C a n a d i a n B a to n T w i r l i n g F e d e r a ti o n La Fédération Canadienne de Baton Sportif FALL TECHNICAL MEETING ONTARIO TECHNICAL CHAIR NOTES & COMMENTS FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 21ST SASK SPORT SDP UPDATE 6:30 -8:30 pm Those in attendance do not have to participate in SKYPE call. First 4 badges face front. 364 elements White to maroon $20 or white to diamond $40. Always starting in same corner - told by adjudicator - corner 4 first then corner 3. S1 yellow to maroon S2 bronze S3 silver to pink S4 gold to end Grading forms on website. Exam sheets on printable excel spreadsheet. June 10th SK did update with new masters. Adjudicators use master instead of scoring on the score sheet. Scoring is different. We took discussion from technical room. Not a competitive program. It is a recreational program that all athletes can participate in. They have to be able to do the skills New proficiency scale for performance & technique on Pg 12 Lots of discussion about the new proficiency scale. Test DVD will be on the web site instead of mailing 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 22ND ROYAL EXECUTIVE INN, REGINA, SK JADE ROOM- 9:00 AM 1.0 WELCOME/INTRODUCTIONS 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.0 Elan Paluck Roll Call - 13 voting members Call for Additional Agenda Items - none Approval of the Agenda – 13 for carried ACCEPTANCE OF THE MINUTES 2011 Fall Technical Meeting (see attachment) – approved 3 abstain 2.1 3.0 (15 MIN) SPORT ADMINISTRATION/HOUSEKEEPING 3.1 Manuals update (5 min) a) Technical Rule Book b) Policy Manual c) Competition Handbook Karen Gratton TRB is ¾ finished. Competition manual had to be researched before putting in TRB. Policy manual will be done after other 2 manuals are completed. 3.2 Sanctions 3.2.1 Online Sanctioning (5 min) Gail Ashcroft Background: In 2010, a new database was developed to record the number and types of sanction requests received by the CBTF Sanction Officer. In 2011, it was proposed that the CBTF investigate the feasibility of having an on-line sanctioning process. Two potential drawbacks included that the CBTF would be charged for the use of PayPal (i.e., would the fee be absorbed internally, or passed on to the user?) and the validity of electronic signatures for online sanctioning. Desired Outcome: A recommendation to the CBTF Board as to whether or not online sanctioning should be offered to event directors. E-signatures are beginning to be used. However insurance advises we still need the paper copy with the original signature. Provincial or National Sanction officer needs to keep the original. Not a scanned copy. Scanned info must follow up with original by mail. Gail doesn’t mind if every provincial sanction officer has an original signature on file. It’s a matter of being tested in court. Leaning with the old tested and true. There is no waiver on a sanction. We are recognizing that an event is being held. Need a line that by typing your name that you accept this as your signature. Not waiver on line just a sanction. We’re not set up for e-signatures. We have to be able to prove this is signed by that person. That’s why we can’t do e-signatures. Forward to the BOD but note that members still want to use scanning over regular mail. 2 3.2.2 Sanctioning Spring Competitions (15 min) OBTA Background: Sanctions for spring competitions "pending" until provinces have hired all their judges leaves competition directors at loose ends while the provinces sort their competitions out. Open competition directors are unable to finalize, unable to hire judges. There seems to be no guideline or rule for the province to follow as to timelines for getting their hiring completed. Provincials are extremely important and of course have priority, but without the rank & file open competition directors who run competitions, the athletes and our organization would suffer. CBTF feels it can force judges to accept provincial hiring requests over open competition requests. There are several reasons that a judge might prefer to remain local on any given reason, or to not judge at all on a particular weekend, and these reasons should be respected without the judge feeling bullied by CBTF. Desired Outcome: Allow open competition directors to contract and hire judges when they want to, with the provision that judges may opt out of the competition by a given date (my suggestion is February 1st) of the competition year, if they are hired by a province and want to be contracted by a province. This would allow the provinces until January 31st to get their hiring completed. OBTA/MBTSA issue. Go back to why that rule was in put in place. Judges will say no to the one they don’t want to go to. At a provincial level do you know when your provincials are being held? AB and MB can’t even book a facility until January. You can’t tell people what to do. As a judge you don’t feel responsible for another province not being able to hire enough judges for provincials. It shouldn’t need to be a rule. Provincials should not be run on the same weekend. Need to hire new judges for open competitions. AB runs competition at a deficit to get a variety of judges. ON clubs use open competitions as fundraisers. Technical Directory on web site is not updated after a new course. Contact CBTF judges rep for updated list. New judges can contact competition directors directly. Discussed last year send out newly certified judges to those that hire judges. New one in public part of the web site. CBTF does not include e-mail. For TD open to all C members. TD gets updated once a year. People don’t look! We have 20 Master judges plus additional M5. Any need to take this further? Yes We need to communicate better. Everyone has to work together. In the past you have to submit Provincial dates in Fall but now some Provinces can’t even book until January. Provinces should use new M5 judges. The rule is there. Let’s work together. I made a motion to rescind motion SBM #14 from 2008. 6 for 7 against defeated Now we need to develop a way to enforce it through communication. Tentative Provincial dates: April 27 MB May 10 BC SK May 25 ON NB ? 3.3 CBTF Website 3.3.1 Athletes’ Section (5 min) Sara Thibeault 3 Background: In 2010, revisions to the CBTF Athletes’ Manual were abandoned in favour of an Athletes’ Section on the CBTF website. In 2011, submissions were invited from the Provincial Athlete’s Reps and posted monthly on the website. There was no activity on the Athletes’ page in 2012 in terms of new submissions. Desired Outcome: Update to the Technical Committee and an agreed upon plan for the future of this service to CBTF athletes. Athlete’s section was popular the first year. Second year it was not used. New suggestion is a monthly tips. Submit question and get answer. Won’t post names. Like Dear Abby. Open to changing what it looks like. People aren’t sending things in. CBTF has Facebook page….don’t create another one. Create on web site not Facebook or Twitter. Promote Canadian twirlers. Maybe an uphill battle. Videos, pictures, etc. Link video to a question. Send in local newspaper clippings. Blast from the past…don’t forget the history. Anyone can send in doesn’t have to be an athlete or athlete’s rep. Share this at the BOD meeting. 