Unit Plan – Team Handball David C. Hills Western Michigan University A Paper submitted to Professor Debra Berkey In partial fulfillment of the requirements for HPER 6400 - April, 2010 Team Handball – Unit Plan Table of Contents Topic: Page #: Introduction/Justification 3 Task Analysis 4 Assessment of Games (BAGS) 8 Instructional Objectives 24 Block Lesson Plans 26 Lesson Plans 32 Evaluation 47 Equipment List 55 References 56 2 Team Handball – Unit Plan Justification Introduction: The intention of this unit is to familiarize high school students with the popular world sport of team handball. While it is often confused with the sport called “handball,” which is a game similar to racket ball, team handball is a fast paced game consisting of seven players on each team. Team handball players must work together to attack an opponent’s goal, while also defending their own. Students will gain insight into the playing area, rules of the game, specific game skills, and strategies employed both offensively and defensively. The unit will require a variety of skills common too many sports taught prior to this class. The ultimate objective is to have students experience the game through playing in modified settings. Justification: Team handball is an invasion game, appropriate for high school aged students and listed as a sample activity under the Michigan Merit Curriculum Expectations. Students will be expected to demonstrate the required skills of the game such as hand dribbling, the chest pass, overhead pass, and shooting in dynamic settings (M.1.MS.5). Tactical elements such as moving with and without the ball, attacking an opponents goal, maintaining possession, defending space and your goal, and being able to start and restart the game during various situations will be stressed (M.1.IG.1 & M.1.IG.2). Students will build upon prior knowledge of like games (floor hockey, soccer, basketball, etc.) and utilize skills learned in these games to improve motor skills and physical fitness in a dynamic and challenging setting (B.5.FB.1). As a team sport, personal social skills and traits such as leadership, cooperation, teamwork, and responsibility will be emphasized (B.5.PS.2). As this game is largely unfamiliar to the general student population, it should create an exciting and relevant experience that meets the requirements set by the Michigan Merit Curriculum Expectations for high school students. 3 Team Handball – Unit Plan Task Analysis: #1 Chest Pass: Student will perform a chest pass (utilizing form in TA) hitting a 3x3 target at a distance 15 feet on 4 out of 5 attempts. Visual Description: Student will perform a chest pass of a team handball from a distance of 15 feet hitting a target in a designated area. Movement Sequence Use an appropriate grip with two hands on the ball just below chest height. Stand relaxed with feet shoulder width apart slightly staggered. Step towards your target, eyes focused on target area. Extend arms out rotating thumbs inward. Release the ball fully extend your arms towards the target area. Thumbs should be pointing at target. Finish position with arms fully extended, with thumbs and chest pointing at target. Movement Cues Seat the ball Stand relaxed Step towards your target Extend Full extension Point at Target Finish Critical Points: 1. Grip 2. Balance 3. Step to target 4. Finish Task Complexity Variables: Learner – Beginning Action – Chest pass performed with task analysis Environment – Condition 1 = Hit a 3x3 target Condition 2 = 15 foot distance Skill – Criterion = 4 out of 5 attempts Name Cue 1 Cue 2 Cue 3 Cue 4 Grip Balance Step to Target Extension “Extra Cue” Finish 4 Team Handball – Unit Plan Task Analysis: #2 Dribbling: Student will execute proper dribbling mechanics (TA form) as they run through a course of cones set up over a distance of 50 feet on 3 of 4 attempts. Visual Description: Participants will perform proper dribbling techniques of a team handball as they navigate through a course of cones. Movement Sequence Start with feet staggered – dominant foot back. Head up and eyes focused ahead, slight bed in knees. Dribble ball with pads of fingers. Bounce height of ball should be about waist high. Protect and guard ball with off arm, ball should be in arm away from defender. Should take two steps for every one bounce. Transfer ball to outside arm away from defender. Movement Cues Stagger feet Eyes up Soft hands Waist high Guard ball Two step Ball away Critical Points: 1. Use finger tips 2. Bounce height 3. Guard the ball 4. Eyes and head up Task Complexity Variables: Learner – Beginning Action – Dribbling a team handball with task analysis Environment – Condition 1 = Cone course Condition #2 = 50 feet Skill – Criterion = 3 out of 4 attempts Name Cue 1 Cue 2 Cue 3 Cue 4 Stance Head - up Soft Hands Guard Ball “Extra Cue” Two Step 5 Team Handball – Unit Plan Task Analysis: #3 Shooting: Student will perform an overhand shot (TA form) demonstrating the four most critical points striking a target 5x5 feet from a distance of 10 yards during four of five trials. Visual Description: On the run, the student will reach out with the non-throwing hand while reaching up and back with the throwing hand (ball in hand), and throw the ball with an overhand motion towards the desired location. Movement Sequence Movement Cues Use an appropriate grip with one hand on Grip the ball. Raise the ball high above the head with Ball up elbow slightly above shoulder. Reach out with non-throwing arm for Open up balance; staggered stance with nonthrowing foot in front. Begin the throw by leading with elbow; Lead with elbow motioning towards the target, keeping ball high. Release ball at target with palm rotating Palm down toward the ground. During throw, you should transfer weight Transfer Weight from your back to front foot. Finish with the off arm in pocket area and Finish Pose throwing hand in line with target Critical Points: 1. Grip 2. Ball High 3. Transfer Weight 4. Finish Task Complexity Variables: Learner – Beginning Action – Overhand Shot performed with task analysis Environment – Condition 1 = Hitting 5x5 target following 4 critical points Condition 2 = 10 yard distance Skill – Criterion = 4 out of 5 trials Name Cue 1 Cue 2 Cue 3 Cue 4 “Extra Cue” Grip Ball High Transfer Finish Elbow Lead Weight 6 Team Handball – Unit Plan Task Analysis: #4 Catching: Students will catch a team handball (using form in TA) from a distance of 10 yards while moving sideways between a designated 10 x 10 foot area on 4 of 5 trials. Visual Description: Students will shuffle inside a designated area and receive passes of a team handball from a partner who is 10 yards away. Movement Sequence Stand using an athletic stance with feet under armpits and legs slightly bent. Arms out in front of chest with elbows slightly bent. Fingers should be spread with thumbs touching thumbs and index fingers touching index fingers – forming a diamond. As the ball makes contact with the fingers, cushion the ball into the body by bending the arms. Secure the ball by wrapping fingers around it, holding it close to your body. Finish by pivoting away from the defender. Movement Cues Athletic stance Arms in front Diamond up Arm shocks Seat the ball Pivot Critical Points: 1. Athletic Stance 2. Arm out 3. Diamond up 4. Seat the ball Task Complexity Variables: Learner – Beginning Action – Catching a team handball performed with task analysis Environment – Condition 1 = Distance of 10 yards moving sideways Condition 2 = 10 x 10 foot area Skill – Criterion = 4 out of 5 trials Name Cue 1 Cue 2 Cue 3 Athletic Stance Arms out in Diamond up front “Extra Cue” Arm Shocks Seat the ball Cue 4 7 Team Handball – Unit Plan BAGS Analysis: Type of Activity: Lead-up Fitness Drill Game Score: 16 /20 Berkey’s Assessment of Games 1. Name of the game: Dribble Tag 2. Source of the game: Internet (http://people.ehe.ohio-state.edu/coape/lesson-plans/) 3. Brief description of the game: An identified area in open space will be used for a dribbling game. On the start command each student will begin dribbling their ball. They will attempt to tag other students with their non-dribbling hand while maintaining control of their own dribbling ball. Once tagged, students must exit the area. The objective of the game is to be the last one in the designated area. The game is designed to help develop ball control while keeping you eyes up. Activity Analysis 1. Students can develop physical skills. Low------------------------------High 1 2 3 4 5 State the skills: Dribbling a handball Keeping eyes up while dribbling Running to avoid Running to tag an opponent Students can practice appropriately Yes No Low------------------------------High 1 2 3 4 5 2. Participation level Roles of the students: All Students must work independently Mass participation game All students have their own ball and perform activity Potential examples of waiting: Once a player is tagged out the must wait for a game reset 8 3. Activity is developmentally appropriate Stage/Age for which activity is appropriate: Activity is appropriate for High School aged Students Justification for this population/group: Advanced movements and skills 4. Cognitive, personal and social development Low------------------------------High 1 2 3 4 5 Low------------------------------High 1 2 3 4 5 What personal social skills could be taught? (Action/Condition): Honesty Following Rules Strategy What cognitive skills could be taught? (Action/Condition): Offensive/Defensive Strategy Modifications for special needs students: Create zones/movement areas for players to navigate for a set period of time. 9 Team Handball – Unit Plan BAGS Analysis: Type of Activity: Lead-up Fitness Drill Game Score:16/20 Berkey’s Assessment of Games 1. Name of the game: Score Ball 2. Source of the game: Internet (www.cwu.edu) 3. Brief description of the game: The object of the game is to use an overhand throw of a handball at various sized targets marked on the wall with differing scores associated with them. The boxes will collectively make up a Team Handball goal, with higher points being awarded for the smaller boxes. Each student is given five throws for assigned distances (progressively farther distances as the students gain experience), with points being tallied at the end of each round. Activity Analysis 1. Students can develop physical skills. Low------------------------------High 1 2 3 4 5 State the skills: Throwing a handball at a target Overhand shot technique Hitting a target Students can practice appropriately 2. Participation level Roles of the students: Students work individually to hit a target Multiple line and targets Groups collectively keep track of scores Yes No Low------------------------------High 1 2 3 4 5 Potential examples of waiting: Players waiting for turns will be actively involved with scoring other participants and passing balls back to the shooter. 10 3. Activity is developmentally appropriate Stage/Age for which activity is appropriate: Activity is appropriate for High School aged Students Justification for this population/group: Advanced movements and techniques 4. Cognitive, personal and social development Low------------------------------High 1 2 3 4 5 Low------------------------------High 1 2 3 4 5 What personal social skills could be taught?(Action/Condition): Team work Cooperation Strategy What cognitive skills could be taught? (Action/Condition): Aiming, trajectory, and force of throw. Modifications for special needs students: Modify the distance of the shooter from the targets. 11 Team Handball – Unit Plan BAGS Analysis: Type of Activity: Lead-up Fitness Drill Game Score:18/20 Berkey’s Assessment of Games 1. Name of the game: Circle Tag 2. Source of the game: Internet (www.vancouverhandball.ca) 3. Brief description of the game: One player will attempt to tag one other specified player passing through the 9’ meter line, but not the circle (goal area or 6’ meter line). The tag player is being blocked (impeded) by other defenders who are attempting to protect the player from getting tagged. The tag player has 45 seconds in which to make the tag and then rotate through to new players. Activity Analysis 1. Students can develop physical skills. Low------------------------------High 1 2 3 4 5 State the skills: Chasing to tag Evading opponents Spatial positioning Running to avoid Running for 45 seconds Students can practice appropriately Yes No Low------------------------------High 1 2 3 4 5 2. Participation level Roles of the students: Students are placed in groups and All members of the groups participate in every repetition as either a runner or blocker. Potential examples of waiting: All players’ participation for duration of game 12 3. Activity is developmentally appropriate Stage/Age for which activity is appropriate: Activity is appropriate for High School aged Students Justification for this population/group: Advanced movements and strategies 4. Cognitive, personal and social development Low------------------------------High 1 2 3 4 5 Low------------------------------High 1 2 3 4 5 What personal social skills could be taught?(Action/Condition): Team work Cooperation Strategy What cognitive skills could be taught? (Action/Condition): Offensive/Defensive Strategy Modifications for special needs students: Restricted area with fewer participants. 13 Team Handball – Unit Plan BAGS Analysis: Type of Activity: Lead-up Fitness Drill Game Score:18/20 Berkey’s Assessment of Games 1. Name of the game: Piston Drill 2. Source of the game: Internet (http://people.ehe.ohio-state.edu/coape/lesson-plans/) 3. Brief description of the game: Game is designed to simulate game like situations of the backcourt players. The backcourt forms two horizontal lines with players about 3 yards apart and 5 yards between lines. Play starts with a lateral pass to partner, who will proceed to attack (dribbling) towards the opposing player as if they were a goalie. After closing the distance, the player will then make a lateral pass back to their teammate. The ball will then go to the opposing team and they will repeat the drill going back the other way. As the drill progresses the goalie may defend either of the attacking players and the offense must react to find the open person. Activity Analysis 1. Students can develop physical skills. Low------------------------------High 1 2 3 4 5 State the skills: Passing Catching a handball Offensive spacing Locating open teammates Moving with and without ball Students can practice appropriately Yes No Low------------------------------High 1 2 3 4 5 2. Participation level Roles of the students: Students must work collectively with teammates to achieve objectives. Students are placed in groups of four with all students participating simultaneously. Potential examples of waiting: All players’ participation for duration of game 14 3. Activity is developmentally appropriate Stage/Age for which activity is appropriate: Activity is appropriate for High School aged Students Justification for this population/group: Advanced movements and strategies 4. Cognitive, personal and social development Low------------------------------High 1 2 3 4 5 Low------------------------------High 1 2 3 4 5 What personal social skills could be taught?