Term Paper Topics PSYSC 317 Personality Multi-chapter topics. 1.Traits and pets. Do dogs (or other pets, but most research seems to have focused on dogs) have personalities? First, describe the basics of trait taxonomies as they are applied to humans. Then, identify 5-10 articles that have empirically investigated personalities in pets. For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. 2. Traits, motives, and presidential candidates. Find 5-10 articles that investigate the traits and/or motives of presidential candidates. Focus in particular on traits/motives that are associated with presidential behavior and success. Summarize each article. 3. On-line personality. Are on-line personalities perceived any differently than face-to-face personalities? For example, are very extraverted people perceived just as extraverted on-line as face-to-face? Also, are the same traits used for perceiving people on-line as are used in face-toface interaction? Find and summarize 5-10 articles examining on-line personalities. Chapter 3 Traits and Trait Taxonomies 1. Larsen and Buss review the act frequency formulation of traits. First, discuss this formulation, and identify the four key steps in carrying out this research program. Conduct a search of the psychological research literature. Identify five to ten articles published in the last ten years that apply the act frequency approach to the study of personality. For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. 2. Larsen and Buss review Eysenck’s hierarchical model of personality. First, review this model of personality, and identify and briefly discuss each of the three super-traits included in this model. Next, conduct a search of the psychological research literature. Identify five to ten articles published in the last ten years that investigate one or more of these super-traits. You may focus on just one of these traits if you prefer. For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. 3. Larsen and Buss review Wiggins’ circumplex model of personality. First, review this model, and identify and discuss the two major dimensions included in this model. Next, conduct a search of the psychological research literature. Identify five to ten articles published in the last ten years that investigate Wiggins’ circumplex model of personality. For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. Chapter 4 Theoretical and Measurement Issues in Trait Psychology 1. Person-situation interactionism is the perspective adopted by most modern personality psychologists. This perspective assumes that behavior is produced by an interaction between personality traits and situational factors. Conduct a review of the psychological research literature. Identify five to ten articles published in the last ten years that present a personsituation interactionist perspective on the relationships between personality traits, situational factors, and manifest behavior. For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. 2. A key response set that personality psychologists have long been concerned about is socially desirable responding. First, define socially desirable responding. Next, review the two major perspectives on social desirability, as presented by Larsen and Buss. Finally, conduct a review of the psychological research literature. Identify five to ten articles published in the last ten years that address personality traits and that include an assessment of socially desirable responding. For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. In your discussion of the results of each paper, explain how socially desirable responding was addressed in each study. 3. Larsen and Buss review empirical work on the relationship between scores on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) and performance or success in graduate school. Discuss, in your own words, what Larsen and Buss conclude, on the basis of their review of the literature. Next, conduct a review of the psychological research literature. Identify five to ten articles not discussed or cited by Larsen and Buss that investigate the relationship between GRE scores and performance or success in graduate school. For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. For each article, address whether the results are consistent or inconsistent with the conclusions provided by Larsen and Buss. If they not consistent with the conclusion provided by Larsen and Buss, what might account for this inconsistency? Chapter 5 Personality Dispositions over Time: Stability, Change, and Coherence 1. Conduct a review of the psychological research literature. Identify five to ten articles published in the past ten years that address the stability of temperaments during infancy. Select articles that were not cited or discussed by Larsen and Buss. For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. 2. Conduct a review of the psychological research literature. Identify five to ten articles published in the past ten years that address the stability of temperaments during childhood. Select articles that were not cited or discussed by Larsen and Buss. For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. 