fund of java chapter 9 solutions

Arrays, Recursion, and Complexity
Lesson 9—Classes Continued
Lesson 9 — Classes Continued
Answers to Review Questions
Exercise 9.1
1. Java allocates a separate set of memory cells in each instance for the instance
variables of a class. By contrast, only one set of cells is allocated for the class
2. First, a static method can be included to allow the user to call the method by
sending a message to the class. This method can serve as a public accessor or
mutator of a class variable. Second, a static method can be included to perform
some useful calculation. The Math class methods are good examples. Third, a
static method can be included in a set of cooperating helper methods to
decompose responsibilities for tasks in a class.
3. The reference to instVar in the static method is a syntax error because static
methods cannot reference instance variables.
4. A public constant is accessible to all clients, and a static constant is accessible by
using the class name as a reference.
Exercise 9.2
1. A Java interface specifies the set of public methods for classes that implement
that interface. It serves as a form of glue that holds the parts of a software system
2. Some classes are so simple that they do not need interfaces; moreover, an
interface is commonly used when there is more than one implementing class.
Exercise 9.3
public interface StudentSpecs {
void setName (String nm);
String getName ();
void setScore (int i, int score);
int getScore (int i);
int getAverage();
int getHighScore();
String toString();
2. The expression implements <an interface> causes the compiler to check the
implementing class for the presence of all the methods in the specified interface.
If any of them are missing, a syntax error occurs.
Arrays, Recursion, and Complexity
Lesson 9—Classes Continued
Exercise 9.4
1. A class hierarchy is a set of classes that is organized by the relationship of
subclass and superclass. An example is the hierarchy Object/Circle/Wheel, where
Circle is a subclass of Object and Wheel is a subclass of Circle.
2. The expression extends <a class> is used to inherit the data and behavior of
another class.
3. To run a constructor of the same form in the superclass, one uses the form
super(<parameters>) at the beginning of the corresponding constructor in the
4. With methods other than constructors, one uses the form super.<method name>
5. The visibility modifier protected allows subclasses in a hierarchy to access
instance and class variables or methods of superclasses without allowing other
clients in the system to access these items.
6. There is a syntax error. The method setSpokes is not included in the Shape
interface. The programmer attempts to send this message to an instance of Wheel,
but this object is masquerading as a Shape. The variable s must be cast to a Wheel
before sending it the setSpokes message.
Exercise 9.5
1. An abstract class serves as a repository of data and behavior common to a set of
subclasses. Because this class is abstract, it cannot be instantiated. An example is
the AbstractShape class, which is abstract and defines the behavior common to
circles and rectangles.
2. We declare abstract methods for two possible reasons. First, the abstract class in
which they are declared implements an interface, but the implementation of these
methods is deferred to the concrete classes. Second, even if there is no interface,
these methods must be implemented in all subclasses, so declaring them abstract
enforces this.
3. A final method cannot be overridden in a subclass. Examples are the accessors
for variables that are defined in an abstract class. These methods should not be
overridden by subclasses.
4. Here is a diagram of the Pen class hierarchy:
Exercise 9.6
Arrays, Recursion, and Complexity
Lesson 9—Classes Continued
1. Generally, to locate the right method to execute, the JVM first looks in the class
of the receiver object. If the method is not found there, the JVM looks at this
class's superclass, if there is one. This process is repeated until a method is found
or an exception is thrown (if the method is not eventually found in the Object
class). In this example, the server's method someMethod is executed first. Within
this method, the JVM executes a call to the method someMethod in the superclass.
Exercise 9.7
1. The rule for passing a parameter object is the same as the rule for assignment,
namely, the class of the actual parameter must be the same as or less inclusive
than the class of the formal parameter.
Exercise 9.8
* Precondition: 1 <= i <= 3
* Returns: the score at position i if the preconditions are satisfied
* or 0 otherwise
public int getScore(int i)
Exercise 9.9
* Precondition: 1 <= i <= 3
* throws IllegalArgumentException if i < 1 or i > 3
* Returns: the score at position i if the preconditions are satisfied
* or 0 otherwise
public int getScore(int i){
if (i < 1 || i > 3)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("i must be >= 1 and <= 3");
return scores[i – 1]
Exercise 9.10
1. The programmer should use equals instead of == when comparing two objects
because == is too restrictive. In cases where two distinct objects are structurally
the same (have the same values for all their instance variables), == would return
false because == returns true only when the operands refer to one object.
