Princeton Survey Research Associates International for The Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project Spring Tracking 2012 Final Questionnaire English Version 3/15/2012 Total n=2,250 National Tracking survey n=1,350 landline RDD n=900 cell phone RDD Field Dates: March 15-April 12, 2012 (tentative) Form Split A/B: 50%-50% Job#: 32502 LANDLINE INTRO: Hello, my name is _________________ and I'm calling for Princeton Survey Research. We’re conducting a survey about some important issues today, and would like to include your household. May I please speak with the YOUNGEST [RANDOMIZE: (MALE / FEMALE)], age 18 or older, who is now at home? [IF NO MALE/FEMALE, ASK: May I please speak with the YOUNGEST (FEMALE / MALE), age 18 or older, who is now at home?] GO TO MAIN INTERVIEW CELL PHONE INTRO: Hello, I am ___ calling for Princeton Survey Research. We are conducting a national survey of cell phone users. I know I am calling you on a cell phone. If you would like to be reimbursed for your cell phone minutes, we will pay all eligible respondents $5 for participating in this survey. This is not a sales call. (IF R SAYS DRIVING/UNABLE TO TAKE CALL: Thank you. We will try you another time...) VOICEMAIL MESSAGE (LEAVE ONLY ONCE -- THE FIRST TIME A CALL GOES TO VOICEMAIL): I am calling for Princeton Survey Research. We are conducting a short national survey of cell phone users. This is NOT a sales call. We will try to reach you again. CELL PHONE SCREENING INTERVIEW: S1 Are you under 18 years old, OR are you 18 or older? 1 2 9 Under 18 18 or older Don’t know/Refused Princeton Survey Research Associates International 2 IF S1=2, CONTINUE WITH MAIN INTERVIEW IF S1=1, THANK AND TERMINATE – RECORD AS INELIGIBLE: This survey is limited to adults age 18 and over. I won’t take any more of your time... IF S1=9, THANK AND TERMINATE RECORD AS SCREENING REFUSAL: This survey is limited to adults age 18 and over. I won’t take any more of your time... READ TO ALL CELL PHONE RESPONDENTS INTRODUCTION TO MAIN INTERVIEW: We’re interested in learning more about people with cell phones. If you are now driving a car or doing any activity requiring your full attention, I need to call you back later. The first question is... INTERVIEWER: If R says it is not a good time, try to arrange a time to call back. Offer the toll-free callin number they can use to complete the survey before ending the conversation. SEX RECORD RESPONDENT SEX (DO NOT ASK) 1 2 Male Female START TIMING MODULE 1 Q1 Overall, how would you rate the quality of life for you and your family today? Would you say it is... excellent, very good, good, fair or poor? 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 Q2 Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused Generally speaking, would you say that most people can be trusted or that you can’t be too careful in dealing with people? 1 2 3 8 9 Most people can be trusted You can’t be too careful (VOL.) It depends (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused Princeton Survey Research Associates International 3 ASK ALL: INTUSE Do you use the internet, at least occasionally? {PIAL Trend} 1 2 8 9 Yes No (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused ASK ALL: EMLOCC Do you send or receive email, at least occasionally? {PIAL Trend} 1 2 8 9 Yes No (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused ASK ALL: INTMOB Do you access the internet on a cell phone, tablet or other mobile handheld device, at least occasionally? {People-Press} 1 2 8 9 Yes No (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused ASK ALL INTERNET USERS (INTUSE=1 or EMLOCC=1 or INTMOB=1): YEST1NW Did you happen to use the internet YESTERDAY? {PIAL Trend} 1 2 8 9 Yes, used the internet yesterday No, did not use the internet yesterday (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused ASK ALL INTERNET USERS (INTUSE=1 or EMLOCC=1 or INTMOB=1): HOME3NW Do you ever use the internet or email at HOME? {PIAL Trend modified} 1 2 8 9 Yes No (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused Princeton Survey Research Associates International 4 ASK IF USE INTERNET AT HOME (HOME3NW=1): MODEM3B At home, do you connect to the internet through a dial-up telephone line, or do you have some other type of connection, such as a DSL-enabled phone line, a cable TV modem, a wireless connection, a fiber optic connection such as FIOS (F-EYE-os) or a T1? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Dial-up telephone line DSL-enabled phone line Cable modem Wireless connection (either AirCard, “land-based” or “satellite”) Fiber optic connection T-1 connection (VOL.) Other broadband (incl. general responses like “broadband”, “high speed”) 8 (VOL.) Broadband, more than one of the above (SPECIFY) 9 (VOL.) No home internet access 10 (VOL.) Access internet via cell phone only 11 (VOL.) None of the above (SPECIFY) 98 (DO NOT READ) Don’t know 99 (DO NOT READ) Refused END TIMING MODULE 1 THERE IS NO Q3 THRU Q9. START TIMING MODULE 2 ASK ALL: Q10 Please tell me if you happen to have each of the following items, or not. Do you have... [INSERT ITEMS IN ORDER]? [INTERVIEWER NOTE: If R has e-reader app on tablet or phone, do NOT count as e-reader. Code as tablet or cell phone] {Modified PIAL Trend} a. A desktop computer {DESKHV} b. A laptop computer {LAPHV} ASK ITEM c IF LANDLINE SAMPLE c. A cell phone... or a Blackberry or iPhone or other device that is also a cell phone d. e. {QL1} A handheld device made primarily for e-book reading, such as a Nook or Kindle e-reader {EBOOKHV} {modified trend} A tablet computer like an iPad, Samsung Galaxy, Motorola Xoom (Pronounced: “zoom”), or Kindle Fire {IPADHV} {modified trend} CATEGORIES 1 2 8 Yes No (DO NOT READ) Don’t know Princeton Survey Research Associates International 5 9 (DO NOT READ) Refused IF DO NOT HAVE CELL PHONE (Q10c=2-9) Q11 What is the MAIN reason you don’t own a cell phone? [PRECODED OPEN-END] {New} 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 97 98 99 Too expensive Don’t need it / Happy with landline I’m just not interested Don’t talk on the phone often Plan to get one Too complicated / Don’t know how to use it Worried about radiation or risk of cancer Too small, can’t use the keys effectively Worried about privacy/tracking Have one for work Other (SPECIFY) (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused IF HAVE CELL PHONE (Q10c=1 or SAMPLE=2) Q12a Overall, what is the one thing you like the MOST about having a cell phone? [OPENEND; ACCEPT UP TO THREE RESPONSES BUT DO NOT PROBE FOR ADDITIONAL] {New} 1 8 9 [RECORD VERBATIM RESPONSE] (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused IF HAVE CELL PHONE (Q10c=1 or SAMPLE=2) Q12b Overall, what is the one thing you like the LEAST about having a cell phone? [OPENEND; ACCEPT UP TO THREE RESPONSES BUT DO NOT PROBE FOR ADDITIONAL] {New} 1 8 9 [RECORD VERBATIM RESPONSE] (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused Princeton Survey Research Associates International 6 IF HAVE CELL PHONE (Q10c=1 or SAMPLE=2) Q13 Thinking about your cell phone, do you think you could live without it, is it something you would miss having but could probably do without, or something you can't imagine living without? {PIAL Trend, March 2006} 1 2 3 8 9 Could live without it Would miss but could do without Can’t imagine living without Don’t know Refused IF HAVE CELL PHONE (Q10c=1 or SAMPLE=2) Q14 Some cell phones are called “smartphones” because of certain features they have. Is your cell phone a smartphone or not, or are you not sure? {PIAL Trend} 1 2 3 9 Yes, is a smartphone No, is not a smartphone Not sure Refused IF HAVE CELL PHONE (Q10c=1 or SAMPLE=2) Q15 Which of the following best describes the type of cell phone you have? Is it an iPhone, a Blackberry, an Android phone, a Windows phone, or something else? {PIAL Modified Trend} 1 iPhone 2 Blackberry 3 Android 4 Windows phone NO CODE 5 6 Something else (SPECIFY) 7 (VOL.) Basic cell phone – unspecified 8 (VOL.) Flip phone – unspecified 9 (VOL.) LG – unspecified 10 (VOL.) Motorola – unspecified 11 (VOL.) Nokia – unspecified 12 (VOL.) Samsung – unspecified 13 (VOL.) Pantech – unspecified 14 (VOL.) Tracfone 98 Don’t know 99 Refused Princeton Survey Research Associates International 7 IF HAVE CELL PHONE BUT NO SMARTPHONE (Q14=2-9) Q16 What is the MAIN reason you don’t own a smartphone? [PRECODED OPEN-END; DO NOT READ] {New} 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Don’t need one Too expensive (general) Phone is too expensive Data plan is too expensive Happy with current phone Only use phone for calling/texting Plan to get one / Waiting for current contract to