3. Conduct a review of the psychological research literature. Identify five to ten articles published in the past ten years that include presentation of sex differences or similarities in development over time. Select articles that were not cited or discussed by Larsen and Buss. For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. Chapter 6 – Genetics of Personality 1. Larsen and Buss discuss four key research designs used by behavioral geneticists who study personality. These are selective breeding studies, family studies, twin studies, and adoption studies. Conduct a search of the psychological research literature and locate five to ten research articles published within the last ten years, each of which uses only one of the four types of designs. For each article, first summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. Then suggest how the researchers might have used each of the remaining three research designs. Finally, address whether you think the results might have turned out differently if they had used different research designs and why. 2. Larsen and Buss distinguish between shared environmental influences and nonshared environmental influences. Larsen and Buss note that, for most personality variables, the shared environment has either little or no discernible impact. Instead, environmental influences are usually of the nonshared type. First, briefly discuss, describe, and distinguish between shared environmental influences and nonshared environmental influences. Next, and in your own words, speculate as to why nonshared environmental influences so frequently account for more of environmental impact than do shared environmental influences. Finally, conduct a search of the psychological research literature and identify five to ten articles that address empirically shared and nonshared environmental influences on personality (Try searching by using the key words “personality and nonshared environment”). For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. Highlight the distinction between shared and nonshared environmental influences. 3. Larsen and Buss discuss molecular behavior genetics, the most recent development in the science of behavioral genetics. Larsen and Buss note that these techniques are designed to identify, for example, the specific genes associated with, for example, personality traits. Conduct a search of the psychological literature and identify five to ten articles that report research at the interface of molecular genetics and personality. For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. In your own words, what are some of the advantages and disadvantages of studying personality using molecular behavioral genetics? Chapter 7 Physiological Approaches to Personality 1. Larsen and Buss discuss Eysenck’s physiological theory of personality and Gray’s competing physiological theory of personality. First, discuss the similarities and differences between the two theories. Next, conduct a search of the psychological research literature and identify five to ten articles published in the past ten years that present research designed to test one of these theories. For each article, summarize the hypotheses that were tested, how the research was conducted, and what the researchers found. Now, offer an interpretation of the results from the perspective of the theory not explicitly tested in the research (i.e., either Eysenck’s or Gray’s theory). Is offering such an alternative interpretation straightforward or difficult and why? 2. Larsen and Buss present recent theory and research on the relationships between neurotransmitters and personality traits. Conduct a search of the psychological literature and identify five to ten articles published in the past ten years and that are NOT discussed by Larsen and Buss that present research on the relationship between neurotransmitters and personality traits. For each article, summarize the hypotheses that were tested, how the research was conducted, and what the researchers found. 3. Larsen and Buss present recent theory and research on the relationships between asymmetrical frontal brain activity and affective style. Conduct a search of the psychological literature and identify five to ten articles published in the past ten years and that are NOT discussed by Larsen and Buss that present research on the relationship between asymmetrical frontal brain activity, and affective style or other individual differences. For each article, summarize the hypotheses that were tested, how the research was conducted, and what the researchers found. Chapter 8 Evolutionary Perspectives on Personality 1. According to Darwin, and as reviewed by Larsen and Buss, sexual selection takes two forms: intrasexual selection and intersexual selection. First, and in your own words, define each of these two forms of sexual selection. Second, provide an example of each, but use examples that were not provided by Larsen and Buss. Third, provide a brief discussion of the relationships between intrasexual selection and intersexual selection. Finally, conduct a review of the psychological research literature. Identify five to ten articles published in the past ten years, two of which provide an evolutionary psychological analysis of intrasexual competition, and two of which provide an evolutionary psychological analysis of intersexual selection. For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. 2. Two cornerstones of modern evolutionary psychology are adaptive problems and evolved psychological mechanisms. First, define each of these terms in your own words. Second, discuss the relationships between adaptive problems and evolved psychological mechanisms. Next, conduct a review of the psychological research literature. Identify five to ten articles published in the past ten years that provide an evolutionary psychological analysis of a specific adaptive problem and a proposed evolved psychological solution. For each article, identify the adaptive problem that is being investigated and the psychological mechanism that is proposed to have evolved as a solution to that adaptive problem. If the authors do not clearly specify the adaptive problem and evolved psychological mechanism, use what you have learned about evolutionary psychology to identify these. Finally, and for each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. 