Approved for release.
Auburn, NY, 06 January 2005
BTEP WARRIOR-DRILL (Drills for all Platoons, Sections, and Squads)
CONDITIONS: The squad/section is halted or moving. The enemy initiates fires on the squad/section with an individual or crew-served weapon.
STANDARDS: The unit returns fire immediately. The unit locates and engages the enemy with well-aimed fire and causes at least one enemy casualty. The leader can point out at least onehalf of the enemy positions and identify the types of weapons (such as small-arms, light machine gun).
1. Soldiers immediately assume the nearest covered positions.
2. Soldiers return fire immediately on reaching the covered positions.
3. Squad/team leaders locate and engage known or suspected enemy positions with wellaimed fire, and pass information to the squad/section leader.
4. Fire team leaders control the fire of their soldiers by using standard fire commands (initial and supplemental) containing the following elements: a. Alert. b. Direction. c. Description. d. Range. e. Method of fire (manipulation and rate of fire). f. Command to commence firing.
5. Soldiers maintain contact (visual or oral) with the soldiers on their left or right.
6. Soldiers maintain contact with the team leader and indicate the location of the enemy positions.
7. The leaders (visually or orally) check the status of their personnel.
8. The squad/fire team leaders maintain visual contact with the squad/section leader.
9. The squad/section leader moves up to the squad/fire team in contact and links up with its leader. a. The platoon leader brings his RATELO, platoon FO, the squad leader of the nearest squad, and one machine gun team. b. The squad leader of the trail squad moves to the front of his lead fire team. c. The platoon sergeant moves forward with the second machine gun team and links up with the platoon leader, ready to assume control of the base-of-fire element.
10. The squad/section leader determines whether or not his unit must move out of the engagement area.
11. The squad/section leader determines whether or not his unit can gain and maintain suppressive fires with the element already in contact (based on the volume and accuracy of enemy fires against the element in contact).
12. The squad/section leader makes an assessment of the situation. He identifies-- a. The location of the enemy position and obstacles. b. The size of the enemy force engaging the unit in contact. (The number of enemy automatic weapons, the presence of any vehicles, and the employment of indirect fires are indicators of enemy strength.) c. Vulnerable flanks. d. Covered and concealed flanking routes to the enemy positions.
BTEP WARRIOR-DRILL (Drills for all Platoons, Sections, and Squads)
13. The squad/section leader determines the next course of action (for example, fire and movement, assault, breach, knock out bunker, enter and clear a building or trench).
14. The squad/section leader reports the situation to the company commander/platoon leader and begins to maneuver the unit.
15. The platoon leader calls for and adjusts indirect fire (mortars or artillery). (Squad leaders relay request through the platoon leader.)
16. Leaders relay all commands and signals from the platoon chain of command.
17. The platoon sergeant positions the BFVs to observe and to provide supporting fires.
NOTE : Once the platoon has executed the React to Contact Drill, the platoon leader makes a quick assessment of the situation (for example, enemy size, location). He decides on a course of action. The platoon leader reports the situation to the company commander.
COACHING POINT: There are no coaching points for this drill.
RUN-THROUGH INSTRUCTIONS: The soldiers should practice this drill until they can perform it according to standard, without using the drill book. The initial run-through exercise should be conducted slowly. The soldiers should change positions in order to learn all steps and standards.
PERFORM: Evaluate the soldiers when they can perform this drill according to standard.
BTEP WARRIOR-DRILL (Drills for all Platoons, Sections, and Squads)
CONDITIONS: Squad makes contact with a hostile element.
STANDARDS: The squad opens fire immediately, targeting the hostile elements with wellaimed fire. The squad leader identifies the enemy position and types of weapons used and calls for fire or destroys the element (if capable).
(1) Personnel and table(s) of organization and equipment (TOE) organizational equipment assigned to the squad.
(2) Maps with overlays. b. Training Site. Ensure that the training site offers cover and concealment and the proper terrain for maneuvering.
TALK-THROUGH INSTRUCTIONS: a. Orientation. The mission objective is to perform the proper procedures when reacting to hostile contact. The mission objective is met when the squad locates and engages a known or suspected hostile position and delivers well-aimed fire. b. Safety. The squad must properly identify the hostile element and their position before firing weapons. After the mission is complete, all weapons must be cleared and placed on safe.
Ensure that safety procedures are prescribed for dismounting vehicles. Use blank ammunition to simulate a real battle. The ammunition should not be fired directly at anyone within 10 meters of the firing position. If available, utilize the Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System
(MILES) equipment to simulate contact. c. Demonstration (optional). If a nearby unit has successfully completed this drill, have that unit demonstrate it. During the demonstration, explain what is being done and why, using the performance measures as a guide. After the demonstration, summarize what was performed. d. Explanation.
(1) Tell the squad everything that is required when reacting to hostile contact.
(2) Explain the duties and responsibilities of the squad members. Remind personnel to observe all safety measures when engaging the hostile element.
