File - National honor society

Dear NHS Member:
Thank you for your interest in an officer position within the Northville Chapter of the National Honor Society.
As one of the largest and most prolific Honor Societies in the State of Michigan, the role of Officer is crucial
to our organization’s success. The typical workload for a highly effective officer is three to five hours each
week or 60 to 100 hours per semester. While some weeks (Homecoming, Canned Food Drive, the days
leading up to Winter Break, Special Olympics basketball, etc.) are busier than others, the expectation is that
as an officer, students would be available to dedicate the aforementioned time to the position.
The officer positions are structured to meet the changing needs of our organization. We will be holding
popular elections for the positions of President, Vice President, Senior Class Secretary, Junior Class Secretary,
Treasurer, Historian, and Communications Director. This vote will take place at our last meeting of the year,
Thursday, June 4th. Additionally, students must select only one position for which to run. The ultimate goal is
to bring together an officer group which not only reflects our organization but also works together to achieve
Enclosed in this application material you will find this cover letter, a position intent form, and a brief
description of the Officer positions for 2015-16. Please fill out and return the position intent form to Mr.
Stetson or Ms. Couchman by Friday, May 22nd.
It is a tradition to have the officer candidates attend and usher the new-member Induction Ceremony. This
year’s event takes place on Tuesday, June 2 @ 6:00pm. We ask that the officer candidates arrive by 5:20.
Your obligation will wrap up by 8:00--latest. Candidates who are not elected for 2015-16 positions will earn 3
credit hours toward the required credit hours for next year. Additionally, this night gives you an opportunity
to introduce yourself to the newly elected members two days prior to the general membership meeting at
which the elections will be held. If you are unable to attend this event, please let us know prior to May 29th.
On Thursday, May 28th, we will have an informational meeting for all officer candidates in Mr. Stetson’s
classroom, room 55. The meeting will take place during the first travel of Seminar. We will cover a variety of
topics, but mainly, we want to make sure you understand what you are getting into and how everything will
go down the following week with inductions and elections.
Each officer is allowed one campaign poster. Because the Honor Society is a select group, we restrict
campaigning to just one poster. This poster needs to be approved by Mr. Stetson or Ms. Couchman by May
29th. We will have these signed by an administrator and displayed outside of the cafeteria. Please do not put
up individual posters throughout the school.
The voting for new officers will take place on June 4 at 2:30 in the auditorium. Each officer candidate will be
asked to make a short speech (2-3 minutes maximum). Speech content must be approved by Ms. Couchman
or Mr. Stetson by June 3rd—you will need to submit a copy of your speech (outline is fine) for approval. The
vote will take place once all the speeches have finished.
If you have any questions regarding this procedure, please don't hesitate to contact us or speak with the
current officers.
Mr. Matthew Stetson and Ms. Kary Couchman
National Honor Society Advisers
National Honor Society
2015-16 Position Intent Form
Candidate Name (printed) ________________________________________
I wish to be considered for the following position within the Northville
Chapter of the National Honor Society.
(Circle one position only)
Vice President
Senior Class Secretary
Junior Class Secretary
Communications Director
Signature ________________________________________
The following information is a skeletal look at the responsibilities of a National Honor Society
student officer. We refer to these descriptions as skeletal because they only provide
candidates with the basic responsibilities of the position. In reality, any NHS2 officer position is
organic and adapts with each new academic year. As mentioned earlier, an officer can
expect to log the equivalent of 200 hours in a year. These hours are spent confirming
credits, recording the details of completed events, helping to plan a major event, meeting
as a group to organize the year, etc.
Elected Positions
President -
The President's responsibilities include running the general membership
meetings, participating in meetings with the advisors, organizing officer
meetings, overseeing a sub group of up to 60 members, and coordinating
one major activity per semester.
Vice President -
The Vice President’s responsibilities include filling in for the President
whenever that person is unable to fulfill his/her responsibilities,
organizing one major activity per semester, and overseeing a sub group
of up to 60 members.
Sr. Class Secretary -
The Senior Class Secretary coordinates senior credits with our Webmaster,
oversees the confirmation of credits by officers, coordinates a sub group
of up to 60 members, and organizes one major activity per semester. The
senior class secretary will also establish the officer sub groups, and take
notes at any Officer/Advisor meetings.
Jr. Class Secretary -
The Junior Class Secretary coordinates junior credits with our Webmaster,
oversees the confirmation of credits by officers, coordinates a sub group
of up to 60 members, and organizes one major activity per semester. The
junior class secretary will help to establish the officer sub groups, and take
notes at any Officer/Advisor meetings.
Treasurer -
The Treasurer is responsible for keeping an accurate accounting of all
NHS money collected and spent. This requires that the Treasurer keep
a business ledger, request checks, and maintain our checking account
with the bank. Additionally, the Treasurer is responsible for one major
activity per semester and a sub group of up to 60 members.
Historian -
The Historian will record the activity of our organization. In addition to
coordinating photographers at all major events, the Historian will work
with the Communications Director to publicize events. The Historian is also
responsible for one major activity per semester and a sub group of up to
60 members.
Comm. Director-
The Communications Director will be responsible for all social media and
communication within the school and organization, including announcing
meetings, advertising events, and organizing absences for in-school
activities (Homecoming flowers, candy cane sales, etc.) While not solely
responsible for coordinating a major event each semester, this officer will
co-chair an event each semester, oversee a sub group of up to 60
members, and help improve the overall publicity and communication of
National Honor Society.