on a summer internship, and runs through the entirety of a student’s second year at SPP. SPP students will be passionate about the world and knowledgeable about specific issues. The school aspires to be vigorously inclusive, attracting students and faculty and practitioners from diverse backgrounds such as law, economics, journalism, grassroots and community organizations, medicine or engineering. Their first class starting in September 2013 will consist of approximately 25 students. Areas of concentration initially offered by SPP will include analysis in a host of public policy areas such as regional and global governance, human security and development, and global media and communication. Costs and Scholarships The full tuition per academic year is €11,000 or a total cost of €22,000 over the course of the two-year Masters program. In addition to tuition fees, the estimated living cost per student is 160,000 HUF per month. Read more about living expenses in Budapest HERE. SPP will offer a limited number of merit-based financial aid packages which will be awarded to exceptional students on a competitive basis. All applicants to the two-year Masters program will automatically be considered for merit-based financial aid. Eligibility All applicants must fulfill the general CEU admissions requirements listed HERE. SPP aims to educate exceptional minds who aspire to be influential leaders in 14 the public policy field. Successful applicants will have: a strong academic background; a high aptitude and passion for learning both in and out of the classroom; a high leadership potential with demonstrable interpersonal skills; a strong interest in global policy; a desire to serve others in the public, civil society, and/or private spheres. Students should ideally possess at least one year of relevant work experience as well as some international experience. Work experience can consist of any experience or combination of experiences obtained through paid/unpaid employment, professional or volunteer work, and/or internship opportunities. Living, working, and/or studying abroad qualifies as international experience. Application Applications must be completed and submitted by 24 January 2013. Applications can be submitted online using the Online Application Form. In order for their application to be considered complete by the admissions committee, applicants need to submit the following: 1.General CEU Requirements: 2.Completed online CEU Application Form 3.Letters of recommendation 4.Academic records 5.A full curriculum vitae or resume, including a list of publications, if any 6.Proof of English proficiency 7.Application fee of 40 USD Program-Specific Requirements: 1.Statement of Purpose 2.(2) Short essays 3.GRE/GMAT scores (optional) Although not required, the admissions committee will look favorably upon applicants who highlight their work and/or international experience. This could be any combination of professional, internship, and/or volunteer work that was either full-time or part-time. International experience can be demonstrated if the applicant has previously worked, lived, and/or studied abroad. Applications must be completed and submitted by 24 January 2013 15 Danish Government Scholarships for Qualified Non-EU/EEA Students The Danish Government welcomes highly qualified and motivated international students from all over the world to study in Denmark. A number of scholarships are therefore offered each year by the Danish Ministry of Education to fund students from countries outside the European Union/ European Economic Area. The scholarships can be awarded for a full degree programme or for part of a degree programme at undergraduate or postgraduate level. In order to be eligible for a the State Education Fund scholarship you must be: Institutions: The scholarships are · A citizen of a country outside the EU, administered by the Danish institutions the European Economic Area or of higher education, each of which Switzerland decides which students will receive a · Enrolled in a full degree higher scholarship. education programme · Granted a time-limited residence Please note: The government permit in Denmark due to education scholarship consists of two parts and can be given as full or partial tuition fee You are not eligible for a Danish waivers and/or grants towards covering government scholarship if you are: your living costs. However, since the · Seeking admission to a university level scholarships are administered by the institution of arts, design and individual higher education institution architecture · Have a legal claim to the you should enquire at the institution of rights of Danish citizens your choice for further details. · Have been granted a residence permit at the time of admission by the Danish Aliens Consolidations Act §9c, subsection 1, as the child of a foreign citizen who has been granted a residence permit in accordance with the Danish Aliens Consolidations Act §9a, and who is a citizen of a country that is not acceded to the EU or covered by the EEA agreement · A student who is eligible for a grant in accordance with Danish Law regarding 16 European Citizenship in Youth Work Training Course (13-19.05.2013, Portugal) Open to: youth workers, youth leaders, project managers from Europe and Caucasus Venue: Portugal, 13 – 19 May, 2013 