IEEE P1777/D1, February 2007
IEEE P1777™/D1
Draft Recommended Practice for Using Wireless
Data Communications in Power System
Prepared by the <Working Group Name> Working Group of the
<Committee Name> Committee
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IEEE 1777/D1, February 2007
Abstract: <Select this text and type or paste Abstract—contents of the Scope may be used>
Keywords: <Select this text and type or paste keywords>
Copyright © 2007 IEEE. All rights reserved.
This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.
IEEE 1777/D1, February 2007
(This introduction is not part of IEEE P1777/D1, Draft Recommended Practice for Using Wireless Data
Communications in Power System Operations.)
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At the time this draft recommended practice was completed, the <Working Group Name> Working Group
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Frances Celeveland and Marc Lacroix, Chair
<Vice-chair Name>, Vice-chair
The following members of the balloting committee voted on this recommended practice. Balloters may
have voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention.
(to be supplied by IEEE)
Copyright © 2007 IEEE. All rights reserved.
This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.
IEEE P1777/D1, May 2007
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Purpose ................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Background .......................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Description of wireless technologies and architecture................................................................................ 3
2.1 WiFi – IEEE 802.11: ........................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Bluetooth™ – IEEE 802.15.1: ............................................................................................................. 3
2.3 Zigbee – IEEE 802.15.4: ..................................................................................................................... 3
2.4 WiMax – IEEE 802.16: ....................................................................................................................... 3
2.5 Cellphone – Group Spéciale Mobile (GSM): ...................................................................................... 4
2.6 Older wireless systems: ....................................................................................................................... 4
3. Expected benefits from the use of wireless communications ..................................................................... 5
3.1 Comparison of wired and wireless benefits ......................................................................................... 5
3.2 Cost benefits ........................................................................................................................................ 5
3.3 Benefits of intrinsic wireless characteristics ........................................................................................ 5
3.4 Installation and maintenance benefits .................................................................................................. 6
3.5 Mobility benefits.................................................................................................................................. 6
4. Possible concerns about using wireless communications ........................................................................... 7
4.1 Comparison of wired and wireless concerns ....................................................................................... 7
4.1.1 Common reliability and security concerns for wired media and wireless media ......................... 7
4.1.2 Reliability and security concerns that are more of an issue for wired systems ............................ 7
4.1.3 Reliability and security concerns that are more of an issue for wireless systems ........................ 8
4.2 Concerns about WiFi technologies ...................................................................................................... 8
4.3 Concerns about Bluetooth technologies............................................................................................... 8
4.4 Concerns about Zigbee networks ......................................................................................................... 9
4.5 Concerns about WiMax (IEEE 802.16) wireless technologies ............................................................ 9
4.6 Concerns about cellphone/GPRS wireless technologies ...................................................................... 9
5. Description of applications that can benefit from wireless technologies ...................................................10
5.1 Communication issues covered for each application ..........................................................................10
5.1.1 What wireless technology (one or more) might you, or did you, use? ........................................10
5.1.2 What communication configuration (one or more) might you, or did you, use? ........................10
5.1.3 Identify any specific wireless configuration issues of concern? .................................................11
5.1.4 What are the power supply requirements for the wireless devices? ............................................11
5.1.5 What is the typical periodicity of data transmitted? ....................................................................11
5.1.6 Is data (also) transmitted upon event? .........................................................................................11
5.1.7 What is the time sensitivity (maximum latency) of the data being transmitted? .........................12
5.1.8 What amount of data traffic is transmitted per end node (e.g. per sensor)? ................................12
5.1.9 What are the availability requirements? ......................................................................................12
5.1.10 What are the security requirements? .........................................................................................12
5.1.11 What data protocol (one or more) is (will be) used over the wireless portion of the system? ..12
5.2 Condition monitoring within substations, generating plants, and other electrical sites ......................13
5.3 SCADA monitoring and control from substations, generating plants, etc. to control center ..............13
5.4 Condition monitoring along transmission and feeder circuits ............................................................13
5.5 Local communications between feeder equipment such as automated switching ..............................13
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This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.