(Action/Condition): Team work Cooperation Strategy What cognitive skills could be taught? (Action/Condition): Offensive/Defensive Strategy Modifications for special needs students: Modify pace starting with walking drills. 15 Team Handball – Unit Plan BAGS Analysis: Type of Activity: Lead-up Fitness Drill Game Score:18/20 Berkey’s Assessment of Games 1. Name of the game: Shield Ball 2. Source of the game: Internet (www.vancouverhandball.ca) 3. Brief description of the game: Position seven students in a circle with a diameter of approximately 9 meters. Take an eighth student and place them in the middle with a blocking shield. The ball will be placed in the hands of one of the players in the outer circle who will attempt to throw it and hit the shield. The objective of the shield holder is to prevent the circle players from being able to hit the target shield. Players in the outer shield must pass the ball around to get a good shot on the shield within the allotted (varying) time. Activity Analysis 1. Students can develop physical skills. Low------------------------------High 1 2 3 4 5 State the skills: Passing (various tech.) a handball Catching a handball Shooting a handball Offensive movement Defensive movement Students can practice appropriately 2. Participation level Roles of the students: Students must work collectively with Teammates to achieve objectives All students in group are participants Yes No Low------------------------------High 1 2 3 4 5 Potential examples of waiting: All players’ participation for duration of game 16 3. Activity is developmentally appropriate Stage/Age for which activity is appropriate: Activity is appropriate for Middle and High School aged Students Low------------------------------High 1 2 3 4 5 Justification for this population/group: Offensive strategies and concepts 4. Cognitive, personal and social development Low------------------------------High 1 2 3 4 5 What personal social skills could be taught? (Action/Condition): Team work Cooperation Strategy What cognitive skills could be taught? (Action/Condition): Offensive/Defensive Strategy Modifications for special needs students: Modify spacing. 17 Team Handball – Unit Plan BAGS Analysis: Type of Activity: Lead-up Fitness Drill Game Score:17/20 Berkey’s Assessment of Games 1. Name of the game: Target Relay 2. Source of the game: Internet (www.cwu.edu) 3. Brief description of the game: Students are divided into relay teams and each team is given one ball. On the start signal, one player runs to the six meter line and shoots the ball on a 3x3 target on the wall. The player must then retrieve the ball and pass it to the next person in their line. The process is repeated until the allotted time is up. Teams keep track of successful shots, and one point is awarded for every attempt that hits inside the target area. Activity Analysis 1. Students can develop physical skills. Low------------------------------High 1 2 3 4 5 State the skills: Throwing a handball at a target Catching and controlling a handball Passing the handball to a teammate Running Students can practice appropriately Yes No Low------------------------------High 1 2 3 4 5 2. Participation level Roles of the students: Students must work collectively with Teammates to achieve objectives All students will have repetitions as the shooter. Potential examples of waiting: All players’ participation for duration of game 18 3. Activity is developmentally appropriate Stage/Age for which activity is appropriate: Activity is appropriate for Middle and High School aged students. Low------------------------------High 1 2 3 4 5 Justification for this population/group: Advanced movements and strategies 4. Cognitive, personal and social development Low------------------------------High 1 2 3 4 5 What personal social skills could be taught? (Action/Condition): Team work Cooperation Strategy What cognitive skills could be taught? (Action/Condition): Offensive strategy Shooting and passing techniques Modifications for special needs students: Create a larger target area and/or change the distance. 19 Team Handball – Unit Plan BAGS Analysis: Type of Activity: Lead-up Fitness Drill Game Score:17/20 Berkey’s Assessment of Games 1. Name of the game: Interval Handball 2. Source of the game: Internet (www.vancouverhandball.ca) 3. Brief description of the game: Students are divided into teams of four. Four benches are set up in each corner (at an angle) of a designated square playing area. Teams are sent to each bench and will face off against the team across from their position. Two teams sit behind their benches while the other teams begin play per the rules of the game. The object is to hit the opposing team’s bench with the ball. Once successful, the two teams rush behind their respective benches and the other teams begin play. Activity Analysis 1. Students can develop physical skills. Low------------------------------High 1 2 3 4 5 State the skills: Throwing a handball at a target Offensive/Defensive movement Catching and controlling a handball Passing the handball to a teammate Defending a goal Students can practice appropriately 2. Participation level Roles of the students: Students most work collectively utilizing offensive and defensive strategies . Yes No Low------------------------------High 1 2 3 4 5 Potential examples of waiting: When other teams are playing students are waiting for a turn. 20 3. Activity is developmentally appropriate Stage/Age for which activity is appropriate: Activity is appropriate for High School aged students. Low------------------------------High 1 2 3 4 5 Justification for this population/group: Advanced movements and strategies 4. Cognitive, personal and social development Low------------------------------High 1 2 3 4 5 What personal social skills could be taught?