Minutes of meeting – 07.09.08 MAIDSTONE LEISURE CENTRE, THE CLUB ROOM
Attendees – Dorothy Holland / Martin Lewis / Nick Aish
DH opened the meeting by saying that the whole committee team was working very well and
that due to strategic nature of the last meeting, the today’s and upcoming meetings would be
focusing on the tactical nature of the events in order to ensure the team secured everything.
The next strategic meeting would be taking place around April and June 2009 to discuss the
picture for 2010.
MOM – June meeting - proposed DH / seconded NA .
ML contacted Peter Austin to join from FB, however the answer was a no.
DH to ask Easton for Daniel’s email address from Forensics. (ACTION – DH passed the
request to Easton for
Daniel, Oct 2008).
NA said that it would be ideal to have four committee members on the team, especially in light of
two not being
able to attend the most recent event, and ML standing in. ML said that he explained to members
that he sent the
apologies to delegates on DH’s behalf.
Not auctioned yet - DPA forms - DH to follow with Easton and amend.
NA bought the basket for business cards.
ML ran a SWOT analysis of the June Event at Tovil, Maidstone:
Speaker Jim Peddy and presentation: - very good;
Good feedback
16 delegates attended
One delegate flew from Scotland (Lothian Fire, Edindburg) and 2 from Sussex to participate
Niche appeal
No charge for dinner
More delegates should have attended
DH and NA were not able to attend. DH apologized again but this was due to force majeure
which she could not overcome.
Use of the building now and in the future
Establish it as a regular venue easily remembered by the members (DH)
End of SWOT.
ML described the demo and the rescue kit, what it did. DH wanted to know if the Kent Police
members attended the event, ML said they did not this time. DH to follow with the Kent
NA wanted to know if Kent Fire in the future would like to give another presentation, which
would address our public sector members – ML responded that it would be interesting, i.e. to
consider such a topic as “Losing an important bid in public tender” (viz. explain what the
case was about, why they were not selected etc). DH supported the idea.
ML said that Fire Buy had their in-house magazine which should have given some information
together with the photo, DH asked ML to follow this up for the record and possibly obtain a
copy for the team committee.
B/ NA asked DH if there was a follow up after the May Convention. DH to email the
outcomes from the convention – DH apologized she did not realize that NA was not included
on the email. NA asked if the outcome was sent out 4 weeks after and DH explained that the
follow-up was issued just recently, not as stipulated 4 weeks after the convention. (ACTION
– DH acted upon this in October). DH also mentioned mixed reactions from a couple of
chairmen and some other counties’ committee members following the results from the
C/ NA asked about the ESSEX BRANCH - DH re-iterated that she flagged her interest and
engagement to Easton to support Essex branch re-launch. NA and DH saw the opportunity to
attract Essex members if a Kent event was organized in the future around Dartford tunnel
area. DH saw an opportunity in running a join event with Essex branch.
DATA - DH followed up from the last meeting on the data ref to Kent branch and
updated the team
12 Fellows in Kent. DH said that she thought it was an impressive number, however, without
having the access to general figures across all the/specific branches ref their numbers of
Fellows, it was of little help to drive the strategy towards the Fellows. DH would still follow
with Easton. ML and NA said that it would be useful to know an overall figure for the UK in
order to draw some initial conclusions. (OCT Update – DH requested the information on
the UK Fellowship and the answer was approx. 379).
NA and ML mentioned that when the fellows become sworn in, they had some obligations
towards their branch to
“put in some obligation and support”. DH was not aware of this. ML gave an example of Guy
Allen (ex Abbey, DH
mentioned he worked now for Fujitsu) who would trip various branches across the UK. DH
mentioned she emailed
the Chairman of Fellowship, Will Parsons with an invite to present (following her attendance and
representation at the
Regional Event in May in Gatwick), however she did not receive any response or
acknowledgement, which she
considered very surprising. (Action – DH to check what obligations fellows have towards
the branch with
DH reiterated that Kent had the lowest ratio of females
DH advised on the split between number of men and women
DH said that due to DPA, Easton would not be able to provide info on the age of females or
even age brackets, but would be able to give guidelines on the MCIPS advancement of the
female members.