WALK-THROUGH INSTRUCTIONS: Have the squad perform a walk-through exercise before performing the drill at full speed. Point out critical actions that personnel may have to perform during the drill. Have the teams switch positions to practice the procedures for each position.
1. The squad immediately moves all vehicles to the nearest covered or concealed position (if moving).
2. The squad engages the hostile element with all available weapons.
BTEP WARRIOR-DRILL (Drills for all Platoons, Sections, and Squads)
3. The squad leader determines if there is sufficient combat power to suppress, bypass, or destroy the hostile elements. NOTE: If the squad does not have sufficient combat power, the squad leader should call for and adjust fire (mortars and artillery) or request close air support (CAS) (if available) prior to breaking contact using the Light-Vehicle,
Obstruction-Screening System (LVOSS). The squad leader may designate a new rally point.
4. If the squad leader has sufficient combat power to destroy the hostile element and fires and
CAS are unavailable a. The squad leader designates teams. The support team lays suppressive fire while the assault teams sweep across the objective and destroy the hostile elements. b. The teams maintain radio contact or have visual signals for shift and lift fires. c. The support team uses antitank weapons to destroy bunkers and built-up positions. d. Teams A and B bound across the objective, destroying the enemy. e. Teams A and B clear all bunkers and built-up positions on the objective.
5. The squad leader reports hostile contact and provides a situation report (SITREP) to higher headquarters (HQ) using the size, activity, location, unit, time, and equipment (SALUTE) report format.
6. The squad leader reconsolidates personnel and requests additional personnel and weapons from HQ (if required).
COACHING POINT: There are no coaching points for this drill.
RUN-THROUGH INSTRUCTIONS: The soldiers should practice this drill until they can perform it according to standard, without using the drill book. The initial run-through exercise should be conducted slowly. The soldiers should change positions in order to learn all steps and standards.
PERFORM: Evaluate the soldiers when they can perform this drill according to standard.
BTEP WARRIOR-DRILL (Drills for all Platoons, Sections, and Squads)
Condition: During military operations you encounter a “Possible Improvised Explosive Device
Standard: Properly establi sh initial exclusion area, security, and report “Possible Improvised
Explosive Device (IED)” to Higher HQ with 100% accuracy
1. Establish minimum initial exclusion area of 300 meters around possible IED. a. Establish evacuation distance
Threat Description
Pipe Bomb
Suicide Belt
Suicide Vest
Briefcase/Suitcase Bomb
Compact Sedan
Building Evacuation
21 m
27 m
34 m
46 m
98 m
122 m
Outdoor Evacuation
259 m
330 m
415 m
564 m
457 m
534 m
Passenger/Cargo Van
Small Moving Van/ Delivery Truck
Moving Van/Water Truck
Semi trailer
Large LPG Tank
Commercial/Residential LPG Tank
Small LPG Truck
195 m
263 m
375 m
475 m
12 m
21 m
56 m
89 m
838 m
1,143 m
1,982 m
2,134 m
48 m
84 m
224 m
356 m
Semi tanker LPG 152 m 608 m
2. Establish security: a. Search secure area for possible secondary explosive device(s)/hazards, while maintaining security. b. Identify potential enemy force observation/vantage points. c. Seek all available manmade or natural frontal and overhead cover. d. Avoid establishing a “reaction” pattern.
3. Forward information to Higher HQ using standard 9-line UXO Report
Line 1: Date time group discovered: (Command policy will dictate Local or Zulu time).
Line 2: Reporting Activity (UIC / Unit designation). Location: mandatory 8 digit grid:
(include: landmarks, reference points, or street addresses).
Line 3: Contact Method: Radio Freq / Call Sign or Telephone Number. (If using phone number, provide name).
Line 4: Type of Munition: (Dropped, Projected, Placed, or Thrown).
Line 5: NBC Contamination: Yes or No, known or suspected NBC Contamination. If yes, report type of agent if known / identified.
Line 6: Resources Threatened: (What resource is threatened - is it a critical asset?).
BTEP WARRIOR-DRILL (Drills for all Platoons, Sections, and Squads)
Line 7: Impact on Mission: (How the UXO is affecting the mission).
Line 8: Protective Measures Taken: (Unit emplaced protective measures).
Line 9: Recommended Priority: (Immediate, Indirect, Minor, or No Threat).
4. Continue mission IAW Higher HQ guidance.
RUN-THROUGH INSTRUCTIONS: The soldiers should practice this drill until they can perform it according to standard, without using the drill book. The initial run-through exercise should be conducted slowly. The soldiers should change positions in order to learn all steps and standards.
PERFORM: Evaluate the soldiers when they can perform this drill according to standard.
BTEP WARRIOR-DRILL (Drills for all Platoons, Sections, and Squads)
Modified From 7-4-9101 (React to Direct Fire/ATGM)
CONDITIONS: The squad is moving mounted and hears or sees missile or RPG
STANDARDS: The squad returns fire, breaks contact with the hostile element, and moves to the designated rally point
TALK-THROUGH INSTRUCTIONS: a. Orientation. The mission objective is to perform the proper procedures when reacting to missile contact. The mission objective is met when the squad avoids missile impact and locates and engages a known or suspected hostile position and delivers well-aimed fire. b. Safety. The squad must properly identify the hostile element and their position before firing weapons. After the mission is complete, all weapons must be cleared and placed on safe.