IEEE P1777/D1, May 2007
5.5.1 Control of load tap changing transformers in paralleling applications – Jim Harlow .................13
5.6 SCADA monitoring and control of equipment on feeder circuits ......................................................13
5.7 Maintenance monitoring and assessment of primary and secondary equipment in substations, plants,
along T&D circuits, in vaults, and at customer sites ................................................................................13
5.8 Engineering interactions to determine status, update settings, acquire archival information .............13
5.9 Mobile data communications for data acquisition and control from outside substation or vault sites 13
5.10 Temporary installations for construction, calibration, repairing power systems, testing systems, or
upgrading primary or secondary equipment .............................................................................................14
5.11 Emergency applications to restore failed or inadequate communications ........................................14
5.12 Metering, outage detection, connect/disconnect at customer sites ...................................................14
5.13 Distance protective relaying .............................................................................................................14
5.14 Substation protective relaying ..........................................................................................................14
6. Description of new capabilities which might become feasible if wireless communications were available
6.1 Transformer monitoring......................................................................................................................15
6.2 Power line monitoring ........................................................................................................................15
6.3 IEEE 802.x standardization efforts .....................................................................................................15
6.4 ISA SP100 standardization efforts ......................................................................................................15
7. Classification of performance and availability requirements ....................................................................16
7.1 Categories of performance requirements ............................................................................................16
7.2 Quality of Service ...............................................................................................................................16
7.3 Environmental ....................................................................................................................................16
7.4 Management issues and policies .........................................................................................................16
7.5 EMI .....................................................................................................................................................17
8. Potential new requirements for wireless technologies to meet new power system applications ...............18
9. Recommended practices matrix of application requirements versus wireless capabilities ........................19
Copyright © 2007 IEEE. All rights reserved.
This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.
IEEE P1777/D1, May 2007
Draft Recommended Practice for Using Wireless
Data Communications in Power System
Copyright © 2007 IEEE. All rights reserved.
This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.
IEEE P1777/D1, May 2007
1. Introduction
This section will be completed by Marc and Frances.
{Draft text}
1.1 Scope
The primary scope of this work is to develop the functional, performance, security, and on-site testing
requirements for wireless data communication technologies to be used in different aspects (types, classes)
of power system operations. The locations for wireless include within electric power substations, in
underground vaults, along transmission and distribution circuits, for generation and distributed energy
resources plants, to customer electrical equipment, and other electric power environments. The different
types of communication needs will include high-speed, high reliability protective relaying, “real-time”
monitoring within electric sites with high EMI, control within electric sites, non-operational monitoring and
control (e.g. maintenance, archival data, physical plan monitoring, etc.), mobile functions, temporary
functions, and emergency functions.
The focus of these requirements will be for the implementation of the IEEE 802.x standards for power
system operational functions, but will also be applicable to data over commercial cellular systems.
The scope also includes the development of guidelines for using the results in the electric power industry.
1.2 Purpose
The electric power industry has long used some types of wireless data communications, including
microwave systems, ISM-band (900 MHz) multiple address radio (MAS) and spread spectrum radio
systems, some 450 MHz short range systems, and mobile radio systems for limited data exchanges. Many
vendors offer industrial-strength wireless products to the power system industry.
However, great strides have been made in new types of wireless systems in the non-industrial arena, in
particular, data over cellular phone systems and the IEEE 802 series. Personal and commercial wireless
data communications systems are becoming widespread, with increasingly mature technologies and
standards, as well as decreasing costs. As such, they offer the benefits of inexpensive products, rapid
deployment, low cost installations, widespread access, and mobile communications which wired
technologies and even the older wireless technologies often cannot provide. In addition, with cyber security
becoming of greater importance to the power industry, the newer wireless systems are including improved
security technologies, such as in the IEEE 802.11i standards. And new wireless standards are being
developed in the IEEE 802.11, 802.15, and 802.16 series which could become very useful in certain power
system applications.
Nonetheless, many of these standards are aimed primarily at the mass market of home and office users, not
at harsh and demanding industrial environments. Wireless technologies have a number of vulnerabilities
related to the impact of noisy electrical environments on wireless media, the reliability of the commercial
wireless equipment, the consequences of many users in the unlicensed frequencies, the performance for
time-sensitive data, and the security of communications.
Therefore, specific functional requirements need to be developed for the wireless equipment and
technologies to provide the necessary reliability, availability, and security of communications for different
power system functions in the electrical environments. In addition, guidelines for using wireless need to be
developed so that users can better understand the issues, pros, and cons of implementing wireless
communications for different applications.
Copyright © 2007 IEEE. All rights reserved.
This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.
