Skeletal System Activities – Chapter 7

Biology Unit 5 DNA Science and Technology Learning Objectives
DNA Science and Technology Content Objectives
5.1.1 Diagram and label the basic structure of DNA; describe who first developed the structure.
5.1.2 Define key terms including nucleotide, gene, codon, anticodon,
5.1.3 Describe the purpose, process and product of replication, including the role of enzymes.
5.1.4 Describe the purpose, process and product of transcription, including the role of enzymes.
5.1.7 Describe the purpose, process and product of translation.
5.1.5 Describe and illustrate how the code of DNA is translated into messenger RNA and is utilized to
synthesize a particular protein (central dogma).
5.1.6 Explain how messenger RNA, ribosomal RNA, and transfer RNA are involved in the transcription of
translation of genes.
5.1.7 Discuss how eukaryotes regulate transcription of genes. Relate gene regulation and mutations.
5.1.8 Explain how a mutation may affect a protein’s shape and function.
5.1.9 Describe how selective breeding is used to produce organisms with desired traits.
5.1.10 Explain why test crosses are used in selective breeding; predict the phenotype of offspring from a
test cross.
5.1.11 Define genetic engineering; explain several applications.
5.1.12 Describe how recombinant DNA is made and manipulate, including the role of restriction enzymes.
5.1.13 Describe the components of the human genome; explain how information from the human genome
can be used to diagnose and treat human disease.
5.1.14 Explain how scientists use DNA fingerprinting in many applications.
5.1.15 Describe the purpose of cloning and several applications.
College Readiness Skills
5.2.1 Create a model to illustrate the DNA structure, DNA replication and protein synthesis.
20E.1 Select a simple hypothesis, prediction, or conclusion that is supported by a data presentation or
24E.2 Identify key issues or assumptions in a model.
13I.1 Select a single piece of data (numerical or nonnumerical) from a simple data presentation.
16I.3 Find basic information in a brief body of text.
16I.4 Determine how the value of one variable changes as the value of another variable changes in a simple
data presentation.
20I.3 Translate information into a table, graph or diagram.
Biology Unit 5 DNA Science and Technology – Chapter 12 and 13
Lab #14 Modeling DNA and Protein
Lab #15 DNA Extraction
Lab #16 DNA Fingerprinting
How Genes Work
Deciphering Genetic Code
The Power of Genes
Decoding DNA
Cloning Webquest
Not Guilty
Race Without Color
Text book review questions
Activities Total
DNA Science and Technology test
Manipulating building materials to model DNA
structure, DNA replication, and protein synthesis
Extracting DNA from a mixture of fuit
Virtual lab about solving a crime by using DNA
Practice for learning DNA structure
Practice decoding DNA and RNA
Video questions that focus on DNA technology
Cooperative practice decoding sample DNA molecule
and the insulin gene
Virtual exploration of the cloning process
Article describing the use of DNA to help solve a
crime and free a wrongly accused prisoner
Article describing the connection between genetics
and race
Section Assessments: P. 332 2-5; P. 3351,2,4;
P. 341 1-4; P. 349 1,2,4,7; P. 362 1,3-6; P. 371 1,3,4
P. 379 1-4
Unit test covering all objectives, homework,
activities, labs, and lectures
*All answers should be written in logical statements or sentences, do not answer with a letter or single word.