2. true
3. When an object is assigned to a variable, that variable contains a reference to the
4. To obtain a true copy of an object, you must create a new instance of that object's
class and then copy the original object's instance variables to the new object's
Arrays, Recursion, and Complexity
Lesson 9—Classes Continued
Vocabulary Review
Abstract class: A class that defines attributes and methods for subclasses but is never
Abstract method: A method that is specified but not implemented in an abstract class.
The subclasses must implement this method.
Class (static) method: A method that is invoked when a message is sent to a class. For
example, Math.sqrt is a class method.
Class (static) variable: A variable that is visible to all instances of a class and, if public,
is accessed by specifying the class name.
Concrete class: A class that can be instantiated.
Final method: A method that cannot be implemented by a subclass.
Inheritance: The process by which a subclass can reuse attributes and behavior defined
in a superclass.
Interface: A Java file that simply specifies the methods to be implemented by another
class. A class that implements several interfaces can thus adopt the behavior of several
Overriding: The process of re-implementing a method already implemented in a
Postcondition: A statement of what is true after a certain action is taken.
Precondition: A statement of what is true before a certain action is taken.
Fill in the Blank
1. Methods and variables that belong to a class rather than an instance are called class
or static variables and methods.
2. The keyword used to invoke a constructor or method in a superclass is called super.
3. The visibility modifier protected makes a method or variable visible to subclasses
but not to other clients.
4. A(n) abstract class contains common behavior and data for a set of subclasses but is
not instantiated.
5. A(n) abstract method consists of just a head and forces all subclasses to implement
6. Preconditions and postconditions state the assumptions that are true before a
method executes correctly and after it executes correctly.
7. The method equals is the conventional Java method for comparing two objects for
equality, whereas the method clone is the conventional Java method for copying an
Solutions to Projects
Arrays, Recursion, and Complexity
Lesson 9—Classes Continued
Project 9-3
// Solution to Project 9.3
import TurtleGraphics.Pen;
// Notice the use of the word "abstract" in the class header.
// This class implements the Shape interface.
// We don't need to say that the class extends Object as that is the default.
abstract public class AbstractShape implements Shape {
// Here we declare variables common to all subclasses.
protected double xPos;
protected double yPos;
// Even though this class is never instantiated, it needs constructors
// to initialize its variables.
public AbstractShape (){
xPos = 0;
yPos = 0;
public AbstractShape (double xLoc, double yLoc){
xPos = xLoc;
yPos = yLoc;
// There is no code for the next two methods; therefore, they are abstract
// and terminate with a semicolon. All subclasses must define these methods.
abstract public double area();
abstract public void draw (Pen p);
// These next three methods will never be changed in a subclass; therefore,
// they are declared final, meaning they cannot be overridden.
public final double getXPos(){
return xPos;
public final double getYPos(){
Arrays, Recursion, and Complexity
Lesson 9—Classes Continued
return yPos;
public final void move (double xLoc, double yLoc){
xPos = xLoc;
yPos = yLoc;
// Another abstract method to be defined in subclasses.
abstract public void stretchBy (double factor);
abstract public double perimeter();
// Subclasses will override this method.
// Notice that the method calls area(). More will be said about
// this later.
public String toString(){
String str = "(X,Y) Position: (" + xPos + "," + yPos + ")\n"
+ "Area: " + area();
return str;
// Solution to Project 9.3
import TurtleGraphics.Pen;
// This class extends AbstractShape and in the process implements
// the Shape interface.
public class Circle extends AbstractShape {
protected double radius;
public Circle() {
// Activate a constructor in AbstractShape.
radius = 1;
// Then initialize radius.
public Circle (double xLoc, double yLoc, double r) {
super (xLoc, yLoc); // Activate a constructor in AbstractShape.
radius = r;
// Then initialize radius.
Arrays, Recursion, and Complexity
Lesson 9—Classes Continued
// The next three methods were abstract in the superclass.