Ensure that safety procedures are prescribed for dismounting vehicles. Use blank ammunition to simulate a real battle. The ammunition should not be fired directly at anyone within 10 meters of the firing position. If available, utilize the Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System
(MILES) equipment to simulate contact. c. Demonstration (optional). If a nearby unit has successfully completed this drill, have that unit demonstrate it. During the demonstration, explain what is being done and why, using the performance measures as a guide. After the demonstration, summarize what was performed. d. Explanation.
(1) Tell the squad everything that is required when reacting to missile contact.
(2) Explain the duties and responsibilities of the squad members. Remind personnel to observe all safety measures when engaging the hostile element.
WALK-THROUGH INSTRUCTIONS: Have the squad perform a walk-through exercise before performing the drill at full speed. Point out critical actions that personnel may have to perform during the drill. Have the teams switch positions to practice the procedures for each position.
1. Any squad member gives the warning; for example, "Missile, left front."
2. Vehicle commanders receiving or observing fire alert the other vehicle leaders.
3. If moving, drivers move to a covered position. a. If the distance to cover is 50 meters or less, the driver moves in a straight line to a covered and concealed position. b. If the distance to cover is greater than 50 meters, the driver takes evasive action while moving to a covered and concealed position.
(1) Varying speed, zigzagging, and changing direction frequently.
4. Smoke may be used to obscure movement.
5. When stationary (covered and or concealed), indirect fire can be used to suppress the suspected enemy position. OR When in range, small arms can be used for suppression.
6. TOWs, MK19s, or M2s can be used to locate and destroy the ATGM gunner's position.
7. The squad leader assesses the situation (effectiveness of enemy fire, location and size of enemy, obstacles, and terrain) and reports to higher headquarters.
BTEP WARRIOR-DRILL (Drills for all Platoons, Sections, and Squads)
RUN-THROUGH INSTRUCTIONS: The soldiers should practice this drill until they can perform it according to standard, without using the drill book. The initial run-through exercise should be conducted slowly. The soldiers should change positions in order to learn all steps and standards.
PERFORM: Evaluate the soldiers when they can perform this drill according to standard.
BTEP WARRIOR-DRILL (Drills for all Platoons, Sections, and Squads)
Made it up
CONDITIONS: The squad/section is conducting mounted movement in a tactical environment.
STANDARDS: Squad/section avoids potential ambush locations such as wide open spaces, where high ground dominates, or where cover and concealment is available to the enemy.
Drivers make use of speed whenever possible. When a danger area must be crossed, use the appropriate overwatch technique, dispersion, and speed.
1. Squad leader selects the best route by. a. Making a map reconnaissance. b. Making a ground reconnaissance. c. Making an aerial reconnaissance.
2. Obtains current intelligence information prior to the movement.
3. Uses OPSEC to deny the enemy foreknowledge of the movement.
4. Does not presenting a profitable target.
5. Avoids movement at routine times or on predictable routes.
6. Drivers use speed whenever possible IAW ROE
7. Crosses danger areas using appropriate overwatch technique, dispersion, and speed
BTEP WARRIOR-DRILL (Drills for all Platoons, Sections, and Squads)
CONDITIONS: The squad/section is moving. The squad/section is in a prepared kill zone. The enemy initiates the ambush with a casualty-producing device and a high volume of fire.
STANDARDS: Soldiers in the kill zone in a near ambush immediately return fire, take up covered positions, and throw concussion or fragmentation and smoke grenades. Immediately after the grenades detonate, soldiers in the kill zone assault through the ambush using fire and movement. Soldiers not in the kill zone locate and place suppressive fire on the enemy, take up covered positions, and shift fire as the assault begins. Soldiers in the kill zone in a far ambush immediately return fire and take up covered positions. The leader identifies the enemy's location and soldiers place accurate suppressive fire on the enemy's position. Soldiers not in the kill zone begin fire and movement to destroy the enemy. The unit moves out of the kill zone, forces the enemy to withdraw, or destroys the ambush.
1. Near Ambush (Within Hand-Grenade Range). a. Depending on the terrain, soldiers in the kill zone carry out one of the following two actions:
(1) Return fire immediately. If cover is not available, immediately, without order or signal, assume the prone position and throw concussion or fragmentation and smoke grenades.
(2) Return fire immediately. If cover is available, without order or signal, seek the nearest covered position, assume the prone position, and throw fragmentation or concussion and smoke grenades. b. Immediately after the explosion of the concussion or fragmentation grenades, soldiers in the kill zone return fire and assault through the ambush position using fire and movement. c. Soldiers not in the kill zone identify the enemy location, and then place accurate suppressive fire against the enemy's position. Fire is shifted as the personnel in the kill zone begin to assault. d. Soldiers in the kill zone continue the assault to eliminate the ambush or until contact is broken. e. The platoon conducts consolidation and reorganization.
