191 STATION ROAD DEER PARK VIC 3023 M: 0405 000 963 E: info@viets.com.au www.viets.com.au RBP: DP-AD 33472 BDAV No: 1298 ABN: 92 609 217 848 A SITE ASSESSMENT FOR PLANNING PERMIT APPLICATION RESCODE - CLAUSE 55 PROPOSED: AT: DATE: AUTHORITY: TWO DOUBLE STOREY UNITS DEVELOPMENT (LOT 553) 1 HARRY STREET, MAIDSTONE MARCH 2015 MARIBYRNONG CITY COUNCIL SITE ANALYSIS ASSESSMENT & DESIGN RESPONSE INTRODUCTION This is a site assessment to identify and document the constraints and opportunities applicable for the proposed development of this site. The assessment will outline the designs to be considered and their ability to address the intent of the Rescode for Medium Density Housing, compliance with the State Planning Policy Framework. The Local Planning Policy Framework, including the Municipal Strategic Statement and local planning policies. This proposal is in compliance with the Objective and Strategies for the local area of Maidstone. EXISTING CONDITIONS The subject site is the land on eastern side of Harry Street on Lot 553 on Plan of Subdivision 059014 in Title Volume 08643 Folio 312. The site is not affected by any restrictive covenant and an easement of 1820mm width is located along southern and western boundaries of the land. The land is a rectangular shape with an area of 566 m² with dimensions as following: North 37.18 m South 37.18 m East 15.24 m West 15.24 m Site area 566 m2 The land is flat and there is no fall across the land. The site presently contains a single storey, cement sheet cladding dwelling with tiled roof and a carport on northern boundary. There are no existing significant trees on site. Surrounding dwellings in the neighbourhood are a mix of contemporary design in both single storey and double storey with brick veneer, hip/valley tiled and metal roof design and single dwellings with weatherboard, tiled roof from post war architectural period. A photomontage has been provided with this application. The sites location is close to all amenities such as; shopping centre, public transport, primary school and community infrastructure & services. 55.02 NEIGHBOURHOOD CHARACTER & INFRASTRUCTURE 55.02-1 Neighbourhood character The proposal will take all advantages of the site and surrounding area and will have minimal impact to the streetscape. The design uses mostly similar material and character of surrounding dwellings, thus this proposal will respect and contribute to the neighbourhood character. 55.02-2 Residential policy The proposed development complies with the State Planning Policy Framework, Local Planning Policy Framework, Municipal Strategic Statement and local planning policy. The site takes all advantages of public transport and community infrastructure and services surroundings. 55.02-3 Dwelling diversity The proposed development does not fall into this category. 55.02-4 Infrastructure The site is in an area with well-established infrastructure which the development will be connected easily and will not overload the capacity of utility services and infrastructure. 55.02-5 Integration with the street Units are designed to have access and frontages on Harry Street and will have no impact to street trees. The proposed landscaping will also help enhancing the street integration. 55.03 SITE LAYOUT AND BUILDING MASSING 55.03-1 Street setback Street setbacks are 5m from boundary on Harry Street which are similar or the same with the average street setbacks of the neighbouring buildings. 55.03-2 Building height The proposed units are double storey dwellings with overall height approximately 7.2 metres, which is slightly lower than similar existing neighbouring dwellings. 55.03-3 Site coverage The proposals site coverage is 56.4%, which is below the maximum site coverage of 60%. 55.03-4 Permeability The proposal has approx. 36% of permeable area of the site which is over 20% minimum requirement. 55.03-5 Energy efficiency The orientation of the site and the units makes the best use of the site providing for maximum ventilation, daylight and solar energy. The location of living areas and the private open spaces have been located to gain north sun. All units will be insulated with thermal insulation to ensure that winter heat loss is minimised. It is considered that the proposal adequately satisfies the objectives of the Energy Efficiency element. 55.03-6 Open space As indicated on the plans this site has convenient access to local public reserves, recreation facilities. In addition to this both dwellings will be provided with private open spaces easily accessible from family areas and are fenced for privacy. 55.03-7 Safety The entrance for each unit is distinct and open for the safety and security of the residents. Private spaces within the development are fenced off preventing inappropriate use as public thoroughfares. 