// Now we define them.
public double area() {
return Math.PI * radius * radius;
public double perimeter(){
return Math.PI * radius * 2;
public void draw (Pen p) {
double side = 2.0 * Math.PI * radius / 120.0;
p.move (xPos + radius, yPos - side / 2.0);
p.setDirection (90);
for (int i = 0; i < 120; i++){
p.move (side);
p.turn (3);
public void stretchBy (double factor) {
radius *= factor;
// Notice that the toString method calls the corresponding method in the
// superclass in order to accomplish its task.
// In the superclass, the toString method calls area, which will activate
// the area method in this class and not the area method in the superclass.
public String toString() {
String str = "CIRCLE\n"
+ "Radius: " + radius + "\n"
+ super.toString();
return str;
// Solution to Project 9.3
// No additional comments are needed in this class. All the important
// points have already been made.
Arrays, Recursion, and Complexity
Lesson 9—Classes Continued
import TurtleGraphics.Pen;
public class Rect extends AbstractShape {
private double height, width;
public Rect() {
height = 1;
width = 1;
public Rect (double xLoc, double yLoc, double h, double w) {
super (xLoc, yLoc);
height = h;
width = w;
public double area() {
return height * width;
public double perimeter(){
return height * 2 + width * 2;
public void draw (Pen p) {
p.move (xPos, yPos);
p.setDirection (0); p.move (width);
p.turn (-90); p.move (height);
p.turn (-90); p.move (width);
p.turn (-90); p.move (height);
public void stretchBy (double factor) {
height *= factor;
width *= factor;
public String toString() {
String str = "RECTANGLE\n"
+ "Width & Height: " + width + " & " + height +"\n"
+ super.toString();
return str;
Arrays, Recursion, and Complexity
Lesson 9—Classes Continued
// Solution to Project 9.3
import TurtleGraphics.Pen;
public interface Shape {
public double area();
public double perimeter();
public void draw (Pen p);
public double getXPos();
public double getYPos();
public void move (double xLoc, double yLoc);
public void stretchBy (double factor);
public String toString();
// Solution to Project 9.3
public class TestShapes {
public static void main (String[] args) {
// Instantiate a circle, a wheel, and a rectangle
Shape s1 = new Circle (20, 20, 20);
Shape s2 = new Wheel (20, 20, 20, 6);
Shape s3 = new Rect(20, 20, 10, 10);
System.out.println("Perimeter of circle: " +
s1.perimeter() + "\n" +
"Perimeter of wheel: " +
s2.perimeter() + "\n" +
"Perimeter of rectangle: " +
import TurtleGraphics.Pen;
public class Wheel extends Circle {
private int spokes; // The number of spokes in the wheel
// xPos, yPos, and radius are inherited from Circle
public Wheel() {
// Activate the constructor Circle() to
// initialize xPos, yPos, and radius.
Arrays, Recursion, and Complexity
spokes = 0;
Lesson 9—Classes Continued
// Now initialize spokes.
public Wheel (double xLoc, double yLoc, double r, int s) {
super (xLoc, yLoc, r); // Activate the constructor
// Circle (double xLoc, double yLoc, double r)
// to initialize xPos, yPos, and radius.
spokes = s;
// Now initialize spokes.
public void draw (Pen p) {
// Draw the wheel's rim by calling the draw method in the superclass.
super.draw (p);
// Draw the spokes
for (int i = 1; i <= spokes; i++){
p.move (xPos, yPos);
p.setDirection (i * 360.0 / spokes);
p.move (radius);
public void setSpokes (int s) {
spokes = s;
public String toString() {
String str = "WHEEL\n"
+ "Radius: " + radius + "\n"
+ "Spokes: " + spokes + "\n"
+ "(X,Y) Position: (" + xPos + "," + yPos + ")\n"
+ "Area: " + area();
return str;
Project 9-4
// Solution to Project 9.4
import TurtleGraphics.Pen;
// Notice the use of the word "abstract" in the class header.
// This class implements the Shape interface.
