COMMAND INSPECTOR GENERAL MCJROTC AIRS CHECKLIST SCHOOL NAME: DATE: MCJROTC PROGRAM - 330 INSTRUCTOR REQUIREMENTS: 330 01 001 Are instructor certifications current? Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 2, para 2.a(2) YES NO 002 Are the instructors within height/weight and military appearance standards? Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 3, para 4.d MCO 6110.3 (Marine Corps Body Composition and Military Appearance Program) YES NO 003 Is the appointment letter and acceptance endorsement for the Military Property Custodian (MPC) current and on hand? Does the appointment letter include the duties, limitations, effective date, and individual relieved, if any? Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 6, para 3 YES NO 004 Is the appointment letter and acceptance endorsement for the Responsible Officer (RO) current and on hand? Does the appointment letter include the duties, limitations, effective date, and individual relieved, if any? Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 6, para 4 YES NO 005 Are the instructors CMP/JMIC coach certified? Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 5, para 12.c YES NO 006 Does the Marine Instructor have, at a minimum, an Associates Degree? Ref: US Code, Title 10, Chapter 102 MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 4, para 5.a.(1)(b)3 YES NO 007 Are all required instructor reports submitted in the correct format and on time? a. MCJROTC Instructor Evaluation, due 15 June b. DD 2767, JROTC Instructor Annual Certification of Pay and Data form due 1 May, or within 30 days of employment or termination c. DD 2754, JROTC instructor Pay Certification Worksheet for entitlement computation, is due upon employment or change of dependent status Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 4, para 6.c. YES NO CADET RECORDS: 330 02 001 Are admin/training records maintained on cadets? a. MCJROTC Academic Grades/class work (Grades may be in computer) b. Semi-Annual/Semester YPFT scores (4X4 block schools twice per semester) c. Marksmanship scores/date of fam-fire, qualifications d. Promotion & Awards history e. Basic cadet contact information f. Parental/Orientation/Marksmanship Permission forms YES NO COMMAND INSPECTOR GENERAL MCJROTC AIRS CHECKLIST Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 4, para 6.a. UNIT ADMINISTRATION: 330 03 001 Does the unit have access to or possess all required publications/directives/ SOP's with current changes? a. Marine Corps Uniform Regulations b. Marine Corps Drill Manual c. Marine Corps Flag Manual d. MCO 1533.6E e. TECOMO 5041.1 f. MCJROTC Instructor Handbook (download at TECOM website) g. Policy Memorandums h. AIRS Inspection Checklist i. Unit SOP Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 4, para 2. YES NO 002 Are correspondence files maintained for a three year period? Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 4, para 6.b (1) YES NO 003 Are all required reports submitted in the correct format and on time? a. Strength Report, due 10 Oct and 10 Feb b. Crane Report, due February (only for schools with M14s) c. Consolidated Memorandum Receipt (CMR) Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 4, para 6.c. YES NO 004 Does the unit maintain a command chronology or NHS application? Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 5, Enclosure (11) YES NO 005 Are public funds maintained in accordance with school policy? a. Show inspector the accounting system/logbook b. All fundraiser monies will be maintained in accordance with school policies c. A copy of the schools guidelines pertaining to fundraising activities should be available for the inspector to review. Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 6, para 12. YES NO SAFETY, OPERATIONS AND TRAINING - 330 04 001 Does the unit have a marksmanship program? (Minimum of Weapons Handling Course). If not, is the Program Director issued waiver on file? Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 5, para 12.b. YES NO 002 Is the range certified IAW TECOM Range and Training Area Management requirements? (Regional Director certification) Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 5, para 12 YES NO 003 Is the appropriate range SOP clearly posted in the range area? Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 5, para 12.c (4) YES NO 004 Are rifle safe handling rules posted? YES NO COMMAND INSPECTOR GENERAL MCJROTC AIRS CHECKLIST Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 5, para 12.c (4) 005 Does the unit have sufficient equipment for marksmanship training as authorized by the T/E? Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 5, para 12 YES NO 006 Is the equipment properly secured and maintained? Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 5, para 12 YES NO 007 Are instructors currently certified to conduct "high risk" training? Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 5, para 8.h. YES NO 008 Has a risk management assessment been completed for training events where the potential for cadet injury exists? Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 5, para 8.e. YES NO 009 Are all high risk training facilities/aparatus certified? Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 5, para 8.h. YES NO 010 Has the unit conducted prohibited training? (i.e. MCMAP/offensive tactics) Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 5, para 8.f. YES NO 011 Does the unit administer the YPFT twice during the school year and twice per semester for 4X4 programs? (Produce rosters with event results for inspector) Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 5, para. 13 .b YES NO 012 Does the unit have an annual training plan? (Annual training plan shows classes scheduled on a daily basis and training to be conducted for each LE level, IAW the minimum core course requirements, in order to meet the minimum 180 class hours of instruction.) Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 5, para 6.c. YES NO 013 Does the unit have the necessary curriculum products to support execution of the POI (texts/instructor guides/etc) ? Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 5, para 7 YES NO SUPPLY 330 05 001 Are issue points and storage areas maintained in an organized manner? Ref: MCO P4400.150E PAR 4000 and 4001 MCO P4450.7E PAR 1002 MCO 4450.14 Chapter 2 UM 4400-124 PART III, SEC 2, para 11. YES NO 002 Does the unit make an effort to collect US Government property not turned in by cadets who leave the program/school? a. Note collection procedures b. Show inspector unrecovered property statements c. Explain circumstances for each occurrence and why government property could not be recovered. Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 6, para 6. YES NO COMMAND INSPECTOR GENERAL MCJROTC AIRS CHECKLIST 003 Does the unit control CMR property using appropriate documents; i.e. NAVMC 10576, NAVMC 10520, NAVMC 10939? a. Show inspector all signed NAVMC 10939/10939b (M/F uniform issue forms) or equivalent forms. b. All forms will be properly filled out, signed by the cadet, and on file. c. All forms will be completed annually. Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 6, para 5.f. YES NO 004 When the RO is absent over 60 days, is a transfer of property to another RO accomplished? Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 6, para 4 MCO P4400.150E PAR 1003.1B(2), 1003.2B, and 2003.1D YES NO 005 Is the original of each CMR or adjustment signed & dated by the RO and returned to MCJROTC HQ within fifteen days of receipt? a. Inspector will verify the timely receipt of semi-annual CMR's from each unit. b. All CMR's will be verified upon receipt by the RO/MPC c. Each page of the CMR will be intitialed by the RO/MPC, and the last page will be signed by the RO/MPC, and returned to MCJROTC HQ. d. A photocopy of the verified CMR is maintained. Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 6, para 5 and 6. YES NO 006 Is a complete physical inventory of all items of supplies and equipment conducted twice a year and are property records reconciled as necessary? Ref: MCO P4400.150E PAR 2009 YES NO 007 Is unserviceable clothing and equipment in stock declared, marked, separated? a. Signed and stamped DRMO 1348's will be submitted to the MCJROTC Supply Specialists as supporting documentation to drop items from a unit's CMR. b. If DRMO disposal of CMR property by a geographically isolated unit is not feasible, unit should present to the inspector signed letters from Program Logisitics Manager authorizing disposition. Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 6, para 7.d. YES NO 008 Is appropriate action taken upon receipt of disposition instructions? Ref: UM 4400-124, PART III, SEC 2, para 2.4.1B YES NO 009 Are excess assets properly redistributed per instructions from Program Logistics Manager? Ref: UM 4400-124, PART III, SEC 2, para 2.4.1A YES NO 010 Are requests for equipment & services properly prepared, submitted, and maintained? a. Show inspector that folders are organized as follows: - 1105 PRD folder is organized into 3 sections: (1) uniforms, (2) vanguard (3) laundry, alterations and dry cleaning. - 1106 PRD folder is organized into 2 sections: (1) travel and (2) misc. b. Show inspector that folders are divided and labeled for 3 fiscal years, the current fiscal year and the two previous fiscal years YES NO COMMAND INSPECTOR GENERAL MCJROTC AIRS CHECKLIST c. Pending requisitions will be maintained on the left hand side and completed requisitions will be maintained on the right hand side. Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 6, 011 Upon receipt of materials/completion of services, are DD Form 1348's/invoices signed, dated, and forwarded to TECOM? a. Receipts or Invoices for materials/services rendered will be forwarded to TECOM within 3 business days. b. The inspector will evaluate the unit's compliance with procedures governing the submission of receipts for items received at the unit. Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 6, YES NO 012 Do spot inspections of equipment/uniforms match those quantities listed on unit CMR/Uniform Inventory Sheet? Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 6, para 5. YES NO 013 Are equipment or item serial numbers recorded on current CMRs when required? Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 6, para 5. MCO P4400.150E para 2003.3 UM 4400-124 PART III, SEC 2, para 2.5A YES NO 014 Does the unit retain signed copies of the current CMR and the previous two fiscal year CMRs, together with all supporting documentation (receipts, issues and adjustments)? Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 6, para 5. UM 4400-124 PART III, SEC 2, para 2.5A YES NO 015 Are CMR discrepancies without supporting documentation submitted to the Program Director via the Logisitics Manager as a request for investigation and not as a request for adjustment to the property accounting records? Ref: MCO P4400.150E para 6003 YES NO 016 Upon receipt of a new up-to-date CMR, are the RO's reconciling any differences that may exist (on hand balance and USMC/serial numbers), initialing the bottom of each page, signing and dating the last page, and returning a signed copy to the Logistics Manager? Ref: MCO P4400.150E PAR 2003.1F, 2004.2, and 5004.3 UM 4400-124 PART III, SEC 2, para 2.5B YES NO 017 Are appropriate actions being taken to reconcile disparities between the historical and the new CMR upon receipt? Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 6, para 5 & 6. MCO P4400.150E para 2003.1E, 2004.2 and 6003 UM 4400-124 PART III, SEC 2, para 2.6F YES NO YES NO PERSONNEL INSPECTION: 330 06 001 Were a minimum of 90% of enrolled cadets inspected? COMMAND INSPECTOR GENERAL MCJROTC AIRS CHECKLIST 002 Does the overall general appearance of the Cadets indicate command attention and individual Cadet effort? This units overall evaluation for general appearance is: YES NO YES NO Outstanding Excellent Above Average Satisfactory Below Average Unsatisfactory 003 Does the overall general knowledge of the Cadets indicate command attention and individual Cadet effort? This units overall evaluation for general knowledge is: Outstanding Excellent Above Average Satisfactory Below Average Unsatisfactory 004 The personal appearance, military bearing and professional knowledge of the cadet(s) listed below were considered exemplary? (Provide all individual cadet personnel inspection evaluation forms to the SMI/MI) NAME/RANK 005 The following recurring discrepancies were noted: COMMAND INSPECTOR GENERAL MCJROTC AIRS CHECKLIST DRILL: 330 07 001 Did the unarmed platoon execute drill satisfactorily? One platon will conduct unarmed drill. (Outdoor card primary, indoor card is inclement weather/non-availability of drill space). YES NO 002 Did the Cadet Platoon Commander execute the drill card satisfactorily? YES NO 003 Did the armed platoon execute drill satisfactorily? One platon will conduct armed drill. (Outdoor card primary, indoor card is inclement weather/non-availability of drill space). YES NO 004 Did the Cadet Platoon Commander execute the drill card satisfactorily? YES NO 005 Did the Color Guard execute drill satisfactorily? The color guard (Blue Dress uniform required) will execute the drill card provided. (Casing and uncasing of colors is not required) YES NO 006 Did the Color Guard Commander execute the drill card satisfactorily? YES NO Drill card options are attached to the end of this AIRS checklist CONTRACTUAL COMPLIANCE: 330 08 a. The items within this functional area are mandatory. b. Non-compliance for any item will result in an IG finding, and the program may be placed on probation. c. Note: Inspector will conduct an office call with the school Principal in order to: - Advise Principal of current status - Offer "best practices" information - Reinforce/restate expectations and contractual obligations Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 2 001 Is security of all MCJROTC spaces adequate to protect the Government's property and interests? Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 2, para 2a and 2c YES NO 002 Are all spaces used exclusively by the MCJROTC unit? Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 2, para 2c YES NO 003 Has the unit maintained the minimum enrollment? a. Show inspector a copy of semi-annual strength report and by name roster from the school listing the names of students enrolled in the unit. b. Units must maintain 10% of school enrollment or a minimum of 100 cadets throughout the entire year. 4X4 block schedule schools must have 10% or 100 cadets enrolled in each semester. c. Are any cadets enrolled in Independent Study? If yes, how many? Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 2, para 2.a(1) and para 2.c (14) YES NO COMMAND INSPECTOR GENERAL MCJROTC AIRS CHECKLIST 004 Does the unit have both an SMI and MI? If two MI's are employed in lieu of an SMI, does the unit have a copy of the letter of authorization from the Regional Director? Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 2, para 2.a(2)(3) YES NO 005 Are the facilities provided by the school meeting the minimum requirements in accordance with the schools current contract with the United States Marine Corps? Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 2, para 2.a(8)(9)(10)(11) YES NO 006 Is the SMI assigned in writing as the Head of JROTC/Leadership Studies? Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 2, para 2.c. YES NO 007 Are instructors formally assigned to teach at least 75% of class periods per day? Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 2, para 2.a(2)(d) YES NO 008 Is the POI being executed as intended? Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 5, para 3. YES NO CRANE REPORT (FOR PROGRAMS WITH M14S ONLY): 330 09 001 Have all M-14's been reported to NSWC, CRANE? Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 6, para.13.g. MCO 8300.1C para 8A UM 4400-124 PART III, SEC 2, para 2.11 YES NO 002 Does the unit have a file copy of the annual reconciliation from NSWC, CRANE? Ref: MCO 8300.1C Par 8C YES NO 003 Was the reconciliation listing validated within 45 days from the date of the letter requesting the validation and were all discrepancies reported? Ref: MCO 8300.1C para 8C YES NO 004 Does the unit maintain sufficient records of pending transactions to ensure an adequate audit trail? Ref: MCO 8300.1C para 8C YES NO 005 Was the reconciliation certified by the accountable officer? Ref: MCO 8300.1C para 8C YES NO 006 Is a signed copy of all receipts, issues, and documentation supporting losses and gains for small arms submitted to NWSC, CRANE on an occurring basis? Ref: MCO 8300.1C PAR 8B YES NO COMMAND INSPECTOR GENERAL MCJROTC AIRS CHECKLIST 007 Has the unit certified on the receipt document that the weapon serial numbers were received and are correct? Ref: MCO 8300.1C para 8B, 8C YES NO 008 Are information copies of M-L-S-R reports for small arms submitted to NWSC, CRANE? Ref: MCO 8300.1C para 8E MCO 4340.1A w/Change 1 YES NO ARMORY (FOR PROGRAMS WITH M14S ONLY): 330 10 001 Are monthly serialized inventories conducted and retained for a minimum of two years on all CMR reportable armory items? Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 6, para 13.b. YES NO 002 Is armory security in accordance with the references? Inspector will review the condition of the armory: a. Locking devices b. Walls/cage c. Other entry points or windows are secured d. Access Rosters Inspector will ensure that all marksmanship rifles/drill rifles are stored in the armory or secured area. Ref: OpNavInst 5530.13C Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 6, para 13 YES NO 003 Are proper issuing/turn-in procedures in use with regard to weapons and other armory items? a. Show inspector armory site counts for the past 2 years b. Show the inspector and describe the system of accountability procedures (All armory items will be signed out and back in.) c. Show appointment letter for cadet custodians (if used). d. If cadet custodians are assigned to issue weapons, those persons will be screened by the SMI and appointed in writing. SMIs/MI's will initial/verify all site counts. Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 6, para 13 YES NO 004 Are keys and combinations to the armory facilities maintained only by the SMI, MI, and those with official access, i.e. the school Principal? YES NO YES NO Inspector will review the following procedures/standards: a. Armory keys are to be kept in a secure location when not in use. b. Armory keys are not to be given to cadets. c. Armory keys will be maintained separately from all other unit facility keys. Ref: MCO 1533.6E, Chapter 6, para 13.f. 005 Are all weapons properly cleaned and lubricated? CADET DRILL COMMAND INSPECTOR GENERAL MCJROTC AIRS CHECKLIST DRILL CARD OPTIONS: There are two armed and two unarmed outdoor drill cards from which the SMI/MI may select. Card #1 is more advanced than Card #2. The SMI/MI may select either card depending on the level of drill competence for the particular platoon demonstrating drill. At no time will drill be executed by a competition drill team, although there may be competition drill team members within the drilling platoon. The Platoon Commander for drill evaluation may be any cadet from LE 1 through LE 4, but may not be the SMI or MI. OUTDOOR DRILL CARD OPTIONS Unarmed Drill Card #1 Form the platoon at close interval Count Off Extend March Open Ranks Close Ranks Left Face Right Face About Face X 2 Parade Rest (Attention) Present Arms (Order Arms) Right Face Forward March Column Right Right Flank Left Flank Column Right Right Oblique In Place Halt Resume March Forward March Column Left Column Left Close March Forward March Extend March Forward March To the Rear March X 2 Half Step March Forward March Left Flank Right Flank Mark Time Unarmed Drill Card #2 Form the platoon at normal interval Present Arms Order Arms Left Face Right Face About Face X 2 Parade Rest Attention Right Face Forward March Column Right Right Flank Left Flank Column Left Column Left Half Step Forward March To the Rear X 2 Left Flank Right Flank Mark Time Halt Left Face Dismiss COMMAND INSPECTOR GENERAL MCJROTC AIRS CHECKLIST Halt Left Face Dismiss Armed Drill Card #1 Form the platoon at normal interval Right Shoulder Arms Left Shoulder Arms Port Arms Present Arms (Order) Left Face Right Face About Face X 2 Parade Rest (Attention) Right Face Port Arms Forward March Column Right Right Flank Left Flank Column Right Right Shoulder Arms Right Oblique Forward March Column Left Column Left Close March Forward March Extend March Forward March To the Rear March X 2 Left Shoulder Arms Left Flank Right Flank Mark Time Halt Order Arms Left Face Inspection Arms Armed Drill Card #2 Form the platoon at normal interval Present Arms Order Arms Left Face Right Face About Face X 2 Parade Rest (Attention) Present Arms (Order Arms) Right Face Right Shoulder Arms Forward March Right Flank Left Flank Column Right Column Left Column Left To the Rear X 2 Left Shoulder Arms Left Flank Right Flank Port Arms Mark Time Halt Order Arms Left Face Inspection Arms Dismiss INDOOR DRILL CARD OPTIONS Unarmed Drill Card #1 Unarmed Drill Card #2 COMMAND INSPECTOR GENERAL MCJROTC AIRS CHECKLIST Form at Close Interval Count Off Extend March Open Ranks Close Ranks Form for Physical Training Assemble Left Face Right Face About Face X 2 Close March Extend March Left Face Present Arms Order Arms Dismiss Armed Drill Card #1 Form at Close Interval Count Off Extend March Open Ranks Close Ranks Right Shoulder Left Shoulder Present Arms (Order) Right Face About Face X 2 Close March Extend March Left Face Present Arms Order Arms Dismiss Form at Normal Interval Open Ranks Close Ranks Right Face Count Off Left Face Count Off About Face X 2 Close March Extend March Dismiss Armed Drill Card #2 Form at Normal Interval Open Ranks Close Ranks Right Face Right Shoulder Left Shoulder Port Arms Order Arms Close March Extend March Left Face Present Arms Order Arms Dismiss COLOR GUARD DRILL CARD Form the Color Guard Parade Rest Attention Carry Colors Present Colors Carry Colors Right Turn Halt COMMAND INSPECTOR GENERAL MCJROTC AIRS CHECKLIST Left Turn Halt Forward March Left Turn Forward March Left Turn Forward March Right Turn Forward March Counter March Forward March Counter March Forward March Eyes Right Ready Front Right Turn Forward March Halt Present Colors Order Colors Dismiss