3.3.2 Out of date information regarding courses (5 min) OBTA Background: in searching the site, members have noticed old information had not been replaced regarding some of the coaching & judging courses. Desired Outcome: To have accurate and up to date info on CBTF website. Brenda Arsenault is music, manuals, video coordinator. Only one person. 3.3.3 CBTF Athlete Awards (15 min) Joanne Moser Background: Tech needs to confirm the objectives and criteria for these awards and give the CBTF Board of Directors any recommendations for improvement or change in the way the awards are calculated. Age divisions need to be clearly identified for these awards. Differences in each year from World Championships to International Cup need to be clarified. (please see attachment). Desired Outcome: A concise direction that encompasses all awards, year to year, that could be presented at the Fall Board Meeting would serve useful. Can’t touch challenge cup. Don’t use Grand Nationals unless there is a tie? Only two group Grand Nationals. It’s really a BOD thing. “Of the year” Awards…age division. Age divisions don’t match. They are senior because it is a CBTF award. “Of the year” awards are a year late because we don’t have a banquet that’s why they are done at opening ceremonies. Some people feel Medley & Solo Dance are a building block. Does it have to be a choice, can we recognize athlete of the year for doing well in individual events and individual event doing well at worlds/international cup. Overall athlete of the year can include just worlds/international cup or everything? Deciding factor previously was medaling at Worlds. Some athletes have stopped doing CBTF events. Last medal at worlds was 10 years ago. International Cup has a lot more events they can be in. SK has rule that you have to do two open competitions not just provincials. SK didn’t have funding that rule was put into place. If we put a group together we can see what each province does. Maybe we can use what has been adopted by one of the provinces. The other thing that messed up athlete of the year is that WBTF went to Worlds every 2 years. Form a committee to examine & give recommendation to BOD. We have 2 streams. Finals participants at Worlds changes based on # of athletes completing. Currently, CBTF gives plaques to top six. This will have to be looked into. 4.0 FUNDAMENTAL PROGRAMS: GRASSROOTS DEVELOPMENT 4 4.1 Program Review for 2011/12 (5 min) Elan Paluck Overview of grassroots initiatives in Canada including number of sanctioned parades/performances, recreational programs, and beginner clinics/ workshops held. Overview of the SDP initiatives occurring in Canada, including number of scheduled badge examinations, types of badges examined, and number of adjudicators trained. 4.2 Issues/Challenges/Proposals Regarding the FUNdamental Phase 4.2.1 Process Update on the SDP program (5 min) - Updating Existing Adjudicators - Dissemination of SDP materials - Process for Ordering Badges - Process for Reporting results 4.2.2 Updating Qualifications for Becoming a SDP Adjudicator Denise Johnston Denise Johnston Background: There's nothing in the SDP Adjudicator's manual that indicates what the perquisites are to becoming a SDP adjudicator. We have rules in place for the coaching and judging programs. The most recent information that can be found in this area dates back to Sylvia Kernohan's paperwork from her June 1995 Badge Officer's report under Adjudicator's Certification Procedures: To test Yellow & Orange - 14 yrs of age and a pre-level 1 coach - registered member in good standing of their province To test Red to Pink - 16 yrs of age and a level 1 coach - registered member in good standing of their province There is nothing noted in reports beyond this date indicating anything else (the Badge Program only went to Pink in 1995!). Desired Outcome: An updated proposal describing who can become a SDP adjudicator. To align with our coaching and judging programs, the following standards are suggested: To become a S1 or S2 adjudicator you must be 18 years of age and a Level 1 coach To become a S3 or S4 adjudicator you must be 18 years of age and a Level 2 or 3 coach and/or a Module 2 or higher judge Prerequisite to be an adjudicator currently are 18 years of age & member of CBTF in good standing. Motion from 2001.Should we change it? We will grandfather already certified adjudicators. After you pass the SDP adjudicator course you have to be a member of Technical Association to actually be an adjudicator. I stated that that this is the grassroots and we shouldn’t set limitations. I reminded about remote areas & I was reminded they can get video testing. 5 Motion to take the prerequisite to take SDP adjudicator course: S1 L1 S2 L2 S3 & S4 M2 or by application (any application must be sent to SDP Rep with decision by Technical Committee) 12 for 1 against (me) carried 4.2.3 SDP Next Steps (5 min) Plan for certifying new adjudicators Revision to the grading process Denise Johnston Motion marking fee for SDP adjudicator mail in process is a$5 payment per adjudicator test marking. Passed. 12 for carried To be hired adjudicate you must be a member of the Technical Association. 12 for passed Mail in will now be electronic. We will standardize a master form to work on for all badges/pins. Tonight’s project. Proposal to change form mail-in to on-line up 11 for 1 absent carried. Proposal to change adjudicator master condensed to 2. 11 for 1 absent carried. 4.3 5.0 Goal Setting/Action Items for 2012/13 - “LEARNING TO TRAIN” PROGRAMS 5.1 5.2 5.2.1 Program Review (2011/12) A report on the number/description of individuals participating in pre-competitive events Issues/Challenges/Proposals Regarding the Athletes in the Learning to Train Phase Update: Pilot project Grading System (20 min) - See Sask & Alberta reports (attached) - Q & A on the process – tabulation, awards, etc. - Grading system to be implemented across Canada for all primary Level C and Bn Athletes in Sask and Alberta may continue offering the program for all Primary and Juvenile athletes. Medals were approved at the previous meeting. I voiced my opinion that Level A don’t get medals in ON & that it should be progressional. We could give these same to all levels. I was told to vote against but was told it was already approved. SK/AB pilot project $1.95 per medal including ribbon (approximately). We need to set up deadline & medals will be available at FBM. Need formula to ball park their medal quantity. If there is a plan to change medal to advise. Medal may change. Can use old 6 inventory. Medal is a service to the members. It’s always going to be a good deal. Its 41 cents more than pre-event ribbons. Specialization of neck ribbons are not allowed. Neck ribbons come in various colours. If open club directors want. If you run Juvenile this year they are not eligible for individual challenge cup. It is only mandatory for primary. If run at open for juvenile they will be scored at provincials & Canadians. This is what we should be doing for athletes of this age. We are not copying the dance festivals. The dance festivals were ahead of this. Proposal – that may also offer to C & BN juvenile as well in provinces that did not do pilot project. Next year it is mandatory. 