04 August 2012 Cesar Chavez High School JROTC Color Guard Team Training Plan & Standing Operating Procedures SY 2012-2013 Section I. Goals and Objectives A. Goals 1. Place in the Brigade All Army Drill Meet on 09 February, 2013. 2. Place in the Desert Classic Drill Meet (State Championship) on 13 April, 2013. 3. Additional goals include honorably representing Cesar Chavez High School JROTC Program at various public events such as home football games, parades, and Veterans Day Activities. B. Objectives In order to place at the state championship, we will reach the following milestones: 1. Place at all drill competitions leading up to the Desert Classic Drill Meet. 2. Team members will remain academically eligible in all classes. 3. Team members will utilize Advisory period for study hall and/or tutoring daily to maintain satisfactory grades. 4. Color guard team members (where transportation limitations warrant it) will be joint members of a drill team in order to be eligible for out of state color guard competitions. 5. Team members must attend at least two of the three color guard practices per week. ATCC-HPU-CC (04 August 2012) SUBJECT: Color Guard Training Plan & SOP Page 1 6. Color Guard Team members will lead by example exhibiting the leadership traits and high standards of conduct expected of them as outlined in their Cadet Handbook and this SOP. Section 2. Membership and Team Composition A. Organization and Membership 1. The Army Instructor (AI) will serve as the color guard coach. 2. At a minimum, the Color Guard Team will consist of three 5-man squads, a Purple Squad, a Silver Squad, and a LET 1 Squad. The Purple and Silver squads will consist primarily of returning color guard team members. The LET 1 squad will be primarily freshman; however any LET 1 cadet is eligible and encouraged to participate. 3. Most events will only require a 4-man color guard. The squads will consist of five members to help ensure there are a minimum of four team members available for every event and practice. 4. The Purple and Silver teams will alternately perform at events as determined by the AI. When there is a shortage of members available on one squad, members of the other squad will be requested to fill in and complete the color guard. 5. Purple and Silver team members will serve as mentors and coaches for the LET 1 team. 6. The LET 1 squad will perform at lower profile events to gain confidence and experience for future advancement to the Purple and Silver squads. 7. The AI/Coach will designate a color guard Commander (CO) and Executive Officer (XO) for the team. The CO will serve as the squad leader of the Purple squad and the XO will serve as the squad leader of the Silver squad. The Color Guard Team CO will designate a squad leader for the LET 1 team (subject to AI/Coach approval.). ATCC-HPU-CC (04 August 2012) SUBJECT: Color Guard Training Plan & SOP Page 2 B. Eligibility, Practice and Tryouts 1. To be a member and remain eligible to remain on the Color Guard Team, you must meet the following requirements: a. Submit a signed parental consent form (Annex A). b. Submit a signed Individual Team Rules Form (Annex B). c. Cadet must remain in good standing IAW the Cadet Handbook. d. Remain academically eligible in all classes. e. Must attend 75% of all practices. Some practices may be designated as mandatory by the AI/Coach for major events. f. Maintain proper military bearing and discipline while at school, team practices, and at competitions. This includes but, is not limited to interactions with the Color Guard Team Commander and XO, JROTC cadet officers, teachers, administrators, and JROTC instructors (both at Cesar Chavez High School and other schools). g. Maintain grooming and appearance standards as outlined in Army Regulation (AR) 670-1 and Cadet Command Regulation (CCR) 145-2 (Exceptions will be made in accordance with CCR 145-2 based on legitimate United States Army Cadet Command recognized religious and cultural factors. These exceptions and deviations must be requested and approved in writing through the Senior Army Instructor for Cesar Chavez High School). h. Cadets may be suspended or removed from the team for any violation of the basic eligibility requirements. This is at the discretion of the AI/Coach acting upon advice and consent of the Team Commander and the Senior Army Instructor. i. If a member voluntarily withdraws (quits) from the team, then he/she may not be eligible to compete for membership until the following school year. ATCC-HPU-CC (04 August 2012) SUBJECT: Color Guard Training Plan & SOP Page 3 Members, who are involuntarily terminated from the color guard due to academic or disciplinary reasons, will remain ineligible for the remainder of the school year. Involuntarily terminated team members will be required to tryout the following school year to regain eligibility only after receiving AI/Coach approval. 2. Practice for all Color Guard Teams will be conducted at 1545-1700 on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. 3. Color Guard Team Tryouts will be conducted on Friday, 24 August 2012 at 1545. 4. Returning Color Guard team members in good standing will not be required to tryout and will remain on the team as long as they meet all eligibility requirements. 5. Tryouts will be performance based and will require cadets to attend a minimum of 75 % of all scheduled practices to be eligible to tryout. (Cadets must attend 6 of the 8 practices prior to the tryouts on 24 August.) 6. Practice times for prospective members will the same as practice times for Purple and Silver Squads. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday at 1545. C. Responsibilities. 