3. Evolutionary psychologists conduct research at each of the three levels of personality analysis—human nature, sex differences, and individual differences. Conduct a review of the psychological research literature and identify five to ten articles published in the last ten years that address one and only one of these three levels of analysis. For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. Finally, address how the research presented in each article might be profitably extended to each of the remaining two levels of personality analysis. How might this research be extended to the remaining two levels of analysis, and what results might you expect, and why? Chapter 9 Psychoanalytic Approaches to Personality 1. Larsen and Buss present several studies that investigated the phenomenon of subliminal psychodynamic activation (SPA). First, discuss, in your own words, what this phenomenon means, how it is investigated, and what some of the key results of these investigations reveal. Next, locate three original articles that present an empirical investigation of SPA. Locate five to ten articles that are not discussed at length in Larsen and Buss. Any one of the many articles published by Lloyd Silverman (and not discussed at length by Larsen and Buss) would be appropriate, but you can choose others as well. For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. 2. According to classical psychoanalysis, projection is a key defense mechanism. First, and in your own words, define projection, and discuss how and when it is used. Next, provide a few examples of the use of projection. Then conduct a search of the psychological research literature. Identify five to ten articles that present an empirical investigation of projection. For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. Finally, and for each article, discuss how the results might have been interpreted by Freud, had they been published when he was alive. 3. According to Freud, all people pass through a series of stages in personality development. This theory of personality development is known as the psychosexual stage theory. First, discuss this theory, including brief reviews of each of these five stages of development. Include in your discussion a review of the key challenges and conflicts that occur during each stage. Next, conduct a search of the psychological research literature. Identify five to ten articles that empirically investigate personality development during the first five or six years of life. For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. Finally, and for each article, discuss how Freud might have interpreted the results, had they been published when he was alive. Chapter 10 Psychoanalytic Approaches: Contemporary Issues 1. Larsen and Buss present recent theory and research on the phenomenon of “false memories” of childhood abuse. Conduct a search of the psychological research literature and identify three empirical articles published in the past ten years that address false memories. Identify five to ten articles that are not discussed by Larsen and Buss. For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. Finally, and for each article, discuss how Freud might have interpreted the results, had they been published when he was alive. 2. Larsen and Buss present recent theory and research on narcissism. Conduct a search of the psychological research literature and identify five to ten empirical articles published in the past ten years that address narcissism. Identify five to ten articles that are not discussed by Larsen and Buss. For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. Finally, and for each article, discuss how Freud might have interpreted the results, had they been published when he was alive. 3. Larsen and Buss present recent theory and research on the adult attachment or relationship styles. Conduct a search of the psychological research literature and identify five to ten empirical articles published in the past ten years that address these attachment styles. Identify five to ten articles that are not discussed by Larsen and Buss. For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. Finally, and for each article, discuss how Freud might have interpreted the results, had they been published when he was alive. Chapter 11 Motives and Personality 1. According to Murray, a person’s needs influence how he or she perceives the environment, particularly when the environment is ambiguous (such as when a stranger smiles at you). The act of interpreting the environment and perceiving the meaning of what is going on in the situation is a process that Murray called apperception. He developed a technique for assessing apperception, known as the Thematic Apperception Technique, or TAT. Conduct a search of the psychological research literature. Identify five to ten articles published in the past ten years that use any version of the TAT to investigate any variable that is of interest to you. For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. Finally, and for each article, relate the findings to Murray’s motivational theory of human nature and human personality. 2. One of the key needs identified by Murray is the need for achievement. First, in your own words, define the need for achievement. Next, conduct a search of the psychological research literature. Identify five to ten articles published in the past ten years that investigate the relationship between the need for achievement and any variable that is of interest to you. For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. Finally, and for each article, relate the findings to Murray’s motivational theory of human nature and human personality. 