13 for carried Last year it was supposed to be Level C Primary & Juvenile & then went BN Primary & Juvenile because they switch mid-season. SK didn’t want them going back & forth. 5.2.2 Reminder for the 2013 Canadian W/C Event (10 min) - Level C/Bn athletes who are 7 or 8 years of age may participate in the Open Competition at Canadians. A Level Bi and A division will continue to be offered for these athletes. - Primary athletes may participate as part of a team/group at the Canadian Championships or at the Open competition. Open competition at Canadians. Can’t do both open & winner/championships. If not old enough to compete in individual you can do winner/championship group. Maple Leaf Open. Can’t make it Maple Leaf Cup. 5.3 Goal Setting/Action Items for Learning to Train - 6.0 “TRAINING TO COMPETE” & “TRAINING TO EXCEL” PROGRAMS (INDIVIDUALS) 11:00 AM 6.1 Training to Compete/Excel Program Review (2011/12) (5 min) Elan Paluck Overview of the number of athletes and their respective skill level Number and type of training opportunities that were hosted for these athletes 6.2 Issues/Challenges/Proposals Pertaining to the “TTC & TTE” Phases 6.2.1 Implementation of Drop Penalties (15 min) Reminder – drop penalties for all events (0.1) will be implemented this year Thank you to Dana Peteleski for revising the score sheets. Elan Paluck Note that Drop Penalties are now also in effect for WBTF International Cup individual and pair events (0.1 per drop) and team and group events (1.0 per drop). Scores are flashed before penalties. Desired Outcome: A motion required to approve the revised score sheets (see attached) for the 2013 competition season is required 7 Are drop penalties before or after grading system? No, don’t change the way you judge. It will be after. Can we add another row? No need it will be calculated in tab. Judge only fills in the gross score. Penalties can drop them below a minimum score in bronze? Minimum score is 0.5 on bronze. Judges don’t change the way we score. Yes they get double dinged. Leave 1st score as gross score. Motion to accept the new drop penalty score sheets and master sheets. 13 for carried. 6.2.2 Flashing of Scores (15 min) Elan Paluck Background: At the 2011 FTM, it was agreed that scores should be flashed at the Canadian W/C event, but that provinces could decide on their own as to whether or not they should flash at local events. With the adoption of the grading system, the primary reason for NOT flashing (i.e., protection of young athletes) is not as relevant. Desired Outcome: A motion to take to the Fall Board Meeting for approval. Suggested policy: - Athletes participating in the graded system will not have their grade/score flashed. - As the juvenile athletes are phased into the graded system, provinces will have the option of flashing or not flashing the scores of these athletes. - All other athletes will have their scores flashed at open and/or provincial events. - All athletes participating in the Canadian W/C event will have their scores flashed. Athletes that are ready for score, get score. Grade score will not be posted or flashed. Juveniles have the option for this year. Making a rule as a time saver. Avoid reflashing when there are errors. In all CBTF competitions scores will be flashed before penalties for all events with the exception of CBTF group events & all graded events. 12 for 1 abstain carried Not flashing is more about self esteem. Discussion on flashing for Grand Nationals individuals & duets? Discussion on flashing for groups? Logistically and timing . Tabulators were telling results last year. Tab room needs to maintain confidentiality. 6.2.3 Longer time limit for solos – Update (10 min) SBTA Background: Saskatchewan pilot tested a system of using upbeat music that was 2:00 minutes in length for their Bi and A athletes. The goal was to improve twirling speed and repertoire of material. See attached report. Nancy to give a brief verbal report. Desired Outcome: consensus as to how to proceed with this initiative. 8 SK tried at open competitions. Never really knew what song. More caught up more in the music. Music is a guideline where they should be in the program. Use music as a training tool? Old CBTF music was 2:00 min. We were slower before. 6.2.4 Artistic Twirl music for solo dance (15 min) OBTA Background: Many coaches/athletes do not like the current selection or the upcoming selections. For those athletes/coaches involved in International Cup, it creates a need to train 2 routines. Desired Outcome: Adopt WBTF Artistic Twirl music for solo dance effective 2013. Note: WBTF is adopting NEW Artistic Twirl/Pair music. It will not be approved until the Winter Technical meeting (2013) and will not be implemented until the 2015 International Cup. At the FTM, Elan will play the new music – in her opinion it is superior the current Artistic Twirl music and could influence people’s opinion on this matter. I was told to vote in favour of OBTA proposal but I personally have a hard time changing music for this year when some coaches have already started choreography. There was some discussion about dropping solo dance altogether. We’ll use the current artistic twirl until WBTF changes the artistic twirl music. The 3 WBTF selections were not voted it won’t be in effect until 2015. It’s not yet approved piece of music at WBTF BOD. Can we use DT music for primary & juvenile at CBTF? We listened to the new WBTF piece 1:50 in length. The WBTF still has to work on the ending. It’s a variety of instrumental with some highs & lows. It’s much better than those original 3 selections that were sent out early this year. WBTF has been asked to punch up the ending. It is definitely a freestyle music type selection. Music doesn’t have a beat that athletes can follow. I moved to use WBTF artistic twirl Jan 2013. 