Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Technology B.Sc. Agri. Engg ( Common courses ) 1. Farm Structure and Environmental Engineering Course and Title FS 112 Engg Drawing (Civil) FS 121 Surveying FS 211 Engineering Materials FS 221 Strength of Materials FS 223 Material & Cost Estim FS 311 Soil Mechanics FS 313 Conc. Struc. Design FS 321 Environmental Engg Text Book 1. Prathomic Engg Drawing Hemonta K India 2. Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing Thomas E. French, McGraw-Hill , London 1. A Text Book of Surveying M. A. Aziz & M. Shahjahan, Hafiz Book Center, Dhaka 2. Surveying (V-1) , B.C. Punmia, Laxmi Pub.V-2 1. A Text Book of Engineering Materials M. A. Aziz, Hafiz Book Center, Dhaka 2. A Text Book of Engineering Materials G. J. Kulkarni, Ahamedabad Book Depot 3. Materials of Construction S. H. Z. Syed, Oxford Univ. Press, Dhaka 1. Strength of Materials R. S. Khurmi, S. Chand & Co Ltd., Delhi 2. Strength of Materials & Theory of Structures Jahidul Alam, Mrs. Solly Alam, Dhaka 1. A Text Book of Estimating and Coasting M. A. Aziz, Zobere Pub, Dhaka 2. Estimating , A.F. Khan. Sabdik Pub, Dhaka 1. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engg K. R. Arora, Standard Pub & Dis, Delhi. 2. Introduction to Soil Mechanics B. M. Das, Hemisphere Pub Co, USA 1. Concrete Structures and Building Design A. F. Khan, Sabdik Publishers, Dhaka 2. Design of Concrete Structure A. H. Nilson & G. Winter, McGraw-Hill 1. Environmental Engineering H. S. Peavy, D.R. Rowe & Other, McGraw 2. Introduction to Environmental Engineering Davis Cornwel, McGraw, London. 1 620.0042 / * Rental 25 620.04 / FRE 526.9 / S525t 3/1 25 / 21 627.13 / p984s 620.112 / K458 6/1 12 / 25 620.1/K94t 691 / SYM 1 Call no. 95 / 29 620.112. / K458 10 / 8 620.11 / JAS 80 / 40 692.5 / A2T 96 / 42 624.18/A166e 25 / 22 7/4 624.15136 /A769s 624.151/D229i 624.15136/DAE 624.1834 / A166 6/2 624.183/WID 4/5 628/P189e 2 ? 35 / 31 * Optional Subjects (FS) Course and Title FS 323 Solid Waste Managt FS 411 Water Polln & Treatmt FS 415 Foundation Engg FS 417 Applied Soil Mechanics FS 421 Farm Building Design FS 423 Silo and Storage Structure FS 425 Envl. Impact Assessment FS 427 Rural Housing & Sanitn. Text Book .1. Environmental Engineering H.S. Peavy, D.R. Rowe & others McGraw 2. Environmental Pollution Control Engg C. S. Rao, New Age InterlLtd., India 1. Water and Waste water Engineering Metcalf and Eddy, Tata McGraw-Hill 2. Environmental Pollution Control Engg C. S. Rao, New Age Interl Ltd., New Delhi 1. Foundation Engineering , John Wiley RB. Peck, W. E. Hanson & TH. Thornburn 2. Principal of Foundation Engineering B. M. Das, Galgotia Pubs, New Delhi 1. Advanced Soil Mechanics B. M. Das, Hemisphere Pub Co, USA 2. The Mechanics of Soil: An Introduction to Critical States Soil Mechanics J.H. Atkinson & P.L. Bransby, McGraw 1. Farm Building Design L.W. Neubauer & H.B. Walker, Prentice 2. Farm Structures H.J. Barre and L.L. Sammet, John Wiley 1. Principles of Agricultural Engineering A.M. Michael & T.P. Ojha, John Brs. ND. 2. Farm Structures H.J. Barre and L.L. Sammet, John Wiley 1. Environmental Impact Assessment Larry W. Canter, McGraw - Hill NY 2. Environmental Engineering Gerard Kiely, McGraw-Hill , London 1. Farm Building Design L.W. Neubauer & H.B. Walker, Prentice 2. Water Supply & Sanitation M.F. Ahemed & M.M Rahman, ITN, BD 2 Call no. Rental .2. Course and Title FPM 112 Engineering Shop FPM 121 Workshop Technology FPM 124 Engg Drawing (Mech) FPM 125 Engineering Mechanics FPM 211 Thermodynamics FPM 221 Electrical Engineering FPM 223 Heat Engines FPM 311 Agricultural Power FPM 313 Electrical Machinery FPM 321 Agricultural Machinery FPM 323 Rural Electrif. Engg FPM 421 Engg Management Farm Power and Machinery 1. Workshop Technology, V- I, II, III Chapman, W.A.J, Chapman Pub (ELBS) 621.9 / CHN Rental 52 / 19 2. Manufacturing Processes Amstend, B.H. & Others (:SI), John Wiley 1.. Manuf Proc.& Materials for Engrs Doyle LE 671 / A528m 5 / 33 670 / DOM 31 / 22 Text Book 1. A.Manual of Engineering Drawing Charles J. Vierck & R. I Hang, McGraw Hill 1. Engg Mechanics: Statics (SI Version) J.L. Meriam & Kraige LG, John Wiley NY 2. Adv. Engg Mechanics :Dynamics (SI unit) J.L. Meriam, Kraige LG. John Wiley , NY 1. Basic Engg Thermodynamics in SI Units Rayner Joel 2. Thermodynamics, V. M. Faires. 1. Introduction to Electrical Engg. Ward, R.P, Prentice Hall 2. Alternating Current Circuits Kerchner, R.M & Corcoran G.F, John Wiley 3. Electronic Devices and Circuits Millman, Jacob & Other, Tata Mcgraw Hill 1. Internal Combustion Engines, 1968 EF Obert 2. Internal Combustion Engines V.L. Maleev Call no. ? * 620.1 / M561e 72 620.1 / M561e 621.01/JOB 35 / 15 621.01/FAT 621.3 / WAI 37 / 25 61 / 40 621.3133/KEA 41 / 31 621.3815 / MIE 1 621.43 / OBI 621.43 / MAI 5/2 7 1. Tractors and Their Power Units, 1979. Liljedahl,J.B,Carleton,W.M.et.al. Jonh Wiley 631.372/T759 1. Electrical Machinery. Bala, B.K., Standard Pub, India. 2. Electrical Machinery. P.S. Bimbhra Khanna Pub, India. 3. Electrical Machinery Fitzarald and Kingsley, McGraw. 1. Principles of Farm Machinery, 1977 Kepner, R. A.; Bainer, R. & Barger, EL, AVI 2. Farm Power & Machinery Management Hunt, D. 1973. Iowa St Univ. Press. 1. Electrical Energy: Trans & Distn Bala, B.K. Khanna P. 2. Trans & Dist of Electrical Energy Cotton, H. & Barber, H. B. I. Pub, India 1. Introduction to Operations Research Hillier & Lieberman, MacGraw Hill ? 3 621.31842/ 15 / 48 * b611e 621.31042 /F553a 621.31/PIE 10 11 / 21 631.3 / BAP/KEP 10 / 9 631.3/H939f 631.3072/HUF ? 22 / 8 621.3191/COT 21 519.7/H654i 6 * Optional Subjects (FPM) Course and Title FPM 325 Heat & Mass Transfer FPM 327 Ref & Air Condg. Engg FPM 413 Agril Process Engg FPM 415 Agril. Machinery Design FPM 423 Bio-Materials & Systems FPM 425 Agril Machinery Design FPM 427 T & S. of Agril Machi. Text Book 1. Engineering Heat transfer. 1988. Simonson, J.R. Mcmillan edn Ltd..London. 2. Engg Thermod.work & Heat Transfer. 1969. Rogers, GFC & Mayhew, Y.R. Pitman Press 3. Heat and Mass transfer. 1991 Arora, C.P..Khanna Pubs, Delhi. 1. Refrigeration & Air Conditioning P L Ballaney. Khanna Pub 2. Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Handeersen & Perry. Univ. California 1. Principles of Process Engineering, S.M. Henderson, R.L. Perry & Young. ASAE. 2. Drying & Storage of Grains & Oilseeds, 1992 D.B. Brooker F.W. Bakker-Arkesuce. C.W. Hall. Van Nostrand Reinhold NY. 3. Grain drying (Theory & Practice). 1998 S. Pabis, D.S. Jayas & Cenkowski. John Wi. 4. Drying and storage of cereal grains. 1997, B.K. Ball. Oxford & IBH Pub 1. Design of Machine Element, V. M Faires. The MacMillan Company, NY. 2. Mechanical Engg Design, J E Shighley. 1. Agricultural waste Management Raymond C. Lochr, Academic Press. 