1. The Color Guard Team Commander and XO will: a. Inventory all non-expendable team equipment NLT week 2 of the color guard season. b. Assist the BN S4 in submitting requests for all drill and color guard items, uniforms and/or other equipment as required. ATCC-HPU-CC (04 August 2012) SUBJECT: Color Guard Training Plan & SOP Page 4 c. Supervise the preparation of all uniforms and equipment for competitions. d. Assist the AI/Coach in scheduling breaks as necessary to maintain the morale and academic well-being of the team(s). e. Request funds at Staff Call for registration fees, meals, etc. f. Identify and submit color guard team members for awards, such as team cords, ribbons, arcs, and merits/demerits. g. Identify Most Valuable Member candidate for annual Awards Night recognition. 2. All Color Guard Team members will: a. Attend a minimum of two color guard practices per week. Exceptions due to extenuating circumstances will be requested through the CO to the AI/Coach. b. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the current Brigade Drill SOP for drill and color D. Incentives and Recognition 1. The white shoulder cord for color guard will be awarded as recognition for earning basic membership; i.e. successful participation in two competitions. Membership must be maintained throughout the color guard season and team members must complete a minimum of five competitions in order to be awarded the Color Guard and Drill Team Ribbon(s), N-3-4, and N-3-6, respectively. a. In addition to the shoulder cord, team members are authorized to wear the distinctive Metal Arc pin for color guard and drill after successfully completing five competitions. b. Berets may be worn when authorized at competitions and local events upon the approval of the AI/Coach. ATCC-HPU-CC (04 August 2012) SUBJECT: Color Guard Training Plan & SOP Page 5 2. The Most Valuable color guard member Award is presented annually to the color guard and drill member(s) who has demonstrated the general qualities of an outstanding cadet and has contributed significantly to the success of the team(s). These qualities include, but are not limited to, the following traits; a. Most improved academic achievement. b. Best individual placement during competitions. c. Contribution to the overall success of the team. d. Most dedicated and disciplined member. Section 3. Expectations 1. Participation in JROTC extracurricular activities such as color guard is a privilege and not a right. Therefore cadets who chose to participate in these teams are expected to maintain a higher standard for personal conduct, personal appearance, and academic and physical performance than other cadets in the 9th Battalion. Furthermore, cadets involved in an extracurricular (special team) activity are expected to exemplify the three core components of the JROTC curriculum, citizenship, character, and fitness, at all times. Failure to do so may result in a cadet’s suspension or removal from the team. 2. Cadets must comply with the terms and conditions of this SOP and their Cadet Handbook at all times. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action being taken against them and may result in their removal from the team. 3. Disciplinary infractions; a. Minor disciplinary infractions will be dealt with in the following manner: 1.) First time offense will result in a verbal warning. 2.) Second offense will result in a written warning. ATCC-HPU-CC (04 August 2012) SUBJECT: Color Guard Training Plan & SOP Page 6 3.) Third offense will result in a written warning and, depending on the nature of the offense; a temporary suspension may be imposed. 4.) Fourth offense will result in a suspension from the team until all standards for the cadet’s return are met. b. Major disciplinary infractions will result in either a temporary suspension or if the situation warrants, the cadet will be removed from the team for the remainder of the School Year. Team members removed for disciplinary reasons will be required to tryout the following year and only after receiving AI/Coach approval. 4. In accordance with AR 145-2 and CCR 145-2 the 9th Battalion JROTC program maintains a Color Guard team. This is a co-curricular activity necessary to provide school and community support as directed. Accordingly, cadets who do not desire to rise to the standard expected to participate in an extracurricular activity do not have to do so. 5. All team members will treat each other with dignity and respect at all times. 6. All members will fully participate in fund raising activities to help defray the cost of local and out of state competitions. ATCC-HPU-CC (04 August 2012) SUBJECT: Color Guard Training Plan & SOP Page 7 References Army Regulation 145-2 Army Regulation 670-1 Cadet Command Regulation 145-2 Cadet Reference Cadet Handbook 9th Battalion JROTC Enclosure: Annex A (Parental consent memorandum and permission form) Annex B (Color Guard Team Rules Acknowledgement Letter) ATCC-HPU-CC (04 August 2012) SUBJECT: Color Guard Training Plan & SOP Page 8 Annex A MEMORANDUM FOR Parents/Guardians of Candidates/Members of the JROTC Color Guard Team(s) SUBJECT: Color Guard Team(s) Training Plan & Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) for School Year 2012-13 1. Membership on the JROTC drill and color guard team(s) is a privilege to be earned and an honor to be guarded. Therefore, cadets competing for drill and color guard team membership are expected to maintain the highest standards of excellence in personal conduct, physical fitness and academic achievement. Substandard performance in any of these areas reflects unfavorably on not only the individual member, but also on the entire Team. Consequently, only the best qualified cadets may earn placement on the drill and color guard team(s) and participate in competitions. 