IEEE P1777/D1, May 2007
1.3 Background
Substations are complex entities, involving not only the power equipment they are principally designed for,
but also the communication and information infrastructure that is increasingly critical to the reliable
operation and physical security of the substation power equipment.
Traditional communications within a substation have consisted of point-to-point wires, usually between
control equipment in control house and power system equipment in the substation yard. For instance,
current transducers (CTs) and voltage transducers (PTs) connect to wires which carry 4-20 mA analog
signals of current and voltage values as input to devices in the control house. Protective relays send
communication signals between each other over dedicated wires, or, if they need to communicate between
substations, over dedicated pilot wires, microwave channels, power line carrier, or fiber links. Upon an
event, the relays issue trip commands over dedicated wires to the circuit breakers in the substation yard.
SCADA data is monitored via a Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) and transmitted over a dedicated or multidrop, slow speed channel (e.g. 1200 bps) to the control center. These channels are often leased lines from a
telephone company, or a dedicated microwave or fiber optic channel.
Neither of these traditional communications systems are able to handle all of the newer requirements for
increased information from substations, cyber security requirements, and physical surveillance of
substation equipment.
More modern and newer substations are embracing some of the networking communications technologies
which can decrease significantly the sheer number of wires that must be installed and maintained. With
networks, interactions between devices do not need dedicated wires, but just a connect to a local area
network (LAN). These LANs are usually fiber optic cables because of their imperviousness to
electromagnetic interference. However, in most utilities, the steps toward the use of LANs were taken
carefully. The communications equipment had to be proven to meet the stringent timing and reliability
requirements that were expected from dedicated wires.
In reality, some substation functions that did not have the most stringent requirements were quick to
embrace networks because of the convenience and the reduction in costs. Security monitoring of gates,
doors, and other access points required less stringent availability of communications, and were very quick
to use LANs. Leased telephone lines were chronically unreliable, so the move to using company Wide Area
Networks (WANs) (once these were available) for carrying SCADA data was a no-brainer. As Intelligent
Electronic Devices (IEDs) and other substation automation equipment were developed, they were provided
with LAN interfaces by the vendors, at least for managing settings and supporting maintenance activities.
Eventually, as LAN technologies evolved to higher speeds, increased reliability, and more robust LAN
equipment, then protective relays, sensors, and other devices with higher timeliness and precision
requirements started interconnecting over these LANs.
The key to the acceptance of LANs within the substation environment was the development of highly
reliable LAN routers, hubs, and interface equipment by recognized utility-industry vendors who could
vouch for their equipment still meeting the unique and stringent requirements even using the new
communications technology.
This same process of developing the highly reliable, industry-strength wireless equipment is needed for
wireless technologies to be able to fulfill whatever their potential is in the various substation environments.
Many of the “consumer” wireless products do not have the robustness and reliability needed for industrial
applications. The key is to determine which communications “niches” can be fulfilled by wireless
solutions, develop the performance and security requirement standards, and then urge vendors to build the
necessary robust wireless systems to meet these standards. Guidelines will be particularly important to
allow power system engineers to make good decisions on whether and which wireless technologies can be
used to fill their needs.
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This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.
IEEE P1777/D1, May 2007
2. Description of wireless technologies and architecture
This section will be completed by John Newbury.
2.1 WiFi – IEEE 802.11:
Currently WiFi is the most popular wireless standard for networking computer systems and other
computer applications
IEEE 802.11b data rate is 11Mbps
IEEE 802.11g data rate is 54Mbps
Frequency band is the 2.4Ghz band
Range of 100-150 feet
2.2 Bluetooth™ – IEEE 802.15.1:
Bluetooth is used in cellphones, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) and other mobile wireless
devices, primarily for communicating with computers, Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs),
headsets, hands-free systems, and other gadgets.
Very short range of only 33 feet (approx 10m)
Frequency band is the 2.4Ghz band.
Relatively low data rate of 1.5Mbps
Bluetooth is designed for low-traffic serial point-to-point links, which is why it's being used in
devices like wireless mobile phone headsets.
2.3 Zigbee – IEEE 802.15.4:
IEEE 802.15.4 defines low-rate (<250 kbps), very low duty cycle, wireless personal area networks
often termed “meshed networks” as opposed to point-to-point. Distances between devices is 30300 feet.
ZigBee builds upon this 802.15.4 standard to define application profiles that can be shared among
different manufacturers to provide system-to-system interoperability.