2 for 11 against. Defeated Remind competition director that they can over an artistic twirl event. Canada is hosting 2015 International Cup. Take back message that in 2015 we are hosting the international cup on home soil. Qualifier in MB in 2015 they need to plan for it and think about it now. We need to get ready for it now. It’s at home it’s in your back yard. Canada needs a full contingent. It’s a mature piece of music. Those athletes that are 9 years old in 2012 will be 12 in 2015 & their coaches & parents need to think about it now. 6.3 Goals/Action Items for Training to Compete/Training to Excel Athlete Development - WORKING LUNCH (11:45 AM) 7.0 “TRAINING TO COMPETE” & “TRAINING TO EXCEL” PROGRAMS (GROUPS) (75 MINUTES) 7.1 Program Review for 2010/11 (5 min) - Number and type of groups competing in each province Elan Paluck 9 - Number and type of judging workshops/clinics conducted 7.2 Issues/Challenges/Proposals Pertaining to CBTF Groups 7.2.1 Qualification - TransCanada WBTF teams & CBTF Dancetwirls/Teams (30 min) Background: The qualification process for TransCanada WBTF teams, CBTF dancetwirls or CBTF Teams has some gaps. The qualification issue is complicated with provinces that do not have full membership status and their members are Direct Members. When TransCanada teams have members from 3 or more provinces, it is extremely difficult to qualify in a province where the majority of members reside (which is the current rule). Desired Outcome: a motion that clearly outlines the qualification process for Trans Canada WBTF teams and trans Canada CBTF teams or dancetwirls. Issues to be addressed include: minimum score, residency Karen Gratton will lead the discussion in this area, outlining where gaps in the process have occurred and make a suggestion as to how the new motion should read. Topic: Trans Canada Team Clarification Background: The actual policy is that Trans Canada teams only "qualify" at a provincials, they do not compete. Therefore, two trans-Canada teams would be allowed to qualify in the same province. Assuming that point is true, is it is theoretically possible that one athlete could be on BOTH these transCanada teams? (This would not follow through for National trials, because these teams would be actually competing against each other) Desired outcome: Motion to clarify Topic: Province of residency Background: There is a rule on the books that in order to compete at any provincial championship, that an athlete must be either a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant, and be a permanent resident of that province. Does this extend to CBTF Dance Twirl Teams and other CBTF Groups (specifically speaking, if a group here has 7 Ontario athletes, and 1 athlete from another province, does that exclude that team from participation in the Ontario Provincial Championships. Desired Outcome: motion for clarity Topic: Qualification of Athletes from provinces not big enough to have their own provincial/qualifying event? Desired Outcome: Motion for clarity Direct members don’t have a provincial association. 1. Proposal: TC DT TC CBTF TC WBTF PAIRS CBTF DUET. TC provincials enter a TC Teams and pairs minimum score 40.00 CBTF WBTF Team B or A any round after penalties TC DT TC CBTF minimum qualifying score for the event entered. (what about 2 direct member pairs) won’t receive a placement. Directly before or after TC Team pair. Will get a score but don’t have to attain a score. The actual proposal is longer & more detailed than this. 13 for carried 10 2. Proposal: Direct member & member province to qualify together. Held in conjunction with a member province. Deadline Fall BOD meeting. The actual proposal is longer & much more detailed than this. Share trials would be accepted even for bigger provinces as well. 13 for carried 7.2.4 New Group Event (25 min) CBTF Group Rep Background: There are increasingly few groups events that athletes can participate in. Many coaches believe that dancetwirl is the easiest event to begin with, when in fact, the combination of baton and body increases the complexity. A proposal for a beginner Twirl Team event that focuses on twirlingand less on body movement- will be presented. Desired Outcome: Discussion and direction for the CBTF in terms of Group progression/ development in Canada. Maureen talked about developing a twirl team using march music. Get them interested in a fun way. Asking for an endorsement of a concept. Fixed routine for pre-event. 1:30 is demo video. Demo of good C level twirl team. Had to keep them engaged. Goal should be no drop. Japan says no more drops than a 1/3 of your members. Motion to proceed with process & if someone wants to assist on ad hoc committee. WBTF Group event is going to move more into production without props. Content is severely restricted. Japan did pilot. 60 athletes doing no more content than maroon badge. If you win it one year you can’t win next year. Big or small. Mixing and matching and adding more. They are all in it all the time. Pick a temp based piece of music. 7.2.5 Music submitted as a digital file (10 min) OBTA Background: CDs are not supposed to play at varying speeds – but inconsistencies have been noted over the years. CDs occasionally do not play for varying reasons. CDs are subject to on site damage (scratches, etc) that could have problems for the athlete/team. The whole process of music submission and then re-collection is somewhat cumbersome. These problems can cause delays in the competition, and more importantly, stress for the athlete/coach. Downloading music onto a computer system to be tied into the facility sound system would allow for easier timing, more consistent speed, and eliminate the possibility of music not playing. Added bonus, for events where order of appearance is preset, music order could be organized in advance. Desired Outcome: Effective 2013, music for the Canadian W/C Group completion, Open Competition, and Freestyle/Pair competition is submitted on a flash drive. IC qualifier & 2014 Canadians 12 for 1 abstain carried 7.3 Action Items/Goal Setting for Groups in the Training to Compete Phase - 8.0 "TRAINING TO EXCEL" - CBTF ELITE ATHLETES 8.1 Review of Elite Athlete Development 2010/11 (5 min) (1:45 PM) Elan Paluck 11 - Number of elite athletes in Canada, programs available to them - Report on Team Canada’s showing in France 8.2 WBTF Update (10 min) Jeff Johnson 2015 International Cup: Canada will be hosting! Currently, three cities are being evaluated as potential locations: Edmonton, Ottawa, Halifax. 2017 International Cup: Awarded to Australia Affiliation with the World DanceSport Federation The World DanceSport Federation Games are becoming a reality. This is conceived as a bi-annual event. The first WDSF Games is planned for September 2013, China. More details will not be available until the end of October at best. The initial World Artistic Games (every 4 years) is being delayed to March 2014. No further details are available and it is entirely possible this event could be delayed further. Part of the WBTF agreement with the WDSF is that all of the WBTF national federations will form a working relationship of some type with the corresponding WDSF national federation. CBTF has contacted Canada DanceSport but there is nothing yet to report. As a starting point, the WBTF recommends we find ways to cross-educate... possibly by having our athletes demonstrate at DS competitions and vice versa. 8.2 Issues/Challenges/Proposals Pertaining to Elite Athlete Development 8.2.1 ICup Qualification Process (20 min) Elan Paluck Update: At the FBM, it was approved that effective 2013, all athletes wishing to earn a berth on the Canadian contingent attending the International Cup must participate in the International Cup Qualifier. Canada will be allowed to send the Top 6 athletes in each division/event. New content restrictions have been developed for multiple baton and groups (see attachment). To assist with the planning of the Qualifier and with Contingent travel plans, we will still follow the Intent to Compete Declaration process as in 2011 and 2009. Desired Outcome: General awareness and understanding of the process being used Now we have to compete before you didn’t have to if there were not enough expressing intent to compete. 