doc - Infopeople

Excel Terminology
Absolute reference: In a formula, a reference to a cell that does
not change if the formula is copied to a different cell. An
absolute reference uses two dollar signs, such as $A$15 for cell
Active cell: The cell whose contents appear in the formula bar.
You can enter information into the active cell and also edit its
Argument: In a worksheet function, information (enclosed in
parentheses) that provides details as to what you want the
function to do.
different values. Excel supports one-way and two-way data
Data validation: The process of ensuring that data of the
correct type is entered into a cell. For example, if the entry is
outside of a specified range of values, you can display a
message to the user.
Default workbook template: A template that is used as the
basis for new workbooks. This template is named book.xlt and
is stored in your XLStart folder.
Autofilter: To display only the rows in a list that meet certain
Default worksheet template: A template that is used as the
basis for new worksheets that you insert into a workbook. This
template is named sheet.xlt and is stored in your XLStart folder.
Autoformat: Predefined formatting that you can quickly apply
to a range of cells in a worksheet or a pivot table. Also refers to
predefined formats that you can apply to a chart.
Dependent cell: A cell that contains a formula that refers to the
active cell. In other words, the formula depends on the value in
the active cell.
AutoShape: A graphic object that you place on the draw layer
using one. of the Excel drawing tools. .
Draw layer: An invisible layer on top of all worksheets. The
draw layer contains embedded charts, maps, and drawn objects.
Cell: A single addressable unit in a worksheet, defined by the
intersection of a row and a column.
Embedded chart: A chart that's placed on a worksheet's draw
layer (as opposed to residing on a separate chart sheet).
Cell comment: A comment that is attached to a cell.
Field: In a database, information that is contained in columns.
Cell pointer: The dark border that surrounds the active cell.
You move the cell pointer with the mouse or the keyboard.
Fill handle: The small square object that appears at the
lower-right corner of the active cell or a selected range of cells.
Cell reference: Identifies a cell by giving its column letter and
row number. For example, C5 refers to the cell at the
intersection of column C and row 5. If you're referring to a cell
on a different sheet, you need to precede it with the sheet name
and an exclamation point. These can be relative references
(most common), absolute references, or mixed references.
Filter: To hide rows in a list such that only the rows that meet a
certain criteria are displayed.
Chart: A graphic representation of values in a worksheet. A
chart can be embedded on a worksheet or stored on a separate
chart sheet in a workbook.
Chart sheet: A type of sheet in a workbook that holds a single
Circular reference: In a formula, a reference to the cell that
contains the formula (either directly or indirectly). If cell A10
contains =SUM(A1:A10), a circular reference exists because
the formula refers to its own cell.
Column: Part of a worksheet that consists of 65,536 cells
arranged vertically. Each worksheet has 256 columns.
Conditional formatting: Formatting (such as color or-bold
text) that is applied to a cell depending on the cell's contents.
Consolidation: The process of merging data from multiple
worksheets or multiple workbook files.
Criteria range: A special type of range that holds specifications
used by an advanced filter or for a database worksheet function.
Data table: A table, calculated by Excel, that shows the effects
on one or more formulas when one or more input cells take on
Formula: An entry in a cell that returns a calculated result.
Formula bar: The area of Excel, just below the toolbars, that
displays the contents of the active cell. You can edit the cell in
the formula bar.
Formula palette: A tool that helps you create and edit formulas
and worksheet functions.
Frozen titles: The process of keeping certain top rows and/or
left columns always displayed, no matter where the cell pointer
is. You can set this with the Windows,->_Freeze Panes
Function: A special keyword used in a formula to perform a
calculation. Use the Function Wizard to enter a function in a
Goal seeking: The process of determining the value of a cell
that results in a specific value returned by a formula.
Gridlines: Lines that delineate the cells in a worksheet. In a
chart, gridlines are extensions of the tick marks on the axes.
Handles: On graphic objects, these are the small squarish things
at the corners and on the sides. You can drag handles with a
mouse to change the size of the graphic object.
Legend: In a chart, the small box that describes the data series.
In a map, the small box that describes the map's contents.
Putting Excel to Work in the Library Fall 2004 - This material has been created by Susan D. Barb for the Infopeople Project [], supported by the U.S.
Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian. Any use
of this material should credit the author and funding source.
Link formula: A formula that uses a reference to a cell that's
contained in a different workbook.
List: A database that's stored in a worksheet. A list contains a
header row that describes the contents of the information in each
Locked cell: A cell that cannot be changed when the worksheet
is protected. If the worksheet is not protected, locked cells can
be modified.
Map: A graphic depiction of data that is based on geography.
Number format: The manner in which a value is displayed.
For example you can format a number to appear with a percent
sign and a specific number of decimal places. The number
format changes only the appearance of the number (not the
number itself.
Named range: A range that you've assigned a name to. Using
named ranges in formulas makes your formulas more readable.
Noncontiguous range: A range of cells that is not contained in
a single rectangular area. You select a noncontiguous range by
pressing Ctrl while you select cells.
OLE object: An object from another application that is stored
in a document. OLE stands for Object Linking and Embedding.
Range Finder: The colored frame that indicates cells that are
referenced in a formula or used in a chart. You can grab and
move the frame to change the formula or chart series.
Recalculate: To update a worksheet's formulas using the most
current values.
Record: In a database, information that is contained in rows.
Relative reference: In a formula, a reference to a cell that
changes (in a relative manner) if the formula is copied to a
different cell. A relative reference doesn't use any dollar signs
(as opposed to an absolute reference or a mixed reference).
Row: Part of a worksheet that consists of 256 cells arranged
horizontally. Each worksheet has 65,536 rows.
Scenario: A specific set of values for input cells. Each scenario
is assigned a name and can be displayed using the Excel
scenario manager.
Sheet: One unit of a workbook, which can be a worksheet or a
chart sheet. Activate a sheet by clicking its sheet tab.
Sort: To rearrange the order of rows, based on the contents of
one or more columns. Sorts can be in ascending or descending
Merged cells: Cells that have been combined into one larger
cell that holds a that single value.
Spreadsheet: A generic term for a product such as Excel that is
used to track and calculate data. Or, this term is often used to
refer to a worksheet or a workbook.
Operator: In a formula, a character represents the type of
operation to be performed. Operators include + (plus sign), /
(division sign), and others.
Status bar: The line at the bottom of the Excel window that
shows the status of several things and also displays some
Mixed reference: In a formula, a reference to a cell that is
partially absolute and partially relative. A mixed reference uses
one dollar sign, such as A$15 for cell A15: In this case, the
column part of the reference is relative; the row part of the
reference is absolute.
Template: A file that is used as the basis for a new workbook.
Examples include the Spreadsheet Solutions templates that
come with Excel.
Outline: A worksheet structured in such a way that information
can be expanded (to show additional details) or contracted (to
show fewer details).
Pane: One part of a worksheet window that has been split into
either two or four parts.
Pivot table: A table that summarizes information contained in a
worksheet list or external database.
Pointing: The process of selecting a range using either the
keyboard or the mouse. When you need to enter a cell or range
reference into a dialog box, you can either enter it directly or
point to it in the worksheet.
Precedent cell: A cell that is referred to by a formula cell. A
single formula can have many precedent cells, and the
precedents can be director indirect.
Print titles: One or more rows and/or columns that appear on
each page of printed output.
Value: A number entered into a cell.
VBA: Visual Basic for Applications. This is the name of the
macro language included with Excel.
What-if analysis: The process of changing one or more input
cells and observing the effects on one or more dependent
formulas. The Excel Scenario Manager makes it easy to perform
what-if analyses.
Wizard: A series of dialog boxes that assist you in performing
an operation such as creating a chart, importing text, or creating
certain types of formulas.
Workbook: The name for a file that Excel uses. A workbook
consists of one or more sheets.
Worksheet: A sheet in a workbook that contains cells.
Worksheets are the most commonly used sheet type.
Workspace file: A file that contains information about all open
workbooks: their size, arrangement, and position. You can save
a workspace file and then re-open it to pick up where you left
Range: A collection of two or more cells. Specify a range by
separating the upperleft cell and the lower-right cell with a
Putting Excel to Work in the Library Fall 2004 - This material has been created by Susan D. Barb for the Infopeople Project [], supported by the U.S.
Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian. Any use
of this material should credit the author and funding source.