This effort is still a work in progress, although of great interest to industries (such as the power
industry) that have extensive sensor networks.
2.4 WiMax – IEEE 802.16:
Addresses the "first-mile/last-mile" connection for longer
(45-75 Mbps)
The main focus of the IEEE 802.16 standards is to enable a wireless alternative for cable, DSL,
and T1 communication channels for consumer last-mile access to the Internet, including highspeed data, Voice over IP (VoIP), Video on Demand (VoD), and backhaul for IEEE 802.11 LANs.
distances (5-30 miles) and faster rates
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This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.
IEEE P1777/D1, May 2007
2.5 Cellphone – Group Spéciale Mobile (GSM):
GSM was established to create a common European mobile telephone standard for a panEuropean mobile cellular radio system (and now worldwide)
The resulting mobile telephone standard allows cellphone users to “roam” across many cellphone
systems and between most countries world-wide.
New generations of cellphone technologies, termed 2.5G, 3G, and 4G are deployed in certain
countries or are still under development.
GPRS commonly used for data, with 30-80 kbps typical.
EDGE (enhancement to GPRS) provides 160-236 kbps
The range is wherever cellphone coverage is available!
2.6 Older wireless systems:
Microwave systems
Multiple address radio systems
Satellite, particularly VSAT
Spread spectrum radio, 928 MHz point-to-point
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This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.
IEEE P1777/D1, May 2007
3. Expected benefits from the use of wireless communications
This section will be completed by Ken Fodero.
{Draft from P1777 Questionnaire}
Wireless communications can provide many benefits, but these vary in importance from application to
application, as well as from specific circumstances. Assess each benefit on its importance in a business case
in justifying the use of wireless technologies for this application.
3.1 Comparison of wired and wireless benefits
Less expensive because cabling does not need to be installed. While fiber optic cables cost about
$25k per mile, wireless media is “free”
More rapid implementation, since no trenching through and around substation equipment is
Less experienced technicians can often be used, because they do not need to be concerned with
ground potential rise or have to run cables around HV equipment.
More mobile and portable so that the same equipment with wireless communications can easily be
moved from one spot to another, either continuously (e.g. in a truck) or periodically (e.g. for spot
Additional wireless equipment can automatically interconnect with only the appropriate security
features enabled.
Less susceptible to ground potential rise because no cabling is needed.
Failure location in wireless systems can be easier, since only need to test the end devices.
New wireless applications may be feasible that were not cost-effective with wired
communications. These applications might improve power system reliability and efficiency, or
provide increased personnel safety.
3.2 Cost benefits
Lower cost for media since wireless media is free while cables cost money
Lower cost for installing wireless devices since no trenching or running of cables is needed
Lower installation effort and disruption caused by trenching, rights-of-way issues, and cable
Low cost of wireless technologies makes application cost-effective, while using wired solutions
prevented implementation of the application
The now-feasible, cost-beneficial application provides additional benefits to other applications,
such as more data for condition monitoring also may provide data for future equipment
3.3 Benefits of intrinsic wireless characteristics
Characteristics of wireless technologies make the application technically feasible
Avoid ground potential rise problems
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This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.
IEEE P1777/D1, May 2007
“Air-gap” electrical isolation is automatically provided between wireless devices connected to
power equipment and other devices
3.4 Installation and maintenance benefits
Faster and easier installation of wireless technologies since licensing requirements are avoided
(e.g. microwave path licensing)
Power system technicians are not needed, so faster, easier, and less expensive installation of
wireless technologies
Easier maintenance since only need to test the end devices, not a cable
Improved safety for users since they do not need to be close to power equipment: outside vault
Improved environmental conditions for users, since they may be outside the substation in their
warm/cool van
3.5 Mobility benefits
Mobility of wireless devices so that they can be used while in motion
Ease of moving wireless systems to new locations, particularly during emergency situations or
during temporary construction activities
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This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.
IEEE P1777/D1, May 2007
4. Possible concerns about using wireless communications
This section will be completed by Frances Cleveland and Stan Klein.
{Draft from P1777 Questionnaire}
4.1 Comparison of wired and wireless concerns
4.1.1 Common reliability and security concerns for wired media and wireless media
Some reliability and security concerns/problems/issues are the same for both wired and wireless media.
These need to be identified so that only the differences can be compared: apples to apples.
