2nd Squad, 2nd PLT
Skoohkumchuck River Valley, North Iraq
OPORD 05-5 Operation Fast Tripe
Time Zone: Local
Task Organization:
Assault: Alpha Team
Security: Bravo Team
a: Enemy Forces: Insurgents loyal to Wiconda-e Matusa are conducting
small unit and IED ambushes and kidnappings in the vicinity of the
Skookumchuck River bridge, EG 18308235. The insurgents are operating in one
or more safe houses in the EG 1882 grid.
Composition and Disposition: Insurgents are operating in squad size elements
and possess AK-47s, RPGs, hand grenades and IEDs.
Capabilities:The enemy is capable of sustaining a small arms fight with ammo
expected to be cached in one of the safe houses. The insurgents do not have
indirect, CAS or NVD capabilities. The insurgents communicate with civilian cell
phones. The enemy is capable of detonating 200-500 lb IEDs and car bombs.
The attacking element is capable of being reinforced within 10-20 minutes by
multiple squad sized elements tactically placed along the insurgent’s withdrawal
route. Most Probable COA: The insurgents conduct their planning in a nearby
village within 6 km of the bridge. The insurgents place 3-5 man teams along their
withdrawal route. Most Dangerous COA: The insurgent use cell phone to call
for reinforcements and the objective is reinforced via unimproved road network
before the assault element secures the objective.
b: Friendly Forces:
Higher Mission: B Co 5-18th IN conducts Stability and Support Operations
(SASO) from FOB SPARTAN on the high ground vicinity EG 14858275 in order
to find, fix and destroy enemy insurgents in the AO.
Higher Concept of the Operation: 2nd Platoon attacks OBJ POP vicinity EG
14008260 NLT 110500JUL05 in order to destroy insurgents and weapons cache.
Adjacent Units: 1st Sqd will be to the right side of assault position vicinity EG
14058235. They will be a member of the assault element. 3 rd Sqd will be
support element during assault on OBJ POP. HQ element will be with the 3rd
Sqd. Medic and interpreter will travel with 1st squad during assault.
c. Environment:
(1) Terrain: 2nd squad will bound from the unimproved road as a part of
2 Plt to intersection at EG 12708500 and continuing east along the unimproved
road that parallel’s the Northcraft Mountain range to the intersection of the
unimproved road and underground pipeline at EG 18858215, continuing along
the underground pipeline to the southern most creek at the south end of the
small unnamed village at EG 18158105, with our southern most boundary
continuing west along the unnamed creek to the creek intersection at EG
11408385. 2nd Squad then moves with 2nd Plt to ORP vicinity EG 14458245.
(2) Weather:
Hi: 76 @ 1520 Low: 48 @ 0550
Moonrise:0700 Moonset: 1048 Moon phase: Waning quarter % Illum: 20%
Sunrise: 0520 Sunset: 2130
BMNT: 0440 EENT: 2140
Wind Direction: NNW Wind Speed: 7mph
Precipitation: 20% chance of morning showers ending 1000. Fog in early
morning and lifting by 1000.
(3) Civil Considerations: 80% of local population in our AO support
coalition forces and newly elected national government. 20% of local population
supports the tribal leader Wiconda-e Matusa. Supportive population is being
coerced to provide assistance and safe houses. The Skookumchuck River
Valley is an agricultural area producing yellow onions and tomatoes which is 80%
of the region’s source of income and jobs, and 3% of Iraq’s gross national
product (GNP). Farmers and their equipment must be allowed access to the
fields and collateral damage to the fields must be minimized.
d. Attachments and Detachments: 2 Engineers from 1/1/C/23, Engineer
support effective upon reaching FOB SPARTAN.
e. Assumptions: None.
II Mission: 2nd Sqd attacks and clears multiple buildings on OBJ POP vicinity EG
14008255 NLT 110500JUL05 in order to destroy enemy insurgents and weapons
cache. Alpha team will be assaulting element with 1 engineer attached. Bravo
team will be support element with 1 engineer attached. Be prepared to
confiscate and destroy weapon caches on site.
III Execution: My intent is to attack and clear multiple buildings fast and
undetected to deny the enemy time to conduct a hasty ambush, hasty defense,
or have time to escape. This is a four-phase operation. Phase I is movement
from FOB to the ORP, and PL and SL’s will conduct a leader’s recon. Phase II is
the attack. Phase III is consolidating, reorganizing and destroying the weapons
cache. Phase IV is tactical movement back to the FOB.
a. Concept of the Operation:
(1) Maneuver:
Phase I: We will depart the FOB from the passage point with 2 nd Plt as
the lead squad with Alpha team as lead team and move in a tactical road march
until we reach the wood line and conduct a listening halt. We will use the wood
line to travel west to our ORP vicinity EG14458245, traveling in a squad column
with Alpha team as the point security team. The PL will do a leaders recon. We
will depart the ORP and travel to the RP, where the APL will emplace the support
element. When the APL reports that the support by fire (SBF) is established the
PL will join our squad. Our squad will move to the right side of the support
element and prepare to attack. Take all weapons off safe and prepare door
Phase II: The APL will initiate contact from SBF position. 2nd sqd will
bound to the nearest building in teams. The first team to initiate contact will lay
down suppressive fire. If the entrance is blocked the engineer will breach entry
with door charge. Upon detonation the supporting fires will shift to allow the
assault team to enter the building. After SBF are lifted, we will consolidate on the
Phase III: 2nd sqd will be in charge of securing the perimeter on OBJ
POP SOUTH from 12-6 o’clock. Alpha team will secure from 12-3 o’clock. Bravo
team will secure from 3-6 o’clock. Alternate aid and litter (A&L) and alternate
enemy prisoner of war search (EPW) teams be prepared to fall out if necessary.