2. Far Ambush (Out of Hand-Grenade Range). a. Soldiers receiving fire immediately return fire, take up covered positions, and suppress the enemy-
(1) By destroying or suppressing enemy crew-served weapons.
(2) By sustaining suppressive fires. b. Soldiers (squads/teams) not receiving fire move by a covered and concealed route to a vulnerable flank of the enemy position and assault using fire and movement. c. Soldiers in the kill zone continue suppressive fires and shift fires as the assaulting squad/team fights through the enemy position. d. The platoon FO calls for and adjusts indirect fires as directed by the platoon leader.
On order, he lifts or shifts fires to isolate the enemy position or to attack them with indirect fires as they retreat.
BTEP WARRIOR-DRILL (Drills for all Platoons, Sections, and Squads)
TASK STEPS AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES: e. The squad/section leader reports, reorganizes as necessary, and continues the mission.
BTEP WARRIOR-DRILL (Drills for all Platoons, Sections, and Squads)
CONDITIONS: A squad, moving mounted, is ambushed.
STANDARDS: The squad returns fire, breaks contact with the hostile element, and moves to the designated rally point.
(1) Table(s) of organization and equipment (TOE) assigned personnel and equipment.
(2) Maps.
(3) Opposing forces (OPFOR). b. Training Site. The training site should include the following:
(1) An area large enough for a mounted squad to move cross-country or on existing road networks.
(2) Enough natural vegetation and terrain relief to provide cover and concealment.
(3) An area sufficient for maneuvering. c. Unit Instructions. None
TALK-THROUGH INSTRUCTIONS: a. Orientation. The mission objective is to perform area security. To do this in a tactical situation, the squad or team must be prepared to react to an enemy ambush. Initially, this drill should be conducted slowly. Ensure that personnel are aware that terrain can conceal or protect
OPFOR. b. Safety. Ensure that all personnel follow the safety measures outlined in applicable safety directives, technical manuals (TMs), and field manuals (FMs). Ensure that safety procedures are prescribed for dismounting the vehicles. Use blank ammunition to simulate a real battle.
Ensure that ammunition is not fired directly at anyone within 10 meters of the firing position. c. Demonstration (optional). If a nearby unit has successfully performed this drill, have that unit demonstrate it. During the demonstration, explain what is being done and why, using the performance measures as a guide. After the demonstration, summarize the actions performed by the demonstrating unit. d. Explanation.
(1) Tell the squad, in your own words, everything about reacting to an ambush.
(2) Explain the duties and responsibilities of each squad member.
(3) Sketch a diagram showing the actions to be performed by each squad member.
(4) Ask if there are any questions, and ensure that all questions are answered before beginning the drill.
(5) Have each squad member explain his part in the drill.
(6) Make corrections as necessary.
WALK-THROUGH INSTRUCTIONS: Have the squad or team perform a walk-through exercise before performing the drill at full speed. Point out critical actions that the soldiers may have to perform during this drill. Switch team positions, and have each team practice as the lead and trail elements.
1. The squad reacts to the ambush.
BTEP WARRIOR-DRILL (Drills for all Platoons, Sections, and Squads)
2. The gunners of vehicles in the kill zone, without order or signal, immediately return suppressive fire at the hostile element. a. The drivers of vehicles in the kill zone quickly maneuver their vehicles out of the kill zone. b. The team leaders signal contact and indicate the direction of contact.
3. The gunners of vehicles not in the kill zone provide suppressive fire to support the escape of vehicles in the kill zone. NOTE: Teams not in the kill zone when the ambush begins must ensure that they stay out of the kill zone when engaging the hostile element
4. The teams break contact and move to a predesignated rally point to reorganize.
5. At the rally point, the squad establishes all-around security and accounts for personnel and equipment.
6. The squad leader submits a size, activity, location, unit, time, and equipment (SALUTE) report.
COACHING POINT: There is no set way to break contact. Each team must act according to the situation. Smoke can help conceal vehicles in the kill zone. Commanders must ensure that the crews of the vehicles having the Light-Vehicle, Obscuration Smoke System (LVOSS) know how to employ it.
RUN-THROUGH INSTRUCTIONS: The soldiers should practice this drill until they can perform it according to standard without the drill book. The initial run-through exercise should be conducted slowly. The soldiers should change positions in order to learn the different steps and standards.
PERFORM: Evaluate the soldiers when they can perform this drill to standard.
BTEP WARRIOR-DRILL (Drills for all Platoons, Sections, and Squads)
CONDITIONS: A mounted squad has encountered a roadblock. The roadblock may be manned or unmanned by hostile or illegal personnel.
STANDARDS: Personnel secure the area so friendly forces do not encounter the obstacle. The squad leader reports the situation to higher headquarters (HQ).
SETUP INSTRUCTIONS: a. Resources. Table(s) of organization and equipment (TOE) assigned personnel and equipment. b. Training Site. The training site should provide a roadway where obstacles can be placed to block the travel of approaching traffic. The roadway should be large enough to accommodate a minimum of two vehicles and a maximum of one convoy. c. Unit Instructions. None.