7.5 would be elite. If they only had 7.5 once, then they could be level A. The coach & Technical Chair would talk about this. There is a deposit required but will be refunded if they don’t own a birth but not if they decide not to go. Is there any rule that you have to attend Canadians. Concern that people are choosing. Every year both held in East or both in West so you have 2 flights in one year. The list for the next 5 years 2013 ic barrie/cdns moncton 2014 tt sk/ cdns ab 2015ic mb/cdns qc 2016 tt ab/cdns on 2017 ic sk/cdns nb 2018 tt ?/cdns mb 8.2.2 Update: National Talent ID/National Team Selection (20 min) Elan Paluck 12 Background: At the 2011 FTM, it was agreed that a National approach to identify future National Team members be developed. Due to time constraints, efforts were directed towards the establishment of a Trans-Canada team to represent Canada at the 2012 World Championships. A report from the Trans Canada team coaches and athletes will be shared at the meeting. (see attachment) Desired Outcome; Healthy discussion regarding the future of a National Talent ID/Team Selection process in Canada. Yes, if it is going to benefit Canada. It is important to have a Team at Worlds. NB would never have an opportunity to have an athlete. Process has to be communicated to everyone. Try a five year plan. Canada doesn’t have strong clubs at the bottom. Need a national training centre. Take a much longer viewpoint in order to get on the podium. Japan all go to the same university. They have alternates waiting. 5 practices over a season are not going achieve medals. That TC process won’t produce the results that we are hoping for again. It has to be inclusive. Make sure info gets out to everyone. There are a lot of good teams out there that are training together and need to stay together. CBTF is not in a position to support a team without supporting pair & freestyle as well. We will never have a national training centre because we are not a nationally recognized sport. We need to pursue national sport status. Difference between supporting a TC team and we have TC team rules that people should take advantage of. This isn’t something we can ½ support. This isn’t something we can be wishy washy on. It was a pilot project. Elan will send thank you to Leisha and Kristin. It doesn’t have to be funded. There are parents that are willing to self-support. Look at university aged kids instead of high school. Japan Team all go to school in Osaka. It wasn’t a pilot project because it wasn’t all inclusive. Have to commit to 3 year minimum. They won’t even do that at a club level. We have our own history of success at Worlds. How do we get there? Is the answer national team or nothing. NB is much more engaged. Are we going to take advantage. Continue to promote the benefits. We can’t close off any avenues for team. It was never supposed to be “The Team”. The pilot project was to have two coaches bring athletes together. We don’t have the structure in place to support this. We need more athletes. Every club needs lots of 5 & 6 year olds. We have to get the membership up. Last time national recognition Previously, this was looked into we needed 3000 athletes. Need books audited for the last 4 years. 8.2.3 Revision of CBTF Selection Process to WBTF World Championships (20 min) Jeff Johnson Background: We currently delegate the responsibility for selecting our WC representatives to the judging panel. This is one way but not the only way and it is worth a review. As an alternative, consider the approach taken by USA Gymnastics (using the 2008 and 2012 Olympic cycles as examples): - In Women's Artistic Gymnastics, a 5-person team is selected. - At the 2012 US Trials, the athlete placing 1st in the All-Around (Gabby Douglas) was automatically named to the Olympic Team. The other 4 athletes were selected by committee and announced at the end of the competition. - At the 2008 US Trials, the athletes placing 1st and 2nd in the All-Around (Sean Johnson and Nastia Liukin) were automatically named to the Olympic Team. The other 3 athletes were selected by committee after participating in a training camp. Eight athletes were invited to the training camp (1st and 2nd plus 6 others). - It is not uncommon for an event specialist to be selected [e.g. 2012 McKayla Maroney, Vault only] - It is also not uncommon for a 'rising star' to be selected, although this is more likely for the World Championships team (annual) than the Olympic squad [e.g. 2011 Gabby Douglas age 15... ranked 7th in the USA in All-Around in 2011, became the Olympic All-Around Champion in 2012] With the current WBTF World Championship schedule, a Junior age athlete will only be age-eligible 2 or 3 times (odd birth year: eligible for 2 WCs, even birth year: eligible for 3 WCs). Desired Outcome: Consideration of whether all spots on the Junior and/or Senior Freestyle teams 13 should be determined exclusively by placement at Trials. OR, whether 1 spot on the Junior Team and/or 1 spot on the Senior Team should be reserved and selected by a National Team Committee, with a view toward elite athlete development and improving future results. 8.2.3 a Music Tests (5 min) OBTA Background: Since we have moved to a "no music test" format, what exactly is the process? If advanced timing is done, before the competition, are coaches/competitors to be told if they have a timing issue and be allowed to rectify it? What happens if the pre-timing does not report a problem, but at the actual competition a timing penalty is assessed? Desired Outcome: Clarity on the process. Who is in charge. There was an athlete clocked at 2:11. Prelim round knocked athlete from the music was re-timed & the penalty was removed. There was another athlete affected that was told she had to make finals. When ever a penalty was assessed the head judge and technical chair should review. The penalty was noted should have been re-timed instead of going straight to tabulation. Can’t have a judge time music. Yes the CD shows is what the actual track is. When using an ipod 1.5 sec at start & 3 sec at end just in case music person, in the above case it would look as 2:14. WBTF considers the beep before music as the first sound. It is part of the timing. The fade counts as Dana will do a how-to doc for music on an ipod. It doesn’t matter what the WBTF does. The WBTF has waived a penalty when music was 3.5 sec over the 2:10. When using volunteer need to make them aware of their importance & if there are penalties advise technical chair before sending penalty sheet to tabulation. At Canadian Team Trials an athlete also got a penalty and this wasn’t flagged as it was a judge doing the timing & the coach didn’t find out about it 2 weeks later when the score sheet was given by the athlete to the coach. If there is a judge timing it should be brought to the attention of the head judge or technical chair. 