ML took the topic further on a larger scale and wanted to know if the Kent branch was an
ageing branch, due to DPA
DH stressed again that Easton would not disclose this information. ML was surprised that
Easton would not be able to give at least numbers against the age brackets. (Action - DH
would still follow to get at least an overview). ML wanted to know whether the
majority was in their 30s or 40s, whether there was any view to train further, whether
members were predominantly Level 3 or 4 etc.
Breakdown public vs. private sector - DH to follow up with Easton
Manufacturing % - historically displayed as 55% in Kent which was a surprise – DH to follow with
Isolation of mail shots by postcode – DH to follow up with Easton
Breakdown of the balance of sub regions within Kent: Is Medway/Maidstone still number 1,
Ashford 2, Twells 3? DH
to follow up with Easton
COUNCIL – DH updated the team on the new council member taking over from
Belinda Prince – Amanda Earnshaw. DH also said that Belinda flagged our best practice
suggestions ref Council Elections to Easton from the last team meeting, and that team
minutes were received by her. DH and NA reiterated that it the Council representative would
be welcome to participate in one of our team meetings.
DH updated the team that the next Regional Event in October, 15th in Milton Keynes
“Risk and Resilience in
the Supply Chain“ had been cancelled by Easton House due to budget constraints. DH provided a
new dates for
2009 for Regional Events to the team and advised that she was concerned about the location
(Reading etc) which
was not considerate for Kent members. (Action - DH would follow this up with Easton.) ML
and NA wanted to
know who influences the selection and content of the presentations for regional events – how
does the selector know
what various members in 4-5 counties would like to listen to? (Action – DH to raise with
Easton. October Update –
the reply was received – DH to discuss during the next team meeting.)
DH advised the team that the Upcoming non-Kent CIPS events: Sussex 24th
September The Hawth, Andrea
had been cancelled due to the lack of interest/response from the Sussex delegates
encouraged the team
members to attend.
DH mentioned recent press releases about Kent Branch and followed if the
committee members were
familiar with them.
Matters arising:
DH advised the team that there was a chairmen’s dinner planned with Nicola Pooley for
8th of Oct and around 5 chairmen from South would be attending. NA asked for the agenda to
be emailed for their information. (ACTION – DH emailed the team.) (OCT UPDATE –
dinner was cancelled a few days prior to the date with no firm date counterproposed).
Budget – DH would be supplying it in upcoming weeks.
Geographical coverage by the team – DH wanted to get clarification whether as a team
they were covering all the postcodes and therefore all the pockets of membership, and
matching them in the selection of venues. The team collated a list of all the 5 postcodes
which they thought were coming under Kent’s remit:
CT (Canterbury University)
ME (Rochester/Chatham Holiday Inn, Tovil)
DA (wide, border with Essex, Hilton)
BR – Holiday Inn in Bexley Heath
TN (wide) – events in Rose and Crown address this region
Action points for DH: 1/Contact Easton asking for Regional breakdown by member, 2/Clarify
with Easton the above postcodes (Update on Point 2 from Oct – BR does not fall under
Kent – it is under London Branch)
NA suggested to check the New Police Station at Ebbsfleet for free venue. Other suggestions
included Swanley, The Olympic Centre, St John’s Ambulance, Golf Range +/- £100 per hire).
(Action -NA to investigate.)
DH checked with the team how the venues were spread in 2007, 2008, 2009 to ensure that
the members were not losing out and were comprehensively covered during the programme.
(Action – In 2010 programme, the team must ensure that DA and CT postcodes
are revised. ) In 2009 – the team was addressing the audience in TN and ME, as well as
drawing any guests/non-members interested to participate.
DH clarified that Hastings or Gatwick were not falling under their remit, Gatwick was
dormant as a separate branch.
DH asked ML about the “health-check” survey. ML responded that the last time it was
carried out was around three years ago and that it would be good if we could revisit it. DH
said it would be recommendable to run it every two years as there are a lot of developments
in procurement profession that the branch needed to be aware of. NA added that there
should be an additional note in the survey for any public speakers being recommended or
coming forward. (Action - ML to email DH the survey if he had the copy, and check
the last date of release.)
