Description of the RERF DS86 Mortality and Average Organ Transmission Factor Data Files 25 June 1992 This disk contains four files: CMDS86.R11 - Life Span Study mortality data for the period 1950 through 1985. DS86TF.DAT transmission factors city- and age-at-exposure-specific which can be used to compute organ dose estimates CMDDS86.DOC - a copy of this text in ASCII format CMDDS86.5P1 - a copy of this text in Word Perfect 5.1 CMDDS86.SCR - an AMFIT command script used to compute format selected summary statistics and fit some sample models similar to those used in LSS Report 11 and BEIR V CMDDS86.LOG - the output produced by the CMDDS86.SCR script The CMDS86.R11 file contains data on mortality among survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the period from October 1, 1950 through December 31, 1985. The population consists of all members of the Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF) Life Span Study (LSS) cohort with complete follow-up for whom DS86 dose estimates were available in December, 1987. This population is identical to that used for the analyses discussed by Preston and Pierce (RERF TR 9-87 and Rad. Res. 114:437-66, 1987) and in Life Span Study Report 11, Part 1 (RERF TR 12-87 and Rad. Res. 118:502-24, 1989) and Part 2 (RERF TR 5-88 and Rad. Res. 121:120-41, 1990). These data were also used in analyses carried out for the BEIR V report (NAS 1990). If these data are used as the basis for analyses in any publication including working papers or technical reports, a statement of acknowledgement must be included in the manuscript. This statement should read: This report makes use of data obtained from the Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF) in Hiroshima, Japan. RERF is a private foundation funded equally by the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare and the U.S. Department of Energy through the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. The conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the scientific judgement of RERF or its funding agencies. Please send a copy of any reprints which make use of these data to: Administration and Support Section Publication and Documentation Center Radiation Effects Research Foundation 5-2 Hijiyama Koen Minami-ku Hiroshima Shi 732 JAPAN The files on this disk are similar to those used in the BEIR V analyses, but differ somewhat from the Report 11 data sets. In particular, for the sitespecific analyses in LSS Report 11 dose-categories were defined in terms of the appropriate individual organ dose estimates (i.e.- a separate data set was created for each tumor type). Also, the data sets used for the Report 11 analyses were based upon a less detailed stratification on age-at-exposure than is used here (the number of records in each Report 11 data set was about 1600). The main data set differs from the BEIR V data set in that it includes information on additional cancer death categories considered in LSS Report 11 and on specific noncancer causes of death. The DS86 dose estimates differ slightly from those in the original BEIR V data set because of minor changes to DS86 made after the data were given to the committee. The eight non-cancer causes included here are the same causes considered in LSS Report 11 part 3 (Shimizu et al RERF TR 2-91 and Red. Res. 130, 249-66, 1992). The data in the main file summarize the mortality experience of the subcohort for the period from October 1, 1950 through December 31, 1985 for 75,991 members of the LSS-E85 cohort for whom DS86 dose estimates could be computed in December 1987. Members of the cohort not included in this tabulation include 26,517 people who were not in the cities at the time of the bomb, 2,384 survivors for whom dose estimates could not be computed because of inadequate information on shielding, and 15,237 survivors who had T65DR dose estimates, but for whom DS86 estimates could not be computed. Each record in CMDS86.R11 contains data for a single cell in a crosstabulation over city, sex, age-at-exposure, total DS86 kerma, and calendar time. For each cell the data are: a) integer indices for city, sex, age-at-exposure, DS86 total kerma, and calendar time. b) the total number of person-years in the cell c) the number of people first-at-risk, i.e. entering follow-up, in the cell d) the total number of deaths from any cause in the cell e) person-year weighted mean values for the gamma, neutron, and total kerma (in mGy) f) person-year weighted mean values for time-since- and age-atexposure (attained age can be computed as the sum of these two values) f) categories counts of the numbers of deaths in each of 32 non-exclusive All fields are separated by at least one blank so the file can easily be read by any program capable of reading blank delimited ASCII files. The following FORTRAN formats can also be used: (3i3,3x,2i3,f12.2,2f6.0,5f10.2,32f5.0) or (3f3.0,3x,2f3.0,f12.2,2f6.0,5f10.2,32f5.0) The following pages contain additional details on the format of the data files. Format of LSS Mortality File CMDDS86.R11 File Name #Records Record Length #Variables/Record CMDS86.R11 3399 200 31 File Format: IBM PC-DOS 3.1 3.5-inch 1.44 MB, or 5.25-inch 1.2 MB File Size (Bytes) 686,599 Study Population:DS86 subcohort as defined in RERF Life Span Study Report 11 Parts 1 to 3 and RERF Technical Reports 9-87 Creation Date: 4 December 1987 Revision History:17 December 1991 25 June 1992 Added first at risk count and Noncancer Mortality data Added Additional sites reordered cases counts Cross-classification variables are items 1-5. Summary variables are items 7-32. Output Name Description 1) City I3 Cols. 1-3 1 = Hiroshima 2 = Nagasaki 2) Sex I3 4-6 1 = Male 2 = Female 3) Age at Exposure I3 (in years) 1 = 0-4 2 = 5-9 3 = 10-14 4 = 15-19 5 = 20-24 6 = 25-29 7 = 30-34 8 = 35-39 9 = 40-44 10 = 45-49 11 = 50-54 7-9 Format 12 = 55-59 13 = 60+ Name Description Cols. 4) DS86 Total Kerma (in mGy) (kerma values take into account shielding by structures and terrain) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 = = = = = = = = = = DS86 Category Interpretation (in Gy) 0 0.005 - 0.05 0.06 - 0.09 0.10 - 0.19 0.20 - 0.49 0.50 - 0.99 1.00 - 1.99 2.00 - 2.99 3.00 - 3.99 4.00 - 6.00 Output Format 13-15 I3 Definition (in mGy) 0 4 5 54 55 94 95 - 194 195 - 494 495 - 994 995 - 1994 1995 - 2994 2995 - 3994 3995 - 6000 Note: When referring to DS86 dose categories, please use the labels which are specified above in Gy. As a standard, RERF creates dose categories by rounding to the nearest 10 mGy. 5) Calendar 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = Time 1 Oct 1 Jan 1 Jan 1 Jan 1 Jan 1 Jan 1 Jan 16-18 1950 1956 1961 1966 1971 1976 1981 to to to to to to to 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 6) Person-years at risk F12.2 19-30 7) Number entering study F6.0 37-42 8) Number of deaths F6.0 31-36 9) Kerma: F10.2 43-52 mean total gamma component (mGy) (shielding of surrounding structures or terrain taken into account) 10) Kerma: F10.2 mean total neutron component (mGy) 53-62 (shielding of surrounding structures or terrain taken into account) I3 Name Description 11) Kerma: F10.2 Cols. mean total kerma (mGy) Output Format 63-72 (shielding of surrounding structures or terrain taken into account) Note: Before mean total gamma and mean total neutron components were calculated, total kerma estimates above 6 Gy were truncated to 6 Gy; gamma and neutron components were adjusted so that: a) their sum was 6 Gy, and b) the ratio of gamma ray to neutron kerma was equal to the average value of this ratio for survivors in the same city whose total kerma estimate was between 4 and 6 Gy. 12) Mean years since exposure F10.2 73-82 13) Mean age-at-exposure (in years) F10.2 83-92 Note: Means in 9) to 13) above are person-year weighted, cell-specific averages over the people at risk in the cell. Number of cancer deaths for: 14) Leukemia F5.0 15) All cancers except leukemia F5.0 93-97 98-102 16) Lip, oral cavity, and pharynx F5.0 103-107 17) Digestive organs and peritoneum F5.0 (includes esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon, rectum, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas) 108-112 18) Esophagus F5.0 113-117 19) Stomach F5.0 118-122 20) Large intestine, except rectum F5.0 123-127 21) Rectum F5.0 128-132 22) Liver and intrahepatic bile ducts F5.0 133-137 23) Gall bladder and extrahepatic bile ducts F5.0 138-142 24) Pancreas F5.0 143-147 25) Respiratory system and intrathoracic organs 148-152 F5.0 (includes nasal cavities, middle ear, accessory sinuses, larynx, trachea, bronchus, lung, pleura, thymus, heart, and mediastinum) 26) Trachea, bronchus, and lung F5.0 153-157 27) Female breast F5.0 158-162 28) Cervix uteri and uterus F5.0 163-167 29) Cervix uteri F5.0 168-172 30) Ovary and other uterine adnexa F5.0 173-177 31) Prostate F5.0 178-182 32) Bladder, kidney, and other or unspecified F5.0 urinary 183-187 33) Kidney and ureter F5.0 188-192 34) Skin (including melanomas) F5.0 193-197 35) Skeleton F5.0 198-202 36) Malignant lymphoma F5.0 203-207 37) Multiple myeloma F5.0 208-212 38) Non-cancer disease total 213-217 F5.0 (except diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs) 39) Infectious diseases F5.0 218-222 40) Diseases of the circulatory system F5.0 223-227 41) Cerebrovascular diseases (Stroke) F5.0 228-232 42) Heart disease F5.0 233-237 43) Diseases of the respiratory system F5.0 238-242 44) Diseases of the digestive system F5.0 243-247 45) Other diseases F5.0 248-252 Format for Body Transmission Factor File DS86TF.DAT File Name #Records DS86TF.DAT Record Length 90 File Format: #Variables/Record 30 6 File Size (Bytes) 2977 IBM PC-DOS 3.1 3.5-inch 1.44 MB, or 5.25-inch 1.2 MB Study Population: Members of the DS86 subcohort as defined in RERF Life Span Study Report 11 and RERF Technical Report 9-87 for whom direct DS86 estimates could be computed and who were between 1000-1600 meters from the hypocenter in Hiroshima or 1000-2000 meters from the hypocenter in Nagasaki. Creation Date: 2 December 1987 Cross-classification variables are items 1-3. Summary variables are items 4-6. For each cell in the table, mean gamma ray and mean neutron