TALK-THROUGH INSTRUCTIONS: a. Orientation. The mission objective is to react to a roadblock while traveling mounted. The lead element makes contact with an obstacle blocking the roadway. If the roadblock is manned by hostile personnel, the team engages in roadblock force procedures according to the rules of engagement (ROE), while the trail vehicles assume overwatch. The lead element breaks contact and moves to a designated rally point. b. Safety. Ensure that seat belts are fastened while the vehicles are moving and that weapons are on safe. Review unit safety standing operating procedures (SOPs) before conducting this drill. Ensure that safety procedures are prescribed for dismounting the vehicles.
Use blank ammunition to simulate a real battle. Do not fire ammunition directly at anyone within
10 meters of the firing position. c. Demonstration (optional). If a nearby unit has successfully completed this drill, have that unit demonstrate it. During the demonstration, explain what is being done and why, using the performance measures as a guide. After the demonstration, summarize what was performed. d. Explanation. Tell the soldiers everything that is required for this drill, including how to use smoke to conceal movement.
WALK-THROUGH INSTRUCTIONS: Have the squad perform a walk-through exercise before performing the drill at full speed. Point out critical actions that must be performed during this drill. Have the soldiers switch team positions, and practice the procedures for that position.
1. The lead element encounters an obstacle blocking the road. The lead element- a. Determines if the roadblock is manned by hostile personnel and takes action according to the ROE. b. Alerts the squad leader of the situation. c. Assumes a covered or concealed position. NOTE: The team leader determines whether to stay mounted or dismounted.
2. The trail teams assume overwatch. The trail teams- a. Secure the flanks of the traveled route. b. Remain alert for ambush activity.
BTEP WARRIOR-DRILL (Drills for all Platoons, Sections, and Squads)
TASK STEPS AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES: c. Provide 360 security. d. Prevent friendly forces from encountering the roadblock.
3. The lead element breaks contact and a. Moves to a rally point designated by the squad leader b. Uses smoke to conceal movement (if necessary).
4. The squad leader sends a situation report (SITREP) and a. Contacts higher HQ b. Accounts for personnel and equipment c. Maintains situational awareness.
RUN-THROUGH INSTRUCTIONS: The soldiers should practice this drill until they can perform it according to standard without using the drill book. Conduct the initial run-through exercise slowly. The soldiers should change positions in order to learn all steps.
PERFORM: Evaluate the soldiers when they can perform this drill to standard.
BTEP WARRIOR-DRILL (Drills for all Platoons, Sections, and Squads)
CONDITIONS: The squad/section is moving, halted, or occupying a firing position with or without a dug-in mortar emplacement. Any soldier gives the alert, "INCOMING," or a round impacts nearby.
STANDARDS: The squad/platoon begins drill immediately. If moving, halted, or in an unimproved firing position, the squad moves with all of its mission-essential equipment and ammunition to a rally point or alternate firing position beyond the impact area. If in a dug-in mortar emplacement, the squad moves into the personnel shelters with all of its missionessential equipment except the mortar ammunition. The squad/platoon completes the drill before the enemy initiates a fire for effect.
1. Any soldier announces, "INCOMING."
2. If the squad is in a firing position, but not dug in: a. Gunner removes and secures sight. b. Gunner collapses and attaches the mount under the barrel. c. Ammunition bearer pushes down on the barrel to dislodge the baseplate from the ground. d. Gunner configures the mortar for a one-man carry and picks up the sight. (60mm only) e. Squad leader and ammunition bearer secure the remainder of the mission-essential equipment and ammunition. f. Squad performs additional steps 3 or 4 below as appropriate.
3. If the squad is moving, is halted, or has prepared to move in accordance with step 1: a. Squad leader gives the direction and distance for the squad to move to a rally point by ordering direction and distance--for example, THREE O'CLOCK, ONE
HUNDRED METERS. b. Squad members move rapidly along the direction and distance to the rally point. c. At the rally point, the leader immediately accounts for personnel and equipment, and forms the squad/platoon for a move to an alternate firing position. d. At the alternate firing position, the leader immediately accounts for personnel and computes a new mounting azimuth. Squad leader lays the mortar on the new azimuth and prepares to respond to calls for fire. e. Senior leader present submits a SHELREP, a report that gives details of the enemy attack.
4. If the squad is in an improved (dug in) firing position-- a. Squad members seek cover in personnel shelters. b. Squad members protect as much mission-essential equipment as possible by placing it in the personnel shelter. c. Senior leader present submits a SHELREP.
BTEP WARRIOR-DRILL (Drills for all Platoons, Sections, and Squads)
CONDITIONS: The squad is moving mounted and hears or sees rounds impacting.
STANDARDS: The squad moves out of the impact area in the direction and distance directed by the squad leader.
(1) Table(s) of organization and equipment (TOE).
(2) Assigned personnel and equipment.
(3) Artillery simulators. b. Training Site. The training site should provide the following:
(1) An area large enough for a mounted squad to move cross-country or on existing road networks.