Arrays, Recursion, and Complexity
Lesson 9—Classes Continued
// We don't need to say that the class extends Object as that is the default.
abstract public class AbstractShape implements Shape {
// Here we declare variables common to all subclasses.
protected double xPos;
protected double yPos;
// Even though this class is never instantiated, it needs constructors
// to initialize its variables.
public AbstractShape (){
xPos = 0;
yPos = 0;
public AbstractShape (double xLoc, double yLoc){
xPos = xLoc;
yPos = yLoc;
// There is no code for the next two methods; therefore, they are abstract
// and terminate with a semicolon. All subclasses must define these methods.
abstract public double area();
abstract public void draw (Pen p);
// These next three methods will never be changed in a subclass; therefore,
// they are declared final, meaning they cannot be overridden.
public final double getXPos(){
return xPos;
public final double getYPos(){
return yPos;
public void move (double xLoc, double yLoc){
// We must override this method in class Triangle, so it can no longer
// be final.
xPos = xLoc;
Arrays, Recursion, and Complexity
Lesson 9—Classes Continued
yPos = yLoc;
// Two more abstract methods to be defined in subclasses.
abstract public double perimeter();
abstract public void stretchBy (double factor);
// Subclasses will override this method.
// Notice that the method calls area(). More will be said about
// this later.
public String toString(){
String str = "(X,Y) Position: (" + xPos + "," + yPos + ")\n"
+ "Area: " + area();
return str;
// Solution to Project 9.4
import TurtleGraphics.Pen;
// This class extends AbstractShape and in the process implements
// the Shape interface.
public class Circle extends AbstractShape {
protected double radius;
public Circle() {
// Activate a constructor in AbstractShape.
radius = 1;
// Then initialize radius.
public Circle (double xLoc, double yLoc, double r) {
super (xLoc, yLoc); // Activate a constructor in AbstractShape.
radius = r;
// Then initialize radius.
// The next three methods were abstract in the superclass.
// Now we define them.
public double area() {
Arrays, Recursion, and Complexity
Lesson 9—Classes Continued
return Math.PI * radius * radius;
public void draw (Pen p) {
double side = 2.0 * Math.PI * radius / 120.0;
p.move (xPos + radius, yPos - side / 2.0);
p.setDirection (90);
for (int i = 0; i < 120; i++){
p.move (side);
p.turn (3);
public double perimeter(){
return Math.PI * radius * 2;
public void stretchBy (double factor) {
radius *= factor;
// Notice that the toString method calls the corresponding method in the
// superclass in order to accomplish its task.
// In the superclass, the toString method calls area, which will activate
// the area method in this class and not the area method in the superclass.
public String toString() {
String str = "CIRCLE\n"
+ "Radius: " + radius + "\n"
+ super.toString();
return str;
// Solution to Project 9.4
// No additional comments are needed in this class. All the important
// points have already been made.
import TurtleGraphics.Pen;
public class Rect extends AbstractShape {
Arrays, Recursion, and Complexity
Lesson 9—Classes Continued
private double height, width;
public Rect() {
height = 1;
width = 1;
public Rect (double xLoc, double yLoc, double h, double w) {
super (xLoc, yLoc);
height = h;
width = w;
public double area() {
return height * width;
public void draw (Pen p) {
p.move (xPos, yPos);
p.setDirection (0); p.move (width);
p.turn (-90); p.move (height);
p.turn (-90); p.move (width);
p.turn (-90); p.move (height);
public double perimeter(){
return height * 2 + width * 2;
public void stretchBy (double factor) {
height *= factor;
width *= factor;
public String toString() {
String str = "RECTANGLE\n"
+ "Width & Height: " + width + " & " + height +"\n"
+ super.toString();
return str;
// Solution to Project 9.4
Arrays, Recursion, and Complexity
Lesson 9—Classes Continued
import TurtleGraphics.Pen;
public interface Shape {
public double area();
public void draw (Pen p);
public double getXPos();
public double getYPos();
public void move (double xLoc, double yLoc);
public double perimeter();
public void stretchBy (double factor);
public String toString();
// Solution to Project 9.4
import TurtleGraphics.*;
import java.awt.Color;
public class TestShapes {
public static void main (String[] args) {
// Instantiate a pen and a shape
Pen p = new StandardPen();
Shape s = new Triangle (0, 0, 50, 50, 100, 0);
//new Wheel(0,0,100,5);
//new Rect (0, 0, 50, 100);
// Draw and print
System.out.println(s.area() + " " + s.perimeter());
// Move, strecth, draw, and print
s.move(0, -100);
System.out.println(s.area() + " " + s.perimeter());
// Solution to Project 9.4
import TurtleGraphics.Pen;
public class Triangle extends AbstractShape {
Arrays, Recursion, and Complexity
Lesson 9—Classes Continued
private double x2, x3, y2, y3; // The first vertex is (xPos, yPos)
// The second vertex is (x2, y2)
// The third vertex is (x3, y3).