(Action/Condition): Team work Cooperation Strategy What cognitive skills could be taught? (Action/Condition): Offensive and Defensive strategy Communication with teammates Shooting and passing techniques Modifications for special needs students: 21 Team Handball – Unit Plan BAGS Analysis: Type of Activity: Lead-up Fitness Drill Game Score:18/20 Berkey’s Assessment of Games 1. Name of the game: Pass it 2. Source of the game: Internet (www.cwu.edu) 3. Brief description of the game: Students will line up in positions of a basic offensive and defensive alignment. The offensive team will be given the ball and they must complete either four or eight passes before being allowed to shoot. The offensive team will earn a point for successfully completing four passes and three points for successfully completing eight passes. Making a goal is worth two points. The defense will attempt to intercept, disrupt the play or block the shot, earning two points for each. Teams are given three possessions before switching sides. Activity Analysis 1. Students can develop physical skills. Low------------------------------High 1 2 3 4 5 State the skills: Offensive/Defensive movement Throwing a handball at a target Passing the handball to a teammate Catching and controlling a handball Defending a goal Running/changing directions Students can practice appropriately 2. Participation level Roles of the students: Students most work collectively utilizing offensive and defensive strategies . Yes No Low------------------------------High 1 2 3 4 5 Potential examples of waiting: When other teams are playing students are waiting for a turn. 22 Low------------------------------High 1 2 3 4 5 3. Activity is developmentally appropriate Stage/Age for which activity is appropriate: Activity is appropriate for High School aged students. Justification for this population/group: Advanced concepts and strategies 4. Cognitive, personal and social development Low------------------------------High 1 2 3 4 5 What personal social skills could be taught?(Action/Condition): Team work Cooperation Strategy What cognitive skills could be taught? (Action/Condition): Offensive and Defensive strategy Communication with teammates Shooting and passing techniques Modifications for special needs students: Points for simply completing a pass and modify the target area. 23 Team Handball – Unit Plan Instructional Objective Psychomotor Objectives: P-1 Student will perform a chest pass hitting a 3x3 target at a distance 15 feet on 4 out of 5 attempts. P-2 The student will be able to perform proper chest pass mechanics during a simulated game on 9 out of 10 attempts P-3 Student will execute proper dribbling mechanics as they run through a course of cones set up over a distance of 50 feet on 3 of 4 attempts. P-4 The student will be able to dribble a handball for 3 consecutive minutes during a two of three class sessions. P- 5 Student will perform an overhand shot demonstrating the four most critical points striking a target 5x5 feet from a distance of 10 yards during four of five trials. P-6 Students will be able to demonstrate proper shooting mechanics in game situations on 4 out of 5 attempts. P-7 Students will catch a team handball from a distance of 10 yards while moving sideways between a designated 10 x 10 foot area on 4 of 5 trials. P-8 The student will be able to keep eyes up and demonstrate proper catching mechanics 9 out of 10 times during game simulations. Cognitive Objectives: C-1 Students will successfully identify both the offensive and defensive positions of the handball team when asked by the instructor on 9 out of 10 questions. C-2 Student will demonstrate knowledge of the offensive tactics through game situations on two of three trials during three class sessions. C-3 The student will be able to verbally recite the necessary mechanical details of the overhand shoot when requested by the instructor on 3 of 4 trials. C-4 The student will be able demonstrate they know how to use a defensive tactic during game situations on two of three trials 24 Team Handball – Unit Plan Instructional Objective Personal Objectives: PS-1 Students will demonstrate respect for authority by performing the teacher requested tasks within ten seconds during four of five trials. PS-2 Student will demonstrate cooperation by working with teammates to apply offensive tactics by passing, catching and shooting the ball when appropriate on four of five trials. PS-3 Students will demonstrate social responsibility by dressing for class on 5 out 5 consecutive days. 25 Team Handball – Unit Plan Block Plan Time Lesson #1 Task Drills 10 min. Dynamic Warm-up Knee-ups/kickup/lunge twist/ankle ups/flamingos 15 min. Introduction to Team handball – distinguish between hand racket ball and team handball. 20 min. Moving the Ball: Dribbling the ball MDE: MMC Criteria In Gymnasium in lines of no more than 5. 15 yard drill area In Gymnasium in one group – have handball to pass around. Technique demonstration Skill Game – 1. Dribble keep away 2. Extreme Dribbling 3. Dribble Tag 5 min. Situation In Gymnasium Pairs for keep away Group for extreme dribbling Mass groupings for dribble tag Critical Elements/Cues Personal pace Skills similar to Basketball, soccer, floor hockey, etc. Student will execute proper dribbling mechanics (TA form) as they run through a course of cones set up over a distance of 50 feet on 3 of 4 attempts. Stagger feet Eyes up Soft hands Waist high Guard ball Two step Ball away Review what have learned K.2.IG.1; K.2.PA.1; K.2.SB.1; K.2.FE.1 26 Team Handball – Unit Plan Block Plan Time Lesson #2 Task Drills 10 min. Dynamic Warm-up Knee-ups/kickup/lunge twist/ankle ups/flamingos 5 min. Technique demonstration Skill Games – 1. Bounce catch 2. Catch relay 15 min. Passing: Chest pass Technique demonstration Skill Games – 1. Star drill 2. Assembly line 5 min. MDE: MMC Criteria Critical Elements/Cues Personal pace Students will catch a team handball (using form in TA) from a distance of 10 yards while moving sideways between a designated 10 x 10 foot area on 4 of 5 trials. Student will perform a chest pass (utilizing form in TA) hitting a 3x3 target at a distance 15 feet on 4 out of 5 attempts. Athletic stance Arms in front Diamond up Arm shocks Seat the ball Pivot In Gymnasium in lines of no more than 5. 15 yard drill area In Gymnasium in one ball per student Review Dribble Technique 15 min. Catching: Diamond Situation Seat the ball Stand relaxed Step towards your target Extend Full extension Point at Target Finish Review what have learned M.1.MS.4; M.1.MS.5; B.6.RP.1; B.6.FE.1 27 Team Handball – Unit Plan Block Plan Time Lesson #3 Task Drills 10 min. Dynamic Warm-up Knee-ups/kickup/lunge twist/ankle ups/flamingos 5 min. Technique demonstration Skill Games – 1. Catch n’ Shot 2. Overhand shot 3.Target Relay 10 min. Putting it together: Dribble/pass/catch/ shooting Criteria Critical Elements/Cues Personal pace Student will perform an overhand shot (TA form) demonstrating the four most critical points striking a target 5x5 feet from a distance of 10 yards during four of five trials. Grip Ball up Open up Lead with elbow Palm down Transfer Weight Finish Pose In Gymnasium in lines of no more than 5. 15 yard drill area In Gymnasium in pairs - one ball per pair Review Catching/Passing 20 min. Shooting: Situation Technique demonstration Skill Games – 1. Score Ball 2. Keep Away 5 min. MDE: MMC Review what have learned M.1.MS.4; M.1.MS.5; B.6.RP.1; B.6.FE.1 28 Team Handball – Unit Plan Block Plan Time Lesson #4 Task Drills 10 min. Dynamic Warm-up Knee-ups/kickup/lunge twist/ankle ups/flamingos 5 min. Review Shooting Technique demonstration Skill Games – 1. Mirror drill 2. Circle Tag 3. Blocking relay 10 min. Putting it together: Dribble/pass/catch/ Shooting/defense Skill Games – 1. Interval Handball MDE: MMC Criteria Critical Elements/Cues Personal pace Student will demonstrate proper defensive technique in circle tag on 4 of 5 attempts. Eyes up Arms out Palms up Knees bent Do not cross feet In Gymnasium in lines of no more than 5. 