expire / Waiting for discount or upgrade eligibility 8 Too complicated / Don’t know how to use it 9 Service not available where I live 10 Prefer to be less connected 11 Just not interested 12 Worried about radiation or risk of cancer 13 Worried about privacy/tracking 97 Other (SPECIFY) 98 (DO NOT READ) Don’t know 99 (DO NOT READ) Refused END TIMING MODULE 2 START TIMING MODULE 3 IF HAVE CELL PHONE (Q10c=1 or SAMPLE=2): Q17 Please tell me if you ever use your cell phone to do any of the following things. Do you ever use your cell phone to [INSERT ITEMS; ALWAYS ASK a-b FIRST in order; RANDOMIZE c-f]? (Next, What about using your cell phone to... [INSERT NEXT ITEM]?) {PIAL trend} a. b. c. d. e. f. Send or receive email Send or receive text messages Take a picture Download a software application or “app” Access the internet Record a video CATEGORIES 1 2 8 9 Yes No (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused Princeton Survey Research Associates International 8 IF SEND OR RECEIVE TEXT MESSAGES (Q17b=1): Q18 In general, if someone needs to get in touch with you on your cell phone, do you prefer that they call you OR that they send you a text message? {PIAL Trend} 1 2 3 8 9 Call Text (VOL.) It depends (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused IF CELL PHONE INTERNET USER (Q17a=1 or Q17e=1): Q19 Did you happen to use the internet on your cell phone YESTERDAY? {PIAL Trend} 1 2 8 9 Yes, used the internet on cell phone yesterday No, did not use the internet on cell phone yesterday (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused IF CELL PHONE INTERNET USER (Q17a=1 or Q17e=1): Q20 Overall, when you use the internet, do you do that mostly using your cell phone or mostly using some other device like a desktop, laptop or tablet computer? {PIAL Trend} 1 2 3 4 8 9 Mostly on cell phone Mostly on something else (VOL.) Both equally (VOL.) Depends (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused IF GO ONLINE MOSTLY USING CELL PHONE (Q20=1): Q21 What is the MAIN reason why you use the internet mostly on your cell phone, instead of using some other device? [PRECODED OPEN-END; DO NOT READ; ACCEPT FIRST RESPONSE ONLY] {New} 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 97 98 99 Don’t have a computer at home Cell phone is always with me Cell phone is more convenient Only have internet access on cell phone / Don’t have internet access at home Someone else in household is usually on computer Cell phone is easier to use than a computer Mostly do basic activities online Other (SPECIFY) (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused Princeton Survey Research Associates International 9 IF USE INTERNET, EMAIL OR APPS ON CELL PHONE (Q17a=1 OR Q17d=1 OR Q17e=1): MOB1 Next... Please tell me if you ever use your cell phone to do any of the following things. Do you ever use your cell phone to... [INSERT ITEMS; RANDOMIZE]? {New} [IF YES, ASK: Did you happen to do this YESTERDAY, or not?] Get news online Look for health or medical information online Use a social networking site like Facebook, LinkedIn or Google Plus Use Twitter Visit a local, state or federal government website ASK FORM A ONLY (4 ITEMS) ACT21 Check your bank account balance or do any online banking ACT107 Upload photos online so that others can see them ACT122 Get coupons or deals to use at local businesses ACT123 Get turn-by-turn navigation or directions while driving ASK FORM B ONLY (4 ITEMS) ACT08 Check weather reports and forecasts ACT25 Play a game ACT120 Listen to an online radio or music service, such as Pandora or Spotify ACT121 Watch movies or TV shows through a paid subscription service like NetFlix or Hulu Plus ACT02 ACT07 ACT87 ACT112 ACT27 CATEGORIES MOB1 1 Yes, did this yesterday 2 Yes, do this (but NOT yesterday) 3 No, do not do this 8 (DO NOT READ) Don’t know 9 (DO NOT READ) Refused END TIMING MODULE 3 THERE IS NO Q22 Princeton Survey Research Associates International 10 START TIMING MODULE 4 IF HAVE CELL PHONE (Q10c=1 or SAMPLE=2) Q23 Thinking of some of the things you have done recently with your cell phone... In the last 30 days, have you used your cell phone to [INSERT ITEMS; RANDOMIZE]? [IF NECESSARY: In the last 30 days,] have you used your cell phone to... [INSERT NEXT ITEM]? {New} a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Look