Dr. Vick's curriculum vitae

3314 Bay to Bay Blvd., Tampa, FL 33629
1452 Oakfield Drive, Brandon, FL 33511
(813) 689-2525 (813) 689-4433 fax
Drgvick@gmail.com / www.Drgvick.com
Collaborative Divorce Facilitator, Collaborative Divorce Institute, Scottsdale,
AZ. & Lone Star Collaborative Law Training, TX.
Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator, University of South Florida,
Tampa, FL (6, 10, 12, & 13 Circuits Served).
Court Qualified Parenting Coordinator, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL.
Doctoral Degree in Clinical Psychology, Florida School of Professional
Psychology, Tampa, FL. (Focus in Child/Adolescent Therapy & Assessment)
APA Accredited Program. Dissertation Topic: Application of the Transtheoretical
Model of Change to an Adolescent Conduct-Disordered Population.
Masters of Arts Degree in Clinical Psychology, Florida School of Professional
Psychology, Tampa, FL. APA Accredited Program.
Masters of Arts Degree in Clinical Psychology, American International College,
Springfield, MA.
Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology, American International College,
Springfield, MA.
3314 Bay To Bay Blvd., Tampa, FL 33629 / 1452 Oakfield Drive, Brandon, FL 33511
(813) 689-2525 / (813) 689-4433 fax
Drgvick@gmail.com / www.Drgvick.com
Licensed Psychologist, Florida Board of Psychology (#PY6982)
Court Qualified Parenting Coordinator, State of Florida
Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator, State of Florida (#26820F)
International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (IACP)
Collaborative Divorce Institute of Tampa Bay (Next Generation Divorce)
Tampa Bay Collaborative Divorce Group
Collaborative Family Law Council of Florida-Communication Committee
Association of Family & Conciliation Courts (AFCC)
FL Chapter of Association of Family & Conciliation Courts (FLAFCC)
Juvenile Forensic Examiner, State of Florida
Forensic Examiner, State of Florida
Florida Psychological Association- Child, Adolescent, Family Division
Nominee for Special Instructional Services Individual: Tampa Bay ChapterCounsel for Exceptional Children 2006-2007
2014-present Collaborative Divorce Pro Bono Program, Collaborative Divorce Facilitatorfacilitating a team of attorneys, financial neutral, and other professionals as
needed to assist couples through the collaborative process. Duties include, but are
not limited to, parent education, dispute resolution, mediation techniques,
educating parents regarding the developmental needs of their children, and
making sure the team and divorcing couple communicate effectively.
Host of “Divorce Without Destruction”, A podcast show
promoting the practice of Collaborative Divorce. Each week we
interview some of the most passionate professionals working in the
field of Divorce. We offer resources and information to help families
heal from divorce and co-parent effectively.
2014-present Collaborative Divorce Facilitator, Collaborative Divorce Institute of Scottsdale,
AZ. Work with a team of professionals consisting of attorneys, financial
facilitators, and child specialists in order to facilitate a respectful, peaceful, and
3314 Bay To Bay Blvd., Tampa, FL 33629 / 1452 Oakfield Drive, Brandon, FL 33511
(813) 689-2525 / (813) 689-4433 fax
Drgvick@gmail.com / www.Drgvick.com
healthy divorce process. Assist divorcing couples communicate effectively,
resolve problems, and settle differences using interest- based negotiation.
2014-present Child Specialist in Collaborative Divorce Cases, The Collaborative Child
Specialist is an advocate for the child(ren) in the divorce process. The Child
Specialist gives the child(ren) a voice and provides information and guidance to
the parents and collaborative team to assist in developing an effective coparenting plan.
2010-present. Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator, University of South Florida,
Tampa, FL. Certified by the Florida Supreme Court to conduct all forms of family
mediation, including divorce mediation, child custody and support concerns,
property settlement, family disputes, etc.
2010-present. Court Qualified Parenting Coordinator, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL.
State of Florida Certification, through the University of South Florida’s Dispute
Resolution Center. Design and implement parenting plans and assist high-conflict
parents in the resolution of disputes in divorce and post-divorce situations.
Educate parents regarding children’s developmental needs, the impact of divorce,
effective communication skills, cooperative co-parenting skills, efficient timesharing and conflict resolution skills. In addition to being empowered to make
binding decisions without expensive court involvement in many common postdivorce disputes.
