Due Tuesday, July 22/2008, at 9 a.m.
WARNING: Do NOT work together on this midtermBeither the five essays OR the editing
page. Also: Do NOT work with a peer counselor or go online to look for information. YOU
MUST WORK ALONE. Each answer must be original and independently arrived at. If
wording or ideas are duplicated, you won=t get credit for the entire exam.
Be sure to use the 44 Reminders to proofread. We will take off points for 44 Reminders errors.
(1) Start each essay on a separate page.
(2) Make sure your name is on each page.
PART I. 10 points. Please write a typed, one-page essay on the following.
A scholar has discovered a sonnet that he believes to be by Shakespeare, although it’s now
attributed to a little-known writer named William Smith (who wrote sonnets when Shakespeare
was writing sonnets—during the 1590s). Argue pro or con whether you think Shakespeare wrote
this sonnet:
The hound by eating grass doth find relief,
For being sick it is his choicest meat:
The wounded hart* doth ease his pain and grief
If he the herb dictamion** may eat:
The loathsome snake renews his sight again:
When he casts off his withered coat and hue:
The sky-bred eagle fresh age doth obtain
When he his beak decayeth doth renew.
I worse then these whose sore no salve can cure,
Whose grief no herb, nor plant nor tree can ease,
Remediless I still must pain endure,
Till I my Chloris’ furious mood can please;
She like the scorpion gave to me a wound,
And like the scorpion she must make me sound.
*hart = red deer; stag
**dictamion = dictamnum creticum, an herb with magical healing powers. A hart, for example,
could eat dictamion and then expel from its body a hunter’s dart.
1. Don=t retell the sonnet (don=t provide Aplot summary@).
2. Start the essay with a thesis that states the main point you=ll argue.
3. Make sure you give proof pro or con why Shakespeare wrote/didn=t write this sonnet.
PART II. 20 points. In a two-page essay, pick a theme common to THREE of our stories (“The
Kugelmass Episode,” “And of Clay We Are Created,” “The Lady with the Pet Dog,” “The Bingo
Van,” “That Evening Sun,” “Some Are Born to Sweet Delight,” “Hills Like White Elephants,” “The
Bridegroom,” “Araby,” “The Metamorphosis,” “Girl”, “A Letter from Home,” “A Day in the
Country,”) and do the following:
1. Show how the theme is related to the title and epiphany (a character’s, the
reader’s, or both)
2. Show how the theme is related to the imagery
If you wish, you can use one of Stevick=s five themes (see your class notes), or you can use any
other theme that is common to your stories.
1. Don=t retell the stories (don=t provide Aplot summary@).
2. Start the essay with a thesis that states the main point you=ll argue.
3. Make sure you show the importance of the theme to the story.
PART III. 10 points. In a one-half page essay: Count the number of Biblical references in Jane
Eyre. How many are there? Then pick any reference and show how it relates to a passage in the
novel. In other words, why does Brontë use the reference? How does it support the point
Brontë=s making in this passage?
PART IV. 20 points. For a two-page essay, choose EITHER of the following:
Is Brontë’s attitude toward the servant class (house servants, stage drivers, innkeepers, etc.)
consistent through the novel? What evidence do you see to support your claim?
How does Jane Eyre the novel use misunderstood or hidden identities as a means for Jane Eyre
the character to learn about herself?
1. Start the essay with a thesis that states the main point you=ll argue.
2. Make sure you use specific scenes or passages in Jane Eyre to support your thesis.
3. Don=t retell the novel (don=t provide Aplot summary@).
PART V. 20 points. A Midsummer Night’s Dream–One page (250 words)
Compare the text of the play to the July 15 production: What are the changes between the script
and production. Are these changes good or bad? Why? (Hang on to your program: Mention
names of actors and production crew.) STAY IN PRESENT TENSE when you’re discussing
the play and production!
1. Use the 44 Reminders to proofread: You will be docked points for mistakes (for example,
don’t underline your own title; don’t call your review A Midsummer Night’s Dream but, rather,
“A Review of A Midsummer Night’s Dream”; don’t write run-ons or leave out apostrophes,
2. Proofread out loud.
3. Spell-check.
PART VI. 20 points. Below is an essay with lots of editing problems. (1) Fix each error. (2)
Above the error, state by number which 44 Reminder you=re using (20 points). Don=t rewrite
any sentence unless it has a dangling modifier. Connect fragments to other sentences. Attach the
corrected essay to your typed answers for questions 1-5.
Please see next page—this is the one you’ll attach to your typed answers for questions 1-5.
AMy Favorite Movie Actor@
Many people today, like many different movie actors. From the younger generation like
Brad Pitt to the older generation like Morgan Freeman. These actors have there fans who think
their the best; better then any other actor.
Morgan Freeman whose been acting since highschool is best known for movies like
Driving Miss Daisy. According to an article called, Meet Morgan Freeman Morgan Freeman was
suppose to win the Academy Award for this movie because his acting so effected it=s quality.
He plays an older cop in Seven paired with: Brad Pitt. Moving audiences with a great
performance, the film shows him as a sensitive man who likes to listen to classical music, read
alot, and meditating about life. As psychiatrist have said in interviews there's many things to
admire about him. Although, each actor has they=re strong point.