Status Update on 2008 Events in Progress:
Sept Sony Event Tonbridge –ready. Presentation vetted. DH asked the team if they had
registered. DH confirmed number of delegates YTD – 25 plus. NA would bring some training
literature, so would DH. The team would be gathering at 6pm in Tonbridge. Electronic
feedback would be released after the event. ML was concerned about the badges – they were
normally too late, sent on the day in the morning when all of us already left for work, also ML
was unclear what address the badges would be sent to. (EVENT UPDATE – the badges
were not provided on time, they arrived in the morning of the event, when all
committee members were already at work. The attendance list was emailed on
the day of the event when it was too late to print it or receive email.)
AGM - DH to prepare a summary presentation on 2008 activities for the event. DH
inquired about the theme for the
AGM and the key speaker.
DH took the opportunity during her meeting with Harley Reed on professional basis at the
end of August to drive forward progress on co-operation with Kent Branch. In the meeting
Harley Reed agreed to deliver a presentation for AGM this November.
Date 11th of November. Targeted number of delegates – 20 plus.
DH stressed the legislative notification to go out in August, reminding the team that last year Easton’s
mailshots were not effective enough to secure the delegates. ML asked whether DH can follow with
Easton on which
communication channel would be used for AGM - electronically was not enough. ML expressed his
concerns with
Easton in reference to the efficiency of this communication and Easton did not take them on board.
ML to confirm
Tovil as the venue. DH inquired when this would be ascertained, would the buffet be free. ML said it
would be free,
however, NA said that Kent branch should not exploit this and asked ML to offer payment for the
finger buffet. NA
said that the presentation should not take more than ¾ hour and be more flexible. (Action – ML to
email DH a draft
of the AGM letter he sent last year). DH would flag out AGM at Sony event in Sept. (Action –
completed by DH)
Joint event with Surrey next year, following this year’s successful 1 st co-operation on
Olympics - DH advised that the preparation for this event was organised to kick off on 15th of
October in the Sakander House with the Chair of Sussex, Chris Wigby. (OCT UPDATE – the
meeting was brought forward to 14th of October).The venue was already booked. NA
said he liked Crawley as a venue. ML and NA supported DH and agreed on a future joint
event with another county which could be taking place in the same area - with Surrey
Branch this time in 2010. DH apologized but she opened one of her emails just recently,
dated March 2008 and confirmed that Surrey Branch Chairman expressed in it his interest to
join forces for such an event with Kent. DH expressed how happy she was to receive this
response from Ricky Wallis and Surrey Branch.
Banner – DH advised this had not arrived yet, she had to follow on a few occasions with
the courier company used by
marketing in Easton (Oct Update – no banner as yet – DH was tracing it with the Royal
Mail with the copy of
the receipt which they signed).
DH received the branded presents for the speakers. DH said that she would also bring a
basket of plants for the Sony speaker on her own accord.
The minutes would be sent to the Council Member – Amanda Earnshaw.
Status on the upcoming Kent events 2009:
February event 2009 Crawley:
ML followed on Wastepack. - DH had no updates as yet (ACTION – DH).. NA asked for a brief
synopsis on the
possible content in order to link to his speaker. DH mentioned PRNs procurement, WEEE
regulations procurement
etc. (UPDATE FROM OCT – Sussex branch was interested on the overall environmental
legal presentation
from this speaker).
NA explained the confusion on the speaker who he previously suggested in the team meeting
April 2008, and sought
team’s approval on the alternative. Nicky Chambers specialises in presents on “Carbon Footprint”,
measurements, what it is and projections over the whole life cycle. NA to download the request
form from the Best
Foot Forward on her availability. Speaker’s expenses £150.
Venue: Crawley The Hawth Theatre was booked. (ACTION UPDATE – the date of the
event was moved from 25th to 24th of Feb – as the Sussex branch booked the
venue provisionally and did not secure 25th as they stipulated initially – update
from Oct 2008. DH contacted 1st speaker and NA to advise 2nd speaker of the
April event 2009 Tonbridge:
DH updated the team on the status of the Marketing event. DH stressed again that the Kent
branch was entering a very ambitious arena. The number of speakers was confirmed as two,
the event would be an evening one.