body transmission factors are computed for each of the fifteen organs incorporated into the DS86 system. The table is cross-classified by city and age as well. The age groups chosen reflect the use of three different phantoms in the DS86 system; choice of the appropriate phantom was based upon age of the individual at the time of exposure. Output Name 1) Organ 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Description = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Skeleton Marrow Urinary bladder Brain Breast Eye lens Large intestine Liver Lung Ovary Pancreas Stomach Testes Thyroid Uterus Cols. Format 1-2 I2 Cols. 4 Output Format I1 3) Age at Exposure 1 = Infant (0-2 years) 2 = Child (3-11 years) 3 = Adult (12+ years) 6 I1 4) Number of Cases 9-12 I4 Name 2) City Description 1 = Hiroshima 2 = Nagasaki 5) Mean neutron body transmission factor F5.3 14-18 6) Mean gamma body transmission factor F5.3 22-26 Disease Groupings and Corresponding ICD Codes: LSS Mortality File CMDDS86.R11 7th 8th 9th Cause(s) of Death Rev. Rev. Rev. -------------------------------------------------------------------------Leukemia 204 204-207 204-208 -------------------------------------------------------------------------ll cancers 140-203 140-203 140-203 except leukemia 205 208-209 -------------------------------------------------------------------------Lip, oral cavity, 140-148 140-149 140-149 and pharynx -------------------------------------------------------------------------Digestive Organs 150-155 150-159 150.0-155.1 and peritoneum 157-159 156.0-159.9 (includes esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon, rectum, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas) -------------------------------------------------------------------------Esophagus 150 150 150 -------------------------------------------------------------------------Stomach 151 151 151 -------------------------------------------------------------------------Large intestine, 153 153 153 except rectum -------------------------------------------------------------------------Rectum 154 154 154 -------------------------------------------------------------------------Liver and Intrahepatic 155.0,155.8 155 155.0,155.1 Bile Ducts -------------------------------------------------------------------------Gall bladder and 155.1 156 156 extrahepatic bile duct -------------------------------------------------------------------------Pancreas 157 157 157 -------------------------------------------------------------------------Respiratory system 160-164 160-163 160-165 and Intrathoracic Organs ------------------------------------------------------------------------Trachea, bronchus, 162,163 162 162 and lung ------------------------------------------------------------------------Female breast 170 (a) 174 (a) 174 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Cervix uteri and uterus 171-174 180-182 179-182 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Cervix uteri 171 180 180 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Ovary and other 175 183 183 uterine adnexa ------------------------------------------------------------------------Prostate 177 185 185 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Bladder, kidney, and 180,181 188,189 188,189 other or unspecified urinary organs ------------------------------------------------------------------------Kidney and Ureter 180 189.0,189.1 189.0-189.2 189.2 189.4,189.8 189.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Skin (including 190-191 172-173 172-173 melanomas) ------------------------------------------------------------------------Skeleton 196 170 170 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Malignant lymphoma 200-202 200-202 200-202 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Multiple myeloma 203 203 203 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Noncancer except 001-799 except 000-799 except 001-799 except diseases of the blood 140-239 140-239 140-239 and blood-forming 290-299 280-289 280-289 organs ------------------------------------------------------------------------Infectious diseases 001-138 000-136 001-139 511.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Diseases of the 330-334 430-438 430-438 circulatory system 400-468 390-429 390-429 440-458 440-459 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Cerebrovascular 330-334 430-438 430-438 diseases (Stroke) ------------------------------------------------------------------------Heart disease 400-468 390-429 390-429 440-458 440-459 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Diseases of the 470-529 460-519 460-510 respiratory system 511.0,511.1,511.8 512-519 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Diseases of the 530-587 520-577 520-579 digestive system ------------------------------------------------------------------------Other diseases (Noncancer diseases codes except for diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs, and excluding those above categories) ------------------------------------------------------------------------(a) Females only