// Instantiate a default triangle with
// vertices (0, 0), (20, 20), and (20, 0)
public Triangle() {
x2 = 20;
y2 = 20;
x3 = 20;
y3 = 0;
// Instantiate a triangle with
// vertices (xx1, yy1), (xx2, yy2), (xx3, yy3)
public Triangle (double xx1, double yy1,
double xx2, double yy2,
double xx3, double yy3) {
super(xx1, yy1);
this.x2 = xx2;
this.y2 = yy2;
this.x3 = xx3;
this.y3 = yy3;
public double area() {
double x1 = xPos, y1 = yPos;
return 0.5 * Math.abs
(x1*y2 - x2*y1 + x2*y3 - x3*y2 + x3*y1 - x1*y3);
public void draw (Pen p) {
p.move(xPos, yPos);
p.move(x2, y2);
p.move(x3, y3);
p.move(xPos, yPos);
public void move (double x, double y) {
double deltaX = x - xPos;
double deltaY = y - yPos;
super.move(x, y);
x2 += deltaX;
Arrays, Recursion, and Complexity
Lesson 9—Classes Continued
y2 += deltaY;
x3 += deltaX;
y3 += deltaY;
public double perimeter(){
double x1 = xPos, y1 = yPos;
Math.sqrt((x1 - x2)*(x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2)*(y1 - y2)) + // Side 1
Math.sqrt((x2 - x3)*(x2 - x3) + (y2 - y3)*(y2 - y3)) + // Side 2
Math.sqrt((x3 - x1)*(x3 - x1) + (y3 - y1)*(y3 - y1)); // Side 3
public void stretchBy (double factor) {
double x1 = xPos, y1 = yPos;
x2 = x1 + (x2 - x1) * factor;
y2 = y1 + (y2 - y1) * factor;
x3 = x1 + (x3 - x1) * factor;
y3 = y1 + (y3 - y1) * factor;
public String toString() {
String str = "TRIANGLE\n"
+ "(x2,y2) : (" + x2 + "," + y2 + ")\n"
+ "(x3,y3) : (" + x3 + "," + y3 + ")\n"
+ super.toString();
return str;
import TurtleGraphics.Pen;
public class Wheel extends Circle {
private int spokes; // The number of spokes in the wheel
// xPos, yPos, and radius are inherited from Circle
public Wheel() {
// Activate the constructor Circle() to
// initialize xPos, yPos, and radius.
spokes = 0;
// Now initialize spokes.
public Wheel (double xLoc, double yLoc, double r, int s) {
super (xLoc, yLoc, r); // Activate the constructor
// Circle (double xLoc, double yLoc, double r)
// to initialize xPos, yPos, and radius.
Arrays, Recursion, and Complexity
spokes = s;
Lesson 9—Classes Continued
// Now initialize spokes.
public void draw (Pen p) {
// Draw the wheel's rim by calling the draw method in the superclass.