2. The attached Drill and Color Guard Team Training Plan and SOP are for your review, reference and compliance. Recommendations for changes to this Plan and SOP should be submitted in writing. 3. Please complete, sign and return the attached Parental Consent Form in order for your daughter/son to participate in the drill and color guard component of the JROTC program. Darrell R. Tucker Sergeant Major, U.S. Army (Ret) AI/Color Guard Team Coach ATCC-HPU-CC (04 August 2012) SUBJECT: Color Guard Training Plan & SOP Page 9 Parental Consent for JROTC Color Guard Team Participation School Year 2012-2013 1. My daughter/son, ________________________________________, has my permission to participate in the Cesar Chavez High School JROTC Color Guard Team for the 2012-2013 school year. We understand the eligibility requirements as well as the responsibilities associated with this program. We also understand that we are responsible for providing proof of family health/medical insurance, as appropriate. 2. Practice for all Color Guard Teams will be conducted at 1545-1700 on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. 3. Color Guard Team Tryouts will be conducted on Friday, 24 August 2012 at 1545 for LET1’s and new team members. (See pages 3-4 of Color Guard SOP for eligibility requirements and tryout information.) ____________________________________ (Printed name of Parent/Guardian) ___________________________________________ (Signature of Parent/Guardian) _____________________ (date) ___________________________________________ (Signature of cadet) _____________________ (date) ATCC-HPU-CC (04 August 2012) SUBJECT: Color Guard Training Plan & SOP Page 10 Annex B COLOR GUARD TEAM RULES 1. Color guard members understand that team membership is a privilege not a right. This privilege must be earned and maintained through academic performance, team performance, conduct, and adherence to the policies and procedures outlined in this SOP and the Cadet Handbook. 2. All color guard team cadets understand that attending practice is no guarantee of selection for participation in team competitions. 3. All team members are required to attend two color guard practices per week. 4. Attendance at all practices is expected unless otherwise excused by the AI/Coach (SGM Tucker) Practice times and minimum requirements are outlined in the Color Guard team SOP. 5. Team members will treat each other with dignity and respect while participating in all team events, this includes but is not limited to team meetings, practices, parades, trips, and lodging facilities. 6. No pass/No play; Cadets who are not academically passing all classes will be placed in suspension until they bring their grades back up to passing, i.e. above 60 percent. 7. Cadets must comply with the terms and conditions of this SOP and their Cadet Handbook at all times. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action being taken against them and may result in their removal from the team. 8. Disciplinary infractions; A. Minor disciplinary infractions will be dealt with in the following manner: 1.) First time offense will result in a verbal warning. 2.) Second offense will result in a written warning. 3.) Third offense will result in a written warning and, depending on the nature of the offense; a temporary suspension may be imposed. 4.) Fourth offense will result in a suspension from the team until all standards for the cadet’s return are met. B. Major disciplinary infractions will result in either a temporary suspension or if the situation warrants, the cadet will be removed from the team for the remainder of the ATCC-HPU-CC (04 August 2012) SUBJECT: Color Guard Training Plan & SOP Page 11 School Year. Team members removed for disciplinary reasons will be required to tryout the following year and only with AI/Coach approval. 9. Cadets must comply with the terms and conditions of this SOP and their Cadet Handbook at all times. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action be taken against them and may result in their removal from the team. 10. Maintenance of grooming and appearance standards as outlined in AR 670-1 and CCR 145-2. [Exceptions will be made in accordance with CCR 145-2 based on legitimate United States Army Cadet Command recognized religious and cultural factors. These exceptions and deviations must be requested and approved through the Senior Army Instructor for Cesar Chavez High School in writing]. 11. Attendance at all team meetings and/or practices is expected. Team members with poor attendance are subject to removal from the team at any time. If you cannot attend a team meeting and/or practice you must let the AI/Coach know in advance. 12. Cords will be awarded to cadets who SATISFACTORILY complete two performances/competitions, and arcs will be awarded to cadets who SATISFACTORILY complete five performances/competitions. 13. Members must bring their individual student activity account current (if they have an outstanding balance) prior to participating in out of state team trips. Members who do not bring their accounts current prior to an out of state trip are ineligible to travel with the team. This is in accordance with school policy. 14. All members will fully participate in fund raising activities to help defray the cost of local and out of state competitions. 15. SGM Tucker reserves the right to add to and/or modify these rules as necessary to maintain the good order and discipline of the color guard and drill teams. The undersigned acknowledges he/she has read, understands, and agrees to abide by and adhere to the terms and conditions of this SOP, the Cadet Handbook, and the Student Handbook at all times. Student Signature: Date: ATCC-HPU-CC (04 August 2012) SUBJECT: Color Guard Training Plan & SOP Page 12