(2) Enough natural vegetation and terrain relief to allow the squad to select a route that makes use of available cover and concealment. c. Unit Instructions. The squad leader must specify the movement technique, the formation, and the sectors of observation.
TALK-THROUGH INSTRUCTIONS: a. Orientation. Perform area security operations. To perform security operations in a tactical situation, the squad must be able to react to indirect fire. b. Safety. Ensure that the squad uses the safety measures given in the safety directives and applicable technical manuals (TMs) and field manuals (FMs). c. Demonstration (optional). If a nearby unit has successfully performed this drill, have that unit demonstrate it. During the demonstration, explain what is being performed and why, using the performance measures as a guide. After the demonstration, summarize what was performed by the demonstrating unit. d. Explanation.
(1) Tell the squad, in your own words, everything about reacting to indirect fire.
(2) Explain the duties and responsibilities of each squad member.
(3) Sketch a diagram showing the actions to be performed by each squad member.
(4) Ask if there are any questions, and ensure that all questions are answered prior to beginning the drill.
(5) Have each squad member explain his part in the drill.
(6) Make corrections as necessary.
WALK-THROUGH INSTRUCTIONS: Have the squad perform a walk-through exercise before performing the drill at full speed. Point out critical actions that the squad may have to perform as it moves. Switch team positions, and have each team practice as the lead and trail elements.
1. The squad leader announces the distance and direction of the move
2. The squad leader executes the movement of vehicles
3. The squad establishes all-around security at the rally point.
4. The squad leader visually accounts for personnel and equipment.
BTEP WARRIOR-DRILL (Drills for all Platoons, Sections, and Squads)
5. The squad leader submits a shelling report (SHELREP) (Refer to FM 3-09.12.)
COACHING POINT: The direction of travel is always considered 12 o'clock (see FM 7-7). Use the existing standing operating procedures (SOPs) when training this drill.
RUN-THROUGH INSTRUCTIONS: The soldiers should practice this drill until they can perform it according to the standards without the drill book. The initial run-through exercise should be conducted slowly. The soldiers should change positions in order to learn all steps and standards.
PERFORM: Evaluate the soldiers when they can perform this drill to standard.
BTEP WARRIOR-DRILL (Drills for all Platoons, Sections, and Squads)
CONDITIONS: The unit/element is near a contaminated area. Personnel hear a chemical alarm or are ordered to mask.
STANDARDS: Platoon members protect themselves from chemical/biological contamination using assigned protective masks. Within 60 seconds, personnel begin decontamination.
Personnel assume MOPP4 within 8 minutes. Personnel complete basic skills decontamination within 15 minutes.
1. Unit member(s) who recognizes or is alerted to chemical attack-- a. b.
Stops breathing.
Within nine seconds, puts on protective mask, and clears and checks for seal. c. d.
Within six seconds, pulls hood over head and zips it.
Gives the alarm. (Shout, "Gas," or give arm-and-hand signals for a chemical attack).
3. a.
Other personnel mask and pass the alarm upon receiving alarm.
Unit members take shelter.
Seek overhead cover within the vehicle, if mounted, or use a poncho to protect against further contamination. b.
Close all vehicle hatches.
If the tactical situation permits, unit members cover crew-served weapon with a tarpaulin to prevent or reduce contamination.
5. All personnel go to MOPP4, if appropriate.
Soldiers initiate self or buddy aid as necessary.
Soldiers use their M258A1/M291 decontamination kit as necessary.
8. Unit reestablishes the chain of command and communications, and reports the situation to the company commander.
9. The unit identifies the chemical agent using chemical detector paper and the
M256 detector kit.
10. Leaders determine if decontamination is required and request support, if necessary.
11. Use the M11 or the M13 decontaminating apparatus, portable (M13 DAP) to decontaminate equipment.
Designated personnel begin monitoring, using monitoring equipment.
Unit marks the area before leaving, if contamination is present.
14. The squad/platoon moves and displaces as appropriate or continues its mission.
BTEP WARRIOR-DRILL (Drills for all Platoons, Sections, and Squads)
CONDITIONS: The squad/section is moving or stationary. The enemy fires on the platoon/squad. The squad/section leader orders the squad/section to break contact.
STANDARDS: The unit moves to where the enemy cannot observe or place direct fire on it.
1. The squad/section leader directs fire support for the disengagement. a. Directs the BFVs, if available, to support the disengagement of the dismounted element. b. Directs one squad/fire team in contact to support of the remainder of the unit, if BFVs cannot support the disengagement.
2. The squad/section leader orders a distance and direction or a terrain feature or last objective rally point for the movement of the first squad/fire team.
3. The base-of-fire squad/team continues to suppress the enemy.
4. The moving squad/team moves to assume the overwatch position. The squad/team should use M203 grenade launchers, throw fragmentation and concussion grenades, and use smoke grenades to mask movement.
5. The moving squad/team takes up the designated position and engages the enemy positions.
6. The platoon leader directs the base-of-fire squad/team to move to its next location.
(Based on the terrain and the volume and accuracy of the enemy's fire, the moving fire squad/team may need to use fire and movement techniques.)