Managing Partner. Mental Health Management Group, Inc., Brandon, FL. Set
policy and direct operations of private psychology practice of seven independent
mental health providers (5-mental health therapists & 2- psychiatrists).
2007-present Forensic Examiner, State of Florida. Conduct objective & comprehensive
evaluations of litigants and report findings and opinions to attorneys and/or the
2006-present Juvenile Forensic Examiner, State of Florida. Conduct evaluations of
juveniles to determine their competency to proceed and participate in legal
3314 Bay To Bay Blvd., Tampa, FL 33629 / 1452 Oakfield Drive, Brandon, FL 33511
(813) 689-2525 / (813) 689-4433 fax
Drgvick@gmail.com / www.Drgvick.com
2004-present. Licensed Psychologist / Owner, Youth Psychological Assessment & Therapy
Center, Inc. Brandon, FL. A private outpatient clinical/forensic psychology
practice, providing psychotherapy, parenting coordination, collaborative divorce
facilitation, family mediation, consultation, clinical supervision, and
comprehensive psychological / psycho-educational evaluations.
2004-present. Contracted Psychologist. Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, State of
Florida. Conduct comprehensive psychological evaluations to assist in differential
diagnosis and vocational planning.
July 2003July 2007
Licensed Psychologist / School Psychologist, Hillsborough County Schools
Responsibilities included, but were not limited to, development of proactive
programs and strategies to address school concerns, consultation with school staff
and other professionals, provide training/in-service for school staff, develop,
implement, and monitor academic and behavioral interventions, provide
individual and group therapy, crisis intervention, conduct individualized
comprehensive psychological evaluations and functional behavioral assessments,
and supervision of doctoral-level clinical psychology practicum students and postdoctoral clinical psychology fellows.
May 2004Oct. 2004
Licensed Psychologist, Tampa Bay Family Therapy Center
Responsibilities included facilitation of therapy groups, comprehensive
psychological evaluations, and individual/family psychotherapy.
Sept. 2002July 2003
Psychology Fellowship, Clinical Psychology Training Program,
Hillsborough County School District, Tampa, FL. Supervisors: Drs. Marcia Pita,
Alessandra Chiesa, & Heather Horton. Responsibilities included individual
therapy with school age children/adolescents, facilitated weekly psychoeducational groups, provided teacher/administration consultation, crisis
management, psychological evaluations, and supervision of doctoral-level
psychology externs.
Aug. 2001Aug. 2002
Pre-Doctoral Internship, Bridgeview & Challenger Extended Day
Schools Niles, IL. Supervisors: Drs. Al Ezekiel, Brian Zercher, & Jackie Roig.
Responsibilities included individual & group therapy for children & adolescents
ranging from age 7-18 with behavioral, emotional, or organic impairment, crisis
3314 Bay To Bay Blvd., Tampa, FL 33629 / 1452 Oakfield Drive, Brandon, FL 33511
(813) 689-2525 / (813) 689-4433 fax
Drgvick@gmail.com / www.Drgvick.com
services, family therapy, parent/teacher consultation, psychological evaluation,
supervised psychology practicum students.
July 2000July 2001
Doctoral Level Supervised Therapy Practicum Experience, School
District of Hillsborough County, Clinical Psychology Training Program,
Tampa, FL. Supervisors: Drs. Marcia Pita & Alessandra Chiesa Responsibilities
included individual & group therapy for children ranging in age from 4-17 with
emotional, developmental, and psychological concerns, and psychological
July 1999 July 2000
Doctoral Level Supervised Diagnostic Practicum Experience,
Northside Mental Health Center, Tampa, FL. Supervisor: Dr. Richard Enrico
Spana Responsibilities included psychological evaluations and treatment
recommendations for children, adolescents, & adults, diagnostic services & case
conferences for a Department of Juvenile Justice locked female adolescent
commitment facility.
June 1997Feb.1998
Day Treatment Therapist, Center for Human Development, STAR
Program, Springfield, MA Supervisor: Jeanne Butrick, LSW
Responsibilities included facilitation of groups and case management.
Sept. 1996May 1997
Resident Assistant, Mental Health Association, Springfield, MA
Supervisor: John Barber, MSW.
Sept.1994Dec. 1995
Graduate Assistant, American International College, Student
Development Office, Springfield, MA Supervisor: Dr. Gregory Schmutte.
May 1995June 1995
Residential Counselor, Experiment with Travel, Springfield, MA.