something up to help settle an argument or disagreement you were having Coordinate a gathering, meeting or get-together Solve an unexpected problem for yourself or someone else Get help in an emergency situation Look up the score of a sporting event Get up-to-the minute traffic or public transit information so you could find the fastest way to get somewhere Decide whether or not to visit a particular business, such as a restaurant CATEGORIES 1 2 8 9 Yes No (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused Princeton Survey Research Associates International 11 IF HAVE CELL PHONE (Q10c=1 or SAMPLE=2) Q24 In the last 30 days, have you used your cell phone while you were watching something on television to [INSERT ITEMS; ASK a-c IN ORDER, RANDOMIZE d-g]? [IF NECESSARY: In the last 30 days,] have you used your cell phone to... [INSERT NEXT ITEM]? {New} ASK Q24a IF SEND AND RECEIVE TEXT MESSAGES (Q17b=1): a. Exchange text messages with someone else who was watching the same program in a different location ASK Q24b IF USE INTERNET, EMAIL OR APPS ON CELL PHONE (Q17a=1 OR Q17d=1 OR Q17e=1): b. See what other people were saying online about the program you were watching ASK Q24c IF USE INTERNET, EMAIL OR APPS ON CELL PHONE (Q17a=1 OR Q17d=1 OR Q17e=1): c. Post your own comments online about the program you were watching d. Vote for a contestant on a reality show e. Check whether something you heard on television was true or not f. Keep yourself occupied during commercials or breaks in what you were watching ASK Q24g IF USE INTERNET, EMAIL OR APPS ON CELL PHONE (Q17a=1 OR Q17d=1 OR Q17e=1): g. Visit a website that was mentioned on television CATEGORIES 1 2 8 9 Yes No (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused Princeton Survey Research Associates International 12 IF HAVE CELL PHONE (Q10c=1 OR SAMPLE=2) Q25 We’re interested in how people are using their cell phones during the current political campaign. Again thinking about just your cell phone, have you used your phone during this election campaign to [INSERT ITEM; RANDOMIZE], or have you not done this? (Next, have you used your cell phone to... [INSERT NEXT ITEM]?) {Modified trend} a. Keep up with news related to the election or politics ASK Q25b IF SEND AND RECEIVE TEXT MESSAGES (Q17b=1): b. Send text messages related to the election campaign to friends, family members or others ASK Q25c IF SEND AND RECEIVE TEXT MESSAGES (Q17b=1): c. Sign up to receive updates via text message from a candidate or a group involved in the campaign such as a political party or interest group ASK Q25d IF DOWNLOAD APPS (Q17d=1): d. Download or use any software applications or “apps” that provide updates from a candidate or a group involved in the campaign such as a political party or interest group CATEGORIES 1 2 8 9 Yes No (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused IF HAVE CELL PHONE (Q10c=1 OR SAMPLE=2) Q26 Now thinking more generally about how you may or may not use your cell phone... Have you ever experienced or done any of the following? (First/Next), have you ever [INSERT ITEMS IN ORDER]? {PIAL Trend} a. b. c. d. e. SENT a sexually suggestive nude or nearly nude photo or video of yourself to someone else using your cell phone RECEIVED a sexually suggestive nude or nearly nude photo or video of someone else you know on your cell phone FORWARDED a sexually suggestive nude or nearly nude photo or video of someone else you know using your cell phone {New} Physically bumped into another person or object because YOU were distracted by using YOUR phone Been physically bumped into by another person because THEY were distracted by using THEIR phone {New} CATEGORIES 1 Yes 2 No 8 (DO NOT READ) Don’t know 9 (DO NOT READ) Refused END TIMING MODULE 4 Princeton Survey Research Associates International 13 START TIMING MODULE 5 IF HAVE CELL PHONE (Q10c=1 or SAMPLE=2) Q27 Do you ever sleep with your cell phone next to your bed because you want to make sure that you don’t miss any calls, text messages or updates during the night, or do you never do this? {New} 1 2 8 9 Yes, do this No, do not do this Don’t know Refused IF HAVE CELL PHONE (Q10c=1 or SAMPLE=2) Q28 Do you ever find yourself checking your cell phone for messages, alerts or missed calls, even though you didn’t notice your phone ringing or vibrating? [IF YES, ASK: How often do you do this — frequently, occasionally, or just every once in a while?] {New} 1 2 3 4 8 9 Yes, frequently Yes, occasionally Yes, every once in a while No (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused IF HAVE CELL PHONE (Q10c=1 or SAMPLE=2) Q29 Do you ever worry that you spend too much time using your phone, or do you not worry about this? {New} 1 2 8 9 Yes, worry No, do not worry Don’t know Refused Princeton Survey Research Associates International 14 IF HAVE CELL PHONE (Q10c=1 or SAMPLE=2) Q30 Do people you know ever [INSERT ITEMS; RANDOMIZE], or does this not ever happen to you? {New} a. b. c. Complain that you don’t check your cell phone frequently enough Complain that you don’t respond promptly to phone calls or text messages on your cell phone Tell you that you spend too much time using your cell phone CATEGORIES 1 2 8 9 Yes No (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused [ROTATE Q31 and Q32] IF HAVE CELL PHONE (Q10c=1 or SAMPLE=2) Q31 [IF ROTATED SECOND, READ: Now thinking about different ways your cell phone may or may not make things EASIER for you…] How much, if at all, has your cell phone [INSERT ITEMS; RANDOMIZE]... a lot, some, only a little, or not at all? Next, how much has your cell phone [INSERT NEXT ITEM] [READ AS NECESSARY: ...a lot, some, only a little, or not at all]? {Mostly New; some Modified Trend} a. b. c. Made it easier for you to plan and schedule your daily routine Made it easier to be productive while you are doing things like sitting in traffic, standing in line, or waiting for an appointment Made it easier for you to stay in touch on a regular basis with the people you care about CATEGORIES 1 2 3 4 8 9 A lot Some Only a little Not at all (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused Princeton Survey Research Associates International 15 IF HAVE CELL PHONE (Q10c=1 or SAMPLE=2) Q32 [IF ROTATED SECOND, READ: Now thinking about different ways your cell phone may or may not make things HARDER for you…] How much, if at all, has your cell phone [INSERT ITEMS; RANDOMIZE]... a lot, some, only a little, or not at all? Next, how much has your cell phone [INSERT NEXT ITEM] [READ AS NECESSARY: ...a lot, some, only a little, or not at all]? {Mostly New; some Modified Trend} a. b. c. Made it harder for you to focus on a single task without being distracted Made it harder for you to forget about work at home and on the weekends Made it harder to give people your undivided attention CATEGORIES 1 2 3 4 8 9 A lot Some Only a little Not at all (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused IF HAVE CELL PHONE (Q10c=1 or SAMPLE=2) Q33 How often, if ever, do you experience [INSERT ITEMS; RANDOMIZE] on your cell phone? [READ FOR FIRST ITEM AND THEN AS NECESSARY: do you experience this several times per day, about once a day, a few times per week, less often, or never?] {New} a. Dropped phone calls b. Unwanted sales or marketing calls ASK Q33c IF SEND AND RECEIVE TEXT MESSAGES (Q17b=1): c. Spam or unwanted text messages ASK Q33d IF USE INTERNET, EMAIL OR APPS ON CELL PHONE (Q17a=1 OR Q17d=1 or Q17e=1): d. Slow download speeds that prevent things from loading as quickly as you would like them to CATEGORIES 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 Several times per day About once a day A few times per week Less often Never (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused Princeton Survey Research Associates International 16 IF HAVE CELL PHONE (Q10c=1 or SAMPLE=2) Q34 Overall, would you say that your cell phone SAVES you time because you can always access the information you need... COSTS you time, because you are always being distracted or interrupted... OR that the amount of time your cell phone saves you and costs you pretty much balance out? {New} 1 Saves you time 2 Costs you time 3 Savings and costs balance out 8 (DO NOT READ) Don’t know 9 (DO NOT READ) Refused END TIMING MODULE 5 START TIMING MODULE 6 IF HAVE CELL PHONE (Q10c=1 or SAMPLE=2) Q35 Has your cell phone ever been lost or stolen, or has this never happened to you? {New} 1 2 8 9 Yes No (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused IF HAVE CELL PHONE (Q10c=1 or SAMPLE=2) Q36 Has another person ever accessed the contents of your phone in a way that made you feel your privacy was invaded? {New} 1 