7. The squad/section continues to bound away from the enemy until-- a. It breaks contact (the squad/section must continue to suppress the enemy as it breaks contact). b. It passes through a higher level support-by-fire position. c. Its squads/fire teams are in the assigned position to conduct the next mission.
8. The platoon leader directs BFVs to move to a rally point and link up with the dismounted element.
9. The leader should consider changing his unit's direction of movement once contact is broken. This will reduce the ability of the enemy to place effective indirect fire on the unit.
10. If the platoon or squad becomes disrupted, soldiers stay together and move to the last designated rally point.
11. The squad/section leaders account for soldiers, report, reorganize as necessary, and continue the mission.
BTEP WARRIOR-DRILL (Drills for all Platoons, Sections, and Squads)
Modified from CJTF 7 OIF Smart Card 3
CONDITIONS: The squad/section is moving mounted. The enemy fires on the platoon/squad.
The squad/section leader orders the squad/section to break contact.
STANDARDS: The unit moves to where the enemy cannot observe or place direct fire on it.
NOTE: Always try to close with and destroy the enemy first. This way he cannot come back later on to attack you or another convoy again. However –if you must...
1. The PL/CC/SC determines the convoy cannot gain fire superiority and the decision has been made to Break Contact.
2. Th e PL/CC/SC designates that either Rally Point “Rear”or “Forward”will be used. If necessary, both Rally Points may be used. Communication systems and appropriatepyrotechnic signals will be used to communicate Break Contact and Rally Point.
3. Personnel will deploy obscuration measures if available. Utilizing cover and concealment,
Aid & Litter team(s) will evacuate all casualty(s) under support of Gun Truckand other protective fire(s).
4. Personnel will maintain position and suppression in contact zoneand assist Aid & Litter team(s) as necessary.
5. Disabled vehicle(s) will be hauled back or destroyed as directed by leaders. (Thermite or explosives)
6. Vehicles will displace either backwards or forwards through the convoy lines under control of leaders. The most forward vehicle in the contact zone moves first, then the next most forward vehicle moves second. Vehicles will continue to displace. As vehicles displace, Gun
Truck repositions as necessary until contact is broken.
7. If Break Contact occurs with vehicles on both sides of the contact zone, displacement of vehicles will occur using an alternating displacement technique.
8. Upon occupation of the Rally Point, leaders will immediately position vehicles, setting 360 degree security, and conduct Consolidation and Reorganization.
9. In the convoy vehicles get separated when not in contact with the enemy, personnel and vehicles stay together and move to the closest rally point or check point
COACHING POINT: The direction of travel is always considered 12 o'clock (see FM 7-7). Use the existing standing operating procedures (SOPs) when training this drill.
RUN-THROUGH INSTRUCTIONS: The soldiers should practice this drill until they can perform it according to the standards without the drill book. The initial run-through exercise should be conducted slowly. The soldiers should change positions in order to learn all steps and standards.
PERFORM: Evaluate the soldiers when they can perform this drill to standard.
BTEP WARRIOR-DRILL (Drills for all Platoons, Sections, and Squads)
Modified From FM 3-21.71
CONDITIONS: The squad is moving mounted. The leader decides fight dismounted The vehicles serve as a base-of-fire as the squads close with and destroy the enemy
STANDARDS: The decision to fight mounted or dismounted is made by the platoon leader based on the factors of METT-TC. Once the rifle squads have dismounted, the vehicles serve as a base-of-fire as the squads close with and destroy the enemy
1. The squad leader prepares the squad a. The vehicle commander coordinates with the senior leader onboard. b. He orients the squad or team leader with the terrain, enemy situation, and friendly situation through the intercom or with a map.
2. The leader can give a dismount order to the infantrymen onboard. a. He gives the order to dismount "LEFT" or "RIGHT" indicating which side of the vehicle the leader thinks provides the best terrain for an initial position.
3. The driver immediately lowers the ramp or the members open doors.
4. The squad or team leader positions himself at the rear of the vehicle and ensures the element is occupying the positions briefed in the vehicle. a. He visually locates other vehicles, infantry squads, and the platoon.
5. Fire teams locate close enough together to provide supporting fire for each other and to link up quickly. a. If terrain separates units, fire teams provide supporting fires for the maneuvering unit.
COACHING POINT: The direction of travel is always considered 12 o'clock (see FM 7-7). Use the existing standing operating procedures (SOPs) when training this drill.
RUN-THROUGH INSTRUCTIONS: The soldiers should practice this drill until they can perform it according to the standards without the drill book. The initial run-through exercise should be conducted slowly. The soldiers should change positions in order to learn all steps and standards.
PERFORM: Evaluate the soldiers when they can perform this drill to standard.
BTEP WARRIOR-DRILL (Drills for all Platoons, Sections, and Squads)
Modified from 17-5-5030
CONDITIONS: While operating in a tactical environment, a tactical vehicle begins to sink, burn, or overturn. Injured crewmen are present in the vehicle.
