CSCI 6620-81 - Fdu - Fairleigh Dickinson University

Gildart Haase School of Computer Sciences and Engineering
CSCI 7727.81
Development of MIS I
1. Descriptions
Developing well-documented and reliable software systems with object-oriented methodology
and UML (Unified Modeling Language) notations, including requirements elicitation,
requirements analysis, system design, object design and their documentations with UML; The
requirements analysis leads to the creations of functional model, dynamic model, and analysis
object model. The system design leads to the creation of system design model; The object
design leads to the creation of object design model; Software quality assurance; Techniques of
project management, cost/benefit analysis, development time and cost estimation.
2. Class Meeting
MONDAY 5:25PM – 08:00PM BEC 305
3. Instructor
Office: Becton Hall 401E
Phone Number: 201-692-2258
Office Hours:
4:00PM - 5:00PM or By Appointment
4. Textbook
Textbook: Object-Oriented Software Engineering: Using UML, Patterns and Java, 3rd Edition
Author: Bernd Bruegge, Allen H. Dutoit
Publisher: Prentice Hall
ISBN 0-13-606125-7
5. Reference
Download lecture notes at
6. Important Dates
02/04 – Final Drop/Add
03/21 - Midterm Exam
04/04 – Last Day for Student Withdrawal from Classes
05/09 – Final Exam
7. Grading
The score of each project and exam ranges from 0 to 100. The final course score is computed
based on the following formula.
p110% +p210% + p320% + midterm*25%+ final35%
The criteria below are applied for your final letter grade:
95 – 100: A; 90 – 94: A-;
85 – 89: B+; 80 – 84: B; 75 – 79: B-;
70 – 74: C+; 60 – 69: C;
0 – 59: F
8. Policy
No make-up for exams unless you have an official document, such as, a police report for a
car accident, or a note signed by a doctor for illness.
Late projects will not be accepted.
Students are expected to attend all the classes. 5% of the total grade is at the instructor's
discretion and will be based on the attendance and class participation.
Turn off your mobile devices if any.
9. Topics
01/24: Introduction
01/31: Requirements Elicitation
02/07: Introduction to UML
02/14: Object-oriented Analysis – Functional Model
02/21: Object-oriented Analysis – Dynamic Model
02/28: Object-oriented Analysis – Analysis Object Model
03/07: Object-oriented Analysis
03/14: Spring Recess
03/21: Midterm Exam
03/28: System Design
04/04: System Design, Object Design
04/11: Object Design
04/18: Project Management
04/25: Project Management
05/02: Software Quality Assurance
05/09: Final Exam