Fall 2000
Teaching Assistant for Assessment I, Florida School of Professional
3314 Bay To Bay Blvd., Tampa, FL 33629 / 1452 Oakfield Drive, Brandon, FL 33511
(813) 689-2525 / (813) 689-4433 fax
Drgvick@gmail.com / www.Drgvick.com
Fall 1999
Teaching Assistant for Assessment I, Florida School of Professional Psychology
Spring 1992
Teaching Assistant in Psychological Statistics, American International
Canavan, P. & Vick, G. Bipolar vs. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. A presentation for
the School District of Hillsborough County School System Guidance Department. 2007.
Moon, M., Moskowitz, R. & Vick, G. The Collaborative Divorce Process. Brandon, FL 2015.
Moskowitz, R. & Vick, G. Relationships: A Five Part Workshop Series. Tampa, FL 2015.
Vick, G. Social Skills Groups for Children with Asperger’s Disorder. A presentation for the
Parents of the Asperger’s Syndrome/High Functioning Autism Support Group (PASS). Brandon,
FL. 2008.
Vick, G. On Being a Psychologist. Great American Teach-In. Riverhills Elementary School.
Tampa, FL. 2008.
Vick, G. Use of Cognitive Behavioral Interventions within the School System. A presentation for
the School District of Hillsborough County School System School Psychology Department.
Vick, G. Application of the Transtheoretical Model of Change to an Adolescent ConductDisordered Population. Clinical Psychology Dissertation, Florida School of Professional
Psychology. Tampa, FL. 2003.
Alderman, T. W. Solving the Discipline Dilemma. A Workshop for Hillsborough County
Schools. September 2003.
3314 Bay To Bay Blvd., Tampa, FL 33629 / 1452 Oakfield Drive, Brandon, FL 33511
(813) 689-2525 / (813) 689-4433 fax
Drgvick@gmail.com / www.Drgvick.com
Austin, W. G. & O’Day, D. Child Custody, Relocation, and Risk: Developing Long Distance
Parenting Plans. The 12th Annual Conference- Florida Chapter of AFCC, 21st Century
Showcase: Cutting Edge Tools for Family Practice Professionals. October 1-2 2015.
Berzner, S., Finman, S., Garcia, P., Roth, R. S., Schneider, P. A., & Stern, L. M. Recognizing
and Managing the Challenging Client. Inaugural Collaborative Family Law Conference. May
Bailey, R. & Judge, A. M. Reclaiming the Family: Reunification Following Familial Abduction,
High Conflict Divorce and Parental Alienation. The 12th Annual Conference- Florida Chapter
of AFCC, 21st Century Showcase: Cutting Edge Tools for Family Practice Professionals. October
1-2 2015.
Blackwell, A. Judicial Leadership and the Collaborative Practice. Inaugural Collaborative
Family Law Conference. May 2013.
Black-Sikorske, C., Day, D., Harris, N., Lewis, A., Magill, M., & Stern, L. Advanced
Negotiation: Understanding and Using Team Dynamics in Collaborative Practice. Inaugural
Collaborative Family Law Conference. May 2013.
Boullosa, A., Tenret, T., & Ware, E. Tips and Techniques For Getting Your First or Second or
Third Collaborative Case. Collaborative Family Law Council of Florida. Annual Conference.
May 2015.
Bradley-Klug, K., Hangauer, J., Lopez, A., & Shaffer, E. Families, Schools, and Physicians
Working Together for the Best Interest of the Child. Disruptive Behavior Conference: Parents,
teachers, and professionals working together. University of South Florida College of Public
Health Administration. March 2007.
Cameron, N. Bringing Mindfulness to Conflict and Building Our Skills. Collaborative Family
Law Council of Florida 2nd Annual Conference. August 2014.
Carter, D. Parenting Coordination Training Program. Conflict Resolution Collaborative.
University of South Florida. July 2010.
3314 Bay To Bay Blvd., Tampa, FL 33629 / 1452 Oakfield Drive, Brandon, FL 33511
(813) 689-2525 / (813) 689-4433 fax
Drgvick@gmail.com / www.Drgvick.com
Carter, D. Parenting Coordination in FL: A Decade of Change. Thirteenth Judicial Circuit,
Hillsborough County. June 2014.