The training course on European Citizenship aims to support the professional development of youth workers and youth leaders by extending their critical understanding of European Citizenship, exploring and experiencing its potential and by enabling them to recognise and integrate European Citizenship in their youth work. Aim of the training course The training course on European Citizenship aims to support the professional development of youth workers and youth leaders by extending their critical understanding of European Citizenship, exploring and experiencing its potential and by enabling them to recognise and integrate European Citizenship in their youth work. Objectives The training course puts into practice priority 1 (European Citizenship) of the Youth in Action programme, by aiming to: • To critically explore the meaning, relevance and implications of European citizenship in youth work in all its dimensions; • To promote and facilitate the active use 17 of programmes and structures in support of youth work on European Citizenship, including Youth in Action; • To experiment and explore the potential of European Citizenship for active democratic change in society; • To associate the participants with the current discourse on European Citizenship (its concepts, formal meanings and expressions) • To exemplify the connection between European Citizenship, Human Rights, Democracy and ICL and the underlying values. Deadline: 3 February, 2013 PhD in Business Administration, Economics, Mathematics (Germany) The Bielefeld Graduate School of Economics and Management welcomes applications from exceptional and highly motivated graduates with a degree in Business Administration Economics Mathematics or related fields, such as Engineering Operations Research Statistics, etc. The formal prerequisite for admission as a doctoral student is a Master’s degree or equivalent (e.g. a German Diplom) conferred by a University after four years of study and including a written thesis. The degree need not be completed at the time of application. Furthermore, a sound knowledge of modern mathematical techniques is indispensable for successful participation. The application period for the academic year starting October 1, 2013 is November 1, 2012 - January 31, 2013. An application for admission to the graduate school should include exactly 2 PDF-files consisting of (please take care of the order): 1st file the completed official application form (pdf) a cover letter a motivation letter a detailed curriculum vitae a copy of your last/current academic transcript/certificate an abstract of the master’s thesis 2nd file copies of your previous transcripts/certificates 18 copies of any other activities a proof of language proficiency anything else you would like to include Every applicant should contact two academic or professional referees and ask them to submit completed recommendation forms (doc), optionally accompanied by letters of reference, directly to BiGSEM. Applicants whose native language is not English must present proof of their language proficiency unless they have completed a college or university degree taught entirely in English. A high score in the Test Of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or any other standardized international test constitutes sufficient evidence of a good command of English. 19 The available places will be offered to the most promising candidates after a careful selection process. Prospective students are encouraged to add any relevant information that might help the admissions committee in making their decision. Please note that the University currently charges no tuition fees for doctoral work. However, an enrollment fee of about 200€ is due every semester and includes a ticket for unlimited public transport in the area. Also, health insurance is mandatory in most cases. Deadline: January 31, 2013 20 Wellcome Trust Engagement Fellowships Open to: science communicators, research scientists, medical historians, clinicians or professionals working in the arts Applications now open. Now in their third year, Wellcome Trust Engagement Fellowships aim to support and develop upcoming stars in public engagement with science. The Engagement Fellowships champion the leaders of tomorrow by fostering the most promising upcoming talent of today. We are looking for people with a strong track record of engaging the public with ideas around biomedical science and/or medical humanities, looking to make a step-change in their careers. We will provide the freedom, resources and environment to enable exceptional individuals to develop their skills and practice in encouraging the public to examine, explore and debate the big scientific challenges that society faces. Engagement Fellowships are open to individuals with a proven track record of delivering (rather than facilitating) high-quality public engagement and aim to propel Fellows to become leaders in the field of public engagement with science in the UK and/or the Republic of Ireland. Applications are welcome from professional science communicators, research scientists, medical historians, clinicians or professionals working in the arts. Applicants may or may not be currently affiliated to or employed by a UK academic institution. In those cases where they are, however, applicants may be asked to demonstrate how they will help to further embed public engagement as a core activity within their home institution on their return. We want to: accelerate and enhance the careers of talented people, propelling them to become the public engagement leaders of tomorrow enable Fellows to investigate and shape best practice in public engagement raise the profile and prestige of public engagement in both the Fellow’s field of work and the biomedical sciences more widely foster a network of influential public engagement ambassadors within biomedical science. 