Phase IV: Once EPWs have been transported we will depart the
objective going east along the unimproved road toward the FOB with Alpha team
on point as a part of a platoon column.
(2) Fires: 2nd platoon has priority of BN mortar fire for a single TOT
mission at 110500JUN05. Then we will have priority of CO mortars while on
b. Task to Maneuver Units:
(1) 2nd Squad: We will 3rd in OOM with HQ in front and 3rd squad
behind us during march to FOB SPARTAN.
(2) Alpha Team: Alpha team will be 1st in OOM during movement.
Alpha team will provide two soldiers as secondary A&L. Attached to Alpha is one
engineer who will prepare two door/wall breach charges. On objective during
Phase III your team will provide security from 12-3 o’clock.
(3) Bravo Team: Bravo team will 2nd in OOM during movement. Bravo
team will provide secondary EPW team. Attached to Bravo will be one engineer
who will prepare two door/wall breach charges. On objective during Phase III
your team will provide security from 3-6 o’clock.
c. Coordinating Instructions:
(1) Timeline:
110500JUL05: TOT Initiates Attack
110445JUL05: Assault element in position
110430JUL05: Support element in position
110400JUL05: Depart ORP en route to RP
110330JUL05: Complete the plan/ final rehearsals in ORP
110230JUL05: Leader’s recon of OBJ POP
110200JUL05: Arrive ORP
110100JUL05: Depart FOB SPARTAN
110030JUL05: Final PCIs, commo checks
102330JUL05: Rehearse actions on the objective
102230JUL05: Platoon PCI
102200JUL05: Squad PCI
102130JUL05: Hot soup and coffee in PLT CP
102110JUL05: Engineers prepare breach/wall charge
102100JUL05: Issue classes of supply, special weapons and equipment
101900JUL05: Rehearsals (Clear a Room, Enter Building, Squad Attack)
101840JUL05: Issue OPORD
101830JUL05: MRE draw
101800JUL05: Dinner at FOB DFAC
101650JUL05: Rehearsals (React to Contact, Break Contact, React to Ambush)
(2) CCIR:
a. IR: Maps, personal identification, personal and military
documentation, enemy morale, speed of enemy reinforcement and direction or
travel, type and quantity of ammo, mines and supplies.
b. PIR: Types and quantities of command detonated devices. Cell
phone numbers, last called, last incoming and saved cell phone numbers.
(3) ROE: Phase I and IV: Weapons hold; use of deadly force is
authorized if weapons identified or fired upon. Phase II and III: Weapons black.
(4) Uniform and Equipment Common to All: SOP, Rain gear and
4. Service Support:
a. Material and Services: Battalion Trains: EG 10708030
Class I Rations: Dinner: 101800JUL05 @ FOB DFAC. Soldiers
sign for 1 MRE prior to departing DFAC. Hot soup and coffee at PLT CP
Class II Expendables: n/a
Class III POL: n/a
Class IV Construction and Building Material: n/a
Class V Ammo: Squad draws ammo and special equipment in PLT
M4/M16: 210rds
M249: 500rds
M203: 12rds DPHE
M240: 500rds
AT4: 1 per team
Breach Team: 4lbs C-4, 12 caps & M80s, 100ft det cord, 100ft or fuse.
NVG: 1 per Soldier
Grenades: 2 per Soldier
Class VI Sundry: Available upon return to FOB
Class VII Major End Items: n/a
Class VIII Medical: Medic inventory and CLS bags prior to PLT
Class IX Major End Items: n/a
Class X Non-Military Support Items: n/a
5: Command and Signal:
a. Command:
(1) Co: Located in FOB SPARTAN.
(2) PL: Move with HQs, move with 1st sqd during assault on OBJ
POP during actions on objective.
(3) APL: Move with 3rd sqd, lead support element. On OBJ POP
during actions on objective.
(4) Succession of Command: , Alpha Team Leader, Bravo Team
Leader, then by rank.
b. Signal:
(1) SOI in effect
(2) Traveling: Primary: Hand & Arm. Alternate: Radio
(3) Signal to inbound Medivac: RSC.
(4) Mark Medivac LZ: Red Smoke.
(5) Challenge: Target Password: Casey
(6) Running Password: Stitch and number of Soldiers inbound
behind you
(7) Number Combination: 9
(8) Initiate Attack: Primary-TOT. Alternate: SBF engages enemy
CP with anti-armor fires at 110501JUL05.
(9) Shift fires to OBJ POP SOUTH: Primary-Radio. Alternate-2
(10) Lift fires: Primary-Radio. Alternate-2 GSC
(11) Consolidate on OBJ POP: Primary-Radio. Alternate-1 WSC &
1 GS