3. According to Rogers, one of the three conditions for therapeutic progress is empathic understanding. The client must feel that the therapist understands him or her. Empathy can be defined as understanding the person from his or her point of view. Modern personality psychologists continue to conduct a tremendous amount of theoretical and empirical work on empathy, from a variety of perspectives, including a humanistic perspective. Conduct a search of the psychological research literature. Identify five to ten articles published in the past ten years that investigate the relationship between empathy as an individual difference or personality variable and any other variable that is of interest to you. For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. Finally, and for each article, relate the findings to Rogers’ humanistic motivational theory of human nature and personality. Chapter 12 Cognitive Topics in Personality 1. Larsen and Buss identify three levels of cognition that are of interest to personality psychologists: Perception, interpretation, and goals. Conduct a review of the personality psychology research literature. Identify five to ten articles published in the past ten years, each of which primarily addresses one of these three levels of cognition and has direct relevance to personality or individual differences. These articles can be identified in an electronic search by using such key words as “personality and perception,” “personality and interpretation,” and “personality and goals.” For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. 2. In its original formulation, learned helplessness refers to the finding that animals (including humans), when subjected to unpleasant and inescapable circumstances, become passive and accepting of their situation, in effect learning to be helpless. Conduct a review of the psychological literature. Identify five to ten articles published in the last ten years that examine learned helplessness as a personality dimension. Select articles that were not discussed or cited by Larsen and Buss. For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. 3. Larsen and Buss review some of the historical and recent work on intelligence. One widely accepted definition of intelligence is that it is the application of cognitive skill and the knowledge to solve problems, learn, and achieve goals that are valued by the individual and the culture. Conduct a review of the psychological literature. Identify five to ten articles published in the last three years that address intelligence as an individual difference variable. One excellent source of scholarly work in this area is the journal Intelligence. Select articles that were not discussed or cited by Larsen and Buss. For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. Chapter 13 Emotion and Personality 1. Researchers have investigated individual differences in several different positive emotions, including satisfaction with life. Conduct a review of the psychological literature. Identify five to ten articles published in the last ten years that address individual differences in life satisfaction. Select articles that are not cited or discussed by Larsen and Buss. A good place to start is to search for recent papers published by Dr. Ed Diener, a leader in this field. For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. 2. Type A personality is a syndrome of personality and emotion traits that is predictive of heart disease and other health problems. Conduct a review of the psychological literature. Identify five to ten articles published in the last ten years that address the relationships between Type A personality and heart disease, or another health problem. Select articles that are not cited or discussed by Larsen and Buss. For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. 3. The Affect Intensity Measure (AIM) was developed as a questionnaire measure of affect intensity or emotional variability and volatility. Many studies have used this measure to investigate individual differences in affect intensity, or the relationships between affect intensity and other personality variables. Conduct a review of the psychological literature. Identify five to ten articles published in the last ten years that use the AIM to assess affect intensity, and investigate the relationships between affect intensity and some other individual difference variable. Select articles that are not cited or discussed by Larsen and Buss. For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. Chapter 14 Approaches to the Self 1. According to Larsen and Buss, the self-concept is the descriptive component of the self. The self-concept is the basis for our self-understanding, and it forms the answer to the question, “Who am I?” Conduct a review of the psychological research literature. Identify five to ten articles published in the last ten years that address either the development of self-concept or individual differences in self-concept. Select articles that are not cited or discussed by Larsen and Buss. For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. 2. According to Larsen and Buss, self-esteem refers to your general evaluation of your selfconcept along a good-bad dimension or like-dislike dimension. Self-esteem is the evaluative component of the self. Conduct a review of the psychological research literature. Identify five to ten articles published in the last ten years that address individual differences in self-esteem. Select articles that are not cited or discussed by Larsen and Buss. For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. 