L ea rn i n g Obj e cti v e Name ___________________________ Today, we will use homographs to determine1 the meaning of words. 1 figure out CFU What are we going to do today? What does determine mean? Determine means _________. Acti va t e ( o r p r o vi de ) P ri o r K n o wl edg e 1. The black bat lives in a cave. A. 2. The player used a bat to hit the ball. B. Which picture matches sentence #1? Which picture matches sentence #2? CFU Students, you already know that some words can be spelled the same but have different meanings; these words are called homographs. We will use your knowledge of homographs to determine the meaning of words. DataWORKS Educational Research (800) 495-1550 • www.dataworks-ed.com ©2012 All rights reserved. Comments? feedback@dataworks-ed.com 3rd Grade Reading Vocabulary 1.4 (4Q) Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs to determine the meanings of words. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. Co n c e pt D ev el opm e n t A homograph is a word that is spelled the same as another word but has a different meaning. Homographs can be pronounced2 the same or differently. Using homographs in a sentence is the only way to find which meaning to use. 2 said (synonym) Examples: I used a blue pen to write my letter. The farmer put the pigs in a pen. Bob saw his favorite band at the live concert. I live in Indiana with my family. Not examples of homographs: see sea CFU Which is an example of homographs? How do you know? A. fly/fly B. ate/eight Why is the other answer above not an example of a homograph? Explain your answer. In your own words, what is a homograph? A homograph is _______________________________. DataWORKS Educational Research (800) 495-1550 • www.dataworks-ed.com ©2012 All rights reserved. Comments? feedback@dataworks-ed.com 3rd Grade Reading Vocabulary 1.4 (4Q) Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs to determine the meanings of words. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. Ski l l Dev el o pm en t /G u i ded P ra cti c e A homograph is a word that is spelled the same as another word but has a different meaning. Homographs can be pronounced the same or differently. Use homographs to determine the meaning of words. Step #1: Read the homographs and their meanings. Step #2: Read the sentence carefully, paying attention to the homograph. a. Identify3 clues in the sentence that show the meaning of the homograph. (underline) Step #3: Identify the meaning of the homograph. (write the number on the line) 3 find seal Meaning #1: a sign or mark used to show that a paper is official4 4 seal Meaning #2: a sea animal that lives in the ocean approved by an important person 1. The seal loved to swim far from home, exploring the ocean. Meaning:______ 2. The president put his official seal on the letter. Meaning:______ 3. The mother seal pushed her pup into the sea. Meaning:______ 4. Our principal puts his seal of approval on our good behavior awards. Meaning:______ Application Write a sentence using Meaning #2 of the homograph: T: ________________________________________________________ S: ________________________________________________________ CFU (#2a) How did I/you identify clues in the sentence that showed the meaning of the homograph? (#3) How did I/you identify the meaning of the homograph? DataWORKS Educational Research (800) 495-1550 • www.dataworks-ed.com ©2012 All rights reserved. Comments? feedback@dataworks-ed.com 3rd Grade Reading Vocabulary 1.4 (4Q) Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs to determine the meanings of words. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. Ski l l Dev el o pm en t /G u i ded P ra cti c e ( c on t i n u ed) A homograph is a word that is spelled the same as another word but has a different meaning. Homographs can be pronounced the same or differently. Use homographs to determine the meaning of words. Step #1: Read the homographs and their meanings. Step #2: Read the sentence carefully, paying attention to the homograph. a. Identify clues in the sentence that show the meaning of the homograph. (underline) Step #3: Identify the meaning of the homograph. (write the number on the line) tear Meaning #1: a drop of liquid that comes out of your eye when you cry tear Meaning #2: to pull something apart using force5. 