Carter, D. Parenting Coordination: Picking the Right Job for the Tool. The 12th Annual
Conference- Florida Chapter of AFCC, 21st Century Showcase: Cutting Edge Tools for Family
Practice Professionals. October 1-2 2015.
Conner, C. The Role of Law in the Collaborative Practice. Inaugural Collaborative Family Law
Conference. May 2013.
DiMeo, K., Heller, R., & Marks, E. Fifty-One Shades of Grey: Ethical Dilemmas in the
Collaborative Process: A Panel Discussion. Collaborative Family Law Council of Florida.
Annual Conference. May 2015.
Eitzen, M., Clarke, S., Solomon, L., & Abney, S. An Introduction to Collaborative Practice: For
Family & Civil Practitioners. Lone Star Collaborative Law Training. September 11-12 2015.
Family Service Centers of Pinellas County. Baker Act Training. August 2007.
Family Service Centers of Pinellas County. Mandatory Reporting: The Legal Duty to Report
Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation, and Abandonment. June 2007.
Ferris, E. What Do You Want To Be Known For? A New Way To Think About Marketing Your
Collaborative Practice. Collaborative Family Law Council of Florida. Annual Conference. May
Ferris, E. The Essential Five: Top Strategies for Business Development. Collaborative Family
Law Council of Florida. Annual Conference. May 2015.
Firestone, G. Family Mediation Training Program. Conflict Resolution Collaborative.
University of South Florida. October 2010.
Florida Association for Play Therapy: 2006 Annual Workshop. University of Central Florida.
April 2006.
3314 Bay To Bay Blvd., Tampa, FL 33629 / 1452 Oakfield Drive, Brandon, FL 33511
(813) 689-2525 / (813) 689-4433 fax
Drgvick@gmail.com / www.Drgvick.com
Gaies, J., Kelly, B., & Prange, M. Deepening Cooperation: Mindfulness in Collaborative
Divorce. The Florida Chapter of Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, 9th Annual
Conference. March 2012.
Gaies, J. & Morris, J. Mindful Co-Parenting: An Approach that Benefits the Collaborative
Process. Collaborative Family Law Council of Florida. Annual Conference. May 2015.
Harbor, R. Disruptive Behavior Disorders at School. Disruptive Behavior Disorders Conference:
Parents, teachers, and professionals working together. University of South Florida College of
Public Health Administration. March 2007.
Harris, N., Magill, A., Silver, E., & Stern, L. Sharpening Your Skills with Collaborative Practice:
What is Collaborative Divorce and How Can Collaborative Skills Help Every Divorcing Family?
The 12th Annual Conference- Florida Chapter of AFCC, 21st Century Showcase: Cutting Edge
Tools for Family Practice Professionals. October 1-2 2015.
Heller, R., & Solomon, L. Using Research to Develop Competency of the Mental Health
Professional. Inaugural Collaborative Family Law Conference. May 2013.
Heller, R. Fifty Shades of Grey: Ethical Considerations and the Collaborative Facilitator.
Collaborative Family Law Council of Florida 2nd Annual Conference. August 2014.
Heller, R. & Heslin, D. Rewire Your Brain for Success: Developing mindfulness and its
application to effective collaborative. Collaborative Family Law Council of Florida 2nd Annual
Conference. August 2014.
Jenkins, J. Marketing Your Collaborative Divorce Practice. Next Generation Divorce Group.
June 2014.
Kanfer, S. Pharmacotherapy for Disruptive Behavior Disorders: What every parent and Teacher
should know. Disruptive Behavior Disorders Conference: Parents, teachers, and professionals
working together. University of South Florida College of Public Health Administration. March
3314 Bay To Bay Blvd., Tampa, FL 33629 / 1452 Oakfield Drive, Brandon, FL 33511
(813) 689-2525 / (813) 689-4433 fax
Drgvick@gmail.com / www.Drgvick.com
Knox, G. The Inner Side of Cutting Edge Tools: Mindfulness Through Self-Awareness,
Recognition, Perspective and a Changing View of Family Conflict in the 21st Century. The 12th
Annual Conference- Florida Chapter of AFCC, 21st Century Showcase: Cutting Edge Tools for
Family Practice Professionals. October 1-2 2015.
Kutner, M. J. Initial Client Interview and Client Management, Including Attorney’s Fees
(Transparent Lawyering). The 12th Annual Conference- Florida Chapter of AFCC, 21st Century
Showcase: Cutting Edge Tools for Family Practice Professionals. October 1-2 2015.
