Responsibility October 1st Grade Responsibility - Taking care of one’s self and others; to carry out a duty or task carefully and thoroughly. Purpose of the Lesson - This lesson identifies responsibilities of family members within the community while investigating the similarities and differences of consumers and producers. GPS - Social Studies Curriculum Guidelines for Kindergarten Families - SS.1.2.1, S.S. 1.1.2, Communities and Jobs - S.S. 1.2.1, S.S..1.2.3, S.S. 1.2.4, S.S. 1.2.5 Concept: Responsibility Masterwork: Gustave Courbet, The Stone Breakers, 1849-50 Significant Question: What are the roles of a consumer or a producer and their responsibities? Song: (optional) If song is used, either burn a CD with the Midi File or use URL on the classroom computer to access the music. Lyrics to the music can be accessed at the following web site and may be copied by the teacher. Materials – Stone Breakers Masterwork, Job Checklist, song lyrics (optionsl), white drawing paper or computer paper, colored pencils, markers, or crayons Procedure – 1. The teachers will hold up the painting by Courbet and open a discussion about the jobs of family members in the community. a. What is this a picture of? What are the men doing? b. Are the men daddies? c. What jobs does a daddy do? How do they help the family? d. What other jobs do daddies do? e. Are they helping jobs or jobs that make things for people? f. What kinds of jobs help people? g. What kinds of jobs make things for people in our community? h. Do mommies have jobs too? i. What kind of jobs do they do? j. Name some helping jobs for mommies and jobs that make things? 2. 3. 4. The teachers will hand out the job checklist and explain that there are several jobs that are helping jobs and several that are jobs that people make things for other. Instruct the students to check off which jobs are helping and which jobs are making jobs. Student should share their responses with others The teachers should then open a discussion about the importance of these two kinds of jobs and the responsibility of the workers. a. The teacher will ask the students if it is important for the workers to have an education? Why or why not? b. Is it important for the workers to take pride in their work? Why or why not? c. Is it important for the workers to follow safety rules? Why or why not? d. Is it important for the workers to come to work on time? Why or why not? e. Is it important for the workers to like what they are doing? Why or why not? As a culminating activity, the teacher will then hand out white paper and ask the students to draw a cartoon of a person performing a job that shows a worker either performing a task as a consumer or a job that shows a worker making something. Drawings will be posted in the classroom for a future discussion of workers responsibilities. Gustave Courbet, The Stone Breakers, 1849-50 Job Checklist Job Produce Goods Perform a Service Hi Ho Song Disney We dig dig dig dig dig dig dig in our mine the whole day through To dig dig dig dig dig dig dig is what we really like to do It ain't no trick to get rich quick If you dig dig dig with a shovel or a pick In a mine! In a mine! In a mine! In a mine! Where a million diamonds shine! We dig dig dig dig dig dig dig from early morn till night We dig dig dig dig dig dig dig up everything in sight We dig up diamonds by the score A thousand rubies, sometimes more But we don't know what we dig 'em for We dig dig dig a-dig dig Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho Heigh-ho Chorus Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho It's home from work we go (Whistle) Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho (Chorus) Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho (Whistle) Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho Heigh-ho hum (Chorus three times) Heigh-ho (until fade) Lesson Plan Evaluation Character Word___________________Grade Level_____________ Objective Yes Somewhat Was the lesson easy to read and understand buy the teachers? Was the sequence of the lesson correct? Were the activities easy to understand? Were the students engaged throughout the lesson? Did the students enjoy the activities? Were the materials easy to use? Were the visuals appropriate for the learners? Were there adequate activities planned? Was the lesson relevant to the learners? Comments: Please return form to Mr. Richardson or Dr. Carsillo No