8.2.4 Qualification Process for W/C event Freestyle/Pairs (5 min) Karen Gratton Background: In 2005, a motion was made to offer Level B freestyle at the Canadian Championships. It was officially offered as “freestyle only”, and then a few years later, compulsory moves were added in, and shortly after that, the use of CBTF age divisions were added. The motions need to be cleaned up to avoid misunderstanding. The main issue is that the 2005 motion is still in effect, and the 2010 motion does not address the qualification process. The 2010 motion refines/changes/improves/gives more details to the basic 2005 motion and adds that compulsories/SP are now combined with freestyle. The whole 2005 motion was not rescinded (otherwise we wouldn't have a level B competition). Desired Outcomes: a) Rescind the 2005 motion, and; b) Amend the 2010 motion to include the need to qualify provincially in order to enter the Canadian W/C events. Suggested: “Move that a Canadian Level B Freestyle and Pair Winner competition be run during Canadians with the following rules and procedures: - Qualification: athletes and pairs must have entered and competed at their Provincials in these events in the B category in the same year. - Age Divisions: same as other Canadian Winner Events; age as of December 31st - Rounds: same as other Canadian Winner Events - Level B Compulsory Moves (Set A or B, selected in advance): shall be performed by freestyle athletes and compulsory scores shall count for 25% of the total score combined with freestyle for 75%. - No music tests 14 - WBTF costume rules, time limits, score sheets, judging methods and other procedures shall apply.” This is a clean up. Why do we run two freestyle championships in a Worlds year? Other sports a combine or run their Olympic Trials separately. Each sport decides what is best for their sport. We want to run our Canadians the same every year. It ties into our elite athlete progression. Proposal: A & B Freestyle Pairs must compete at their Provincials to compete at Canadians. The proposal is very much longer. 13 for carried 8.2.5 Selection for the 2013 World DanceSport Federation Games (15 min) Jeff Johnson Background: [NOTE FROM CBTF PRESIDENT: The information below regarding the 2013 WDSF Games in Taiwan, China is extremely confidential and should not be shared or distributed unless absolutely necessary to help formulate an opinion.] There was a lot of good discussion on this topic. 8.3 Action Items/Goal Setting for the Development of Elite Athletes - 4:00 Official FTM meeting adjourned for Day 1 All attendees are asked to meet in lobby at 4:15 pm – comfortable clothing Transport to Cornwall School Coaches/Judges Workshop for All FTM Attendees: “Recognizing/Encouraging/Developing Proficiency in Rolls & Contact Material” 4:30 – 6:30 pm Maureen and her athletes held a wonderful demonstration on building progression of contact material. Maureen demonstrated Silver & Gold Rolls badges with different athletes at different levels. 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm Group Reservation for Dinner at Earl’s (across the street from the hotel) 9:30 pm to 11:00 pm I joined the working group back at the hotel to adjust the SDP score sheets and adjudicator masters. The goal of making the top section of the score sheet out of 80 was achieved for all badges/pins with the exception of Gold & Diamond as are hand are tied with each pin having 15 compulsories. So Gold & Diamond top section will be out of 75. 15 Canadian Baton Twirling Federation La Fédération Canadienne de Baton Sportif SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 23RD ROYAL EXECUTIVE INN, REGINA, SK JADE ROOM- 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM 9.0 OFFICIALS DEVELOPMENT 9.1 Program Updates for 2010/11 (10 min) A report will be provided regarding the number/Type of coaching courses held and the number of new coaches certified An update will be provided regarding the number of judging courses held and the number of new judges certified 9.2 Issues/Challenges/Proposals Pertaining to the Development of Our Coaches and Judges 9.2.1 Report on the ABTA Judges’ Mentoring Program (20 min) ABTA Background: In 2011, the ABTA implemented a Judges’ Mentoring program. Wendy Cruickshank will provide a report on the program and recommendations for its future. (see attachment) Had good feedback. Costs were included. We need 3000 athletes & 150 athletes. Good way to build confidence. Every individual. It is a provincial project. We don’t what inbreeding especially in Ontario. (Let’s see who catches this comment.) 9.2.2 Guidelines for communication between judges and coaches (10 min) OBTA Background: We need to establish firmer guidelines on appropriate communication between judges and coaches regarding feedback on athletes programs, performances. We seem to be frequently having issues where coaches are approaching judges for feedback, and others are questioning the appropriateness of it - raising questions of favouritism, politics. Judges seem to be questioning how they are ethically allowed to respond. Desired Outcome: Coaches need to be instructed on what, if any, one-on-one communications are acceptable (face to face/via writing). Judges need to be instructed on what is considered appropriate feedback - what they CAN give, vs what they MUST give. Of course, CBTF must first decide what the answer to these questions is - as it seems to be quite the grey area. Once this is established, sanctions/penalties against coaches who approach judges inappropriately, and/or judges who reply inappropriately have to be enforced. CBTF can decide whatever it feels is best whether that be zero communication allowed, or "anything goes" - but the guidelines have to be established and adhered to). Should we agree to communicate. If putting boundaries help. If provincials don’t offer critiques. Is it appropriate to ask for assistance. Can you go back to that judge after work done on a program. After Nov 30 deadline issue. No time for critiques. Competition ran over. Can you e-mail critique. After team trial competition should be a critique. One didn’t even offer & one ran out of time. We should have had 16 time to do. Some found time others didn’t. Can coaches ask for feedback by video? Some people see it as being unprofessional. No solid policy. Coaches Judges Rep should be drawing up these guidelines. You learn a lot through. As a judge some coaches expect some suggestions on how to fix. As a judge is my job willing to go further. There are judges that want to work one on one with the athletes. What did you see as the strengths and weaknesses in the program. Pick brain how you will give a hirer score. Putting up boundaries to deal with those situation. As anyone talks to me as CBTF coaches rep to move to training centre for guidance from that coach for 10 to 20 years and then judge says I can’t help you. We should hire judges that can communicate & mentor. Elan didn’t know have The critique sheet used at team trials was a valuable guideline as to the type of feedback that judges should give. Giving video feedback is inappropriate. Should be critiquing what they just saw. Coaches are not supposed to say how to have their athlete place ahead of another. We had one judge