super.draw (p);
// Draw the spokes
for (int i = 1; i <= spokes; i++){
p.move (xPos, yPos);
p.setDirection (i * 360.0 / spokes);
p.move (radius);
public void setSpokes (int s) {
spokes = s;
public String toString() {
String str = "WHEEL\n"
+ "Radius: " + radius + "\n"
+ "Spokes: " + spokes + "\n"
+ "(X,Y) Position: (" + xPos + "," + yPos + ")\n"
+ "Area: " + area();
return str;
Project 9-5
// Solution to Project 9.5
abstract public class Employee {
// Protected Instance Variables:
protected String name;
protected double rate;
protected int hours;
// Public Methods:
public Employee(){
name = "";
rate = 0;
Arrays, Recursion, and Complexity
Lesson 9—Classes Continued
hours = 0;
public boolean setName(String nm){
if (nm.equals(""))
return false;
name = nm;
return true;
public boolean setRate(double rt){
if (!(LOW_RATE <= rt && rt <= HIGH_RATE))
return false;
rate = rt;
return true;
public boolean setHours(int hrs){
if (!(LOW_HOURS <= hrs && hrs <= HIGH_HOURS))
return false;
hours = hrs;
return true;
public String getName(){
return name;
abstract public double getPay();
//--------------------------------------public static double TAX_RATE = 0.10;
public static double LOW_RATE = 6.75;
public static double HIGH_RATE = 30.50;
public static double LOW_HOURS = 1;
public static double HIGH_HOURS = 60;
protected static double totalPay = 0;
protected static double totalTax = 0;
Arrays, Recursion, and Complexity
Lesson 9—Classes Continued
public static String getNameRules() {
return "nonblank";
public static String getTypeRules() {
return "1 or 2";
public static String getRateRules() {
return getRule (LOW_RATE, HIGH_RATE);
public static String getHoursRules() {
return getRule (LOW_HOURS, HIGH_HOURS);
public static boolean typeOK (int type) {
return type == 1 || type == 2;
public static double getTotalPay() {
return totalPay;
public static double getTotalTax() {
return totalTax;
private static String getRule (double low, double high) {
return "between " + low + " and " + high + ", inclusive";
// Solution to Project 9.5
public class FullTimeEmployee extends Employee {
public FullTimeEmployee(){
public double getPay() {
double pay, tax;
if (hours <= 40)
Arrays, Recursion, and Complexity
Lesson 9—Classes Continued
pay = rate * hours;
pay = rate * 40 + rate * 2 * (hours - 40);
tax = pay * 0.10;
pay = pay - tax;
totalPay += pay;
totalTax += tax;
return pay;
// Solution to Project 9.5
public class PartTimeEmployee extends Employee {
public PartTimeEmployee() {
public double getPay() {
double pay, tax;
pay = rate * hours;
tax = pay * 0.10;
pay = pay - tax;
totalPay += pay;
totalTax += tax;
return pay;
// Solution to Project 9.5
1. Requrest employee name, type, pay rate, and hours.
2. Print employee name, taxes withheld, and pay.
3. Repeat until the name is blank.
4. Print the total taxes and pay. */
import TerminalIO.KeyboardReader;
public class PayrollSystemInterface {
public static void main (String [] args) {
KeyboardReader reader = new KeyboardReader();
Employee emp; // employee
String name; // name
Arrays, Recursion, and Complexity
Lesson 9—Classes Continued
int type; // type
double rate; // hourly pay rate
int hours; // hours worked
String prompt; // user prompt;
while (true){
// Get the name and break if blank
System.out.println("Enter employee data");
name = reader.readLine(" Name (or blank to quit): ");
name = name.trim(); // Trim off leading and trailing spaces
if (name.length() == 0) break;
// Get the type until valid
while (true){
prompt = " Type (" + Employee.getTypeRules() + "): ";
type = reader.readInt(prompt);
if (Employee.typeOK(type)) break;
// Instantiate an employee of the correct type and set the name
if (type == 1)
emp = new FullTimeEmployee();
emp = new PartTimeEmployee();
// Get the hourly pay rate until valid
while (true){
prompt = " Hourly rate (" + Employee.getRateRules() + "): ";
rate = reader.readDouble(prompt);
if (emp.setRate(rate)) break;
// Get the hours worked until valid
// To illustrate the possibilities we compress this code
// into a single unreadable statement.
while (!emp.setHours(reader.readInt
(" Hours worked (" + Employee.getHoursRules() + "): ")));
// Print the name and pay
(" The weekly pay for " + emp.getName() +
" is $" + emp.getPay());
// Print the total pay
Arrays, Recursion, and Complexity
Lesson 9—Classes Continued
System.out.println ("\nTotal taxes: " + Employee.getTotalTax());
System.out.println ("\nTotal pay : " + Employee.getTotalPay());