Fifth Business Study Guide: Themes, Characters, Analysis

English 4UI: Fifth Business
Magic vs. Theatre
Appearance vs. reality
Good vs. evil
Fate vs. chance
Faith vs. religion
Love vs. friendship
Baptist vs. Presbyterian (vs. Catholic)
Spirituality vs. materialism
Identity/role playing
Section One: Mrs. Dempster
1. The adult Dunny says that “mythical elements apparently underlie our ordinary lives” (40). He
describes us all as players in this “theatre of life” (14). As Dunny grows, we begin to see the role
of myth and archetype in his life. Read the following excerpts and comment on each of Dunny’s
roles as played in Section One:
o Dunny’s Roles:
 16-17: the damned
20-23: the servant
23-24: the lover/champion
26-31: the magician, replaced by…
31-33: …the teacher
39: the grownup
57: the laughingstock
59: the hero-in-embryo
Section Two: I am Born Again
1. Dunny’s psychological journey:
Reread pages 66-69. How does the war affect Dunny’s spirit?
What does Dunny learn about “putting the emphasis where [he] think[s] it belongs” (8)
when describing his war experience?
Reread pages 69-74. Tell how Dunny makes it clear that he is not a hero. How and why
does he emphasize the miracle of the Madonna instead of his act of heroism?
Rebirth: Show that Dunny’s psychological state--during and after his coma--is like a
rebirth. (81, 89)
2. Myth and Archetype:
Compare the mythical view the Canadian soldiers have of the Germans (65) to
Deptford’s allegory of the Hanging of the Kaiser (99-100). What comment is Davies
making about human nature?
How does Dunny reconcile his role as hero by understanding the role of archetypes for
How does Dunny use myth (and archetype) to his advantage at the Deptford
celebration when he realizes Leola is engaged to Percy? (94, 97-98)
Section Three: My Fool Saint
1. Compare and contrast Dunstan Ramsay and Percy Boyd Staunton in the opening Chapter
of Part 3.
2. What puns can you find in the names of Dunny’s sexual partners?
3. How does Joel Surgeoner eventually win the admiration of Dunny? Trace the
transformation, and be certain to explore the significance Joel’s reappearance in
Dunstan’s life.
4. In what ways do earlier events in the novel return to centre stage in Part 3? Chart these
apparent coincidences. What is Davies showing in designing such a circuitous text?
Section Four: Gyges and Candaules
1. How is Leola represented throughout this section of the text? Explore her character,
citing specific examples from the text.
2. How does Dunstan’s relationship with Boy change in Part 4?
3. Explain why the section is titled “Gyges and Candaules.”
4. A. What does Father Blazen add to Dunstan’s understanding of self?
b. What unusual view of saints does he present to Dunstan?
c. How does Father Blazen redirect Dunstan in his quest and establish for him a new goal?
5. Is Dunstan’s continuing role in the affairs of the Stauntons a sign of strength or weakness?
Section Five: Liesl
1. What does Liesl reveal to Dunstan about his nature?
2. Explain Liesl’s concept of Fifth Business. How is Liesl’s role Fifth Business?
3. Examine the importance of this section in light of Dunstan’s character and his life’s
4. What changes occur in Dunstan in this section? Describe how he breaks out of character.
5. In what way is Dunstan’s time with Eisengrim and his troupe a return to childhood?
6. How does the Brazen Head work? Why is it important that Liesl should speak for the
Brazen Head in the novel?
7. Is Liesl a devil figure?
Section 6: The Soiree of Illusions
1. According to Dunstan, who is the Devil? What does she teach him?
2. Explain the Brazen Head’s answer to the question: “Who killed Boy Staunton?”
3. What are two major losses experienced by Dunstan? Why did each of them occur?
4. What does Dunstan mean when he refers to his relationship with Boy in terms of “the
clocks we had wrapped about our essential selves were wearing thin”?
5. What is ironic about Dunstan Ramsay’s reaction to the death of Mary Dempster? What is
ironic about the undertaker’s assumption that she is his mother?
6. To what extent is Mrs. Dempster a saint, a fool-saint, and a fool?
7. Is Boy’s death suicide or murder?