to refuse the template. Think Ontario wants too many rules. CBTF put in a rule that no one can get a leg up. Kim called three different sports. Gymnastics lady said that was 50 years ago thinking. Keep a paper trail for communication. We have a code of conduct. We have a feedback form. Give us enough warning to use feedback form. Speed dating thing at team trials were beneficial. Don’t think we have to develop more guidelines. Not being paid for this to fill out critique form. On judges contract tick off verbal or written or both on contract. You have a contract write everything down. Written critiques sheet a Team Trials be circulated to the judges. It was heightened because it was a world championship year. CBTF supports feedbacks that you were based on hired to judge. Take into clinic setting can not happen past Nov 30. As soon as person hears that there has been communication it is deemed unprofessional. How much involvement you have had with certain people in other provinces? Some people not familiar with the situation. You know that everyone wants feedback & so judges should use the form. Coach should file the concern. Code of conduct that has existed for 20 years. Won’t talk to the source and person with the concern needs to come forward & go directly to the person you have the problem with. It is a CBTF problem. We need to support what is right. Ron has this information & when choosing the judges need to know both sides. The smart people are not putting it in print. Whenever there is gossip there is two people at fault. Take issue up with the person you have the problem with. The bully, the victim & the bystander. “Get over it.” No more good that can come from this conversation. Asked Joanne to do a draft on conflict resolution flow chart. It’s a sport governance issue that will be addressed by BOD. 9.2.3 Fitness and Nutrition (10 min) OBTA Background: There are several overweight, out of shape athletes in our competitive ranks. These athletes are probably not able to realize their potential due to their less than optimum fitness and weight, and poor eating habits. It seems quite possible that some of these athletes are putting themselves at risk by training and executing routines that have elements that are putting bones and soft tissue at risk (moves never intended to be done by overweight people resulting in long term overstress). Furthermore, with careful consideration of "body image issues", we have to realize the reality is that an aesthetically pleasing body is a definite competitive advantage. Many coaches/athletes and parents seem to think the idea is "get fit from doing baton"....while that might be somewhat reasonable at our rec levels, the statement at our competitive levels should be "get fit, eat well, and maintain a healthy body weight so I can excel at baton" Desired Outcome: Nutrition and Fitness guidelines should become entrenched in our coaching program (introduced by level 2 for sure, with more emphasis and detail in subsequent levels). 9.2.3 Athletes Who Wish to Judge (20 min) Elan Paluck Background: Historically, it was the recommendation that athletes "retire" from competitive twirling 17 \before embarking on their judging careers. In more recent years, we have lightened this restriction by allowing collegiate aged athletes to judge pre competitive events. The times have changed and athletes are being encouraged to twirl longer- and we need to re-visit our policies in this area. Desired Outcome: to approve a proposal that would allow collegiate athletes to pursue their judges' certification without having to discontinue competitive twirling. The proposal would include safeguards (e.g., the judge would not be allowed to judge any of their fellow competitors, or anyone they have competed against in the previous 2-3 seasons), and may include a restriction on the 'scope/level' of competition they are allowed to judge at (e.g., local only - no provincial or national level). Cleaning up the motions but don’t make it an exclusionary process. In US they do allow it. Don’t want to throw up road blocks. We need collegiate athletes & we need judges. It gives AB mentoring program an opportunity to work. Proposed to permit collegiate athletes to compete & judge. Can’t judge at competition at which competing. Can’t judge athlete competed against in the last 3 years. No provincials or nationals. Can’t judge senior or collegiate. 12 for 1 absent carried 9.2.4 Use of Social Media platforms by Officials (10 min) Ron Kopas Background: The use of social networking platforms such as twitter and facebook has become the norm. Athletes, coaches, and judges from near and abroad are often "friends". The content of what is being posted maybe perceived by some to be inappropriate for all three audiences. Desired Outcome: a recommendation for the appropriate use of social networking platforms when it pertains to "baton business". A lot of people misconstrue what is said and done. It is perceived differently by different people. 9.2.5 Differentiating Between a Novice and a Veteran Judge (15 min) Elan Paluck Background: The CBTF National Judges' Selection policy recognizes two levels of judges: Novice (3 or fewer years of experience judging at the National level) and Veteran (more than 3 years experience judging at the Canadian championships). In an effort to ensure that novice judges are given the opportunity to gain experience at the National level, guaranteed "spots" are reserved for this class of judges. Over the last 3 years, the differentiation between novice and veteran has not been effective in the Judges' Selection process. Desired Outcome: A recommendation as to what the distinction should be between a novice and a veteran judge so that the intent of the policy can achieve the intended outcome. We put so many boundaries. We should open the door. Let the judge self declare. If the Technical Chair has a concern will address it with the applicant directly. That will be Elan that does the sniff test. On paper they feel they are novice because they are out of it for family reasons or coaching obligations. 