1. Design of Machine Element by V.M.Faires 2. Design of Agril. Machinery Gary K, Lestert & P Claa AR, John Wiley 3. Principles of Farm Machinery, R.A. Kepner, R Bainer & E.L. Barger. AVI 1. Farm Tractor Maintenance and Repair. S.C. Jain & C. R. Rai. Standard Pub Dis. 4 Call no. Rental 3. Irrigation and Water Management Course and Title IWM 211 Fluid Mechanics IWM 221 Hydraulics IWM 311 Irrigation & Drainage Engineering. IWM 313 Groundwater Engg IWM 411 Pumps and Wells IWM 413 Soil & W Cons. Engg IWM 421 On-Farm Water Management Text Book 1. Hydraulics, H.W. King, C.O. Wisler, J.G. Woodburn’ John Willey 2. A TB of Fluid Mech.R S Khurmi. S Chand 1. Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics E.H. Lewitt, Pitman & Sons, UK. 1. Irrigation: Theory and Practice, 1968, A. M. Michael, Vikas Pub. House, India 2. Irrigation Principles and Practices Orson W. I and Vaughn E. H, John Wiley. 3. Land Drainage, Lambert K. Smedema & David W. Rycroft; BT Batsford Ltd.UK 1. Groundwater Hydrology. D.K. Todd, Wiley. 2. Groundwater. H. M. Raghunath, Wiley Eastern 3. Groundwater and Tube Wells S.P. Garg; Oxford and IBH , India. 1. Water Well and Pump Engineering, 1992 A. M Michael & S D Khepar, Tata McGraw 2. Water Well Technology 1973 M.D. Campbell & J. H. Lehr; MeGraw Hill 1. Soil and Water Conservation Engg. G.O. Schwab, Richard K. Ft, et.at John Wiley 1. Principles of Farm Irrigation System Design Larry G James, John Wiley and Sons. 2. Irrigation of Agricultural Lands , 1967 R M Hagan, H R Haise, & T W Edminster, Agronomy series No.11, ASA, USA 3. Irrigation Practice & Water Managemeent L D Doonen & D W Westcot 5 532 / KIH Rental 98 / 43 ? 532 / LEH 40 / 22 Call no. 631.701 / MII 627.52 / i7 631.7 / I851 103 / 40 631.62/S637I 2/1 551.49 / TOG 628.114 / R142g 68 / 40 22 / 10 333.9104 / G231g ? 9/7 * 627.75 / CAW 2 631.45 / S683 631.45 / FRS 627.52 / J27h 20 / 50 18 / 10 631.7/HAI 1 96 / 39 Optional Subjects (IWM) Course and Title IWM 321 Hydraulic Engg IWM 323 Agricultural Meteorology IWM 405 Hydrology IWM 407 Hydraulic Machinery IWM 423 Irrigation Structures IWM 425 & 426 F Cont & River Train. IWM 427 Land & W-Shed Manag. IWM 429 Aquaculture Engg IWM 431 Land Reclamation Engg Text Book 1. Open Channel Hydraulics. V T Chow. McGraw Hills 1. Introduction to Meteorology H S Mavi. Oxf & IBH , India 2. Introduction to Meteorology S Petterssen. McGraw Hills. NY 1. Hydrology for Engineers R K Linsley, McGraw Hills, NY .2. Engg Hydrology. K Subramanya. 3. Water Resource Engg R K Linsley. & J. B Franzini. McGraw. NY 1. Hydraulic Machinery including Fluidics J Lal. ELBS, UK 2. Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines R K Bansal. S Chand. India 1. Irrigation Engg & Hydraulic Structures S K Garg Khanna Pub. India 1. Flood Control & Drainage Engg S N Ghosh. Balkema & Rotterdam 2. River Engg & Flood Protection B Z Kinori Part I. Elsevier 3. Priciple of River Engg. P T Jensen. Piman pub 1. Land Use & Water Resources H C Pereila. Camb. U. Press. UK 1. Aquaculture Engg. F W Wheaton. Krieger Pub 2. Fundamentals of Aquaculture Engg T B Lawson. Chapman & Hall 3. Principles of Aquaculture.R Robert. John Wiley 1. Land Drainage. LK Smedema & DW Rycroft. 