2 8 9 Yes No (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused IF HAVE CELL PHONE (Q10c=1 or SAMPLE=2) Q37 Do you ever back up the photos, contacts or other files on your phone so that you have a copy in case your phone is ever broken or lost? [IF YES, ASK: How often do you do this — frequently, occasionally, or just every once in a while?] {New} 1 2 3 4 8 9 Yes, frequently Yes, occasionally Yes, every once in a while No (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused Princeton Survey Research Associates International 17 IF HAVE CELL PHONE (Q10c=1 or SAMPLE=2) Q38 Have you ever [INSERT ITEMS; RANDOMIZE]? {New} ASK Q38a IF DOWNLOAD APPS (Q17d=1): a. Decided to not install a cell phone app when you found out how much personal information you would need to share in order to use it ASK Q38b IF DOWNLOAD APPS (Q17d=1): b. Uninstalled an app on your cell phone because you found out it was collecting personal information that you didn’t want to share c. Turned off the location tracking feature on your cell phone because you were worried about other people or companies being able to access that information d. Cleared the browsing history or search history on your cell phone CATEGORIES 1 2 8 9 Yes No (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused ASK ALL Q39 How often do you encounter people using their cell phone in a loud or annoying manner in public — frequently, occasionally, rarely, or never? {PIAL Trend, March 2006} 1 2 3 4 8 9 Frequently Occasionally Rarely Never (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused IF HAVE CELL PHONE (Q10c=1 or SAMPLE=2) Q40 In the past few months, have you, yourself, drawn criticism or dirty looks because of the way you used your cell phone in public? {PIAL Trend, March 2006} 1 Yes 2 No 8 (DO NOT READ) Don’t know 9 (DO NOT READ) Refused END TIMING MODULE 6 Princeton Survey Research Associates International 18 START TIMING MODULE 7 [READ TO ALL:] A few last questions for statistical purposes only... ASK ALL: AGE What is your age? ____ 97 98 99 years [RECORD EXACT AGE 18-96] 97 or older Don't know Refused ASK ALL: MAR Are you currently married, living with a partner, divorced, separated, widowed, or have you never been married? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Married Living with a partner Divorced Separated Widowed Never been married (VOL.) Single (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused ASK ALL: PAR Are you the parent or guardian of any children under age 18 now living in your household? 1 2 8 9 Yes No (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused IF PAR=1, ASK: D2b1 How many of these children are age 5 or younger? {new} ___ 98 99 [RECORD NUMBER; RANGE=0-97] (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused Princeton Survey Research Associates International 19 IF PAR=1, ASK: D2b2 How many of these children are between ages 6 and 11? ___ 98 99 [RECORD NUMBER; RANGE=0-97] (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused IF PAR=1, ASK: D2c How many of these children are between ages 12 and 17? ___ 98 99 [RECORD NUMBER; RANGE=0-97] (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused ASK ALL: HH1 How many adults currently live in your household, INCLUDING YOURSELF? [IF NECESSARY: That is, how many people age 18 and over, INCLUDING YOURSELF?] ___ 6 8 9 [RECORD EXACT NUMBER 1-5] 6 or greater (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused ASK ALL: EDUC What is the last grade or class you completed in school? [DO NOT READ, BUT CAN PROBE FOR CLARITY IF NEEDED] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 None, or grades 1-8 High school incomplete (grades 9-11) High school graduate (grade 12 or GED certificate) Technical, trade or vocational school AFTER high school Some college, no 4-year degree (includes associate degree) College graduate (B.S., B.A., or other 4-year degree) Post-graduate training/professional school after college (toward a Masters/Ph.D., Law or Medical school) (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused Princeton Survey Research Associates International 20 ASK ALL: EMPLNW Are you now employed full-time, part-time, retired, or are you not employed for pay? {PIAL trend} 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Employed full-time Employed part-time Retired Not employed for pay (VOL.) Have own business/self-employed (VOL.) Disabled (VOL.) Student (VOL.) Other (DO NOT READ) Refused ASK ALL: HISP Are you, yourself, of Hispanic or Latino origin or descent, such as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or some other Latin American background? 