Data protocols. Robustness and security of data are related to the actual protocol, not to the media
it goes over. The security (or lack of security) of Modbus is the same whether it goes over fiber
optic cable or a wireless system.
Internet hackers. Hackers trying to access systems through the Internet do not care or even know
about the media.
Overloading of the communications network by the utility. The data volume that a network can
handle is related to the bit-per-second rate of the media, as well as configuration, response
requirements, the degree of “bursty” data, and other network parameters. Again, this is mediaindependent.
Single points of failure. The network configuration, not the type of media, is responsible for
possible single points of failure.
Utility security policies. If authorization procedures are not solid or are not followed, it does not
matter what media you use. This includes not updating default passwords, vendor “backdoors”
into their equipment, lost or stolen equipment, bypassing security checks, etc.
4.1.2 Reliability and security concerns that are more of an issue for wired systems
Wired systems can have reliability and security issues that are not a factor in wireless systems
Cutting or breaking the cable. Cables can always be cut or broken, whether by a backhoe, by
corrosion, by repeated bending, or by a disgruntled employee with a large pair of wire cutters.
Poorly connected wires or stressed wires. Poor connections on wires can lead to noisy or
intermittent communications and could potentially lead to breakage of the wire.
Physical theft of wire. Long stretches of wire in unsecured areas may pose a problem of physical
theft of the cable, a rampant problem in many countries in the world.
Eavesdropping on metallic wires. If physical access is available, metallic wires can easily permit
eavesdropping with very simple techniques.
Ground potential rise on metallic wires. Metallic wires are susceptible to ground potential rise in
substations due to power equipment and lightening strikes
Lack of mobility for additions, changes, upgrades, and movement of equipment. Wired networks
are more difficult to move or modify as new equipment is added and the configurations are
changed, particularly if parts of the wiring are in inaccessible ducts or trenches.
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This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.
IEEE P1777/D1, May 2007
4.1.3 Reliability and security concerns that are more of an issue for wireless systems
Wireless systems can have reliability and security issues that are not a factor in wired systems. These are
often associated with denial-of-service and/or the unreliability of time-sensitive interactions.
Eavesdropping on non-secured channels. Since wireless signals can be received by users outside
the immediate environment, their data can be listened to, and if not encrypted, can be understood.
However, if the data is adequately encrypted (IEEE 802.11i) or authenticated (SHA-1), then the
information does remain secure.
Disruption of the wireless signal due to electromagnetic interference (EMI). Substations and
power plants are very electrically noisy environments, particularly during breaker operations and
other equipment actions.
Faded signals. Many factors can cause the wireless signal to fade, including too long a distance
between wireless transmitter and receivers, atmospheric conditions, metallic surfaces that reflect
the wireless radio waves, obstacles in the line-of-sight, and other factors.
Overloading of bandwidth. Nearby users can overload the available bandwidth in the frequencies
being used in the substation, thus causing delays and the potential need to retransmit data.
Immaturity of wireless lower layer protocols. Wireless lower layer protocols (as opposed to data
protocols like Modbus and DNP) have only been developed recently and are still undergoing
significant upgrades, modifications, and testing.
4.2 Concerns about WiFi technologies
Wireless equipment may not work well in an electrically noisy substation
Wireless equipment may not survive in a harsh outdoor environment
Internet hackers may be able to eavesdrop on information
Unauthorized users may be able to eavesdrop on information
Unauthorized users may be able to disrupt wireless communications
Unauthorized users may be able to issue unauthorized control commands
Limited range of transmission
Low data rates
Availability less than needed due to potential interference
Vendor products do not provide adequate industrial-level reliability
Standards are not yet solidified
4.3 Concerns about Bluetooth technologies
Wireless equipment may not work well in an electrically noisy substation
Wireless equipment may not survive in harsh substation environment
Unauthorized users may be able to disrupt wireless communications
Unauthorized users may be able to issue unauthorized control commands
Limited range of transmission
Low data rates
Availability less than needed due to potential interference
Vendor equipment does not provide adequate industrial-level reliability
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This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.