9.2.6 Judges' Per Diem Rate at National Competitions (20 min) Elan Paluck Background: A number of years ago, the daily rate of $150 was established to allow for easy of accounting/budgeting. The rate was calculated on the average daily length of the competition - which was 7 days at that point in time. Currently, with more efficient scheduling, we are down to a 4-day competition - and at the 2012 Canadian Championships we experienced a 3-day competition. The days are significantly longer than when the $150/day rate was approved. This past year, judges were paid 18 more to account for the difference - most were paid for the equivalent of 4 or more days of competition. Desired Outcome: A recommendation for a new daily rate for National level competitions and a definition of how many hours constitutes a "day". Because this is a financial issue it should be addressed by the BOD. 2012 Canadians judges fees $5,765.00 Recommend to take to the BOD. SK 12 hour day was certainly an exception. The only way to solve a problem is to make a rule. Get rid of the minority. Some are negative. It a vocal minority. Can we agree a daily per diem is an 8 hour day? --LUNCH SERVED-9.2.7 Updating of Judges who only have M4 or M3 (20 min) Ron Kopas Background: Now that we have a M3 which addresses both teams and corps, what do we do with the judges who have the M4 but not M3 and vice versa. We have to decide if they should retake the new M3 or just the portion they are missing. Actually now, we do not have the old M3 (corps). Desired Outcome: Proposal/motion to address the issue. Problem on the database the old M3 & M4. How do we get them on the same page? In 4 years we can remove it from our database. I don’t think an update would suffice. It would be preferable to take course. Motion made that judge must sit in & update within next 4 years. Choose to write exam. 9 for 1 absent 2 abstain 1 against carried 9.2.8 Elimination of M5 (10 min) Ron Kopas Background: Why do we continue with M5? We do have a motion that reads: Motion #27 2004 “FBM-Karen Gratton moved that Proposal #20, 2004 FTM be accepted as amended: That CBTF eliminate the Module 5 Judges Course and use the WBTF Masters Course exclusively. Applicants who achieve a passing mark of 60% will be designated as M5 judges and certified to judge at a National Team Trial Level. Applicants who achieve a passing mark of 70% shall have attained WBTF Master Certification and certified to judge at World Championships (as per WBTF rules). Clarification: This will apply to those judges who have taken the Masters Course in the past twelve months from the date of the 2004 FBM.“ HOWEVER: We have not addressed the M5 judges who have not taken the Masters. WBTF is working on an educational and conversational section for certified Master Judges only; on the WBTF website. Our M5 judges would not be able to access this important area of the website. Desired Outcome: The time has come to drop the old M5 and have everyone wishing to judge the WBTF World Events must take the Masters Exam. 19 WBTF Facebook & Youtube was intended to be a closed but have now opened it to Masters judges. Our M5 people are losing out on those updates. M5 no longer recognized as of January 1, 2017. Must take a Master course. 9 for 1 against 1 abstain 2 absent carried 9.2.9 Adoption of the WBTF Role Models by the CBTF (25 min) Ron Kopas Background: WBTF has new role models coming out for the WC and IC events. I think we need to review the policy of keeping the old role models for our competitions. The new FS role models have a number of performances for each range and using Jr and Sr and Men as well as Women. Yes, it has raised the bar in a couple of ranges, However, if we do not keep up with the WBTF expectations our country will be hindered. Same goes with the new IC events. Originally we thought it best to stay with the old one, mainly because we advance our athletes by scores and we could let the coaches and athletes that attend the WBTF competitions understand the difference in scoring. Generally they would be lower scores than at home. How long can we do this, without falling behind? Desired Outcome: A motion to accept the WBTF role models for use in Canada. Motion to adopt WBTF role model for WBTF & International cup events effective January 1, 2013. 11 for 2 absent carried Do we have a plan to get everyone updated? WBTF role model video is on line. Solo, freestyle, artistic pair & twirl are all new role models. CBTF will send a copy to each province. Judges sign contract they are stating they have the video & we expect professionalism. 9.2.10 Updating of Judges (30 min) Ron Kopas Background: We need to put a updating procedure together for our CBTF events. Most likely not M1 events, but surely M2 and M3 events. We need a timeframe for updating (e.g.-WBTF every 4 years). Set a procedure in which they could update. i.e.--Sit in on a WBTF masters exam, sit in at a Provincial Championship or National Championship focus meeting, judging at a Prov. or Nat. championship etc. Desired Outcome; a motion/proposal to address this issue. Motion to permit a national focus meeting to M2 or M3 every 4 years audit a course, attend a course judge at provincial or nationals or sit in a provincial head judge to be recognized as a full focus meeting. 12 for 1 absent carried. 9.2.11 Update on Coaches’ Level 1 Course (20 min) Kim Genton It is complete and can be sent to Brenda. Waiting for update to course conductors manual. There has been a focus on grassroots and development of baton. Level 1 coaches program can be an effective tool. There are some really knowledgeable course conductors. Feeling more passionate about the programs. It’s not about the manual it’s about the program. Kim is not going to do the Level 2. 9.2.12 Proposal for a Coaches/Judges Symposium (10 min) Kim Genton Kim and Ron are working on this together in Ontario. Put together a 3 day workshop in August 16-18, 2013. Weekend before Kim’s camp. Ron Kopas, Jackie Stewart, Ginette Groome, Michael Harris & Maureen Johnson. Asked SK & AB to send one course conductor. It will be held in Gravenhurst, 2 hours from Toronto. Did not ask CBTF to financially support it. I hope SK or CBTF would send Elan. 20 This is almost as important as a judges focus meeting. What’s the agenda? Jackie says wait to see who comes. Who is the best for 3 baton? Ontario is also offering a symposium Oct 2012 for 4 days. Anyone is welcome to come. 9.3 Action Items/Goals Pertaining to Officials’ Development - 10.0 FALL TECHNICAL MEETING RECAP 10.1 Combined Meetings- Scheduling (15 min) Jeff Johnson Background: Technical and Board meetings are expensive to host and it seems there is never a great time to host these events. A proposal is being made that the Technical and Board meetings be moved to late August (for example) and held in conjunction with technical workshops for coaches, judges and athletes….a type of kick-off to the season. The event would be a full week and would replace the Fall Technical Meeting, the Fall Board meeting and the Summer Board Meetings. Scheduling this event in August would be better for many coaches who find it difficult to attend a Fall Technical meeting in September or a Summer Technical Meeting held in conjunction with the Canadian Championships. Desired Outcome: Health discussion surrounding this topic. Jeff met with skate Canada. At the beginning of their season they have a week long meeting. Technical & BOD. They spend time on ice. Hands on working conference. That’s it! One set of meetings kicks it off. We have 3 big WE send $17-20K on this. One time may not be cheaper but it may be something we adopt. We would look at end of August or beginning of September. This would be too fast for 2013. It works for skate Canada because their coaches and judges go. It works because they all go. It works for Tourism Boards can bid on event. Looking to bring in visitors & sell 100 hotel rooms. Round table discussion supported the idea. Who would bring athletes? It would depend on where it is? SK has own provincial clinic. Can be a kick off to national training centre. It would be a smaller pool. ---Meeting Adjourned --- 21