1 2 8 9 Yes No (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused ASK ALL: RACE What is your race? Are you white, black, Asian, or some other race? IF R SAYS HISPANIC OR LATINO, PROBE: Do you consider yourself a WHITE (Hispanic/Latino) or a BLACK (Hispanic/Latino)? IF R DOES NOT SAY WHITE, BLACK OR ONE OF THE RACE CATEGORIES LISTED, RECORD AS “OTHER” (CODE 6) 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 White Black or African-American Asian or Pacific Islander Mixed race Native American/American Indian Other (SPECIFY) (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused Princeton Survey Research Associates International 21 ASK IF HISPANIC (HISP=1): BIRTH_HISP Were you born in the United States, on the island of Puerto Rico, or in another country? 1 2 3 8 9 U.S. Puerto Rico Another country (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused ASK ALL: INC Last year -- that is in 2011 -- what was your total family income from all sources, before taxes? Just stop me when I get to the right category... [READ 1-9] 1 Less than $10,000 2 $10,000 to under $20,000 3 $20,000 to under $30,000 4 $30,000 to under $40,000 5 $40,000 to under $50,000 6 $50,000 to under $75,000 7 $75,000 to under $100,000 8 $100,000 to under $150,000 9 $150,000 or more 98 (DO NOT READ) Don’t know 99 (DO NOT READ) Refused END TIMING MODULE 7 Princeton Survey Research Associates International 22 START TIMING MODULE 8 [READ TO ALL:] Now thinking about your telephone use... IF LANDLINE SAMPLE AND NO CELL PHONE (Q10c=2,8,9): Q41 Does anyone else in your household have a working cell phone? {PIAL trend; QL1HH} 1 2 8 9 Yes No (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused ASK IF DUAL REACHED ON LANDLINE PHONE [SAMPLE=1 AND (Q10c=1 OR Q41=1)]: QL2HH Of all the telephone calls that you and other people in your household receive, are [READ AND ROTATE OPTIONS 1 AND 3—KEEP 2 ALWAYS IN THE MIDDLE]? 1 2 3 8 9 All or almost all calls on a cell phone Some on a cell phone and some on a regular home phone All or almost all calls on a regular home phone (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused ASK ALL CELL PHONE SAMPLE (SAMPLE=2): QC1 Is there at least one telephone INSIDE your home that is currently working and is not a cell phone? 1 2 8 9 Yes, home telephone No home telephone (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused ASK IF DUAL REACHED ON CELL PHONE (QC1=1): QC2HH Of all the telephone calls that you and other people in your household receive, are [READ AND ROTATE OPTIONS 1 AND 3—KEEP 2 ALWAYS IN THE MIDDLE]? 1 2 3 8 9 All or almost all calls on a cell phone Some on a cell phone and some on a regular home phone All or almost all calls on a regular home phone (DO NOT READ) Don’t know (DO NOT READ) Refused Princeton Survey Research Associates International 23 ASK ALL: RZIPCODE What is your zip code? _____ [ENTER 5-DIGIT ZIPCODE – VERIFY] 99999 Don’t know/Refused ASK CELL PHONE SAMPLE ONLY: MONEY5 That’s the end of the interview. If you would like to be reimbursed for your cell phone minutes, we can send you $5. I will need your full name and a mailing address where we can send you the money. [INTERVIEWER NOTE: If R does not want to give full name, explain we only need it to send the $5 out to them personally.] 1 [ENTER FULL NAME] – INTERVIEWER: PLEASE VERIFY SPELLING 2 [ENTER MAILING ADDRESS] 3 [CITY] – INTERVIEWER: PLEASE VERIFY SPELLING 4 [STATE] 5 [CONFIRM ZIP CODE] 9 Respondent does not want the money (VOL.) END TIMING MODULE 8 THANK RESPONDENT: That concludes our interview. The results of this survey are going to be used by a non-profit research organization called the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project, which is looking at the impact of the internet on people's lives. A report on this survey will be issued by the project in a few months and you can find the results at its web site, which is [w-w-w dot pew internet dot org]. Thanks again for your time. Have a nice (day/evening). Princeton Survey Research Associates International