3. According to Larsen and Buss, identity refers to the social component of the self. Identity is the self that is shown to other people. This is the part of ourselves that we use to create an impression, to let other people know who we are and what they can expect from us. Larsen and Buss present Erikson’s ideas about identity crisis. Identity crisis refers to the feelings of anxiety that accompany efforts to define or redefine one’s individuality and social reputation. Conduct a review of the psychological research literature. Identify five to ten articles published in the last ten years that address identity crises. Select articles that are not cited or discussed by Larsen and Buss. For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. Chapter 15 Personality and Social Interaction 1. Larsen and Buss identify and discuss selection as one of the three mechanisms of social interaction. Briefly describe this mechanism, in your own words. One of the examples Larsen and Buss provide of the operation of selection is the process of mate selection. Conduct a review of the psychological research literature. Identify five to ten articles published in the last ten years that address mate selection in humans. Select articles that are not cited or discussed by Larsen and Buss. For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. 2. Larsen and Buss identify and discuss evocation as one of the three mechanisms of social interaction. Briefly describe this mechanism, in your own words. One of the examples Larsen and Buss provide of the operation of selection is evocation of anger and upset by romantic partners. Conduct a review of the psychological research literature. Identify five to ten articles published in the last ten years that address any aspect of the evocation of anger and upset by romantic partners. Select articles that are not cited or discussed by Larsen and Buss. For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. 3. Larsen and Buss identify and discuss manipulation as one of the three mechanisms of social interaction. Briefly describe this mechanism, in your own words. One of the examples Larsen and Buss provide of the operation of selection is the use of manipulative social strategies by people who score high on measures of Machiavellianism. Conduct a review of the psychological research literature. Identify five to ten articles published in the last ten years that address the manipulative social strategies used by people who score high in Machiavellianism. Select articles that are not cited or discussed by Larsen and Buss. For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. Chapter 16 Sex, Gender, and Personality 1. Larsen and Buss review research on sex differences in the “Big Five” dimensions of personality. Select one of these five dimensions. Now, conduct a review of the psychological literature. Identify five to ten articles published in the past ten years that address sex differences or similarities in this particular personality dimension. Select articles that are not cited or discussed by Larsen and Buss. For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. Discuss whether the results of these five to ten articles are consistent with the results of research presented by Larsen and Buss. 2. Larsen and Buss review work on sex differences in self-esteem. Conduct a review of the psychological literature. Identify five to ten articles published in the past ten years that address sex differences or similarities in self-esteem. Select articles that are not cited or discussed by Larsen and Buss. For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. Discuss whether the results of these five to ten articles are consistent with the results of research presented by Larsen and Buss. 3. Larsen and Buss review work on sex differences in sexual beliefs and desires. Conduct a review of the psychological literature. Identify five to ten articles published in the past ten years that address sex differences or similarities in any dimension of sexuality, beliefs, emotions, and behaviors. Select articles that are not cited or discussed by Larsen and Buss. For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. Discuss whether the results of these five to ten articles are consistent with the results of research presented by Larsen and Buss. Chapter 17 Culture and Personality 1. Larsen and Buss review research that has investigated the causes and consequences of the “culture of honor” found among people who live in the southern United States. First, identify the key features of this culture of honor. Next, conduct a review of the psychological literature. Identify five to ten articles published in the past ten years that address this “culture of honor.” Select articles that are not cited or discussed by Larsen and Buss. For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. Discuss whether the results of these five to ten articles are consistent with the results of research presented by Larsen and Buss. 2. Larsen and Buss review research that has investigated cultural differences along the personality dimension of individualism-collectivism. First, define the key features of this personality dimension, in your own words. Next, conduct a review of the psychological literature. Identify five to ten articles published in the past ten years that address individualismcollectivism. Select articles that are not cited or discussed by Larsen and Buss. For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. Discuss whether the results of these five to ten articles are consistent with the results of research presented by Larsen and Buss. 3. Larsen and Buss review research that has investigated the cross-cultural similarities and differences in the “Big Five,” or the five-factor model of personality. First, describe in your own words each of these five personality factors. Next, conduct a review of the psychological literature. Identify five to ten articles published in the past ten years that address cross-cultural similarities and differences in the Big Five. Select articles that are not cited or discussed by Larsen and Buss. For each article, summarize what the researchers investigated, how they investigated it, and what they found. Discuss whether the results of these five to ten articles are consistent with the results of research presented by Larsen and Buss.