2. The Resto.of Land. AD Bradshaw & Chadwick 6 Call no. Rental 4. Computer Science and Mathematics Course and Title CSM 111 Mathematics-I CSM 121 Mathematics-II CSM 123 Computer Science CSM 211 Mathematics-III CSM 213 Computer Application Text Book 1. A Text Book on Differential Calculus 1968, Mohammad, K & Bhattacharjee, P.K; Chittag, 2. A Text Book on Integral Calculus1968, Mohammad, K & Bhattacharjee, P.K. Chittag 1. A Text Book on Co-ordinate Geometry, 1997 Rahman, AFM & Bhattacherjee, P.K. Chittag 1. Data Structures Using C & C++, 1999 Yedidyah, L, Moshe, J, et al., Prentice-Hall 2. Classic Data Structures in C, 1994 Budd, T. A. Addison Wesley, New Jersey, 3.Data Structures: Algorithm & Software Princip. in C. Standish, T.A. Addison Wesley 4. Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C Weiss, M.A., Benjamin Cunning, 1993. 1. Advanced Engineering mathematics Kreyszig Erwin. John Willey and sons. 1. Java for Students, 1998 Bell. D. and Parr, M., Prentice Hall, NY 2. Mastering HTML, 1998 Ray, S. Deborrah and Roy,E SYBEX, NJ 7 515.33 / KHT Rental 15 / 11 515.43 / KHT 17 / 2 Call no. ? * ? * ? * ? * ? * 510 / KRA 18 / 22 ? * ? * Optional Subjects (CSM) Course and Title CSM 321 Algorithm CSM 323 Engg Mathematics CSM 325 Internet Programming CSM 413 Database Manag Systems CSM 415 Electronics and Instrumentation CSM 421 Digital Circuits CSM 423 Operations Research CSM 425 Computer Network Text Book 1. How to solve it by computer Dromey R.G. Prentice 2. Data Structures Using C and C++, , 1999 Yedidyah, L, Moshe, J, & others Prentice-Hall. 3. Classic Data Structures in C, 1994. Budd, T.A., Addison Wesley, NJ 4. Data Structures: Alg & Software Principles in C Standish, T.A., Addison Wesley, NY, 1995. 5. Data Structures and Alg Analysis in C. 1993. Weiss, M.A., Benjamin Cunning, London, 1. Engineering Mathematic, 1992. Croft, A., Davidson, R. & others, M. Addison 2. Advanced Modern Engg Mathematics, 1999. James, G., Addison Wesley, England, 3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 1999. Kreiszig, E., John Wiley NY, 4. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 1991. O’Neil, P.V., Wadsworth Pub. Co, California 1. Java for Students, 1998. Bell, D. & Parr, M., Pr. Hall 2. Java Script Goodies, 1999. Burns, J., and Growney, A., Macmillan Pub, 3. Object-Oriented Design in Java, 1999 Gilbert, S. and McCarry, B., Macmillan 4. Mastering HTML Ray, S. Deborah and Roy, E.J., New Jersey, 1 Database Management Systems, 1998. Ramakrishnan, R., McGraw Hill, 2 Relational Database Systems, 1995. Simovici, D.A. & Tenney, R.L.,Aca Press 3 Data Models, Data Lang. & Database Manag. Vossen, G., Addison Wesley, 1991. 1. Microelectronic Circuits, Adel S, Sedra and Kenneth C, Smith, Oxford UP 2. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory Robert L. B & .Nashelsky,, Pearson Edn Asia. 1. Digital Design, 1991. Mano, M.M. Prentice Hall. NY 2. Digital Systems: Principles &Appls, 1998 Tocci, R.J. Dan Widmer, N.S., Prentice Hall 3. Digital Design Principle, 1994 Wakerly, J.F.and Practice, Prentice Hall, NY. 1. Operating System Concepts, 1994. Silberschatz,A. & Galvin, P.V., Add. Wesley, 2. Operating Systems, 1992. Stalling, W., Macmillan, New York, 3. Modern Operating Systems,1992. Tanenbum, A.S., Prentice Hall, New York, 1. Comp. Networks: A Systems Approach, 1999. Davie, B.S. et al . Morgan Kaufmann 2. Data Communications, Network and OSI, 1996. Halsall, F., Addison-Wesley, New York, 3. Data Communication Tech, Martin.J. Prentice 4. Computer Networks, Tenenbaum, A, Prentice 8 Call no. Rental