IEEE P1777/D1, May 2007
4.4 Concerns about Zigbee networks
Wireless equipment may not work well in an electrically noisy substation
Wireless equipment may not survive in harsh substation environment
Unauthorized users may be able to disrupt wireless communications
Unauthorized users may be able to issue unauthorized control commands
Limited range of transmission
Low data rates
Availability less than needed due to potential interference
Vendor equipment does not provide adequate industrial-level reliability
Standards are not yet solidified
4.5 Concerns about WiMax (IEEE 802.16) wireless technologies
Wireless equipment may not work well in an electrically noisy substation
Wireless equipment may not survive in harsh substation environment
Unauthorized users may be able to disrupt wireless communications
Unauthorized users may be able to issue unauthorized control commands
Limited range of transmission
Low data rates
Availability less than needed due to potential interference
Vendor equipment does not provide adequate industrial-level reliability
Standards are not yet solidified
4.6 Concerns about cellphone/GPRS wireless technologies
Wireless equipment may not work well in an electrically noisy substation
Wireless equipment may not survive in harsh substation environment
Unauthorized users may be able to disrupt wireless communications
Unauthorized users may be able to issue unauthorized control commands
Low data rates
Availability less than needed due to potential interference
Vendor equipment does not provide adequate industrial-level reliability
Standards are not yet solidified or are changing
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This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.
IEEE P1777/D1, May 2007
5. Description of applications that can benefit from wireless technologies
This section will be completed by Damien Tholomier and all other contributors of application descriptions.
{Draft input from Questionnaire}
5.1 Communication issues covered for each application
{This subsection will eventually be moved to Section 7 – it is here for now to help those providing
application descriptions.}
Each application description will cover at least the following issues:
5.1.1 What wireless technology (one or more) might you, or did you, use?
WiFi (multi-user, 100-150 foot range, 54 Mbps) (IEEE 802.11x)
Bluetooth (point-to-point, 30+ foot range, 1.5 Mbps) (IEEE 802.15.1-based)
Zigbee (meshed network, 30-300 foot range, <250 kbps) (IEEE 802.15.4-based)
WiMax (multi-user, 5-30 mile range, 45-75 Mbps) (IEEE 802.16-based)
Cellular phone systems (dial-up, world-wide, 30-236 kbps) (GPRS or CDMA)
Microwave system
Multiple Address Radio System (MAS)
Non IEEE 802.x-based spread spectrum radio
Satellite-based VSAT or other
Proprietary radio
Do not know
Other (please specify)
5.1.2 What communication configuration (one or more) might you, or did you, use?
Meshed communications network
Using/piggybacking over existing communications network
Local mobile
Wide area mobile
Other (please specify)
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This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.
IEEE P1777/D1, May 2007
5.1.3 Identify any specific wireless configuration issues of concern?
Electrically noisy environment
Potential interference from other known radio sources
Potential interference from other unknown radio sources
Need for multiple wireless networks
Long distance between end point and wireless node
Long distances for wireless transmissions
Outdoor temperature extremes
Outdoor weather conditions
Other (please specify)
5.1.4 What are the power supply requirements for the wireless devices?
If battery power is preferred or required, indicate how long between battery replacements would be desired.
Mains power is available
Station battery power is available
Battery power only, available without recharging or replacement for a few weeks
Battery power only, available without recharging or replacement for 1 year
Battery power only, available without recharging or replacement for 5 years
Battery power only, available without recharging or replacement for 10+ years
Alternative power source possible: e.g. solar cells, power “harvesting”
Other (please specify)
5.1.5 What is the typical periodicity of data transmitted?
Periodically, between 100 milliseconds and 1 second
Periodically, between 1 and 10 seconds
Periodically, between 10 and 60 seconds
Periodically, every few minutes up to once an hour
Periodically, every few hours
Periodically, longer than a few hours
Other (please specify)
5.1.6 Is data (also) transmitted upon event?
Not transmitted upon event
Upon event (alarm condition) only
Upon event (alarm condition) as well as periodically
Other (please specify)
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This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.