5 power or strength 7. Our teacher asked us to tear a piece of paper out of our notebook. Meaning:______ 8. A tear fell down the baby’s cheek when he cried. Meaning:______ 9. Don’t tear any pages in your library book. Meaning:______ 10. She wiped away a tear after watching the sad movie. Meaning:______ Application Write a sentence using Meaning #1 of the homograph: T: _______________________________________________________ S: _______________________________________________________ CFU (#2a) How did I/you identify clues in the sentence that showed the meaning of the homograph? (#3) How did I/you identify the meaning of the homograph? DataWORKS Educational Research (800) 495-1550 • www.dataworks-ed.com ©2012 All rights reserved. Comments? feedback@dataworks-ed.com 3rd Grade Reading Vocabulary 1.4 (4Q) Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs to determine the meanings of words. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. Rel e va n c e A homograph is a word that is spelled the same as another word but has a different meaning. Homographs can be pronounced the same or differently. 1. Using homographs to determine the meaning of words will help you understand what you read. The fly buzzed around the food. Birds fly across the sky. 2. Using homographs to determine the meaning of words will help you do well on tests. Sample Test Question: 1. Read this sentence. Jaime caught a lightning bug in a jar. In which sentence does the word bug have the same meaning as it does in the sentence above? A B C D His sister liked to bug him about his toys. The police used a phone to bug the office. Mom’s computer stopped working due to a bug. He got bitten on his arm by a small brown bug. CFU Does anyone else have another reason why it is relevant to use homographs to determine the meaning of words? (pair-share) Why is it relevant to use homographs to determine the meaning of words? You may give me one of my reasons or one of your own. Which reason is more relevant to you? Why? DataWORKS Educational Research (800) 495-1550 • www.dataworks-ed.com ©2012 All rights reserved. Comments? feedback@dataworks-ed.com 3rd Grade Reading Vocabulary 1.4 (4Q) Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs to determine the meanings of words. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. A homograph is a word that is spelled the same as another word but has a different meaning. Homographs can be pronounced the same or differently. Ski l l Cl osu r e Use homographs to determine the meaning of words. Step #1: Read the homographs and their meanings. Step #2: Read the sentence carefully, paying attention to the homograph. a. Identify clues in the sentence that show the meaning of the homograph. (underline) Step #3: Identify the meaning of the homograph. (write the number on the line) park Meaning #1: an area of land with grass and trees, where people can play and walk park Meaning #2: to stop and turn off a car, or other vehicle, for a period of time 1. Maggie took a walk in the park. Meaning:________ 2. Dad will park the car in front of the school. Meaning:________ Co n st ru ct e d R e sp on s e Cl o su r e Why are no and know not examples of homographs? Explain.__________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Su mm ar y Cl o su r e What did you learn today about using homographs to determine the meaning of words? (pair-share) Day 1 ______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Day 2 ______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ DataWORKS Educational Research (800) 495-1550 • www.dataworks-ed.com ©2012 All rights reserved. Comments? feedback@dataworks-ed.com 3rd Grade Reading Vocabulary 1.4 (4Q) Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs to determine the meanings of words. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. In d ep en d en t P ra cti c e Name _________________________ A homograph is a word that is spelled the same as another word but has a different meaning. Homographs can be pronounced the same or differently. Use homographs to determine the meaning of words. Step #1: Read the homographs and their meanings. Step #2: Read the sentence carefully, paying attention to the homograph. a. Identify clues in the sentence that show the meaning of the homograph. (underline) Step #3: Identify the meaning of the homograph. (write the number on the line) patient Meaning #1: able to wait for something without getting angry or upset patient Meaning #2: someone getting medical help from a doctor 1. Joe was patient while waiting for his parents to get back from the movies. Meaning:_______ 2. Mary was a patient at the hospital, while waiting for the doctor. Meaning:_______ 3. My little brother was not patient. He cried because he wanted to leave. Meaning:_______ 4. Mike’s dad is a doctor. He is treating a patient who is sick. Meaning:_______ Application Write a sentence using Meaning #1 of the homograph: .T: _______________________________________________________ S: _______________________________________________________ DataWORKS Educational Research (800) 495-1550 • www.dataworks-ed.com ©2012 All rights reserved. Comments? feedback@dataworks-ed.com 3rd Grade Reading Vocabulary 1.4 (4Q) Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs to determine the meanings of words. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. P eri odi c R evi ew 1 Name __________________________ A homograph is a word that is spelled the same as another word but has a different meaning. Homographs can be pronounced the same or differently. Use homographs to determine the meaning of words. Step #1: Read the homograph and its meanings. Step #2: Read the sentence carefully, paying attention to the homograph. a. Identify clues in the sentence that show the meaning of the homograph. (underline) Step #3: Identify the meaning of the homograph. (write the number on the line) dove dove Meaning #1: jumped into water, head Meaning #2: a type of small, white bird first, with your arms above your head 1. The dove is a kind of bird that stands for peace. Meaning:_______ 2. He dove into the pool from the diving board. Meaning:_______ 3. He got in trouble because he dove into the shallow1 end of the pool. 1 Meaning:_______ a short distance from the top 4. A dove built a nest in the tree. Meaning:_______ Application Write a sentence using Meaning #2 of the homograph: T: _______________________________________________________ S: _______________________________________________________ DataWORKS Educational Research (800) 495-1550 • www.dataworks-ed.com ©2012 All rights reserved. Comments? feedback@dataworks-ed.com 3rd Grade Reading Vocabulary 1.4 (4Q) Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs to determine the meanings of words. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. Name ___________________________ P eri odi c R evi ew 2 A homograph is a word that is spelled the same as another word but has a different meaning. Homographs can be pronounced the same or differently. Use homographs to determine the meaning of words. Step #1: Read the homograph and its meanings. Step #2: Read the sentence carefully, paying attention to the homograph. a. Identify clues in the sentence that show the meaning of the homograph. (underline) Step #3: Identify the meaning of the homograph. (write the number on the line) bank Meaning #1: a place money is kept safe bank Meaning #2: land by the side of a river or lake 1. I went to the bank at noon to deposit1 some money. 1 put something in Meaning:________ 2. She camped on the bank of the lake. Meaning:________ 3. My grandma started an account for me at the bank. Meaning:________ 1. The boat was tied up on the bank of the river. Meaning:________ Application Write a sentence using Meaning #1 of the homograph: T: _______________________________________________________ S: _______________________________________________________ DataWORKS Educational Research (800) 495-1550 • www.dataworks-ed.com ©2012 All rights reserved. Comments? feedback@dataworks-ed.com 3rd Grade Reading Vocabulary 1.4 (4Q) Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs to determine the meanings of words. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. P eri odi c R evi ew 3 Name ________________________ A homograph is a word that is spelled the same as another word but has a different meaning. Homographs can be pronounced the same or differently. Use homographs to determine the meaning of words. Step #1: Read the homograph and its meanings. Step #2: Read the sentence carefully, paying attention to the homograph. a. Identify clues in the sentence that show the meaning of the homograph. (underline) Step #3: Identify the meaning of the homograph. (write the number on the line) bow Meaning #1: to bend your head or the top part of your body forward bow Meaning #2: a decorative knot 1. Bella wrapped her present with a beautiful pink bow. Meaning:_______ 2. The gentlemen were told to bow when the queen entered the room. Meaning:_______ 3. At the end of the performance, the dancers gave a bow. Meaning:_______ 4. The woman decorated her door by hanging a large, shiny bow. Meaning:_______ Application Write a sentence using Meaning #2 of the homograph: T: ________________________________________________________ S: ________________________________________________________ DataWORKS Educational Research (800) 495-1550 • www.dataworks-ed.com ©2012 All rights reserved. Comments? feedback@dataworks-ed.com 3rd Grade Reading Vocabulary 1.4 (4Q) Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs to determine the meanings of words. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.