Mid Year/Annual CANAR Conference

The 2013 CANAR Mid-Year Conference on Native American Rehabilitation will be held June 19-21
at the University of Montana in Missoula, Montana. The conference is hosted by Tribal VR
Programs in Montana which include the Blackfeet Manpower One-Stop Center, the Chippewa Cree
Tribe, Fort Belknap Tribes, Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes, Northern Cheyenne Tribe,
and the Assiniboine Sioux Tribe.
The Conference is of particular interest to representatives from 85 American Indian Vocational
Rehabilitation (VR) projects across the country, American Indians with disabilities including family
members, State VR agencies, Client Assistance Programs, tribal government leaders and program
administrators, educators, researchers and professionals involved in rehabilitation services.
As Tribal people our cultural values and traditional ways are the foundation of our existence. As we
move forward, embracing technology and innovations that enhance our work and our lives, it is vital
that we remember and acknowledge our ancestral ways and the traditional thought processes of our
tribes in order to assist us in empowering Native American people with disabilities.
The Conference Planning Committee invites the submission of presentation proposals that support
and highlight the Conference theme: “Strengthening Native American Rehabilitation with
Traditional Values.” The goal of the Conference is to present information which will expand
knowledge and options for Native Americans with disabilities. The Conference will also showcase
models and strategies that improve and expand tribal VR practices through an exchange of ideas and
designs that enhances the provision of culturally appropriate VR services for consumers residing on
or near tribal lands. This will be accomplished through presentations on techniques that enhance the
skills and competencies of project administrators, counselors, and support staff.
Selection of presentations will be based on the presentation proposal’s support of the conference
theme, relevance and applicability of model or strategy to improve and expand tribal VR practices,
presentation format for intended audience (i.e., tribal program administrators, state VR agencies,
counselors, consumers, family members), relevance to training needs identified by American Indian
VR projects, and clarity in how learning objectives will be achieved.
All Call for Presentation Forms MUST be submitted by email as a word document attachment. All
submissions should be emailed to Corina Domingo at cdomingo@CANAR.org.
The due date to submit presentation proposals is April 15, 2013.
All information must be complete (including bios, pictures, presentation overview, etc).
Please be aware that CANAR may videotape any portion of the conference and make it available
through the CANAR website. We do this as a means of providing information to those Tribal VR
staff that are not able to attend the CANAR conference. If you do not wish to have your session
videotaped, please note this in the additional requests or comments section which is the last section
of this form.
The Conference Planning Committee will review and select presentation proposals and notify
selected and non-selected presenters by May 1, 2013.
Each presenter selected will then need to email a copy of all presentation materials (power points,
handouts, etc.) to Corina Domingo at cdomingo@CANAR.org by May 21, 2013. All materials will
be uploaded to the conference website and the CANAR website so that conference participants may
view/download any materials they wish before, during, or after the conference. We hope that this
will promote a more “Green” conference as well as allowing for better accessibility for conference
participants with disabilities.
Presentations should be developed for 75 minute presentation. In selecting your topic presentation,
please identify the anticipated audience (e.g., VR directors, VR counselors, consumers, consumer
families) and presentation format (e.g., lecture, lecture with an exercise, or circle discussion). In
addition, it will be helpful to identify one of the following suggested presentation topics:
Traditional Native American Values
Culturally Appropriate Services
The Importance of Native American Languages
The Importance of Native American Culture
Native Pride
Historical Trauma
Holistic Services/Wrap Around Services
Offender and Re-Entry Issues
Tribal/State VR Partnerships
Home Based/Self Employment opportunities
Case Management
Fiscal Management/Fiscal Integrity
Transition from School to Work
Counseling Techniques
Motivational Interviewing
Best Practices in Tribal VR
Policy and Procedure Development
 Understanding the Rehab Act
 RSA Requirements
 Integration of Tribal Traditional
Holistic Practices
 Going Green
 Assertiveness Training Assistive
 Veterans
 Specific Disability Information
 Health and Wellness/
 Substance Abuse
 Deafness/Visual Disabilities
 Domestic Violence/Sexual
 Mental Health
 Traumatic Brain Injury
 Other
Please type the presenter’s information in the text box below on the right.
(All information should be submitted exactly as you would like it to appear in the conference booklet.)
Presenter Name:
Presenter’s Organization/Agency Name:
Presenter’s Mailing Address:
Presenter’s Telephone Number:
Presenter’s Fax Number:
Presenter’s Email Address:
Type of Organization:
(Tribal VR, State VR, Other)
Amanda Race, M.A., CRC
Tanana Chiefs Conference
122 First Avenue, Suite 600
Fairbanks, Alaska 99701
(907) 452-8251 x3232, (800) 770-8251out of state
Fax (907) 459-3883
Tribal Vocational Rehabilitation
Please insert a 2” x 3” Color JPEG in the box below. Please make sure that the aspect ratio is set correctly.
This will be the picture used in the conference booklet.
Please provide a short biography in the space allocated in the box below.
(All information should be submitted exactly as you would like for it to appear in the conference booklet.)
Amanda Race has over 20 years experience working with people with disabilities in Alaska, 14 of those years
have been working at Tanana Chiefs Conference. Ms. Race received her Master’s Degree in Rehabilitation
Counseling from Western Washington University (WWU) in December 2007 through a Rehabilitation Services
Administration (RSA) scholarship and holds a current Certification for Rehabilitation Counselors (CRC). Her
primary duties as the Project Director since January 2008 consist of overseeing program operations and staff
supervision for Tribal Vocational Rehabilitation, authorizing program expenditures and managing program
budgets and grants, monitoring and reviewing all consumer case progress, providing vocational rehabilitation
case services by also maintaining a case load, and serving as a consumer advocate.
