Math 1319 Mathematics in the Modern World Fall 2010 Instructor: Pablito Delgado Text: The Heart of Mathematics 3rd Edition (Burger & Starbird) Office hours: M-R 9-10 am Office location: Burges Hall Rm 311 Course website: Course Objectives: The goal of this course is to give you an overall general view of what mathematics is, from philosophical, historical, and modern points of view. By analyzing mathematics from these perspectives, it is my hope that you will develop a deeper sense of appreciation for mathematics in general. We will be discussing topics as familiar as algebra and geometry, as well as cutting edge, modern mathematical topics. Grading Procedures: Tests (3) Presentation 25% each 25% Exams/Essays: In likely contrast to your previous mathematics courses, this course does not place a heavy emphasis on calculation. Instead, your understanding of mathematical concepts will be assessed not only by objective means (multiple choice, matching, etc.), but also argument your point of view in prose (short and long form essays). Exam dates /Essay due dates will be posted online (see Reading List link). There are absolutely no make up exams except under extreme circumstances verifiable by official documentation. Class Participation: Contrary to most of your previous mathematics classes, this is a student centered, rather than a teacher centered, class. We will often form small groups to discuss assigned readings or work on problems / activities. Your ability to participate is contingent upon your presence in class. Therefore, you are expected to attend every class. After three absences, you may be dropped from the course. Reading Assignments: You are expected to complete your reading assignments before the beginning of class. You are also expected to BRING notes of your reading assignment to class every day. Expectations: As part of your participation, I also expect you to TALK a lot in class… I expect you to ask LOTS of questions and openly share your opinions and ideas about readings and homework problems as well. Don't be afraid of voicing your opinion on the topics discussed in class, regardless of what the readings say, what your classmates say, or what I say. It is extremely important to express yourself as openly and truthfully as possible, and I will often encourage you to debate, argue, and disagree with the readings. Active participation is vital to your success in this class. As such, it is imperative that you attend class every day. I expect you to come to class every day. I will only allow a maximum of 3 absences (regardless of excuses). After your 3rd absence, you may be dropped from this course. Make up Policy There are NO MAKEUPS for any exams EXCEPT under extreme circumstances verifiable by official documentation.