15 yard drill area In Gymnasium in pairs - one ball per pair 20 min. Defensive Skills: Body placement Hand location 5 min. Situation Review what have learned M.1.IG.1; M.1.MS.4; K.2.MS.1; K.2.IG.1 29 Team Handball – Unit Plan Block Plan Time Lesson #5 Task Drills 10 min. Dynamic Warm-up Knee-ups/kickup/lunge twist/ankle ups/flamingos 5 min. Review Defensive skills Technique demonstration Skill Games – 1. Ball Tag 2. Pass/Catch run around 3. Shield Ball 10 min. Putting it together: Dribble/pass/catch/ Shooting/defense/ offense Skill Games – 1. Fast Break 2. Interval Handball MDE: MMC Criteria Critical Elements/Cues Personal pace Student will demonstrate proper Offensive technique in fast break drill on 4 of 5 attempts Eyes up Spacing Downhill See you target Find the hole Be patient In Gymnasium in lines of no more than 5. 15 yard drill area In Gymnasium in pairs - one ball per pair 20 min. Offensive Skills: Moving with/out ball Fast break 5 min. Situation Review what have learned K.2.IG.2; K.2.MS.2; M.1.IG.2; M.1.IG.1 30 Team Handball – Unit Plan Block Plan Time Lesson #6 Task Drills 10 min. Dynamic Warm-up Knee-ups/kickup/lunge twist/ankle ups/flamingos 5 min. Situation Criteria Critical Elements/Cues Personal pace In Gymnasium in lines of no more than 5. 15 yard drill area In Gymnasium in pairs - one ball per pair Review Offensive skills 10 min. Gametime: Review games in prep for game Technique demonstration Skill Games – 1. Shield Ball 2. Fast Break 3. Interval Handball Student will demonstrate proper Offensive technique in fast break drill on 4 of 5 attempts Eyes up Spacing Downhill See you target Find the hole Be patient 20 min. Putting it together: Dribble/pass/catch/ Shooting/defense/ offense Skill Games – 1. Simulated game of Handball Student will demonstrate proper Offensive technique in fast break drill on 4 of 5 attempts Eyes up Spacing Downhill See you target Find the hole Be patient 5 min. MDE: MMC Review what have learned K.2.IG.2; K.2.MS.2; M.1.IG.2; M.1.IG.1 K.2.IG.1; K.2.PA.1; K.2.SB.1; K.2.FE.1 M.1.MS.4; M.1.MS.5; B.6.RP.1; B.6.FE.1 31 Team Handball – Unit Plan LESSON PLAN #1 – Team Handball Topic: Introduction to Team Handball and Moving the Ball Subject: Physical Education – Team Handball Duration: 60 minutes Equipment: Team handballs, cones, scrimmage vests. Anticipatory set (5 min.): Question – “Has anyone ever seen team handball played in the Olympics?” Distinguish between hand racket ball and the team sport of handball briefly explaining the positions and offensive/defensive objectives. Transition: Everyone in lines of no more than five in your starting position Warm up activity (10min): Dynamic Warm-up - Knee-ups/kick-up/lunge twist/ankle ups/flamingos Objective: To familiarize students with the sport of team handball. Students will learn to dribble and move with the handball. Critical points of dribbling: 1. Eyes up 2. Soft hands 3. Waist high control 4. Guard ball. Challenge: Who can maintain control while dribbling through their legs? Question to Check: Who can tell me where your eyes should be while you are dribbling? Transition: Gather everyone at center court Method (40 min): Teacher instructional and explanation at the center of the court, discussing the critical points of dribbling. 1. Skill - Extreme Dribbling – Instructor will model different types/styles of dribbling such as seated, kneeling, on one leg, through obstacles, under legs and off the wall. Students will then be given 30 second bursts to try different techniques and become move comfortable handling the ball. Transition: Gather everyone at center court 2. Drill - Dribble Keep Away – After the instructor models the drill at center court, students will be placed in pairs and assigned a defined area. On the start command, one player will begin dribbling the ball while the other attempts to swat it away. 32 Team Handball – Unit Plan LESSON PLAN #1 – Team Handball Transition: Divide Class in to four groups at center court to observe demonstration; one group will become chasers. 3. Game -Safety Ball – After demonstration by the instructor, all students will receive a ball except 3-4 players. The players without the ball will attempt to tag everyone with a ball. Those players with handballs will begin dribbling on the start command and must maintain their dribbles unless tagged by a player without a ball. Once tagged, they are frozen until another player with a ball dribbles it under the tagged players legs. Transition: Stay where you are, pass out additional ball so all students have one. 4. Game - Dribble Tag - Each student will begin dribbling their ball on the start command and attempt to tag other students with their non-dribbling hand while maintaining control of their own dribbling ball. Once tagged, students must exit the area. The objective of the game is to be the last one in the designated area. The game is designed to help develop ball control and while keeping you eyes up. Closure (5 min): All in at center court to review basics of the game of team handball and review the critical points of dribbling. 33 Team Handball – Unit Plan LESSON PLAN #2 – Team Handball Topic: Catching and Passing Subject: Physical Education – Team Handball Duration: 60 minutes Equipment: Team handballs, cones, dots, scrimmage vests. Anticipatory set (5 min.): Review of dribbling technique from previous lesson – Question “who can show me proper dribbling technique and describe the 4 critical points?” Transition: Everyone in lines of no more than five in your starting positions Warm up activity (10 min): Dynamic Warm-up - Knee-ups/kick-up/lunge twist/ankle ups/flamingos Objective: Students will become aware of the basic body and hand positions for catching and passing the ball. Critical points of catching: 1. Athletic stance 2. Diamond shape with hands 3. Arms extended 4. Cushion the ball - Arm shocks Critical points of passing: 1. Relaxed stance 2. Step at your target 3. Extend your arms 4. Finish with thumbs pointing at target Challenge: Everyone stand up and follow the steps without a ball Question to Check: What shape should your hands make when you are ready to catch? When making a chest pass, where should our thumbs be pointing after releasing the ball? Transition: Gather everyone at center court Method (40 min): Teacher instructional explanation at center court of critical points of catching and passing 1. Drill - Bounce Catch – Instructor will model catching technique by bouncing the ball first off the floor (should bounce above head) and then off the wall. Each student will then get their own ball and on the start command begin with floor bounces and then progress to wall bounces. Transition: Divide the class into groups of four 2. Skill - Catch Relay – Teams of four will line up single file across from one another. The object is to catch a pass from the player opposite you and pass it back to the next 34 Team Handball – Unit Plan LESSON PLAN #2 – Team Handball person in line. Once you have passed the ball you must run to the end of your line. Players must use proper catching and passing technique Transition: Divide into groups of five. 3. Drill - Star Drill – Groups of five students will align in a star pattern (marked by cones) with one player holding a ball. The player with the ball will pass it to the person opposite them; upon catching the ball the player will then pass it to the next person opposite them and continue in a star pattern. Players will use proper catching and passing techniques. As players progress they may change directions of the star and add additional balls. Transition: Stay in your groups and form a line 4. Drill - Assembly Line – Players will align in a straight line facing in the same direction with about 10 feet separating them. The ball will start at the feet of the first person in line and on the start command they will pick up the ball. After picking up the ball the starting player will turn and pass it to the next person in line; they will catch the ball and turn and pass it to the next person in line. This continues until the reach the end of the line. Closure (5 min): All in at center court to review basics of catching and passing in the game of team handball. Review the critical points of both catching and passing. 