Please type the presenter’s information in the text box below on the right.
(All information should be submitted exactly as you would like it to appear in the conference booklet.)
Co Presenter Name:
Michael Shoemaker
Co Presenter’s Organization/Agency Name:
Utah State Office of Rehabilitation
250 East 500 South/ P O Box 144200
Co Presenter’s Mailing Address:
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4200
(801) 538-7746
Co Presenter’s Telephone Number:
Fax- (801) 538-7522
Co Presenter’s Fax Number:
State Vocational Rehabilitation agency
Co Presenter’s Email Address:
Type of Organization: (Tribal VR, State VR, Other)
Please insert a 2” x 3” Color JPEG in the box below. Please make sure that the aspect ratio is set correctly.
This will be the picture used in the conference booklet.
Please provide a short biography in the space allocated in the box below.
(All information should be submitted exactly as you would like it to appear in the conference booklet.)
Michael Shoemaker, M.A., CRC, LVRC, CPM has served as the Program Planning and Evaluation Specialist
for Utah's Vocational Rehabilitation Program since 2007. He graduated from Brigham Young University in
Provo, Utah with a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology and from Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma,
Washington with a Master's Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. Michael is the co-founder of the Summit
Group, a community of practice of Vocational Rehabilitation Program Evaluation which currently has 256
members. He served as the 2011 president of the Rehabilitation Program Evaluation Network, a division of
NRA. Michael is committed to working with others to strive for excellence in Vocational Rehabilitation
performance management and program evaluation practices.
Please type the presenter’s information in the text box below on the right.
(All information should be submitted exactly as you would like it to appear in the conference booklet.)
Co Presenter Name:
Catherine Ipsen, M.A., Ph.D.
Co Presenter’s Organization/Agency Name:
The University of Montana Rural Institute
52 Corbin Hall
Co Presenter’s Mailing Address:
Missoula, MT 59812
Co Presenter’s Telephone Number:
Co Presenter’s Fax Number:
Research and Training Center
Co Presenter’s Email Address:
Type of Organization: (Tribal VR, State VR, Other)
Please insert a 2” x 3” Color JPEG in the box below. Please make sure that the aspect ratio is set correctly.
This will be the picture used in the conference booklet.
Please provide a short biography in the space allocated in the box below.
(All information should be submitted exactly as you would like for it to appear in the conference booklet.)
Catherine currently serves as the Director of Employment Research at the Research and Training Center on
Disability in Rural Communities (RRTC: Rural) at the University of Montana’s Rural Institute on Disabilities.
She received her Ph.D. from the University of Montana in Interdisciplinary Studies and has an M.A. in
Economics. She has been involved in disability health and employment research the past 15 years. She
currently directs three RRTC: Rural projects focused on employment outcomes for VR clients, and is the PI on
a project examining pain interference in participation.
Please type the presentation information in the text box below on the right.
Presentation Title:
Presentation Topics:
Learning Objectives:
Target Audience:
(Tribal Program Administrators, State VR Agencies,
Counselors, Consumers, Family members, etc)
Title: Designing Effective Consumer Satisfaction
Topics: Best Practices in Tribal VR, Other Program
Evaluation for Quality Improvement
Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to:
 Write at least three types of survey questions.
 Identify at least three guidelines for effective,
culturally appropriate question wording.
 Learn at least two methods for increasing
response rates.
 Outline the survey development process.
Audience: Tribal Program Administrators, State VR
Format: Lecture with an Exercise
Presentation Format:
(Lecture, Lecture with an Exercise, or Circle
Discussion, etc)
Please provide a short presentation overview space allocated in the box below.
(All information should be submitted exactly as you would like for it to appear in the conference booklet.)
Learning from listening to others is a traditional Native American Native Alaskan value. Consumer
Satisfaction Surveys is a commonly used contemporary methodology within Tribal Vocational Rehabilitation
and State Vocational Rehabilitation to discover, explore and listen to consumers' perspectives regarding VR
Services. This presentation is intended to teach principles, skills and provide participants the opportunity to
exercise new skills as they consider their own consumer base. Areas of focus will include the basic survey
process, selecting a representative & culturally appropriate sample, determining appropriate survey length,
writing clear survey questions that encourage response, selecting the types of questions for the survey,
structuring the survey to enhance participation, methods of delivering surveys, improving response rates for
already existent consumer satisfaction surveys and several fundamental tools for survey analysis. This
presentation is sponsored by the Rehabilitation Program Evaluation Network of the National Rehabilitation
All sessions will be equipped with a PC laptop, LCD Projector, and screen. If you plan to present
using your Mac, please be sure to bring an LCD Projector adaptor. Please list any additional Audio
Visual Equipment Requests below. If you plan to show video with sound and need any type of
video or audio equipment, it MUST be noted in this section.
The PC laptop, LCD Projector, and screen should be fine. If there is Internet connect ability
in the room this would be helpful for us to be aware of. If this not available, we will show
several Internet resources by doing a Print Screen option into our Power Point slides.
All requests will be considered and the conference planners will make every effort to honor requests
if at all possible.
We are willing to present at the time identified by the conference planners.
All requests for compensation/expense reimbursement, etc will be considered, however please be
aware that only limited resources are available and requests for payment and/or expense
reimbursement will be considered in presentation selection.
There are no requests for compensation connected to this presentation.