TASK STANDARDS: Crewmen evacuate the vehicle through the nearest unblocked hatch/door. The vehicle commander accounts for all crewmen, initiates medical procedures for injured crewmen, and gives a situation report (SITREP) to the platoon sergeant.
WARNING: Do not wear seat belts or shoulder harnesses while operating the vehicle in the water. Make sure all hatches are locked in the full open position. Make sure all access plates are secured and the bilge pumps are operational before entering the water.
Note: During vehicle evacuation, all crew members perform the evacuation steps simultaneously. Unless otherwise stated, all steps and substeps apply to both the M3 and
M113-series vehicles.
1. If the vehicle is sinking, the crew performs the following actions: a. Vehicle commander alerts the crew to evacuate the vehicle and directs them to swim to the nearest shoreline. b. Crew members disconnect their combat vehicle crewman (CVC) helmets and exit through their respective hatches.
(1) The driver exits through the driver's hatch.
(2) The scouts in the rear exit through the cargo hatch.
(3) The vehicle commander and gunner exit through the gunner and commander's hatch.
(4) Other crew members exit through the closest hatch. c. Crew members swim to the nearest shoreline. Note: It may become necessary to help a weak or nonswimmer to the shoreline. d. Vehicle commander accounts for all the crew members upon reaching the bank.
Note: If the vehicle commander is not the first one to shore, the first crew members to shore start taking accountability of crew. When the vehicle commander arrives on shore the crew member that is taking count reports to the vehicle commander. e. Crew members administer first aid and seek medical evacuation for injured crewmen if necessary.
2. If the vehicle has overturned, the crew performs the following actions: Note: If time and situation permit, the vehicle commander directs the crew to hold on and stay low.
WARNING: Never attempt to exit/jump from an overturning vehicle. Wait until the vehicle comes to a complete stop before exiting the track. a. Vehicle commander directs the crew to evacuate the vehicle and assemble at an assembly point 50 meters to the rear of the track. b. Crew members disconnect their CVC helmets and seat belts c. Crew members secure their personal weapons. d. Driver shuts down the engine and turns off the master power switch e. Crew members exit the vehicle through their respective hatches. Note: It may become necessary to exit through another hatch if yours is blocked or jammed. Note: If attempting to exit through the ramp door in an overturned vehicle, the combat lock on the door latch must be held in the "down" position
BTEP WARRIOR-DRILL (Drills for all Platoons, Sections, and Squads)
TASK STEPS AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES: f. Vehicle commander accounts for all crew members. g. Crew members administer first aid and seek medical evacuation for injured crewmen if necessary.
3. If the vehicle is burning, the crew performs the following actions: a. The crew member who first notices the fire alerts the crew over the intercom. b. Vehicle commander orders the evacuation of the vehicle and directs the crew to assemble 50 meters to the rear of the vehicle. c. Driver shuts down the engine and turns off the master power switch and locks the brake. d. Vehicle commander directs the scouts in the rear to secure the portable fire extinguishers. e. Crew members exit the vehicle through their respective hatches and report to the assembly point. Note: It may be necessary to exit through another hatch if yours is blocked by fire. f. The last crewman out of the vehicle pulls the internal fire extinguisher handle. g. Vehicle commander accounts for all personnel at the assembly point. h. Crew members administer first aid and seek medical evacuation for injured crewmen if necessary
4. Vehicle commander reports injuries and damage to the platoon sergeant (PSG) or platoon leader (PL).
COACHING POINT: The direction of travel is always considered 12 o'clock (see FM 7-7). Use the existing standing operating procedures (SOPs) when training this drill.
RUN-THROUGH INSTRUCTIONS: The soldiers should practice this drill until they can perform it according to the standards without the drill book. The initial run-through exercise should be conducted slowly. The soldiers should change positions in order to learn all steps and standards.
PERFORM: Evaluate the soldiers when they can perform this drill to standard.
BTEP WARRIOR-DRILL (Drills for all Platoons, Sections, and Squads)
CONDITIONS: The Squad is moving mounted
STANDARDS: Platoon members maintain security.
1. The platoon leader gives the arm-and-hand signals for herringbone or coil formation.
2. The platoon halts in the herringbone or coil formation.
3. Each vehicle commander ensures his vehicle is correctly positioned, using cover and concealment.
4. The platoon leader orders the squads to dismount and provide local security.
5. Designated squad members dismount and assume hasty fighting positions.
6. The squad occupies a hasty fighting position as designated by the team leader near their respective vehicle. The squad leader contacts the team leader and adjusts security positions as necessary.
7. Soldiers continue to observe designated sectors.
COACHING POINT: The direction of travel is always considered 12 o'clock (see FM 7-7). Use the existing standing operating procedures (SOPs) when training this drill.
RUN-THROUGH INSTRUCTIONS: The soldiers should practice this drill until they can perform it according to the standards without the drill book. The initial run-through exercise should be conducted slowly. The soldiers should change positions in order to learn all steps and standards.
PERFORM: Evaluate the soldiers when they can perform this drill to standard.