35 Team Handball – Unit Plan LESSON PLAN #3 – Team Handball Topic: Shooting the ball Subject: Physical Education – Team Handball Duration: 60 minutes Equipment: Team handballs, marked target areas on wall, goals, cones, dots Anticipatory set (5 min.): Review of catching and passing technique from previous lesson – Question 1 “who can show me proper catching technique and describe the 4 critical points?” Question 2 “who can show me proper passing technique and describe the 4 critical points?” Transition: Everyone in lines of no more than five in your starting position Warm up activity (10min): Dynamic Warm-up - Knee-ups/kick-up/lunge twist/ankle ups/flamingos Objective: Students with gain experience with the various techniques for properly shooting a team handball at a target area. Critical points of the overhand shot: 1. Grip 2. Ball up and open 3. Elbow lead 4. Palm down 5. Transfer Weight Challenge: How many people think the can hit the small square on in the target area from the nine meter line? Question to Check: Who can show me the proper grip? Transition: Gather everyone at center court Method (40 min): Teacher instructional explanation at center court of critical points of the overhand shot followed by a demonstration of the technique 1.Skill - Fundamentals – Partner up and pass the ball back and forth using proper shooting technique. Students will slowly widen the distance as they become comfortable. Transition: Divide class in half 2. Drill - Catch n’ Shot - have students line up on the six meter line. The first person in line will receive a pass and take three steps towards the goal and shot using an overhand technique. As they become comfortable move the line back and from side to side. 36 Team Handball – Unit Plan LESSON PLAN #3 – Team Handball Transition: Stay in groups 3. Drill - Zig-Zag Shot – Students will dribble the ball through a course and conclude with an overhand shot from the nine meter line. Teams can compete to see who can score the most point in a given period of time. 4. Game – Score Ball The object of the game is to use an overhand throw of a handball at various sized targets marked on the wall with differing scores associated with them. The boxes will collectively make up a Team Handball goal, with higher points being awarded for the smaller boxes. Each student is given five throws for assigned distances (progressively farther distances as the students gain experience), with points being tallied at the end of each round. Closure (5 min): All in at center court to review the techniques of shooting the ball. 37 Team Handball – Unit Plan LESSON PLAN #4 – Team Handball Topic: Defensive Skills/Strategy Subject: Physical Education – Team Handball Duration: 60 minutes Equipment: Team handballs, marked target areas on wall, goals, benches, scrimmage vests Anticipatory set (5 min.): Review of overhand shooting techniques. Everyone stand up and review the critical points of an overhand through one step at a time, when instructed b the teacher. Transition: Everyone in lines of no more than five in your starting position Warm up activity (10min): Dynamic Warm-up - Knee-ups/kick-up/lunge twist/ankle ups/flamingos Objective: Students will learn the basic defensive positions and the fundamental body and hand techniques. Spacing and movement with regards to teammates will also be covered. Critical points of the defensive body position: 1. Eyes up 2. Arms out 3. Palms up 4. Slight knee bend. Dry Run: everyone stand up and get in the defensive position and mirror the teacher’s movements. Challenge: Can you stay mirror my movement all the way across the court? Question to Check: Why do we have to have our arms out when we are playing defense? Transition: Gather everyone at center court Method (40 min): Teacher explanation at center court of critical points of the defensive body position, and the basic defensive positions and responsibilities of the defensive players. Transition: Find a Partner 1.Skill - Fundamentals – Partner up down the line with about five feet of space around you in all directions. Get into the basic defensive stance facing our partner and give each other feed back. Transition: Find a new Partner 2. Skill – Mirror Drill: Line up across from your partner and get into the defensive position. The other student will act as an offensive player and move side to side. The defensive player will mirror the sideways movement trying to keep the offensive player 38 Team Handball – Unit Plan LESSON PLAN #4 – Team Handball in front. After a ten second burst, players will switch roles. Progress in duration and speed as students become proficient, Transition: Divide class into groups of six 2. Drill – Circle Tag - One player will attempt to tag another player passing through the 9’ meter line, but not the circle (goal area or 6’ meter line). The tag player is being blocked (impeded by other players) who are attempting to protect the player from getting tagged. The tag player has 45 seconds in which to make the tag and then rotate through to new players. Transition: Divide class in half 3. Skill - Blocking Relay – Fist two people in each line will step out and defend their teams cone. First person in the remaining line will, on start command, attempt to run around the other teams cone and return to the line as quickly as possible. Defenders are attempting to re-route and impede the path of the offensive player. First team to return all of their players wins. Transition: Have students organize into teams of four while setting up the playing areas 4. Game - Interval Handball - Students are divided into teams of four. Four benches are set up in each corner (at an angle) of a designated square playing area. Teams are sent to each bench and will face off against the team across from their position. Two teams sit 39 Team Handball – Unit Plan LESSON PLAN #4 – Team Handball behind their benches while the other teams begin play per the rules of the game. The object is to hit the opposing team’s bench with the ball. Once successful, the two teams rush behind their respective benches and the other teams begin play. Closure (5 min): All in at center court to review the defensive positions. Student will stand in a defensive position and demonstrate movement side to side with proper technique. 