T.Nratt from Royal Mail was not responding to follow-ups from DH, DH expressed her concern
that if the speaker
was difficult at this stage, she did not see him as a reliable presenter to secure for this important
event. The team
agreed and struck the speaker off the agenda. DH said that Neil Deverill, the ex-head of
Procurement at Philips Inc
and Anglo American was interested to give a marketing presentation, and that this would be a
speaker who would be
available to work closely with the Kent team. ML said that Neil’s experience in Philips Inc would
be of interest from
the marketing point of view, not in the mining industry. DH supported this. NA wanted to know
precisely the topic that
the event would be covering. DH said that due to the niche nature of marketing procurement, she
would support a
good overview of marketing buying in order to make this area of procurement better understood
by the members.
More advanced approach could be taken in the second event on Marketing (possibly a joint
initiative with Surrey in
2010. - team agreed.
L.Chaderley from Archibald Ingl was the second speaker who DH was excited about. Liz has an
excellent presence,
builds good rapport with the audience and has experience working with procurement which- team
The team agreed on the title of the event: “Buying Marketing and Advertising”, and the
following points to be included were agreed:
Procurement of creative skills (ML and DH)
Cost drivers
Options opened on advertising (agencies – Viacom etc; angle for Neil Deverill ref
Advertising methods
Forecasting the life cycle of the product and their procurement strategy. How this
affects buyer’s role.
Clauses to get out of the contracts with agencies.
Why do customers want product differentiation – most efficient procurement
DH would advise both speakers which topics they would be invited to email their
presentations on and would request the vetting in Q1 of 2009.
DH advised that due to the rare nature of the event she would be expecting members from
the adjacent counties registering and attending the event. NA and ML agreed, NA said that
non-members and guests were likely to turn up.
DH closed the discussion relating to the Marketing event by providing some update on this
year’s Marketing conference of 18th Sept, which she was not able to attend due to force
majeure. DH said that this year Easton teamed up with two other institutes in order to run
the event. The cost of the ticket was slightly higher than last year.
Venue: Tonbridge Rose and Crown was booked for the Kent event.
June event 2009 Chatham/Rochester:
Team discussed some options in terms of the quality speakers. DH highlighted that she would
be expecting the team to deliver an event on an advanced level of legal aspects with robust
ML followed on the Consumer Law:
DH followed with Easton on gauging whether Prof Geoffery Woodroff would be an option and
received a reply trhat
after consideration Easton felt his fees were out of scope for CIPS therefore this speaker would
not be contacted.
DH expressed her great disappointment in this and said that in the future our fees needed to
increased in order to
secure a speaker of such caliber any way.
DH invited the team members to come forward with alternative suggestions as there was no legal
speaker as yet
secured for the June event. She expressed her concern.
Prof Richard Lamming - outside of the budget scope.
ML suggested David Shermann - one of the fees in the past was £150. Team to follow and check.
DH advised that Robert Carolina would not be available to present in June 2009.
DH contacted Easton for advice. Easton contacted two legal speakers, one of them was not
available. Second
speaker had not responded as yet.
NA suggested checking Ombudsman (furniture companies) FIRO. NA also suggested checking
with Cranfield
(Action – DH to liaise with the chair from one of the events she could not attend. They
used the Cranfield
speaker). NA said that Cranfield would be a good choice as the university housed practitioners
not just academics –
it could be one of the lecturers. (Action – ML to trace the ex-presenter name from
Tonbridge – 3 years old event
with very good feedback).
Suggested themes: General update on recent case studies, or Consumer Law and Arbitration.
DH stressed the presenter should be a lawyer.
Venue: Chatham Holiday Inn was booked for the event.
September Event 2009 – Ashford Intl:
ML was delighted to update the team on a successful contact with Hitachi. The event was
agreed, venue was booked. DH congratulated ML for this.
DH asked ML tor check whether any security clearance was required as the team would need
to communicate it to members prior to the event. (Action – ML to check with Hitachi. )
DH reminded the team of the situation one of the delegates had from India – she was not
able to get into the MOD despite DH ensuring that the delegate was to bring the relevant
documentation. NA commented that the team expected mature and responsible reactions
from the members and could not be responsible for the delegates in case they cannot be
allowed onto the premises.
ML explained that there could be two speakers, showing new trains, depot, Japanese
approach to the building of the stock would be a comfortable solution.
AGM 2009 Tovil – ML to check the next year’s free venue with Peter Austin again: Tovil,
Next team meeting on 5TH of February 2008, 7pm Maidstone.
Meeting closed at 21:00