55.03-8 Landscaping Generous and additional landscaping to the existing landscaping will be provided for the development to further enhance the site and local area. 55.03-9 Access The proposal will use existing crossover for the proposed dwelling 2 and require a new crossover for the dwelling 1. The total width of the existing crossover and the proposed one is 6m which is 38% of the street frontage where maximum is 40% for street frontage which is less than 20 metres(15.24m). 55.03-10 Parking location The locations of parking spaces are provided close to and in a convenient position to their respective units. 55.03-11 Parking provision The proposal allows 2 car spaces for each unit. All car parks are easy access to and have minimum impact to local traffic. 55.04 AMENITY IMPACTS 55.04-1 Side and rear setbacks The maximum height of the proposed dwellings is approximately 7.2m, which is below the maximum specified in Rescode. The setbacks with relation to proposed location and heights of walls exceed the minimum setbacks as prescribed in Diagram B1. 55.04-2 Walls on boundary The height and length of all walls on the boundary to the subject site will be below the maximum height and length limits. These walls respect the adjoining properties and will therefore be of little impact due to the proposed height and length. 55.04-3 Daylight to existing windows Due to the orientation of the site and the way in which the development has been sited the existing neighbouring dwellings will maintain a generous amount of daylight to their habitable room windows. 55.04-4 North-facing windows Due to the orientation of the site, there will be no impact to solar access to north facing windows of adjoining neighbouring dwellings. 55.04-5 Overshadowing open space The proposed dwelling is designed and setback to have minimum impacts on existing secluded private open space. Refer to Shadow Diagram Drawings. 55.04-6 Overlooking To prevent any overlooking into secluded private open spaces from the developments habitable room windows of the upper level will have obscured glazings, therefore overlooking into the private open spaces and habitable room windows of all adjacent property and within the development will be obsolete. 55.04-7 Internal views The proposal is designed carefully to limit views into the secluded private open space and habitable room windows of dwellings. 55.04-8 Noise impacts Noise impacts will be minimal with use of insulation and brick. There is no mechanical plant proposed in this development. The site is in quiet location so there is almost no impact from external noise. 55.05 ON-SITE AMENITIES AND FACILITIES 55.05-1 Accessibility The proposal is designed with considerations and convenient for elderly people and people with limited mobility. 55.05-2 Dwelling entry The proposal is designed to have entries visible and easy identifiable from the streets. The proposed dwellings are designed with covered porch which provides shelter and creates a sense of address and a transitional space around the entry. 55.05-3 Daylight to new windows The proposal is designed to provide adequate daylight to all habitable room windows as they are located to face their own private open space or street. 55.05-4 Private open space The proposal is designed to provide adequate private open space and direct access from a habitable room to the private open space for each dwelling. 55.05-5 Solar access to open space Because of the orientation of the site, the proposal is designed to have maximum solar access into the secluded private open space. 55.05-6 Storage Each dwelling will be provided with storage facilities via lockable sheds located in an easily accessible and suitable location in both dwellings private open space. 55.06 DETAILED DESIGN 55.06-1 Design details The proposal is designed in the way to respect the neighbourhood character and of a high architectural standard. The proposed dwelling will be constructed with similar materials, which are common throughout the local area and those which match in with the existing dwelling. The proposed dwelling contains well-proportioned windows and doors, similar roof forms/pitches and eaves that are seen and match some dwellings throughout the neighbourhood. Visual bulk is virtually non-existent as the upper level is well articulated. 55.06-2 Front fences The proposed front fence is brick with timber slats maximum 1.2 metre high which is similar with existing neighnouring front fences. 55.06-3 Common property To overcome any management difficulties of common property for the development, landscaped garden beds along the driveway will be low or nil maintenance landscaped garden beds. 55.06-4 Site services Each dwelling will be provided with all the required site facilities such as mailbox, service metres and clothes drying lines. CONCLUSION The proposal is designed to respect neighbourhood’s character and meet all objectives and standards of Clause 55. The proposal is designed to take all advantages of the site and will definitely be a best place to live.