40 Team Handball – Unit Plan LESSON PLAN #5 – Team Handball Topic: Offensive Skills Subject: Physical Education – Team Handball Duration: 60 minutes Equipment: Team handballs, marked target areas on wall, goals, cones, dots, shield, benches Anticipatory set (5 min.): Review of defensive techniques; Question – “did anyone discover movements that were particularly difficult to defend yesterday? How might we use that information to our advantage?” Transition: Everyone in lines of no more than five in your starting position Warm up activity (10min): Dynamic Warm-up - Knee-ups/kick-up/lunge twist/ankle ups/flamingos Objective: Students will learn the basic defensive positions and the fundamental body and hand techniques. Spacing and movement with regards to teammates will also be covered. Critical points of an offensive play: 1.Eyes up 2. Spacing 3. See you target 4. Find the holes Challenge: What makes it difficult to defend two people with one defender? Dry Run: Walk through why it is difficult and proper spacing. Question to Check: Why is it critical that the offensive player has their eyes up? Transition: Gather everyone at center court Method (40 min): Teacher explanation at center court of critical points of the offensive spacing and position, and the basic offensive positions and responsibilities of the offensive players. Transition: Divide class in half 1.Skill – Ball Tag – Whole class spreads out in the gym with one team designated offense and the other defense. The offensive team is given a ball and on the start command will attempt to tag members of the opposing team with the ball. Once tagged, the defensive players exit the floor until all are out or time has expired; teams will then switch sides. Transition: Divide have class get in one line 2. Drill – Pass/Catch - The first six players in th line spread out on the base line of the floor, three on each side facing outward. The next person in line then passes the ball to 41 Team Handball – Unit Plan LESSON PLAN #5 – Team Handball the first outward facing student who catches and passes the ball back to the moving player. The player then catches the ball dribbles to the next outward facing student who repeats the drill. At the end of the drill the players rotate. Transition: Have students get into groups of eight. 3. Skill – Shield Ball - Position seven students in a circle with a diameter of approximately 9 meters. Take an eighth student and place them in the middle with a blocking shield. The ball will be placed in the hands of one of the players in the outer circle who will attempt to throw it and hit the shield. The objective of the shield holder is to prevent them circle players from being able to hit the target shield. Players in the outer shield must pass the ball around to get a good shot on the shield with in the allotting (varying) time. Transition: Have students get into 4 groups. 4. Game - Interval Handball - Students are divided into teams of four. Four benches are set up in each corner (at an angle) of a designated square playing area. Teams are sent to each bench and will face off against the team across from their position. Two teams sit behind their benches while the other teams begin play per the rules of the game. The 42 Team Handball – Unit Plan LESSON PLAN #5 – Team Handball object is to hit the opposing team’s bench with the ball. Once successful, the two teams rush behind their respective benches and the other teams begin play. Closure (5 min): All in at center court to review the techniques of shooting the ball. 43 Team Handball – Unit Plan LESSON PLAN #6 – Team Handball Topic: Gametime – Team Handball Subject: Physical Education – Team Handball Duration: 60 minutes Equipment: Team handballs, marked target areas on wall, goals, cones, dots, shield, benches Anticipatory set (5 min.): Review of offensive techniques; Question – “why is spacing so important to the offense? How can the defense limit this advantage?” Transition: Everyone in lines of no more than five in your starting position Warm up activity (10min): Dynamic Warm-up - Knee-ups/kick-up/lunge twist/ankle ups/flamingos Objective: Students will apply the basic concepts and techniques from the previous lessons on dribbling, catching, passing, shooting, defensive play and offensive play. Challenge: who can answer the following questions: How many offensive players are there? Can a defensive player shoot the ball? Transition: Gather everyone at center court Method (40 min): Teacher explanation at center court of critical points of the game specifics and rules. Transition: Have students get into groups of eight. 1. Skill – Shield Ball - Position seven students in a circle with a diameter of approximately 9 meters. Take an eighth student and place them in the middle with a blocking shield. The ball will be placed in the hands of one of the players in the outer circle who will attempt to throw it and hit the shield. The objective of the shield holder is to prevent them circle players from being able to hit the target shield. Players in the outer shield must pass the ball around to get a good shot on the shield with in the allotting (varying) time. 44 Team Handball – Unit Plan LESSON PLAN #6 – Team Handball Transition: Have students get into 4 groups. 2. Game - Interval Handball - Students are divided into teams of four. Four benches are set up in each corner (at an angle) of a designated square playing area. Teams are sent to each bench and will face off against the team across from their position. Two teams sit behind their benches while the other teams begin play per the rules of the game. The Transition: Have students get into two lines. 3. Skills – Fast Break –The first pair of players will, on the start command, begin by passing the ball to a goalie (instructor) who will return the pass, to start a narrow fast break. The two players will dribble and pass the ball to the opposite end of the court and shoot. A goalie in that net will pass the ball back out and the players will start a wide fast break back towards the starting goal (at the same time a second group is starting its narrow fast break) and shoot on the goal. 45 Team Handball – Unit Plan LESSON PLAN #6 – Team Handball Transition: Group students into four teams. 4. Game - Hit the Benches – On either side of the gym, have one team on offense and the other on defense. Three players on each side, with the offensive team trying to hit the benches behind the defenders. Closure (5 min): All in at center court to review the techniques of game play. Question “did anyone discover any secrets?” 46 Team Handball – Unit Plan Evaluation Type: Straight Point/Percentage System. Weighting: Weighting is accounted for by total points assigned to each area. Data Collection Forms: Task Cards to be used as progress and grade reports. Justification: Students will be evaluated on the psychomotor skills outlined in the task analysis of the critical skills. Each skill is graded on a rating scale of 1-3: 1 being “not mastered,” 2 being “in progress,” and 3 being “mastered.” These points will be tallied for each skill to formulate into a percentage score. All psychomotor skills will be combined to account for 66% of the total points for the unit. Other points will come from cognitive skills, 17%, and personal skills, 17%. Each scoring area will be recorded on a “Task Card” which will be used to communicate with both students and parents as progress reports. At the completion of the unit, the points from each “Task Card’ will be combined and recorded on the “Final Unit Task Card” to indicate the final unit grade. Ratings: 3 = Mastered 2 = In Progress 1 = Not Yet Grading Scale: 100% - 94% = A 90% - 93% = A87% - 89% = B+ 84% - 