London, B.L., & Parnell, T.F. Collaborative Notes and Agendas: The first line of collaborative
communication-words matter. Collaborative Family Law Council of Florida 2nd Annual
Conference. August 2014.
Marshall, R. M. Disruptive Behavior Disorders: Not so holy trinity. Disruptive Behavior.
Disorders Conference: Parents, teachers, and professionals working together. University of South
Florida College of Public Health Administration. March 2007.
McHale, J. Family Interactions & Their Impact on Brain Architecture: What is the court to do?
Florida Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts 11th Annual ConferenceWe are the Village: Integrating Concepts, Policy, & Service for Better Outcomes. October 2014.
Mosten, F. Building a Satisfying and Profitable Collaborative and/or Mediation Practice:
Getting More Collaborative Cases. Mosten Mediation & Collaborative Training. February 2015.
Mosten, F. Keynote Address: Collaborative Law in 2033. Inaugural Collaborative Family Law
Conference. May 2013.
Otto, R. K. Juvenile Forensic Examiners Training. Department of Mental Health & Policy. Louis
de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute. University of South Florida. October 2006.
Otto, R. K. & Slobogin, C. Florida Forensic Examiners Training. Department of Mental Health
& Policy. Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute. University of South Florida. 2007
Parnell, T. Conflict Reducing Parenting Plan Language. Collaborative Family Law Council of
Florida 2nd Annual Conference. August 2014.
3314 Bay To Bay Blvd., Tampa, FL 33629 / 1452 Oakfield Drive, Brandon, FL 33511
(813) 689-2525 / (813) 689-4433 fax
Drgvick@gmail.com / www.Drgvick.com
Peterman, L. & Gaies, J. Domestic Violence and the Collaborative Divorce, Next Generation
Divorce Practice Group Quarterly Meeting. October 2014.
Pucci, A. Rational Living Therapy, Level One Certification Training. National Association of
Cognitive-Behavior Therapists. 2007.
Richardson, G.B., Izzo, E., Hoffman, A., & Carpel-Miller, V. Interdisciplinary Team Protocols
Training: Streamlining the Process, Collaborative Divorce Institute, Scottsdale, AZ. March 2022, 2014.
Rogers, S. Mindfulness in Law. The Florida Chapter of Association of Family and Conciliation
Courts, 9th Annual Conference. March 2012.
Rotfield, G. Ethical Decision Making. Resolute Mediation and Arbitration, Inc. Live Recording.
June 2013.
Rotfield, G. Mediator Ethics: A review of recent MEAC opinions. Resolute Mediation and
Arbitration, Inc. Live Recording. June 2013.
Schwartz, E. F. Representing the LGBT Client in a Marriage Equality Landscape. The 12th
Annual Conference- Florida Chapter of AFCC, 21st Century Showcase: Cutting Edge Tools for
Family Practice Professionals. October 1-2 2015.
Stern, L., Merlin, R., Sachs, E., & Roth, R. Collaborative Divorce: Use of the Interdisciplinary
Team in Negotiations Part I and II. The Florida Chapter of Association of Family and
Conciliation Courts, 9th Annual Conference. March 2012.
Tomes, J. HIPAA: The Final HHS Privacy Regulations and Medical Records. Cross Country
Education. 2007.
Weber, N. & Weiss, S. Family Law 101: A primer for the non-lawyer neutral. Collaborative
Family Law Council of Florida 2nd Annual Conference. August 2014.
Wilkinson, B. J. How to Raise an Emotionally Healthy Child. Disruptive Behavior Disorders
Conference: Parents, teachers, and professionals working together. University of South Florida
College of Public Health Administration. March 2007.
3314 Bay To Bay Blvd., Tampa, FL 33629 / 1452 Oakfield Drive, Brandon, FL 33511
(813) 689-2525 / (813) 689-4433 fax
Drgvick@gmail.com / www.Drgvick.com
Witherspoon, E. Keeping the Baby in Mind: Models & Methods for the Family Court. Florida
Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts 11th Annual Conference-We are
the Village: Integrating Concepts, Policy, & Service for Better Outcomes. October 2014.
3314 Bay To Bay Blvd., Tampa, FL 33629 / 1452 Oakfield Drive, Brandon, FL 33511
(813) 689-2525 / (813) 689-4433 fax
Drgvick@gmail.com / www.Drgvick.com