21 What we offer We provide Fellows with financial support for up to two years, covering: salary or salary buyout (on a full- or part-time basis) project costs training, where appropriate if desired, access to office space and facilities at the Wellcome Trust for the duration of the Fellowship, as well as membership of the Wellcome Collection club, Henry’s where appropriate, opportunities to work with Wellcome Trust staff to develop project ideas. Fellows must: have at least three years’ experience (full- or part-time) engaging the public with science be based in the UK or the Republic of Ireland. Application process In 2013, Fellowships will be awarded via a three-stage process. Applicants will need to submit a preliminary application by the deadline of 22 February 2013. We will assess preliminary applications and, by 28 March, invite successful applicants to submit a full application by 17 May 2013. Shortlisted applicants will be required to attend an interview on 24 July 2013. Preliminary applications must include: _a statement from the applicant of no more than 200 words about what they would do with an Engagement Fellowship _a CV from the applicant of no more than 2 sides of A4 _a reference, from either an academic nominator affiliated to a university in the UK or Republic of Ireland or from an employer, of no more than 1 side of A4 including: _how long and in what capacity they have known the candidate (referees are expected to have known the candidate for at least two years) _a statement on what they consider to be the candidate’s outstanding characteristics that would make them suitable for the Fellowship _a statement on what they think the candidate would gain from the Fellowship, in particular how it would influence their position in the public engagement community. Deadline: 22 February 2013 22 Вышеградская стипендиальная программа Visegrad Scholarship Program The International Visegrad Fund offers Master’s and Post-Master’s scholarships awarded to selected scholars for periods of 1 or 2 semesters (with the exception of Master’s scholarships within the InComing scheme where 1– to 4-semester scholarships can be awarded). Given the annual budget of €1,448,000, the Fund will award about 400 semesters in total in the academic year 2012/2013 Applicants whose current (i.e., at the time of applying) university or employer is further than 1,500 km from the selected host university/institute are eligible for a one-time travel grant (see the Instructions). Citizens of the following countries and territories can apply: Albania (AL), Armenia (AM), Azerbaijan (AZ), Belarus (BY), Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA), Croatia (HR), Czech Republic (CZ), Georgia (GE), Hungary (HU), Kosovo (XK), Macedonia (MK), Moldova (MD), Montenegro (ME), Poland (PL), Russia (RU), Serbia (RS), Slovakia (SK) and Ukraine (UA). The scholarship program is not applicable to, nor does it cover full studies within joint programs (i.e., double– or multiple-degree). The scholarship does not cover studies/research at other institutions or in other countries than those specified in the application form. The scholars are expected to work on their study/research projects at the host university/institution for the entire scholarship period. All applicants must have finished at least 4 semesters of university at the time of applying. Scholarship schemes: Intra-Visegrad Scholarships (within CZ, HU, PL, SK) In-Coming Scholarships (from AL, BA, HR, XK, MK, ME, RU and RS) Scholarships for EaP (from AM, AZ, BY, GE, MD and UA) Out-Going Scholarships (to AL, AM, AZ, BY, BA, HR, GE, XK, MK, MD, ME, RS and UA) Visegrad Scholarships at OSA (separate fellowship program) If selected each scholar receives the scholarship funding at the beginning of each five-month period (semester) upon a written confirmation from the host university/institution Deadline for all scholarship applications: January 31, 2013 23 Стипендії фонду Фернана Броделя Стипендії фонду Фернана Бродель призначені для вчених зі світовим ім'ям, щоб продовжити свої дослідження в Euruoinian University Institute. Стипендія надається строком до десяти місяців в одному з чотирьох факультетів який в свою чергу, запрошують стипендіатів для участі у відомчих заходах (семінари, колоквіуми тощо). Є дві щорічні терміни подачі заявок - 30 березня і / чи 30 вересня Юридичний факультет та факультет історії та цивілізації розглядають заяви тільки до 30 березня. Факультет політичних і соціальних наук розглядає заявки тільки до 30 вересня. Факультет економіки розглядає заявки до 30 березня та 30 вересня. 24 За детальною інформацією звертайтесь: НАУКОВО-ДОСЛІДНИЙ ЦЕНТР вул. Чернишевська, 94 Тел. 707-34-90 капітан служби Ц.З. Говаленков С.С. e-mail: scienceprograms@mail.ru 25