86% =B 80% - 83% 77% - 79% 74% - 76% 70% - 73% = B= C+ =C = C- 67% - 69% 64% - 66% 60% - 63% 59% - below = D+ =D = D=F 47 Team Handball – Unit Plan Evaluation Ratings: 3 = Mastered 2 = In Progress 1 = Not Yet Grading Scale: 100% - 94% = A 90% - 93% = A87% - 89% = B+ 84% - 86% =B 80% - 83% 77% - 79% 74% - 76% 70% - 73% = B= C+ =C = C- 67% - 69% 64% - 66% 60% - 63% 59% - below Rating Task Card: Chest Pass Movement Sequence Use an appropriate grip with two hands on the ball at chest height. Stand relaxed with feet shoulder width apart slightly staggered. Step towards your target, eyes focused on target area. Extend arms out rotating thumbs inward. Release the ball fully extend your arms towards the target area. Thumbs should be pointing at target. Movement Cues Seat the ball Finish position with arms fully extended, with thumbs and chest pointing at target. Chest Pass: Student will perform a chest pass (utilizing form in TA) hitting a 3x3 target at a distance 15 feet on 4 out of 5 attempts. Finish = D+ =D = D=F Comments Stand relaxed Step towards your target Extend Full extension Point at Target TOTAL 48 Team Handball – Unit Plan Evaluation Ratings: 3 = Mastered 2 = In Progress 1 = Not Yet Grading Scale: 100% - 94% = A 90% - 93% = A87% - 89% = B+ 84% - 86% =B 80% - 83% 77% - 79% 74% - 76% 70% - 73% 67% - 69% 64% - 66% 60% - 63% 59% - below Rating Task Card: Dribbling Movement Sequence Start with feet staggered – dominant foot back. Head up and eyes focused ahead, slight bed in knees. Dribble ball with pads of fingers. Bounce height of ball should be about waist high. Protect and guard ball with off arm, ball should be in arm away from defender. Should take two steps for every one bounce. Transfer ball to outside arm away from defender. Student will execute proper dribbling mechanics (TA form) as they run through a course of cones set up over a distance of 50 feet on 3 of 4 attempts. = B= C+ =C = C- = D+ =D = D=F Comments Movement Cues Stagger feet Eyes up Soft hands Waist high Guard ball Two step Ball away TOTAL 49 Team Handball – Unit Plan Evaluation Ratings: 3 = Mastered 2 = In Progress 1 = Not Yet Grading Scale: 100% - 94% = A 90% - 93% = A87% - 89% = B+ 84% - 86% =B 80% - 83% 77% - 79% 74% - 76% 70% - 73% 67% - 69% 64% - 66% 60% - 63% 59% - below Rating Task Card: Overhand Shot Movement Sequence Use an appropriate grip with one hand on the ball. Raise the ball high above the head with elbow slightly above shoulder. Reach out with non-throwing arm for balance, stagger stance with non-throwing foot in front. Begin the throw by leading with elbow motion towards the target, keeping ball high. Release ball at target with palm facing toward the ground. During throw you should transfer weight from your back to front foot. Finish with a off arm in pocket area and throwing hand in line with target Student will perform an overhand shot (TA form) demonstrating the four most critical points striking a target 5x5 feet from a distance of 10 yards during four of five trials. = B= C+ =C = C- = D+ =D = D=F Comments Movement Cues Grip Ball up Open up Lead with elbow Palm down Transfer Weight Finish Pose Total 50 Team Handball – Unit Plan Evaluation Ratings: 3 = Mastered 2 = In Progress 1 = Not Yet Grading Scale: 100% - 94% = A 90% - 93% = A87% - 89% = B+ 84% - 86% =B 80% - 83% 77% - 79% 74% - 76% 70% - 73% 67% - 69% 64% - 66% 60% - 63% 59% - below Rating Task Card: Catching Movement Sequence Stand using an athletic stance with feet under armpits and legs slightly bent. Arms out in front of chest with elbows slightly bent. Fingers should be spread with thumbs touching thumbs and index fingers touching index fingers – forming a diamond. As the ball makes contact with the fingers, cushion the ball into the body by bending the arms. Secure the ball by wrapping fingers around it, holding it close to your body. Finish by pivoting away from the defender. Students will catch a team handball (using form in TA) from a distance of 10 yards while moving sideways between a designated 10 x 10 foot area on 4 of 5 trials. = B= C+ =C = C- = D+ =D = D=F Comments Movement Cues Athletic stance Arms in front Diamond up Arm shocks Seat the ball Pivot TOTAL 51 Team Handball – Unit Plan Evaluation Ratings: 3 = Mastered 2 = In Progress 1 = Not Yet Grading Scale: 100% - 94% = A 90% - 93% = A87% - 89% = B+ 84% - 86% =B 80% - 83% 77% - 79% 74% - 76% 70% - 73% = B= C+ =C = C- 67% - 69% 64% - 66% 60% - 63% 59% - below Rating Task Card: Cognitive Objectives = D+ =D = D=F Comments Students will successfully identify both the offensive and defensive positions of the handball team when asked by the instructor on 9 out of 10 questions. Student will demonstrate knowledge of the offensive tactics through game situations on two of three trials during three class sessions. The student will be able to verbally recite the necessary mechanical details of the overhand shoot when requested by the instructor on 3 of 4 trials. The student will be able demonstrate they know how to use a defensive tactic during game situations on two of three trials TOTAL 52 Team Handball – Unit Plan Evaluation Ratings: 3 = Mastered 2 = In Progress 1 = Not Yet Grading Scale: 100% - 94% = A 90% - 93% = A87% - 89% = B+ 84% - 86% =B 80% - 83% 77% - 79% 74% - 76% 70% - 73% = B= C+ =C = C- 67% - 69% 64% - 66% 60% - 63% 59% - below Rating Task Card: Personal Objectives = D+ =D = D=F Comments Students will demonstrate respect for authority by performing the teacher requested tasks within ten seconds during four of five trials. Student will demonstrate cooperation by working with teammates to apply offensive tactics by passing, catching and shooting the ball when appropriate on four of five trials. Students will demonstrate social responsibility by dressing for class on 5 out 5 consecutive days. TOTAL 53 Team Handball – Unit Plan Evaluation Ratings: 3 = Mastered 2 = In Progress 1 = Not Yet Grading Scale: 100% - 94% = A 90% - 93% = A87% - 89% = B+ 84% - 86% =B 80% - 83% 77% - 79% 74% - 76% 70% - 73% = B= C+ =C = C- 67% - 69% 64% - 66% 60% - 63% 59% - below Rating Final Unit Task Card Chest Pass Total Final Rating Dribbling Total Final Rating Shooting Total Final Rating Catching Total Final Rating Cognitive Objectives Total Final Rating Personal Objectives Total Final Ratings = D+ =D = D=F Comments TOTAL Comments: 54 Team Handball – Unit Plan Equipment List Prices from: www.usgames.com 25 Team Handballs Total = $350 2 Nets Total = $130 2 Sets of Vests Total = $126 Voit® Tuff Coated Foam Handball IN STOCK $13.94 EA Lil' Shooter Goal 5'H x 10'W IN STOCK $64.79 EA Lightweight Numberd Scrimmage Vest-Adult IN STOCK $62.99 DZN One set of cones Prism Pack Low Profile Cones - Dozen IN STOCK $12.59 DZN Total = $13 All Equipment Total = $619 55 Team Handball – Unit Plan References 1. Jefferies, Stephen C. (2002). Retrieved from http://www.cwu.edu/~jefferis/ 2. The Ohio State University College of Education and Human Ecology. (2010). Retrieved from: http://people.ehe.ohio-state.edu/coape/lesson-plans/ 3. Summers, David. (2007). The Sports Book – The Games, The Rules, The Tactics, The Techniques. New York, New York. DK Publishing. 4. Vancouver Team Handball Association. (2004). Retrieved from http://www.vancouverhandball.ca/ 5. Wartalowicz, Mariusz. (2008). Middle School PE Lesson Ideas. Retrived from: http://www.pecentral.org 56