IEEE P1777/D1, May 2007
5.1.7 What is the time sensitivity (maximum latency) of the data being transmitted?
Must be received within a few milliseconds of occurrence
Must be received within a few seconds of occurrence
Must be received within a few minutes of occurrence
Time sensitivity/latency is not an issue
Some transmissions may be “lost” without impact on the application
Other (please specify)
5.1.8 What amount of data traffic is transmitted per end node (e.g. per sensor)?
< 100 bps < 1kbps < 500 kbps < 1 Mbps > 1 Mbps Varies/Don’t Know
Average bits per second gfedc
Peak bits per second g
5.1.9 What are the availability requirements?
Availability > 99.999% (less than 5 minutes outage per year)
Availability > 99.99% (less than 1 hour outage per year)
Availability > 99.9% (less than 9 hours outage per year)
Availability > 99% (less than 4 days outage per year)
Availability not an issue
Other (please specify)
5.1.10 What are the security requirements?
No security is needed
Physical security (against theft or damage) is needed
Authentication of users (human and software) is required
Confidentiality (e.g. encryption) is required
Integrity of data (against tampering, errors, or failures) is required
Other (please specify)
5.1.11 What data protocol (one or more) is (will be) used over the wireless portion of the
Don’t care: will convert any protocol to desired protocol with a protocol converter
Don’t care, so long as it runs over IP
IEC 61850 ACSI
Copyright © 2007 IEEE. All rights reserved.
This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.
IEEE P1777/D1, May 2007
Web services
Don’t know
Other (please specify)
5.2 Condition monitoring within substations, generating plants, and other
electrical sites
5.3 SCADA monitoring and control from substations, generating plants, etc. to
control center
5.4 Condition monitoring along transmission and feeder circuits
5.5 Local communications between feeder equipment such as automated
5.5.1 Control of load tap changing transformers in paralleling applications – Jim Harlow
5.6 SCADA monitoring and control of equipment on feeder circuits
5.7 Maintenance monitoring and assessment of primary and secondary equipment
in substations, plants, along T&D circuits, in vaults, and at customer sites
5.8 Engineering interactions to determine status, update settings, acquire archival
5.9 Mobile data communications for data acquisition and control from outside
substation or vault sites
Copyright © 2007 IEEE. All rights reserved.
This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.
IEEE P1777/D1, May 2007
5.10 Temporary installations for construction, calibration, repairing power
systems, testing systems, or upgrading primary or secondary equipment
5.11 Emergency applications to restore failed or inadequate communications
5.12 Metering, outage detection, connect/disconnect at customer sites
5.13 Distance protective relaying
5.14 Substation protective relaying
Copyright © 2007 IEEE. All rights reserved.
This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.
IEEE P1777/D1, May 2007
6. Description of new capabilities which might become feasible if wireless
communications were available
This section will include the new functions that can be improved with the use of wireless communication.
This section will list all the functions collected in the survey.
6.1 Transformer monitoring
6.2 Power line monitoring
Present standardisation activities
This section is not yet assigned.
6.3 IEEE 802.x standardization efforts
6.4 ISA SP100 standardization efforts
Copyright © 2007 IEEE. All rights reserved.
This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.
IEEE P1777/D1, May 2007
7. Classification of performance and availability requirements
This section will be completed by Frances Cleveland.
{Draft from P1777 Questionnaire}
7.1 Categories of performance requirements
{This section will use the information from Section 5.1}
Time latency – required timeframe within which the data must be received
Data volumes – peak and continuous – bandwidth requirements
Data frequency of transmissions
Security – degree of criticality of data, authentication, confidentiality, avoidance of denial of
Availability of non-redundant equipment and communication paths
Reliability of systems – alternate paths, backup equipment, failover/switchover times
Power supply – access to mains or other source of external power, battery life times, recharge,
Communication protocols
Maintenance capabilities, response times, preventative maintenance cycles
Network management requirements
Event logs, audit logs, and other records
Service Level Agreements
7.2 Quality of Service
This section will be completed by Joe Gould.
7.3 Environmental
This section will be completed by Joe Gould.
7.4 Management issues and policies
This section will be completed by Joe Hughes and Frances Cleveland.
Business Case assessment whether to use wireless technologies for specific applications
Specification of wireless requirements, including contractual ramifications
Service Level Agreements (SLAs) with any external companies
Validation that wireless is meeting the requirements
Copyright © 2007 IEEE. All rights reserved.
This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.
IEEE P1777/D1, May 2007
7.5 EMI
Copyright © 2007 IEEE. All rights reserved.
This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.
IEEE P1777/D1, May 2007
8. Potential new requirements for wireless technologies to meet new power
system applications
Copyright © 2007 IEEE. All rights reserved.
This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.
IEEE P1777/D1, May 2007
9. Recommended practices matrix of application requirements versus
wireless capabilities
Copyright © 2007 IEEE. All rights reserved.
This is an unapproved IEEE Standards Draft, subject to change.